Rise and Run

174: Walt Disney World 2025 Marathon Weekend Recap

The RDMTeam Season 4 Episode 174

This episode encapsulates the magic of Marathon Weekend at Disney, highlighting the experiences, camaraderie, and challenges faced by runners throughout the event. Listeners hear personal anecdotes and insightful reflections on the races, showcasing both the triumphs and tribulations of participants. The sense of community, excitement, and shared passion for running shone brightly among the stories told.

• Recap of the Marathon Weekend events
• Expo experiences and community connections
• Highlights from the 5K and 10K races
• Memorable moments from the Half Marathon
• Experiences during the Marathon
• Guest contributions and listener race reports
• Upcoming races and calls for community involvement
• Announcement of future meetups and engagements

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Speaker 1:

3 am again. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.

Speaker 3:

Hello, my friends. Welcome to episode 174 of the Rise and Run podcast. We are so glad that you're here. No recorded intros, friends. We may have some from Marathon Weekend, but they're not ready yet. We may have a couple of those next week, but I still would like to invite you to call our hotline number. We'll give it to you in just a moment and give us some more int interest. I enjoy those. Well, friends, we're glad you're here. I'm Bob, and this week I'm here with John. Hey, how you doing. I caught John in the middle of a yawn there.

Speaker 3:

You couldn't see it, but I did With Alicia Hello, with Lexi Hello, and with Jack Hiya. Good to see you, my friends. We'll hear from Greg later on in the episode. Poor Greg, poor Greg's in Maui.

Speaker 4:

Oh, poor Greg, Poor Greg. It's such a hard day for him.

Speaker 3:

Isn't that sad?

Speaker 4:

Poor Greg Having a night time.

Speaker 3:

I hope he's having a great time. I hope he's having a great time this week. Episode 174 is our marathon weekend review. It's about a week late. We normally do it right after, but we had a couple other things going on so we're going to catch up with it this week.

Speaker 6:

We had a great time, but we'll be talking about that a bunch here in just a few minutes. If you enjoy the Rise and Run podcast, please share it with your friends and introduce them to the Rise and Run family we want to share on your Run Disney journey. Please remember to follow us on Facebook at Rise and Run Podcast and on Instagram at Rise and Run Pod. Check our YouTube channel and visit our webpage, riseandrunpodcastcom. If you have a question, comment, race report or want to introduce an upcoming episode, call us at 727-266-2344 and leave us a recorded message.

Speaker 7:

We also want to thank our Patreons, whose support helps keep the Rise and Run podcast rising and running, and we would like to welcome a new Patreon. We would like to welcome Joseph in the plastic cheese level. So if you want to join the Patreon team, check out patreoncom slash rise and run podcast. Thanks, lexi.

Speaker 3:

Jack, what's up on the YouTube channel?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so this week, by the way, we will be doing the spotlight videos that you can actually watch now. So when we talk about the spotlight, it will be up on YouTube as well. But, yeah, the video in addition to that this week is going to be the pop-up. We've talked about it so much over the past few months and so now you guys get to see what it looks like for it there over the past few months, and so now you guys get to see what it looks like for it there. So if we ever do another pop-up again with Run Fit Fab, then, yeah, that's what the experience will be like and we're excited to share it.

Speaker 3:

Friends, the Rise and Run podcast is sponsored by Magic Bound Travel. We've got some exciting cruise news for Magic Bound pound travel, but I'm going to let that go until next week. Boy it's. We're getting a great response. Information is available on the facebook page. I saw maggie made a post earlier today, so check that out. But I wanted to remind our friends. Now's the time to get your resort reservations for next season. Now's the best time to do it. Go ahead and put your deposits down on your room. If, for some reason, you don't get into your race, you'll get your deposit back, no trouble. But this is the time to lock in. The best rate and this is one of the reasons I like. Using MagicBound Is down the road. If Disney announces discounts, I don't have to sit here and try to find the discount and then try to find my reservation and change it. They'll take care of it for you. So magicboundtravelcom is the website. Check them out.

Speaker 7:

And I just wanted to add to Bob, as as a travel agent myself um, whenever you book with Disney at any time, the more people that book a specific time period, you know, the less rooms are available, which means the higher the price.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

So that's what. That's kind of explaining what you said, bob, a little more in detail. Now is the best time to get the price.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there you go.

Speaker 7:

The day after registration, when everybody is trying to book their room, then that's when the prices start up and up and up and up. So if you book it now and just put down your deposit, then you don't even have to worry about it and you're already locked into that lower price.

Speaker 6:

Dynamic pricing huh.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm. All right, friends, let's take a look, as we do, at the training schedule. Next week, one week away, the disneyland half marathon boy they. That comes up quickly and I realize not as quickly this year as last year because it was the very next weekend, but it does pop in real quickly. Uh, seven days to the expo week training week 17,. Four miles this Saturday recommend you do that. I will remind you again at the end of the episode.

Speaker 3:

But there is a meetup planned for the Disneyland half marathon Now. None of the podcast gang will be there, but several of our friends who are going to be there said they wanted to have one and I think it's great. There's a terrific place for it. It's in the picnic area. If you are in the I don't know the esplanade or the open area between DCA and Disneyland and you face the front entrance to Disneyland and then look to your left, there are some restrooms over there and the Lost and Found is over there and there's a picnic area. It is labeled. It's not easy to see because it's behind some hedges, but it's a great place. So, 3 pm Saturday, I hope a lot of our friends get to enjoy that.

Speaker 3:

Princess Weekend, my friends, is a mere four weeks away. We're in training week 14. And if you're doing the challenge, you've got a four miler followed by a 12 and a half mile event First springtime surprise. And a half mile event First springtime surprise. Now 10 weeks until the last race of the run Disney season at Walt Disney World. Oh man, the time goes by fast.

Speaker 3:

Training week eight this is your first double up a one miler and a seven miler and I want to bring to your attention that February 2ndnd, which is not that far away, february 2nd is the first day that advanced dining reservations are available, based on you arriving on expo day. So if you're arriving day before Expo Day, it will be February 1st. You can do the math in your head after that. But February 2nd is the ADR day, based on Expo Day. And I do have one more date here, and I won't do this every time, but I'll do it this time that cruise that I'm so excited about, a mere 453 days away. Not that I'm counting or anything, but that's coming up. Hey, training update kids. Anything to talk about in training right now?

Speaker 4:

You know what, the Dopey Challenge, which I know we're going to be talking about, the races in a little bit. Like I'm very, very happy that right after the race I never sat down. I stood for three or four hours after cheering, seeing everybody getting pictures and everything. I didn't sit down and I'm glad because my muscles are very thankful for it that it didn't get static in any way. And then I've been walking so much this last week because I was in Japan.

Speaker 3:

Oh, good for you yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and so literally me and Lexi went from Orlando on marathon day and came to Atlanta and then a few hours later I flew out to Japan and this was like I got so much walking in. It was really great recovery, but my knee still bothers me.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry to hear that yeah nothing serious, I hope oh, I hope so.

Speaker 3:

I hope not too yeah, yeah, any other training updates, friends, I'll toss. I'll toss one out there, I'll toss two thoughts out there. If after dopey weekend, I find it hard to get back to training, we'll talk a little bit more about it. But I took last week off Boom Done, nope. Tuesday, thursday, saturday Nope.

Speaker 3:

I started back up on Monday and I started back up with Tom Stokes' latest Stoked Metabolic Training Challenge which went live on Monday. So I had not been to the gym. You know, I sliced my thumb real bad, but that healed pretty well. But by the time it healed I was deep into dopey training Bottom line. I haven't been to the gym since Thanksgiving and coming out of there yesterday a little hard to raise my arms over my head and stuff like that, but that's okay, that's okay, we got that going on. So that challenge is going on. Uh, I think you had a pretty good response to it and I'm looking forward to that.

Speaker 3:

I also got back to training this morning. I got on my treadmill, did some run, walk stuff. Look it it is. We'll. We'll maybe talk a little bit more about this in the upcoming weeks, but it's a challenge to getting past the post dopey blues if you will. But don't give up on all the work you've put in you have and get back out there. Walk like Jack's been doing. Uh, just just get back out there. Walk like Jack's been doing. Just get back out there, get back into your training schedule. Find yourself, if you're not scheduled for a race, find yourself a race to train for and you'll be happier for it.

Speaker 4:

It's always good to kind of also with. That being said, stick with your base. You know what I mean. You may not be training If you're after this race weekend. You're like're like, okay, I don't have anything for a while.

Speaker 4:

At least keep with the base of it like say like yeah like a seven or eight mile base, and then you're good if you, especially if you're doing like half marathons and whatnot alicia is shaking her head, yes, because she is a um, uh, running coach, so she knows but always having a good base so that way you're not starting from the very bottom again. You don't have to do double digits, just do, even just halfway.

Speaker 3:

It depends what you're working on. Yeah, but don't just I know you kind of have to force yourself back out the first time Do it. Just get out there. I think you'll find that pretty quickly, you'll feel good and you'll be glad you Do it. Just get out there. I think you'll find that pretty quickly, you'll feel good and you'd be glad you did it. Friend, princess courses were released this week. We have found that it's best to wait until we get close to race time to go over those, because if we talk about them now I'm not going to remember. Heck, we could talk about them on Thursday and I wouldn't remember.

Speaker 6:

And Bob. Some of us are running Disneyland next week, so they're wait.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 6:

Should I make it a left-hand turn?

Speaker 3:

at the Magic.

Speaker 6:

Kingdom Wait good one.

Speaker 3:

Good point. We don't want to confuse anyone. Thanks, john. That's a good point. So we'll look at the princess courses, but also released this week wine and dine themes for the October races, I always toss it open, gang. What did you think?

Speaker 2:

I have mixed feelings about it. What? Yeah, I have mixed feelings about it. I agree with that reaction.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 2:

I feel like they thought a little bit more about the themes. However, some of them I feel like could be better than others, like the challenge. That doesn't mention that it's an anniversary year when I have 10 years of perfect status and I'm mad about it.

Speaker 7:

I understand.

Speaker 3:

I don't agree, but I understand that's okay, we can agree to disagree when the weekend comes, there'll be a way to recognize that your your, uh, your ribbon with your metal yeah, it will save yeah, it'll have the 10th anniversary on there. We'll get some kind of. We'll get some 10th anniversary on there. We'll get some kind of. We'll get some kind of a gift. I mean, you'll get some kind of a gift for being a perfect. We'll all get something. And it's become a luggage tag lately.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I don't mind a luggage tag.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I got more luggage tags than luggage right now, which is okay. I mean it doesn't hurt anything.

Speaker 7:

I still have my luggage tag from Princess 2018. Me too, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what all I have.

Speaker 7:

I know we got one last week for Goofy.

Speaker 3:

That's fine, I didn't get one. You didn't get a Goofy luggage tag. No, you have to do the Goofy challenge.

Speaker 6:

Goofy or Dopey yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

I didn't do those, okay, well actually, which I noticed today for the first time that on my marathon weekend jacket in the bottom corner they have a little uh goofy, uh anniversary Uh it says like 20 years, 20 years of goofy. That's cool.

Speaker 2:

That says that it's marathon weekend and it said 20 years on it 20 years of goofy as opposed to 20 goofy years.

Speaker 7:

Those are different.

Speaker 3:

Those are different things. Other other thoughts on the themes for wine and dime weekend.

Speaker 6:

I realized they actually thought this one through. I think in a way, uh, with you know, 5k is breakfast, 10k is lunch, the half is dinner and the challenge is dessert so I saw the macaroni is uh set up as uh 13.1 in the ball, the porridge had the 5.5K in the porridge ball. For the 5K, I'm just trying to figure out what they're doing with Olaf and the fairies. Well, remember when he sings he's got like the picnic.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, when he does sing in summer he is talking about a picnic. I I loosely give that to him. Yeah, I think they're awesome. I I love mushu being on on all of the stuff. I love lady and the tramp being all in all of the stuff. I love Lady and the Tramp being all of the stuff, and I'm a big fan of the fairies because they don't get on anything Okay. So, yeah, I say they knocked it out of the park. Good I can't do them. I can't do the races but, I know.

Speaker 7:

I'm so upset about it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'll be there.

Speaker 6:

We'll try to be there. Yeah, I'll be there. We'll try to be there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll be there, I'll be there yeah, of course, practically perfect in every way.

Speaker 7:

They need to do a Mary Poppins one. They do yes.

Speaker 3:

I think that's inevitable. Yeah, I have my typical reactions. They're fine. I don't, you know, I don't get excited about the themes.

Speaker 7:

Oh, bob, I'm more excited about being there.

Speaker 3:

That's really what gets me excited. The themes yeah, they're cool, they're nice. I have to think of a. I got to think of costumes that go along with at least a couple of those now. To think of a uh, I gotta think of costumes that go along with at least a couple of those now. Yeah, I went from zero costumes now to having to do elaborate. Thanks a lot, guys. It's you know whose fault it is that? Daggum britney charbonneau.

Speaker 4:

It's her fault oh, I thought it was my fault. You were pointing you're next.

Speaker 3:

Jack, you were next, you were. You're the britney started it. Britney started that ball rolling, and what really pushed it over was when you said why don't you do Sam Eagle? That did it, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I got my creative juices flowing. Wait till you hear what I'm doing for springtime. Ain't no one going to have this costume, even though I might say it out loud, and somebody will end up having it.

Speaker 3:

Save it. Save it for the pod Jack, Save it for the pod Jack, Save it for the space hub.

Speaker 4:

I love that characters that are never on any of the medals are on these ones, with the exception of Olaf because he's been on a virtual medal before. But like Lady and the Tramp, like how rare is that, mushu? How rare is that Now they need to give Mulan a little bit of a higher distance, just saying Because she'd always be put on the 5K.

Speaker 2:

We had a lady in the tram for Wine and Tine before.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when was it? It hasn't been since I've been running. When was it, Alicia? It's been a while.

Speaker 2:

It has been a while, but we did Well for me it's been a long, long time.

Speaker 3:

You know who I thought of when I saw that Our buddies Tom and Adam, the Tutu guys. They did. Lady and the Tramp. I think this weekend.

Speaker 7:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just to jump the gun just a little. If only they'd known, yeah, I know, come on, run Disney.

Speaker 7:

Tell us ahead of time, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I really wish I could do this for you. They'll think of something.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, so that weekend our friend Joe, everyone knows.

Speaker 3:

Joe, oh yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 6:

Our friend Joe is going to try to get into Wine and Dine oh he will.

Speaker 6:

He will. We'll get him. Help to get him in. He celebrates his 80th birthday this year and it's a little earlier because of the way they moved it up, but I think it's three weeks. He celebrates his 80th birthday this year and he wants it's a little earlier because of the way they moved it up, but I think it's three weeks earlier he wants to celebrate his 80th birthday by doing wine and dine and he's inviting us all to help, help and join him. Join him so.

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely and actually, and I thought about trying to keep this secret, but there's really no way to so listen, I'll just get close to the microphone and I'll whisper. Okay, so Joe can't hear me, but I think I'd like the podcast to do something special for Joe, whether we get T-shirts made or something that would be so fun I think it would be neat, and we start the expo off on my birthday, is that right, john we're? Down there for our wedding anniversary Mine's a week later. Yeah, A week earlier, sorry, number 48.

Speaker 6:

For me and Becky, when we're down there I'll be 30 this year. Wow, getting old John. I know I'm getting year wow, I'm getting old. Okay, I know, I'm getting old all right.

Speaker 3:

So hey, look, we got that to look forward to. We're already talking about the next race season. My goodness, when does registration for that come about? Uh, it is february 11th, not that far away. I think. It's only about what's that about? Three weeks away? Yeah, three and a half weeks until registration day. That's, and that's registration day for everyone. If you're a club run disney, it's the week before it's february 4th so so it's just around the corner also craziness it is well, let's let's get into our primary topic for the evening.

Speaker 3:

We're two weeks back now from another awesome Walt Disney World Marathon weekend. Let's relive it one more time. What do you say? Let's kick it off with the Expo. Thoughts on the Expo. How did it go? When did you get there, what were the crowds like and how was it for you? Let me start off. I'm going to bet Alicia was probably there as early as anyone. Did you get there on Wednesday, alicia?

Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 3:

I got there.

Speaker 2:

When did it open? 10 am. I got there right right at it opened um, and it was still a little bit of time until my virtual cue. So I decided to go give my bib and I was really glad that I did, because it's it was still a pretty long line when I went in, but when I came out, it was all the way on the baseball fields and all of the things, and yeah there was To get your bib.

Speaker 3:

The line was on the baseball field.

Speaker 2:

Well, the one for the bib was all the way down to the buses.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then the one coming out of the bibs All the way down to the buses. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Wow, and then yeah, it was crazy. And then when you came out of the bibs, they were on the fields.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I saw that Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which was both were crazy. So I was glad that I got all of that taken care of, because yeah, they were. It was crazy, it was crazy busy, but I got to see a lot of great friends there, which was fun, and get some friendship bracelets and pictures, so that was good, as always.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I enjoy the expo. I enjoy the expo. We got there actually a little earlier than I thought we would. Actually a little earlier than I thought we would. We had some stuff going on here at home and we weren't sure when we were going to be able to leave, but we ended up getting there. Well, what Becky and I typically do is make a lunch reservation and go over after lunch. This time we just went straight to the expo, so I think we got there a little before 1.

Speaker 3:

Now, the crowd to pick up the bib was not that bad. It was outside, but it wasn't that bad. I forget this every time, that once you get in there and you go around and it's like okay, here we go, not so fast, my friend, you've got another serpentine to go through before you get around. That takes a little while. It wasn't bad. The line to pick up your shirts and go to the vendor expo was as you described. It was down still by the baseball fields. Expo was as you described. It was down, still by the baseball fields. But instead of winding around and going back up on the second floor, you went back in on the ground floor there and that moved really pretty quickly so I didn't have too much trouble with that.

Speaker 3:

Now, when we got there, unfortunately Becky wasn't feeling well. I love, as I said just a minute ago, I love going to the expo, meeting friends, old and new. I was not there long at all this time, I'm sorry. I wish I could have been, but I wasn't, so we got out of there in relatively short order. I did go back on Saturday, last day of the expo, to visit with Jeff and Chris, got a few minutes there. That's always nice. Glad I had a chance to do that. I hope friends, I hope you had a chance to stop by Mr Galloway's booth and talk with Jeff and Chris and any of the other Pacers or other great people that hang around there. That's always a lot of fun. Any other expo comments?

Speaker 6:

I was there. I was there early cause I luckily got group two, so I got right into the uh run Disney merch early. Uh, but when I did get out, the line wasn't as long as Alicia said it was. At that point it was still zigzagging up at the top there. So we got in and it moved very quickly. It moved very quickly, which which was which was really good. But when we left the building we were the first group to walk across the baseball field to get into the uh, into the expo, so you know, so didn't have to go down upstairs or downstairs, so that was kind of a nice little uh perk yeah, that actually was almost better in that regard, it was a long walk around to go from point a to point b, but then, yeah, like I said, we went inside, uh, got our, got our shirts, I got kt taped up on my uh, my heel and uh.

Speaker 6:

Then we stopped by Jeff's booth, talked to them, saw Chris, saw Adam, saw some of our other friends around, and then we left before you got there, so we didn't see you, unfortunately.

Speaker 3:

It's okay. We had plenty of opportunity later in the week. Yes, yes, we did.

Speaker 4:

I was going to say I had a Jack moment. So when I was in line for the bid pickup, I went there first thing, like 30 minutes before the expo even started, and I'm standing in line. And then I was talking to somebody from one of our listeners, rise and Runners, and then I realized I've been trying to send out text messages and it's not sending. It kept saying my network wasn't working. I was like, oh my God, I'm in a dead zone. And then the Rise and Runner I was talking to she's like oh, do you have your bib? What's it called the thing you need to pick up your bib?

Speaker 3:

Oh, your Expo Pass.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my Expo Pass, and I couldn't pull it up because nothing was working and I was getting extremely nervous because I was like what am I going to do?

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, Tell us what happened.

Speaker 4:

So she texted. So she's like okay, here, log on to my phone and then, great, screenshot. She texted it to me and then we both realized I can't use a text message because I can't even get a text message, and the results ended up being that my phone was on airplane mode.

Speaker 6:

And didn't realize that.

Speaker 4:

So here I am for like five minutes freaking out, because I'm like oh my God, I'm not going to get my bib. And no, I had it on airplane mode. I don't even know how it got there. That happens, Jack Number one, you would it on airplane mode. I don't even know how it got there.

Speaker 3:

That happens, jack Number one. You would have gotten your bib. They would have found a way to do it.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

Number two. I mean, I give you grief all the time, Jack, but I can't even give you grief about this one. We've all done that. We've all done that. Oh gosh, I'm in airplane mode and it is funny Sometimes, in airplane mode, and it is funny. Sometimes you don't know how it got there. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I go, oh, I was on an airplane, but yeah, well, that's the good news is, you figured it out and your phone wasn't broken, so that's good too, it was solid after that, how did things go?

Speaker 4:

um, pretty good, but that was really. I want to say this expo was probably the busiest, I think I've ever personally seen it.

Speaker 3:

It was pretty busy. It sure was. It's tough to compare to pre-pandemic because I honestly can't remember that well anymore, but it was pretty busy and the numbers are definitely back up for the Disney races. Lexi, how'd you make out?

Speaker 7:

I didn't get there till Thursday afternoon. Lexi, how'd you make out? I didn't get there till Thursday afternoon. So I still got a little bit before. Y'all ran the 5K before I even got to property. Yeah, but no, I mean. So on Thursday my flight was delayed about 45 minutes minutes, and so I literally got on the bus, got to my hotel, dropped off my bags at the luggage, went to the expo and did one loop. I was like and grabbed everything I could, and then I had a dinner reservation and I had to go to sleep for the 10k. So, like I spent barely any time at the expo, I basically said hi and bye to coach twigs.

Speaker 3:

I was like hi, okay, I have to go because I have a reservation yeah um, yeah, and that was it wasn't, I would have guessed that thursday would probably have been the lightest crowds yeah, because on friday the goofies are coming in. You know nothing. Nothing personal folks. If you're goofy, that's okay. People call me goofy all the time, but yeah, but Thursday really was the 10K runners and I don't know, I just figured Thursday might've been the lightest day.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I mean I didn't have any weight going to get my bib or shirt or anything. And then whenever I went into the Run Disney merchandise they were pretty much wiped clean from the sweatshirts. But, I got one of the athleisure sweatshirts.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

The ones that say Every Mile is Magic, so fun story. I was standing there and I asked a girl holding on to one. The girl looked to be like similar size to me and I was like hey, where did you get that one? And she was like this is the last one. I was like okay, that's fine, if you decide you don't want it, I would love to try it on, but you know, it's like no pressure anything. I just wanted to say that. Well, about 10 minutes passed and she came back. She's like it's a little too big for me, so you can have it if you want. And I was like no, it's nice. Um, and then everybody was asking me like where'd you get that? Like I'm sorry, it's the last one so anyway, but well.

Speaker 7:

Anyway, but I got it. Every Mile is Magic. I'm wearing it today, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And sweatpants. I'm finding that and I think it's a function of the fact that I've done so many races that I don't care that much about the race weekend merchandise, but the generic Run Disney merchandise I think it's pretty nice and I'm glad they've kind of upped their game there in the last couple of races. I'm excited for the New Balance shoes, but I think we're still a race or two away on those. I think springtime was what I heard Springtime is what I heard yeah, so maybe we'll hear something soon.

Speaker 6:

And also, I think on Thursday or Friday, they dropped the puffer jacket vest.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

Thursday yeah, so that wasn't there on Wednesday. When the bulk of the crowd was there Thursday, they dropped that nude vest out, so that's kind of interesting that they saved it until the second day.

Speaker 2:

No wonder. I didn't see it when I was there and then I saw pictures of it and I was like I didn't see that.

Speaker 3:

It made sense they hid it from you, all right. Well, it was fun. But now we get down to marathon race weekend and we start thursday with the 5k, and it was cold, but by golly it was fun. Uh, 5k comments, let's see, I did it, john and jack did it right correct okay, um, I'll kick off.

Speaker 3:

I guess I had to get up a little extra early because I had never put glitter lips on before. That was exciting. I gotta tell you. They're not that hard. It wasn't that tough and I thought I would hate it, but I hardly even noticed it and I'll comment again at the end when it come to getting them off. That was a little different, but that was fun. I had purchased some blankets because and we're all going to say this it was cold, and I grabbed a white blanket and I took it out back here the day before at my home and spray painted black dots onto my white blanket so I could wear it with my Cruella costume and it would look right and it did. So I enjoyed doing that.

Speaker 3:

I got over there and man, as we've talked about with the expo, that 5K was there were. It was just crowded and I was on one of the first buses. Just a lot of people there. That was fun. I got in there. Lots of photos, lots of smiles and laughs, which is the reason that we do these costumes. There were people in puppy shirts everywhere. We got over by our meetup place and there was like no room to move. We're looking for a place to get a photo and John suggests we go over by the stage. Well, you take it there.

Speaker 6:

John yeah, so we said we went by the stage. I went up to the dj and I said hey, can you do me a favor? Uh, can you take a photo of our group? And he's like sure, and he looks out and he sees like 200 puppies invading the stage yeah he's like oh wow and that's luckily he was up there. We, I think we got a pretty good shot, considering you know how far away he was and how far away we had to be so that everybody can actually be in the picture.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean in fact we. That stage area is pretty big. I don't think everybody did fit and I saw a lot of comments from folks who said, oh gosh, I didn't get there for the photo. People ask me how many puppies we had total. My best guess is over 200.

Speaker 4:

I don't know, honestly, but there's a when I was cheering there were a lot of puppies, like after I got done with the 5k, there were a ton of puppies that was the hard part trying to find somebody in the in your group.

Speaker 6:

Oh, let me go find. Uh, yeah, oh, she's dressed in a puppy suit. Yeah, that's not her. That's not her. Yeah, uh, okay, that's it. It's like it's like everyone was a puppy pre-race.

Speaker 3:

Everywhere you looked pre-race, everybody was in my Pre-race. Everybody was in Mylar. Once the race started, everybody was in Dalmatian spots. I've got to go. I've got to once again give Monica credit for the idea and Alec at Kauai and Pizza Apparel credit for helping us with those shirts and selling them to us at a good price.

Speaker 6:

I think the funny thing was Bob, didn't Monica miss the photo? Oh yeah, that didn't surprise me?

Speaker 3:

That didn't surprise me. Monica operates on chaos crew time, so she gets there when she can, but I did see her on the course a couple of times and yeah, and she was tickled to death too. And yeah, and she was tickled to death too. We're going to do something at the 5K in 2026. I don't know what, but we're going to do something. We'll figure it out. We had some ideas presented to us. We will work on it, I promise, and we'll let you know as soon as we decide on something. But that was, it was just a lot of fun and it was just great to see everybody together like that. Now, my last comment is the glitter lips. Okay, went back to the room, took a tissue no, that didn't work. Wet the tissue what did?

Speaker 8:

no, that didn't work that didn't work.

Speaker 3:

Becky had some. What did? No, that didn't work. That didn't work. Becky had some kind of makeup remover. She sprayed. No, I eventually just took the lotion that's on the counter in the resort and took a little drop of lotion and just rubbed it. Boom, that was it. That was it that worked. So that's how to get rid of the glitter lips. And yeah, I don't know if I'll do that again or not, but it wasn't, I don't know. It was fun, gang, it was fun. I know people got a charge out of it and to me that's what it's all about.

Speaker 7:

Did you PR in fun? That's the question.

Speaker 3:

I was right up there, Yep sure did.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I can't wait to see what the 5K will be next year. I won't be able to go because obviously I'm getting married and I won't be able to do the entire weekend.

Speaker 7:

Maybe we can do a little 5K on the ship and dress up and take pictures so we can like photoshop ourselves ourselves yeah, there you go I love that.

Speaker 4:

That does have to happen. I I'm obsessed with that idea.

Speaker 6:

Now you're welcome yeah, we got it. We got it. Right now we're all dressed as jack skellington oh, stop it, I have a costume.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, this 5k was a lot of fun. I this was like the first 5k where I like actually ran it, because all the other 5ks I've done at Disney World I've always kind of walked it. But this was a nice test for me because it was exactly three and a half weeks since I finished my 100 miler and so I had only been running a week and a half prior to that 5K. So like I'm just very, very thankful because the longest distance that I'd done prior after that 100 miler was a five miler. So the 5K went great. I went out too fast because I was. It was so cold, I just wanted to stay warm. It was like what, like high 30s, low 40s for the race.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was. I don't know if absolute temperature, but it feels like high 30s for sure.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but that was really cold so I didn't know how fast I was running until after I got past the first mile marker and I was like, oh, slow down. But yeah, it was a great race. It was definitely a little bit of a woof for me, fun intended.

Speaker 3:

Cold was the theme of the weekend, I think.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I could just definitely tell my body was not fully recovered at all.

Speaker 3:

I went out of the last corral, which I said I would do, and I'm guessing about 50 people Went with me by the time we finished. It was me, Becky and Diane. Even John had ditched us.

Speaker 4:

Was John catching the puppies for you?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I was catching the puppies. I was the puppy catcher.

Speaker 3:

He was. We lost John, I don't know where.

Speaker 6:

I turned around and I didn't see you guys. I mean, how am I going to miss a six-foot? Gorilla. I don't know All I saw was puppies and I'm like where's my wife and where's Bob and where's Becky? I'm like, okay, I just kind of kept going.

Speaker 3:

So Rebecca's now retired again from 5Ks We'll see it was fun To all of you who participated.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much. Thanks for making that happen. I hope you enjoyed it too. The comments I got from everyone is that they did, and we did get a lot of encouragement to try and do something again next year. So we will All right On to Friday and another cold morning for the 10K, and I got to admit to you, friends and I should make notes immediately after the races. I don't remember a whole bunch about the 10K. I know that I ran with a lot of our hashtag run dopey friends, because I had one of their cheerleader shirts, so that was fun. I had pom-poms, but they ended up going to somebody else, which is fine. Uh, who, who else did the 10k to this week? Jack, of course, did dopey lexi. Did the 10k go ahead? Guys? What'd you think?

Speaker 7:

I thought it was great. Um, I was in for just the 10k um and I started in corral d. I think this is the only 10k I've ever run in history where I have kept my gloves on the whole time. For whatever reason, whenever I run my my gloves are the first things to go. I I don't know.

Speaker 3:

Um but.

Speaker 7:

I even kept hot hands inside my gloves.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 7:

Like because I was so cold.

Speaker 3:

Those things are great yeah.

Speaker 7:

They're amazing. Um, I use like 15 of them all weekend, um, but anyway, so, um, yeah, I just, you know, kept my pace um, saw some friends on the course. I saw a jar um from ox and spoon. Get all of that gang um gang. Who else did I see out there? I don't even know. I stopped for character. I saw Captain Hook and Mistress Mee and it was just a grand old race you and I almost finished together, almost we even had the conversation when we were coming up to the finish line that we have never finished a race together.

Speaker 7:

And then you stopped with Riley and the other announcers.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

And I was like, okay, I'm going to stop too, but there was like a wall of people that kept me moving forward and I was like, oh, okay, I'm going to finish now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not going to. If I mention names of folks, I leave somebody out.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

But I will mention that I was with Stephanie at that point and actually for a lot of the race and we talked with. We didn't spend a whole lot of time with the race announcers, but we spent enough. We were just chatting casually. I lost track of you and then I said, okay, well, let's go. And I looked forward and the balloon ladies had already crossed. This is the second time I've finished an event behind the balloon ladies. The other one was exactly the same way. I stopped to talk with Jeff or the announcers or somebody, and the ladies came up along behind. Yeah, I went out at E and really didn't care about pace and had a lot of fun.

Speaker 4:

So my 10K Do as I say, not as I do, and here's why I say that.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, we know, jack, we follow that rule.

Speaker 4:

I have a lot of great advice. I just, for whatever reason, don't ever remember it when I need to remember it um, this goes with the fact that, um, your costume.

Speaker 4:

You should probably try on your costume a while before you actually leave for the trip, and I had bought the costume like right after halloween. I was so excited. I remember going into lexi's office at work and I was just like, look, I got my costume. It's jack skellington. I'm so excited. And so I didn't try it on the day before I left for the weekend and realized that the top was too tight and I could barely move like my arms properly.

Speaker 4:

And I said, well, it's happening. And so I mean, if I broke a little bit of thread, it's fine. Maybe I'm just like muscle mouse now. Ha, ha, Tom.

Speaker 3:

Ah, there you go.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, the top was definitely tight. I still wore the costume, I still had a fabulous time during the race, except my knees started really bothering me the last two miles and then it ended up being an issue for the rest of the weekend Because, again, I went out too hard, because I was so cold. I just wanted to get warm yeah, um, but yeah it was.

Speaker 4:

It was a fun 10k, not other really news beyond the fact that you should try and your stuff, in case you need to get a different size. Um, I will learn that lesson sooner or later. I did not learn that as well for the half marathon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's funny you mention that because Becky was giving me grief for wearing the Cruella dress around the house too often. So that's a joke, kids. Okay, Somebody laugh please. That's a joke.

Speaker 4:

Lexi's laughing Her mic's off. I'm cracking up over here and I'm muted, dang it.

Speaker 3:

She'll tell you that's true. She does that all the time Whenever I dress Tinker, bob or Cruella, have I done? I don't think I've done any other female characters. I'd have to think about it.

Speaker 7:

I don't think you have.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think so. But Becky will say oh yeah, he wears it around the house all the time, it's not true, Not?

Speaker 7:

true, we all know who we believe, bob.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, I'm sure you do, that's okay. That's okay, it's about having fun. All right, 10k Wasn't so cold for the half. But we had another surprise it was wet Thoughts on the half. My friends, jack, was it just you and me? I think it was Bob. Okay, well, this won't take long. Go ahead, jack.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I will say the half marathon was my favorite race during the entire weekend. I had an absolute blast, except for the corrals. Huddled up and wore a like a poncho, that, um, my, my friend who I was staying with, um, dylan, uh, she had given me one and I'm so thankful for it because, like sitting in in the corrals with the rain, I was like, oh my god it's, I'm getting ptsd again from from daytona 100 when it rained and it was windy like please don't let that be a thing, please, please and then, right when the rained and it was windy, I was like please, don't let that be a thing, please, please.

Speaker 4:

And then, right when the race started, it stopped and I was like, thank God, but I had so much fun, I had the best costume and everybody during the race was like Mia, mia. I was like ha ha, that's me, because I was dressed up as Mia Thermopolis before the transformation and I will be wearing that costume again. I mean, the jacket's a bit tight and it's long sleeves, because I wear a white button up underneath a long sleeve jacket as well. So it was definitely soaked in sweat, or you can call it maybe a little bit of rain, we'll call it a mixture, but that was by far one of my favorite costumes I think I might have ever worn. And the first character stop. You know how like the signs along the way within the first mile were giving you all of the like different movies right off the bat yeah right Based off of the decades.

Speaker 4:

And the first one was the Dalmatians 101 Dalmatians. And I was like, oh my God, cruella is going to be the first one. And she ended up. And the first one was the dalmatians 101 dalmatians. And I was like, oh my god, cruella is going to be the first one. And she ended up being the first one. So obviously I had a stop for her and I, when I got to see her she looks at me, she's like my highness and she kind of does little bow I was like yes and um. And then after, right before, I said hey, I just ran a 100 miler. Well, technically 101. And she's like, oh, that's a mile per every puppy. And I said, sure was.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And then, I think around mile three-ish, I met up with our good friend Doug, who's one of the Rise and Runners, and we had an absolute blast. We enjoyed the rising runners and we had an absolute blast. We enjoyed the entire race. We got the most epic castle pictures, we had a lot of amazing chats and then he he went ahead after around mile 10. I was going to be chilling because my knee had been bothering me the entire time, so I stuck with my little run-walk pacing kind of deal for the last few miles, but that was an absolute blast. I am bringing that costume back again.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, Cool you should.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

You should. How was it for you? You were way ahead of me. I went out of D and I walked at an okay pace, not a race pace, but I walked at an okay pace, not not a race pace, but I walked at an okay pace. How was it for you heading into Magic Kingdom?

Speaker 4:

So I think me and Doug got lucky. Um, we were, I think by the time we entered Magic Kingdom we were. We were with a lot of, like, I think, sea corral people. Um, from what I can tell from the bibs, um, it wasn't bad.

Speaker 4:

I mean, if you want to, for anybody that's running the Princess Half Marathon the next month, if you want to see what that course looks like, a great example is going to be my half marathon video that is up on my brand new channel with my fiance, which is called Bellhops from another dimension, but it gives you a very good idea of what the course is like. And I mean, it was crowded, but it's only because of the fact that it's so slim. And we were saying, me and Doug were saying to each other, if we were in a back corral, we can only guess how crazy crowded that is. And I bet you people could only just walk at that point because of how slim the area was to get into Magic Kingdom. I mean, we love the course, we had a lot of fun, but we did mention that, oh my gosh, if we were in a further back corral, that's going to be rough.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Well, you don't have to guess, because I was in a further back corral and it was crazy. It was as crowded as any place I've seen it. It was more crowded than the typical rush you get between Hollywood Studios and the Boardwalk area. As soon as you, as soon as you got where you could see the the boat lights for the boat parade from there into Magic Kingdom, it was, it was just slam packed. And in fact I joked to somebody the only thing missing is a water stop, and 100 yards ahead of us was a water stop, so it didn't bother me. I'm not trying to run it, I'm just walking to beat the balloon ladies, which I do most of the time. But it did get very crowded through there and I worried about going back the next day for the marathon. But as I'll let you know in just a minute, it wasn't the same. I'm not sure what happened.

Speaker 4:

I could probably answer that for you just really quick, and I know we're going to talk about it for the marathon, but, like I think, because it was further along during the race wasn't?

Speaker 3:

it. It was a little bit yeah.

Speaker 4:

There is a lot more time for people to spread out, I think that's, that's gotta be the answer, because that that did happen.

Speaker 3:

Um, I don't want to jump ahead of us, but I was concerned about it, but my concerns were were wrong. It was really crowded for the half. It wasn't bad for the full.

Speaker 4:

But I will say I feel like a lot of the reason why it was starting to get crowded Cause if like again, if you look in my video on YouTube for the half marathon, um, a lot of people were stopping along the way to take pictures of the parade.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because that was amazing seeing it out no, it's neat yeah over it, but there were a lot of people literally legitimately stopping along the route that's already been in the first place just to take pictures, and I, and I get it despite the cast members doing everything they could to tell people don't stop here, stop up there didn't't matter.

Speaker 3:

I felt bad for them. They were trying, but it didn't matter.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I didn't run the half this year, I did cheer it. It's the first time cheering on Main Street, which is probably awesome. We saw the first Roll Disney person come through all the way to the Balloon Ladies coming down Main Street, so it was really fun seeing all you guys running down, cheering with you guys and, uh, I mean then we took the monorail back to epcot and cheered all you guys on coming on the finish line I think it was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, main street, we get to going into magic kingdom and I I can't think of anything in racing. I love more than the right turn on the main street, but as we're heading in, I'm talking here, I'm I'm really not feeling it. This is like my 14th or 15th time and, yeah, I'm happy, but I'm really not feeling. It made the right turn on main street.

Speaker 3:

The crowd was there, oh man there's nothing like it there's just nothing like it, and so I spend all of main street, you know not, not not quite choking back tears, but you guys know you get. You get a little emotional about it, it's just yeah, golly.

Speaker 6:

So a lot of people, bob, with holding back tears, are just crying seeing that castle.

Speaker 3:

Seeing the castle is a big part of it. Being on Main Street is a big part, but the crowd is such a big part of it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all those people that you don't know and you're never going to see again. And we, I mean, we're're fortunate, we know a lot of people, but we still don't know most of them. Didn't matter, didn't matter. It just really really touches me and I enjoyed it. I don't I. The other thing that I really really enjoy is the choir at the end of the races. And, uh, they, they were there for all four races different choirs, but uh, for some reason, the one at the end of the half really got to me a little bit more than the others. So it was, uh, it was a good race.

Speaker 3:

I. I found a trick and I had a poncho with me and golly it, it rained really hard before I got in the corral I tend to hang out a while in the staging area Got real windy and rained hard, and then, as Jack mentioned already, the rain did lighten up quite a bit. I found that, however, if I wanted it to rain, all I had to do was take my poncho off and put it in my belt, and it would start to rain again. So, for my friends, I wore the poncho most of the time to keep the rain away. You're welcome. So we finished the half. We stay dry. The weather gets a little bit warmer, not too bad, just enough for us to enjoy our meetup on Saturday afternoon. And once again, all I can say to our many, many friends is you never cease to amaze me. This was spectacular gang. What were your thoughts?

Speaker 2:

It's just always so much fun. I feel like Bob when I would look over you, and I have a totally different perspective because you can see all of the people. Yes, we do.

Speaker 2:

I was on my TV show, trying to see who was all there, and I was like I really wish I could see this from Bob's perspective of seeing over everybody, because I was like I don't know half of the people that are here because I can't see them, when I could move around and see without words. Really, like truly, it was amazing to see so many friends and look around and see so many amazing people. Um, yeah, just, yeah, it's wonderful yeah, I felt so bad.

Speaker 7:

There were a couple of times that I would be talking to somebody and I could see someone in my peripheral vision waiting to talk to me and I'm like I want to talk to everybody and I just like I want to talk to everybody and I just, and then I just like, I love, I love it so much I've started bringing two bottles of water because I talk so much and my throat gets sore.

Speaker 2:

I went back to the room to get water because I was like I know I'm going to need this.

Speaker 7:

Yes, yes, but I just love it. I love talking to everybody and some people are like, oh, why can't I talk to you? I like, yes, you can talk to me, come on. They're like I don't mean to interrupt, I'm like you are not interrupting. This is fantastic. But I, I love, I love meeting all the friends. I love, you know, seeing the people that I've talked to via chat or seeing their posts, and you know, I'll see somebody like I know you, but I don't actually know you because I've just seen your picture on social media. But I just it just makes my heart so happy to be there the whole time.

Speaker 4:

And it looked like it got even bigger than I remember from last year.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it was yeah, yeah, no doubt.

Speaker 6:

I, we basically come commandeered. The first couple of years we were only commandeering down below. I think this year we commandeered below and above the whole area. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I also want to notate Usually I'm kind of late due to, like, transportation, you know, and whatnot, whatnot, but you better bet I was there before bob yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Uh, and it wasn't that I was late, no, you were just. I think it was like 20 till 3 or something when becky and I got there. Yeah, we were at the expo bob.

Speaker 6:

That's why we stopped on saturday because, yeah, you want to check her. I wanted to check my bib to make sure it worked for Sunday.

Speaker 4:

We haven't even chatted about that yet.

Speaker 6:

Then we left and we came down there, and that's why we were a little late.

Speaker 3:

Well, again, we weren't late, we were still early, but yeah, it's neat, I don't know how to put it into words. My friends, I just I enjoy it that much. It's so wonderful to see you, one of the things I try to impress upon our friends, especially those who go for the first time. I'm delighted that you come to visit with us, but I really, really encourage you to visit with the rest of the Rise and Run family, because that's what it's become.

Speaker 3:

If you look around, you may find any one of the Rise and Run podcast gang talking to one, two, three, couple people. But then look at the rest of the group how many folks are talking to one another who have met each other either through Zoom calls or through prior meetups or at the races, and that, to me, is the thing that I feel the best about. I think that is just wonderful. So, yeah, we're going to continue to. We're going to. Not only are we going to continue to do this, we may. We may see if we can make it better in some ways, but it's fantastic.

Speaker 6:

It was. It was really fun. I mean, I I really enjoyed it. The amount of people that was there, like Bob said, like we didn't need to be there, right, you know, cause everyone was just there having fun, talking, uh, doing their thing, and I just think that what, what, what, what? I see there is, just like uh, a one big family of people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what it's become.

Speaker 6:

Probably never, probably never met for the first time A lot of these people that day.

Speaker 3:

As, as I mentioned to friends, those who come to this meetup, any one of our meetups, any one of the weekend meetups and again there's going to be one in Disneyland at three o'clock on Saturday in the picnic area, those who come come back because they'll meet someone they'll want to talk with again, they'll want to meet new people. It's fantastic. You know one of the things, and I don't know we've been talking for a while now as many people as we see on a weekend. It always surprises me when I come back and I go through our social media and I go oh, she was there and I didn't see her. Oh, I didn't know he was there. And there'll be so many people we didn't see. And I want to see everybody, but I know it's not possible. I have one last closing comment on the meetup and that is this Becky and I mostly Becky, but I do work also love making the cookies, but it's getting to be too much, it's getting to be too big, too much. So I am going to, informally now, but formally later, ask some of our friends if maybe you can help out and you don't have to bring a lot. But we'll have a cookie smorgasbord, we'll have a cookie potluck. Now, having said that, I do promise that we'll continue to bake the Cherry Habanero cookies and bring those with us. More to follow on that.

Speaker 3:

All right, we've made it through most of the weekend. We line up. Now Marathon morning it's back to being really cold again. We've made it through most of the weekend. We line up. Now Marathon morning it's back to being really cold again, but at least the rain is gone. Lexi, I know you did the 10K, the rest of us, I know we're all at the marathon. All right, gang go Go, jack you finished it first.

Speaker 4:

That's good okay um, it was good. I mean, I had a lot of fun. I? Um my knee bothered me the entire time. Um, so I I went. This is probably my slowest marathon. Oh, no, it is my slowest marathon, but I had. No, it is my slowest marathon, but I had an absolute blast, though I actually had my watch on. You guys would be so proud of me. I didn't use it the entire like, I had it on the entire time.

Speaker 3:

We're always proud of you, Jack.

Speaker 4:

Thank you. But, like whenever I was ready to use the Galloway Method, I would start, like once I was like, okay, I feel like I'm ready to go do some run, walk, run again. And it was very helpful towards the end when my knee like you know how you're so frozen in the beginning of the race because it was cold, and then, like towards the end, my right leg started getting very stiff to the point that it wouldn't really bend while I'm running. So it just kind of I mean, it was fine, like I wasn't, like I wouldn't say I'm going to pull myself out of the race because I'm injured, but it was definitely a huge difference from what I'm used to and it was definitely bothering me, but, like I don't know why, it just was really stiff. So having the run-walk-run really helped my body recover in a nice way so that I'm not running, like I usually do, through an extended, extended period of time, oh yeah right.

Speaker 4:

So the Galloway method was definitely used with, I think, maybe like the last eight to 10 miles. Um, but it was a good race. Um, I mean, I was pretty proud of what I was able to do. Um, I saw a ton of characters, but I didn't really see too many characters until I didn't start seeing characters to probably like right before Magic Kingdom, like Jack Skelligson was my first one by Grand Floridian Was it was that for this race? Yeah, that was this race. But, yeah, I've met so many runners throughout, um, uh, the whole entire race. It was so lovely chatting with everybody. I even ran. I even ran with one of our rising runners and had so much fun. We did a few miles together, um, but yeah, it was. It was a good race.

Speaker 4:

The weather I like running in cold weather. I rather run in cold weather than I would hot. Um, I think it's always the best to run in. I had my costume was specifically chosen since it was exactly one month from that day, from when I finished my 100 miler. So cruella de dopey and I had to pick a character that I knew that I was gonna want to have that exact personality that I think is similar to mine, so I chose Anna from Frozen and I was frozen as.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

There you go. Timing was right.

Speaker 4:

She's a very happy-go-lucky character. Nothing can make her unhappy, in a sense that nothing can go wrong. She can do anything cool. I want to embody her, and so that's gonna say a lot like jack oh thanks yeah but yeah, I mean, I had so much fun.

Speaker 4:

I got to see your guys's um finishes, um, which were a lot of fun. I saw lexi along the way over at coronado, which was a great boost, but she saw me I think. I don't know if you realize I was hurting, but I saw Lexi. I was like I'm doing okay, but I'm glad that this is almost done. And you were still cheery to me.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean I was in a cheery mood but I was like oh yeah, I also don't know what you guys think about having the world showcase at the beginning versus the end, but honestly, I just thought I was going to be upset by it, but I was just thankful to be done. So the fact that I didn't have to run feel like I was running such a long distance around world showcase, wasn't? It was actually really nice, I like the layout of the race.

Speaker 4:

But, yeah, really quick though for rising one run. We'll be getting an additional video on our YouTube. I know I mentioned it during the live pop-up, but it's going to be the Cruella de Dopey. You'll be getting the Dopey races from me as well as the part of the 100-miler, with some overlay of some commentary from yours truly me, and it's going to be a fun. Just a recap documentary of my experience with this challenge and the challenges of the challenge and how fun it was.

Speaker 4:

All in the same, if you do want to see each individual race, you can actually check those out on bellhops from another dimension and you can see what the courses are like through that. But if you want to see like my whole experience into one video, it will all be put up onto YouTube within the next few weeks. There's just so much footage and some of the stuff that I had recorded, especially during the races, that are just for this video. I'm very excited to do it. It's just there's like four or five hours worth of footage, so it's going to take me a hot second to put it out, but I'm very excited to share it with you guys.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you guys haven't heard from me yet, since I only did the marathon Just the marathon.

Speaker 2:

Just the marathon. Yes, I wish I could say that it was the race that I wanted. I worked really, really hard this season and unfortunately I didn't get my PR the time that I wanted. But I did get to see so many friends along the way, which was really cool, because from pretty much the beginning on, I saw somebody at least once every mile. It was really cool to look over and just say hi to a friend or even stop and run a few intervals with friends. Um, and I saw Bob along the way. I saw Jack before the race, cause I was right at the front of the prowl that was so nice.

Speaker 2:

Um, I saw John and Greg in their whole crew. I want to give a special shout out to Kay, who I kept leapfrogging. We were leapfrogging each other for a while along the race. Her and I did a few intervals together and she just really helped me and I know I helped her along the way and I was just really grateful to see her. I saw a bunch of my clients, which was really fun, and I even got to do some of the last mile with one of my clients. So overall it was not the race that I wanted. My muscles were tense because of the cold. You would think Minnesota girl, I would have been okay.

Speaker 3:

But I get it.

Speaker 2:

But overall I'm just so grateful to my body to do my eighth full marathon and get to see so many people. It was a really hard marathon but I finished and all my clients finished, so I'm just really proud of what went down for that weekend.

Speaker 6:

I started this marathon with Greg and a bunch of our friends I don't want to mention them all because I probably going to forget one or two but we had about four or five other people that we started with and then grabbed and added people along the way. But I was a little nervous about the course. I was a little nervous about going through, uh, grand Floridian to the magic kingdom, from what I heard from people that it was horrible, it was okay, it was no problem. So so got out there, I think it was okay. It wasn't, it wasn't great, but it was doable. The only thing that I thought was kind of odd which I don't, which they need to adjust is they need to adjust the water stop to put it on the opposite side, because all the runners are running on the left and all the walkers are on the right and then you have to try to cut across to get to the water stop and then you're got a traffic jam right there.

Speaker 7:

I didn't even think about that.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that was the only thing that I thought was a little bad about that area. But you said, running down main street, coming down the back of a magic kingdom, we met up with Alan and his crew. We'll get to run with Alan for a while, which is always a pleasure, you know, telling stories, seeing what's going on. But then we had that parking lot. But then the best like mile or so, whatever you want to call it, between the Magic Kingdom parking lot and Animal Kingdom was a Star Wars fiesta, yes, which I was like wow, we have not just one Star Wars character, we had four Star Wars characters out there that I can see, which I'm like too bad. I wasn't fast enough and I was able to get there at night or in the morning when it was still dusk, because it looks like the lights would have been really cool that were blinking in the woods and the laser sounds and the smoke fog machine. It was really cool. So hopefully Star Wars Weekend is coming back pretty soon Next year.

Speaker 4:

Springtime surprise Star Wars yeah, that would be nice, do it, do you?

Speaker 6:

stop for characters. We stopped for Darth Vader.

Speaker 4:

Okay, good.

Speaker 6:

Then we had a group shot. I had a single and I had a group shot, so that was really great. Coming out of Animal Kingdom, I cramped up, my back started cramping up, which was not fun, which I did not like. So that was a rough struggle up until we got to Epcot. But one thing I did do, and if anyone ever found it, I did find a wedding band on the course. Bob, you have yours, that's good, I have mine yeah.

Speaker 6:

Mine was at home safe and sound because I probably would have lost it myself. So I did turn it into guest relations and hopefully I did post it in some of our boards that there was a lost wedding ring. Did find it on the course. Hopefully that person got it back, because I know I'd be in deep trouble if I lost my wedding ring. Did find it on the course. Hopefully that person got it back, because I know I'd be in deep trouble if I lost my wedding ring.

Speaker 6:

But yeah, so of course I said going down by mile 19, met up and saw Judy and Lexi cheering. Lexi's been cheering at that spot for the last four years, for my last four marathons. Hopefully next year I'll see her there at that same spot. Giving us that mile 19 boost before we hit Blizzard Beach and hitting that finish line was great. Like Jack said, coming into Epcot and say, well, we're at mile 26 already, this is like phenomenal. I'm done. I don't got to that last hill. Going up into France now from a from United Kingdom going over to France would have been real fun, I think at that at 26 miles, true, yeah, that was a. I think the weather was a little iffy too, which kind of cause it goes. It was cold in the morning, then it started getting warmer, so I think that kind of did not do well for a lot of people with the marathon.

Speaker 4:

So I have a question for everybody who ran the marathon really quick. I'm just curious about what your thoughts are. What was worse running around blizzard beach parking lot or the magic kingdom parking lot?

Speaker 3:

I didn't care about either one.

Speaker 4:

to be honest, there was people that were talking about it around me, so I was just curious.

Speaker 6:

Actually they were the same. I mean it wasn't bad. I think making up the miles in that parking lot to get rid of World Showcase kind of made sense. I mean, the only problem is, if it was a hotter day it might have been a different story.

Speaker 3:

The parking lots are bad on bright, sunny, hot days because there's no relief from the sun and the asphalt soaks up all the heat. But other than that it's just like running along the road.

Speaker 6:

We didn't really have the sponges out this year. We didn't have oh, that's right, we didn't have the ice packs in that blizzard beach when we got there. Oh, i's right, we didn't have the ice pack sitting at Blizzard Beach when we got there. Oh, I didn't see them.

Speaker 3:

Usually there are tons of them. It didn't get that hot.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

But there were so many more water stations this time around, I think so. Oh, I know, Like I turned around and was like there's another water station. I wasn't even thirsty at that point, but I still had some, you know.

Speaker 6:

I don't know. I thought it was about normal. What about the change in the chocolate?

Speaker 2:

People were not happy.

Speaker 4:

Everybody around me was like what is this?

Speaker 2:

People were setting them on the garbage cans.

Speaker 6:

They were the sponsor. It was the sponsor because they were giving away at the expo. They were one of the sponsors they were giving away at the expo, so they're like one of the sponsors.

Speaker 3:

They were given away at the Expo. I think they're fine. I do. I like them.

Speaker 6:

My big thing is and this may be me is they should have the chocolate before the water. Stop, because sometimes you get that dry chocolatey taste in your mouth and you're like a glass of water would be really good right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, all right, my thoughts on the marathon. A lot of friends know that I I get the opportunity to push my friend Woody during the marathon. I've done it for the last two years and I've pushed Woody at a couple of other half marathons too, so I know the family very well. I'm going to take a break here to say that Woody's mom, kim, is one of the most amazing people I know. That I think of what she has to deal with in her life. She has Woody to take care of in her life. She has Woody to take care of. Her husband has some health issues. She's got a younger son who's a high school senior and through it all, I have never seen Kim without a smile on her face. So I think she's just an amazing, amazing person. I wanted to say that here. But I get the chance to push Woody. I love it. I love doing it. We get along well. We can communicate some not like he communicates with his mom, but we can communicate a little bit. It's the biggest privilege I get when I go to one of these events.

Speaker 3:

Now last year when I did it, there were others around and I only probably pushed between 18 and 20 of the 26 miles. I know it sounds like a lot, but I did get a break this year. I didn't. Uh, kim was having some problems early on, problems with her knee and problems with her hip. I'll get to that in a minute. We start right after the first group out of corral C, so basically we start in C1.

Speaker 3:

One of the things about pushing that chair is that it requires your undivided attention for the entire 26 miles or you're going to run over somebody. The front wheel of that thing is about six feet in front of me and I spend the whole time staring at that front wheel so I don't hit anybody. Um, and I managed not to hit anybody. Actually, like last year, I managed not to hit anybody until I crossed the finish line and it wasn't my fault. But, uh, the finish line and it wasn't my fault, but uh, as as we got so, as much as I love, like you guys talked about, everybody's talked about the star wars area. I don't remember any of it because I'm just looking at a wheel. I don't remember seeing any of that.

Speaker 3:

There were many, many friends along the way that I heard from, but I could not turn to acknowledge and I wish I could Some friends got past me and that was neat. I enjoyed that and I appreciated it because I needed it. But there were a whole bunch of friends who I heard from but couldn't acknowledge. I'm sorry, I just couldn't turn around but couldn't acknowledge. I'm sorry, I just couldn't turn around.

Speaker 3:

I was glad because I did the half and I got into those bottlenecks and I was really, really worried, coming up to that with that chair, that it was going to be a huge problem. It wasn't so bad as we talked about. When we talked about the half, the crowd was a bit thinner going through there. It wasn't all that bad. We made our way down Main Street One of the things if you've seen us run together. You know Woody loves to do the fist bumps, so every opportunity I get I will get close to the crowd so that we can roll by and fist bump the whole way. So Magic Kingdom was a little different for me. Again, I didn't see anything. I just saw people and I saw fists and that was pretty neat.

Speaker 3:

Around halfway, around halfway before the halfway mark, remember, we left out of C1, the six and a half hour pace group passed us and I said to Kim we've got to pick this pace up a little bit because we're falling back and we're not going to make it if we don't pick the pace up. And she told me she couldn't. So we had a discussion, the three of us, believe it or not. Kim says, uh, what do you? What do you want to do? I'm going to let Bob go and you can stay with me, or I'm going to fall back and you can stay with Bob. And Woody wanted to stay with Bob and, to be honest, I was a little nervous about that. I hadn't been one-on-one with Woody and he requires some special attention along the way. But we made it work. We picked the pace up a little bit. We actually caught back up to the six and a half hour group.

Speaker 3:

Uh, but doing all 26 miles, gang, it was tough. It really started to wear on me. I was really excited coming out of Blizzard Beach because I could see behind me. Now, coming out of Blizzard Beach, I could see behind me and I could not see the balloon ladies. So at that point I realized that I could probably do 20 minute miles and walk it in and we'd finish. It was still tough John, you talked about the hill If we had had the finish to that half.

Speaker 3:

If we had had finished to that full, like we did that half, you know where you go up to the two big hills going into Epcot Not sure I'd have made it. I probably could have gotten help along the course, but not sure I'd have made it. I was really, really starting to feel it. That hill into Hollywood must have been fun too. It sucked, but at least it was short. Yeah, at least it was short. Even that little pop-up going off the boardwalk into Epcot was a challenge and again I got a kick out of it last year because I had help when the hills came along. That was my turn and I was fine with it. I was good with it.

Speaker 3:

Early in the race I was actually running up the hills a little bit because sometimes I think the momentum helps you. I wasn't running up the hills at little bit because sometimes I think the momentum helps you. I wasn't running up the hills at the end. I'll tell you that it was rough. I'm always honored. I'm glad, happy that I was able to do it. I'm happy that we finished another one together. I know it means a lot to Woody.

Speaker 3:

I did see Kim. She got picked up. I think she said she got picked up around mile 18 or 19. So she was there at the end with a smile on her face, of course, but I'm glad we finished.

Speaker 3:

But I'm telling you, gang, I'm done with Dopey. I've done Dopey five times. I'm 71 years old and I would like to thank Mr Galloway for the last time he was on the podcast saying that he did five dopeys and that was enough for him. So that works, that works. I can use that. The training just becomes too much. For the four days. I tried to count in the official finishing numbers. Because of the problems with the timing chips, it was difficult to tell how many finishers, but I think there were only 15 or 20 finishers older than me out of the whole group. I'm not done running. I'm not done. In fact, my plan right now is to do the marathon next year, do the 5k and the full. My plan right now is to do the marathon next year, do the 5K and the full. But I think five dopies is a nice number to quit on, and this way I get to go out on my terms and I don't get to hear all right, old guy, get in the bus, we're taking you the rest of the way.

Speaker 7:

So that was my marathon. They don't say that, Bob.

Speaker 3:

They'd say it to me. All right, old guy, get off the course. You're out of here.

Speaker 6:

You still got some glitter over there, yeah.

Speaker 7:

I just wanted to say a little bit about cheering. It was so much fun. Judy and I got out there at about 8 o'clock probably 8.15, with two other of our rise and run friends and, um, we got to see jack, which was fun, and we started off right in front of coronado, but we had to follow the rules of the road. The policemen were not letting people into the median to cheer, so we were like on the opposite side, um, from where the runners were going, and I was not a happy camper, um, I was like I need my hugs, I need to be in their faces, like I need to be, um, and so then another spectator told us that on the opposite side of coronado was where we could get like on the road, where we could see people and hug people and all that kind of stuff. So we skedaddled on over there and that was so much fun, just getting to see everybody.

Speaker 7:

There were a lot of people I feel like there were a lot of people struggling at that point so I got a lot of points and a lot of Hays. So I got a lot of points and a lot of haze, um, but, uh, I got a lot of hugs and if you ever see me, uh, cheering on a course, do not be afraid to come hug me. I love sweaty hugs like it is totally fine. Don't be like, oh no, I'm all stinky. No, like, give me a hug, this is the time that you need a hug is in the mile 20. Um, but it was just like. Um, it was so good to see everybody and cheer everybody on. And um, for the people who commented on facebook, like I just, I'm just, I'm holding a heart to you guys, to the camera, even though you can't see.

Speaker 3:

Well, you have to hold it to the microphone.

Speaker 7:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

This is an audio podcast but it was just.

Speaker 7:

I'm so proud. I'm so proud to be part of the rise and run podcast and to see all of our listeners and it was amazing.

Speaker 6:

This marathon was tough for me, and I know it was tough for a lot of other people in this race, where you were thinking am I going to finish? What's going to happen? I know some of us, some of our friends, did not finish this race. They DNF'd. They DNF'd the half, they DNF'd the fall. Guys, don't give up. Just keep that goal in your mind. It's always going to be there. You know, just try again. Sometimes the stars don't align for you and you just don't get what's done. I know some of our friends tried really hard. They're getting pulled out at mile 18, mile 19, mile 20, which I know would be really devastating. But keep your heads up, get out there. That gold's still alive. It's always going to be alive until you either accomplish it or you give up on it. So don't give up on it.

Speaker 3:

All right, my friends, you've heard from all of us and I think, if Greg can put the Mai Tai down, he's got a few things he'd like to add about Marathon Weekend.

Speaker 8:

Aloha friends, greetings from the beautiful island of Maui here in Hawaii. Once again, I'm very, very blessed to be able to be on a work trip in such a beautiful place. Blessed to be able to be on a work trip in such a beautiful place, but at the same time, though, I must say I am sad that I had to miss, uh, the main recording um with my rise and run co-hosts talking about an absolutely epic marathon weekend that we just had two weeks ago. So I just just wanted to take a few minutes here, while I'm on a break from work, to share my thoughts on all the things that I did experience during Marathon Weekend and Walt Disney World just a couple of weeks ago, and I'll start off with the expo. I arrived in Orlando on Saturday morning, and thank God I did, because we had a brief snowstorm hit us that morning, but thankfully I was able to get out and was on the first flight, and that caused no issues outside of a little bit of de-icing. So obviously, I did not attend the expo until the very last day, and I will say there, as much as I love an expo, there is a huge advantage to going on the last day, and I will say there, as much as I love an expo, there is a huge advantage to going on the last day in that there is zero lines whatsoever. So that was awesome.

Speaker 8:

The first place that I headed to was to go pick up my bib. That was, again very smooth process because there was barely anybody there, but it did take some time. I know one of the main, shall we say, hot topics during Marathon Weekend was the timing chip issue. So while I was there I made sure that I was not one of those bibs that was affected for just the marathon. So glad everything was smooth sailing on that point. Then I headed over to the main expo hall. I got to see coach twigs, which was really nice, and then, very serendipitously, while I was walking down the steps, who was talking to coach twigs? But Bob. So I got to hang out with Bob and Becky for a little bit before heading over to the meetup, as, as well as John and his wife Diane Didn't really spend a whole lot of time there because I knew I was on a time crunch because of getting in, having to get all my stuff and then getting down to Disney Springs for the meetup. So, you know, didn't really spend a whole heck of a lot of time no ciders or anything like that. And then, once I was done picking up my bib and my shirt, I headed down with Bob and Becky and John and Diane, down to the Run Disney merch.

Speaker 8:

And first of all, I want to give a absolutely massive shout out to my friend, tara, who was able to pick me up some various items on the first day of the expo, including yes, if everyone was, I know there was a listener that asked John on Wednesday. Yes, tara did get me one of the Powerline shirts, so I'm very, very excited about that. But I will say, though and this is no surprise, because it was, you know, saturday afternoon, but the merch was extremely, extremely picked over, um, I will say there was a lot of. If you were really interested in, I think it was the generic weekend tank top, they had a slew of those um, but everything else was, you know, there was a few things here there, like you know, dopey obviously very picked over, goofy was picked over, uh, because of the anniversary year, uh. So, again, I just want to thank tara for being able to get me and I did it shirt and the powerline shirt, and I think I also got the? Um, the generic marathon weekend short sleeve as well too.

Speaker 8:

Two notes that I did want to make, though I I have praised run disney in the past for past, for the quality of the Run Disney merch to be pretty good, but for some reason I think there's a slight miss this year. I wore my Idited shirt in the park after the marathon on Sunday and after one wash I'm already getting some weird pilling which I don't understand. So hopefully that's just a one-off there, but really the the one thing that I did want to point out is I was a little nervous going into this expo because, as I talked about during the whining dying recap, that I really didn't buy anything because the styling of the shirts was different and I felt like I needed the size up, and by the time I got there on I think that that expo I arrived on Friday and they were sold out of the larger sizes. So, based on my experience at the expo and then talking to others and then seeing also comments on social media as well too, is that apparently for this expo, run disney did not have any sizes over 2xl, and I will say that while I myself wear a 2xl um, I was a little disappointed to hear that they weren't offering, uh, 3xl and and that's, and and. The reason why I think I'm a little disappointed in that is, you know, run disney is a product that is inclusive to all runners, regardless of your pace and the shape of your body, and such. So to you know, to limit our friends who maybe need that size, I will say I was a little bummed about that. So, run Disney, if you are listening, I understand you know you have to, you have to make the correct decisions in terms of quantities and the sizing. But if we can see the return of some 3XL merchandise for our friends who you know that is their size, I think that would be the smart way to go there.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, so, like I said earlier, bob was at the Expo at the same time as he wanted to talk to Coach Twiggs and to Jeff Jeff, so he very graciously was my chauffeur down to the meetup in Disney Springs on Saturday afternoon and I gotta say, folks, wow, wow, wow. You know I never think that a meetup can get better from the last one and you all outdid yourselves this time. I mean I just want to personally thank each and every single one of you who came to this meetup. I have to imagine it is our most attended meetup to date. You know it's getting to the point where you, you know we are just filling up that space so much and you know, I think we're gonna have to get a wide angle lens on the professional camera to be able to take these group shots, because it's it's getting harder and harder to fit everyone into, you know, one photo frame. So, um, I will say again thank you to everyone who came out.

Speaker 8:

Uh, I will say now, this time around, as compared to wine and dimes I know I mentioned this during that recap show is I was more betterly prepared for this expo in terms of hydration, because, I know, at the end of wine and dine, I was actually getting quite hoarse and uh, and I felt like I was starting to lose my voice. So I made sure that I was well hydrated for this one. Still, being able to talk to so many friends, both new friends and old friends, it just, it really makes, you know, those two, two and a half hours um, just fly by and just bring me so much joy in my life. So, to everyone that I got the chance to talk to um. You know, thank you for for chatting with me and and I hope that you all continue to come to these amazing meetups. And I will say the last note I'll make on the other meetup is I was very excited because one of the new friends uh that I got to chat with was our guest uh from two weeks ago, uh, caesar Samoyoa, our Broadway star and run Disney fanatic. He came to the meetup and it was an absolute pleasure to meet another guest in real life and it was funny. I believe I was talking with our friend Doug and who lives in Brooklyn as well, and he was saying to me that you know, we should put out an interest form for anyone who's in the Northeast and who is a big Broadway fan that maybe we could get a group rate to go see Just In Time when it opens up on Broadway here in about two months or so. So that's something that we might have to kick the tires on. But again, it was just. It was so great to see Caesar and just see him get welcomed into this community was really wonderful to see.

Speaker 8:

Now, in terms of the running, like Alicia I ran just the marathon, so I jotted down a few notes here just to give my recap of the marathon. So I jotted down a few notes here Just to give my recap of the race, and the first thing I will say is this was the first time I stayed at a monorail resort for a race weekend and I got to say it's an absolute game changer. Now, grant, while I was bummed that I wasn't at pop and I couldn't see our awesome friend myra, you really cannot be staying at a monorail resort and getting over to epcot now, grant, I was also fortunate because I was staying at my home dvc resort of the polynesian, so I didn't really need to go over to the great ceremonial house. I could just walk straight over to the TTC. So my buddy Abel and I, who was also staying at the Poly, him and I did that, and the thing that I got concerned about was that the monorail was opening at 2 30 as opposed to the buses starting at 2.00. And now I can understand that, because the monorail is just so extremely efficient and so being able to sleep for an extra 30 minutes was absolutely awesome and a game changer, and it's something that I might have to consider for future race weekends, that's for sure, like most of the other races for the weekend.

Speaker 8:

It was quite cold. You know, I was, you know, from the Philadelphia area. I was watching the hourly forecast like a hawk. In terms of how did I want to prepare for standing in the corrals? And I thought I would be okay with just an extra long sleeve shirt and some mylar, and I don't think that was enough, but, um, that's okay, ended up ditching the mylar right before the race and then the extra long sleeve I think I took off right before we got into epcot to start the race. So, but then once, then you know, like jeff galloway said on stage, sure it's, it's pretty miserable, you know, standing out in the corrals, but once we got running, you you really could have not asked for better weather. But I was very thankful I got to spend the entire race with so many Rise and Run friends, so many to the point where I don't want to name names because then I would forget someone and I just don't want to do that. But you know I won't go so far to say that the miles flew by, because I mean it's a marathon for crying out loud, but it made the distance a lot more tolerable. Just, you know, being around. So you know, many people that I just I love and I cherish and I was, you know, including John, and I was very, very appreciative of that. That was part of my race experience.

Speaker 8:

Obviously, we had a brand new course, uh, and you know just wanted to share a couple of thoughts on uh the course. The first is I actually really enjoyed that stretch from where we exited epcot, uh, going to magic kingdom and essentially doing it in reverse. You know, you cut out a large chunk of cone alley and then, you know, got to run through the grand floridian and then along that that new pathway that they built a couple of years ago to get you from the grand flow over to magic kingdom. I I did read the the horror stories about how that was a log jam during the half marathon, but I will say it really, you know was it was backed up at some points but it really was not as bad as the half marathon made it seem. Uh. So I I did enjoy that aspect.

Speaker 8:

I thought it was a great call by run disney to pull out the electric water pageant. Uh, there on the seven seas lagoon. I I thought that was absolutely awesome and I really, really appreciated that I will say, since the weather was cooler, both of the parking lot sections, so both the TTC and Blizzard Beach were a lot more tolerable. Now, if this was, like you know, the last two marathon weekends where you know it got really warm, maybe my opinion would be a little bit different. But I will say, as long as the weather cooperates, um, those out and backs, uh, weren't too too bad. Now, as for world showcase, for me this is a huge catch-22.

Speaker 8:

While I greatly miss the final victory, lap um around epcot and again, run disney. If you are listening, please bring it back. But on the other hand, I will say that, especially once you exited animal kingdom, it did mentally help, knowing that you were closer to the end than you thought. You know, usually you're not hitting mile 23 until you're, you know well, past Hollywood Studios and the fact that once we entered Hollywood Studios, I think our group was like trying to figure out, figure out, like wait, we only have a 5k left and this is what we still have to do. So I will say, from a mental side of things uh, that definitely did help.

Speaker 8:

But if there is a way that we can bring back world showcase, please do it. Run disney because again, it's a literal and figurative victory lap. I love all of the cheering that occurs not only by the cast members, the cultural cast members in World Showcase, but just you know the crowd as well too. But I will say, even though we didn't run by Mexico, mad Props. I saw at least three people right at the entrance of World Showcase who had trays of margaritas ready for people to pass out. I thought that was absolutely hysterical and brought a big smile to my face. So for those of you that did that, bravo. But yeah, run Disney. If we can figure out a way to bring that back, let's do it Now. I will say, in terms of the course and in terms of going in reverse, I would actually not be shocked if next year we have to do something similar because from what it sounds like that big Thunder refurbishment is going well into early 2026. So I have a feeling that that is still going to be impacted. So don't be surprised if we have a similar course next year. Don't be surprised if we have a similar course next year.

Speaker 8:

Next thing I want to point out is I wanted to give major kudos to Run Disney for plentiful and well-manned aid stations. I have to go back and check old course maps to compare and contrast here, but I felt like there were more hydration stops than usual. Stops than usual, I mean so far to the point where I made the decision last minute that I was not going to bring my hydration vest with me and I was just going to solely rely on the Powerade and the water that Run Disney gives us. And I got to say it was just the right amount. And there was a lot of it and lots of people passing out the cups, as compared to my thoughts during wine and dine. So bravo there. And then you know.

Speaker 8:

Finally, in terms of the race, I really only had two goals in this race and those goals were to potentially ride everest. But if I, if I knew I couldn't, it wasn't gonna be that big of a deal. And by the time we got to animal kingdom, uh, they did have a cast member out front of the ride on the ground. I don't know if this was an animal kingdom cast member or a run Disney cast member, but they were saying that you can get in line, but if you did, there was a pretty good chance that you could get swept. Now we had a huge buffer on the balloon lady. So I think they were more so saying this from the perspective of what the current wait time of the line was, whether you decided to go through the regular standby line or in the single rider line as well too. So, you know, once we heard that as a group, we collectively decided to pass on that.

Speaker 8:

But I will say this was my absolute slowest marathon to date and I really don't care, because I got an absolutely massive, massive, massive PR and fun and between the people that I was running with and seeing friends on the course and all the costumes and stopping for a couple of character stops, um, you know, once we hit that star wars mile, I knew we were gonna have to stop for john, uh, because you know he's just been clamoring for that. So, you know, maybe next time we can, you know, run a little faster so we can see all of those cool effects in the dark. Um, but yeah, it was a great pr and fun and for me, the highlight and I know I was I said I wasn't going to name names before, but I do have to give one shout out and that is the biggest highlight of the race for me was watching Allie, without an E, cross her first ever marathon finish line. That was such a special moment for me. I'm so incredibly proud of her and all of our Rise and Run family, regardless if you did just the 5k or you did, dopey, I am so proud of each and every member of our community and the things that you accomplished this weekend, whether you crossed the finish line or you didn't. The hard work that you put in should be commended and the amount of pride that I have for this community there's just no words to describe it.

Speaker 8:

And actually, now that I think of it, one other highlight for me for this race was I had the absolute honor and pleasure of serving as a AWD guide for our friend Rachel. Rachel, you have become such a wonderful friend over these last couple of years and when we had that discussion at the meetup on Saturday, I was thrilled to be able to do that for you. So you know, obviously my responsibility was to stay as close to Rachel as possible to call out any audible cues that she might not have been aware of. But I got to say you know, even though I was doing my absolute best to protect you, you know, during the course of those 26.2 miles. You know there were times where you know you were protecting me or you know you were so confident in your paces that you actually got ahead of me and I had to catch up to you. So it was a great team effort.

Speaker 8:

I thoroughly enjoyed my guide experience and I hope it's something that I can either do for you in the future or I can do for others in the future as well, too. So again, that was also another another great highlight and moment for me during this particular race. So those are my thoughts on marathon weekend 2025. I need to get back to work here. I have a few more videos to shoot and edit before hopefully being able to lay out at the pool with a Mai Tai in hand and hopefully seeing some humpback whales in the ocean. But don't worry, I will be back on the mic in next week's episode, so looking forward to chatting with you then, and aloha.

Speaker 3:

All right, greg, thank you. I'm glad you got a chance to make the input. My friend, another great marathon weekend is done. I actually know how many days there are to the next one, but I'll let that go for now. Let's catch up on some things. Friends, just an admin note. Friends, just an admin note. We have all the wonderful chats that we use for each race weekend, and what I had been doing is creating one for each year, and I realized that it was probably easier and maybe even smarter to just take the year off and just run the thing perpetually, because what I would do, I would delete one and then add another. So henceforth we'll have one for each of the majors, because we have a lot of folks running the majors. We'll have one for each of the Disney race weekends, california or Florida, and they just won't be dated, so it should actually make them easier to find. So if you're wondering what happened to the numbers, that's what happened.

Speaker 3:

Serious note every once in a while, something will come to our attention through social media or just through our friendships and I want to pass along our condolences from the entire Rise and Run family and our good friend Stephanie lost a very important person in her life. This week Her aunt passed away. I know that was rough, I know that it was expected. I know that doesn't make it any easier. And, stephanie, from all of us we love you and we're just sorry for your loss. Not that it's in the same vein, but in general I've noticed a lot of our friends are losing their four-legged friends and I got to tell you it gets to me when I see that and I'm not going to mention individuals, it's happened several times in the last couple of months, but we're also sorry about that too.

Speaker 3:

Moving on to a little cheerier note, I want to remind our friends who are running at Disneyland that we haven't done the Disneyland roll call yet. I did see some activity in that chat saying hey, I don't know how to get on. I always give directions on the way to do it, but I always use my laptop and if you're using a phone, this is much more difficult. But if you're on a laptop or desktop and you can get to the top of the Facebook group there's a featured section there and the race report is all the way out to the right. You can put your name there, but you can also send me a note or drop a note in the chat. Chat's kind of risky. I might not see it, but I'll do the best I can and we will do the Disneyland race roll call next week.

Speaker 3:

All right, my friends, it's time for the race report. Got a rather brief race report this week, which is good because we've all been doing a lot of talking. Race report brought to you by our friend Tom Stokes. Stokes Metabolic Training, stokesfit slash, rise and run coaching is the site to go to. Tom started a new eight-week challenge this week. It started on Monday of this week. I noticed a lot of friends are in it. I think it's a great idea. I actually got back to the gym for the first time in a while. I'm having a hard time raising my arms over my head, but it's a good thing. Take advantage, take advantage of Tom's training, take advantage of the plan, take advantage of his knowledge about nutrition and see if you can't make some of those Zoom meetings that Tom has. All right On the race report, I'm going to go back to January 11th for the Lake Mead Nevada half marathon.

Speaker 3:

I missed this one earlier. I got caught up in marathon weekend. Lance said this race featured beautiful scenery and if you see the photos Lance posted, it indeed did. Runs through a couple of railroad tunnels, which is kind of cool. About 380 total runners across all the distances they had there. Little hilly made it for a bit of a challenge for apparently lance lives in sea level flatlander. Next stop he'll be at the disneyland half one.

Speaker 3:

I want to mention our friend Heather missed Marathon Weekend because she was on her first Disney cruise. Been planning this one over a year. Skip Dopey, to get that little rubber medal that they give you for doing the Castaway Cave 5K. It was actually nice weather. It's usually hot even at this time of year. It's quite frequently hot for that event, but it was in the 70s, saw a lot of run Disney folks on the course, probably the most expensive and slowest 5K ever, but you had a great time.

Speaker 3:

Let's look at this race weekend. Let's start on Saturday with the Park Avenue 5K presented by Track Shack at Winter Park in Florida. Tracy was there, sub 35K. I think that's excellent, tracy. I think that's a real benchmark. Moderate effort, always a great race. They give you tickets for post-race food from local food vendors that come out. Sounds like a neat idea. Great to see so many friends. Uh, keeping the miles rolling after dopey marathon weekend. Jared. Jared and his daughter Lily were also there. I'm pretty sure they signed up for it. They were on the race report but I did not see a finishing report, although I noticed that they put one in last year, so I got to assume they did. It looked like they had a lot of fun last year. I got to assume they were back.

Speaker 3:

Let's go to Kirkwood, missouri, for the Snowball Series 4-Miler. This is race two in a four-race series. Katie was there. It's been cold I mean cold is the word of the week throughout the United States Temps in the low 30s at the start and they dropped with the wind gust. Most of the course was clear, but there were some spots that you could have used ice skates on it. Course volunteers and I think we overlook course volunteers not usually, but it's even more important when the weather's like this Volunteering is just tough. They were amazing, did a great job. Did a great job of keeping the runners away from the ice, telling the swimmer to slow down and walk when you couldn't avoid the ice. After the race grabbed a coffee and a sandwich from one of her favorite local spots. Despite the cold and the ice, katie still highly recommends this one.

Speaker 3:

Jimmy, jimmy just wanted to be a unicorn this week, so he did the. I Just Want to Be a Unicorn. 5k in Knoxville, tennessee. Opted out of the half because he hadn't been feeling well, fighting illness recently, but walked the 5K Still finished age group third place through walking, had a nice sub-14-minute walking pace. That's a good walking pace, jimmy, nice job.

Speaker 3:

Our buddy Mark was in Gibsonville, north Carolina, for the Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 5-Miler I think some soldier named this one. This is the first in a series of four trail races. Local one is full of surprises. He DNF'd this one a couple of years ago after doing his first dopey. The half marathon involves two river crossings, but not on a bridge, just run across the river by about two miles. The trail was mostly just slick and muddy. Mark was a little not sure of his footing so it was mostly a walk from then on in, but he did finish Great looking medal. It was mostly a walk from then on in, but he did finish Great looking medal. It's one of these that it becomes part of. It's a series, so each medal goes together to make one grand medal when you're all done. Mark commented as Jack has many times just love the trail running community In St Augustine, florida, the Matanzas 5000, 5k and fun run.

Speaker 3:

Joy was there Powered by coffee, water, and Dayquil Woke up race morning feeling a whole lot better than when she went to sleep, so figured she'd go out and take this one easy. Now she's sitting on the couch relaxing, reading, hoping everyone had a great weekend. Hey, here's a guy who's a friend to a bunch of us. Coach Chris Twiggs did the Daufuskie Island Marathon and a half. I'm not sure what she did. Let me see. Here In South Carolina he was the guest speaker at the pasta dinner the night before. Really neat event Runners take a ferry from Hilton Head to the island for the start.

Speaker 3:

A lot of them come over the night before to enjoy that wonderful pasta dinner and the outstanding guest speaker. Then they stay in an Airbnb close to the start. Everybody's greeted with pre-race cinnamon rolls, everybody Vegan and gluten-free options available. These things are apparently legendary. And you get coffee. Legendary and you get coffee. 13.1 mile loop under beautiful canopied roads, along the beach on a paved bike path. Following the race, a brunch is served with salads, barbecue, veggie burgers, lots more. Chris did do the marathon, didn't PR, but he did manage a three-minute negative split in his second marathon in seven days, thanks to his Galloway intervals, of course. Chris, being a perfect marathoner, did the marathon at Disney. Look, if you don't go to the WDW Marathon weekend or even if you do and you're looking for something completely different, check out the Daufuskie Island Marathon in South Carolina. Can I say something?

Speaker 6:

to Chris real quick. Yeah, chris, I took your advice in Jinji Socks Game Changer.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

No blisters for this marathon. Thanks for the advice. There you go, that's a good one.

Speaker 3:

We had a couple of weekend long events. Let's start with the one that we're going to spotlight this week. Now, one of those weekend events is a little bit different than the others, and I've asked our friend Rob to come here and talk about his weekend. Rob hi, how you doing?

Speaker 5:

I'm doing great guys Bob, fantastic to talk to you again, and John, always good to hear and see you.

Speaker 3:

So thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I appreciate you spending the time with us. We're going to talk about your weekend, of course. Now the spotlight's been gone for a little bit, we get real busy around dopey time, so we're back. I have to remind myself how we do this. Let's start with that standard race report spotlight question rob, how'd you get started running?

Speaker 5:

well, uh, john will appreciate this. The the short answer is uh, the force, and what I mean by that was uh. Back in when my wife and I moved down from kentucky to florida in 2011, my wife was a runner and I was not not whatsoever, had no desire to, but I sure liked going and watching my wife's runs. And when she started doing this thing called run disney in 2012, I started following along and I'd come and I was in the cheer section when it was. You had to pay for it and it was I remember.

Speaker 5:

Yes, sir and uh, would, would you know, chase her around the course for every race that she did, try to see her as many times as possible? Uh, and swore myself never going to do it. My stepkids ran some races. My, my, my triplets ran races down here. I was not going to do it, I was happy just being the guy in the stand. And then they announced that they were going to bring over the star wars themed races from disneyland to disney world and I was I was born in 1969, so I was an eight-year-old child when Star Wars hit the theaters.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 5:

And so you can imagine that I've been a Star Wars fan for my entire life. And when they said we're going to do Star Wars races in April of 2016 at Disney World, that's when I decided I've got to get off the couch and start running. So January 1st 2016 was my first training day.

Speaker 3:

All right, that's a good one, rob. That's the stories tend to break into. My significant other was a runner, or I was trying to date this person, or as a runner, or I was a high school. Anyway, you're the first film-based runner, so I like that. That's a good story and I'm going to toss in here. I'm not. I'm not no spoilers here. How about cycling? When did you get started with that?

Speaker 5:

I started cycling about the same time because I wanted to do something cross fit kind of cross training wise, and that just seemed like a natural thing to do so I I used my stepson's dirt bike at the time. Oh, which was was a challenge, because I'm six, four, my stepson is five, nine, right, but I'm gonna work yeah, yeah, knees up to your chin and all that, yeah, so that that was same time, 2016, I started riding my bike around on the nights. I was not running, so well, I'm gonna.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna hold a question here for a little bit, because I'm assuming you're not riding that dirt bike anymore. Um, so let's talk about the weekend. You didn't it? It wasn't a duathlon, because you're separated by a day, but you did a 5K on Saturday and then 100K on Sunday. Tell us about it, tell us where it was, how it went. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

So this is an event they hold every year called the Tour de Cape, and it's in Cape Claw, Florida, and it's put on by the Cape Claw Parks and Recreation and on Saturday it's just a 5K fun run basically the same kind of fun runs that you have every weekend all over the country. There were probably about 150, 200 runners or so. It was just a straight out-and-back course from a park over in the Cape that I've run at before a few times and so just you know, did that, and then but you did this, coming off at least the marathon.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, coming off. I did goofy, plus the 10K the weekend before and of course, as happens about 50% of the time after I run a marathon, I caught a cold slash the post-marathon crud. So the entire week leading up to the Cape Coral event I was dealing with a cold and a runny nose and everything, so I kind of jokingly called it the Sneezy Challenge.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like that very clever. Well, hey, what the heck? 10k, half and full and you leave out the 5k yeah, you know.

Speaker 5:

So there's a. I have done dopey seven years in a row, and so this would have been eight.

Speaker 5:

Okay, okay, my wife we're going to saint john next month for a race, ironically and we're going to spend a week there, and my wife said look, we really can't afford to do four nights at Disney followed by a week in St John. So I initially just signed up for the Goofy and then, a few weeks ago, I ended up getting a 10K charity bid because one of the charities I've run for before called me up and said hey, we've got a bid left over. We'll sell it to you for cost. Do you want it? Twist my arm.

Speaker 3:

I gotcha All right, I understand. I understand more now.

Speaker 5:

I wish I had been there. I would have loved to have been a puppy. Yeah, and bark the entire 5k running away from Bob. I guess it is.

Speaker 3:

That was the plan. Yeah, yeah, it worked out well. We talked about it earlier in the episode um, so the 5k was fun. You get a good night's rest. I assume the weather was decent this last weekend you know it was good weather.

Speaker 5:

I mean, you know it's four in a race season, so you know you, you've got the nice cool temperatures in the morning, uh, and you're just hoping that there's no fog and no rain. And we were fortunate both days that it was just cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, got it. So then you had the bicycle 100K the next day. Now again I'm going to pick back up. I'm guessing you're not riding that little dirt bike anymore.

Speaker 5:

No, my wife for one of my birthdays back in 2017 or 2018, somewhere in there. She saw me out riding in the neighborhood one day on the dirt bike and she just thought it was the funniest thing. I'll bet.

Speaker 5:

And she got me an actual decent uh road bike, uh, the uh. The bike shop not terribly far from our house actually had a sale on this bike because it was four inches taller than the normal bike and so you have to be essentially all right six foot four or taller right through this thing to work, so she got it at a 50 off discount oh nice. What kind of uh, it's a bmc something or other, white with a bunch of gears that I rarely use.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I get it, I get it, I. I do rod. I haven't ridden in a while. I got a cannondale and my wife bought it for me too, but we worked through the shop. Nice bike. The bike is better than the rider yes, absolutely.

Speaker 5:

I've had people come to me on the bike and ask if I, if I rode seriously and I'm, like you know, as serious as it takes me to get out of my garage and through a couple of neighborhoods and back home and into the recliner.

Speaker 3:

Then yes, I ride seriously, so how'd the ride go?

Speaker 5:

It was really good. This is the first time I've. You know, I just started riding in races. This year I did a 40K.

Speaker 3:

That's an odd distance.

Speaker 5:

The end, excuse me, a 40 miler. Okay, the end of December down in Naples, florida, okay, and so this one popped up and I was like you know, let's push myself. I kind of want to get to a point where I can do, as as half an Ironman, the 70.3.

Speaker 6:

So let's see, can I?

Speaker 5:

do a 62 mile bike ride A hundred. K and I signed up for it and couldn't have asked for better weather. And the Cape Cod police were out. They had most of the major intersections not completely blocked off, but when they saw a group of cyclists coming through, they got out there and held traffic up for us. So there was never any, never had any fear. It wasn't like a road race where they block off traffic completely.

Speaker 3:

Gotcha right. That's safe completely.

Speaker 5:

Oh, oh yeah.

Speaker 5:

That makes a difference, and the biggest challenge with it other than it was, you know, 50 longer than my previously longest bike ride was the wind, um yes which you know, which I knew, wind could be an issue because just riding around for fun, sometimes you get out there and the wind is blowing against you and you feel that. Well, this morning the wind was at our backs for most of the first part of the ride, which was going north through Cape Coral, which meant that coming back home, for the last 25 to 30 miles that wind was in our face and I went from the first 25 miles of the race. I probably averaged about 19 to 20 miles per hour. I finished the race at a 14.6 mile per hour pace.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 5:

That tells you how slow and how much of a clog. And just yeah, it's hard. And, being being as big as I am and my back isn't quite as flexible, I couldn't get low to get aerodynamic. And then after a while, when you have to get up out of the saddle because your your glutes start hurting and you got to stretch those out, it was like I was, I was putting a sail up yeah, I get, I get it.

Speaker 5:

Honestly, I get it, but you know, I got to the finish line and I felt good. Nothing was sore other than my cheeks from the wind blowing on them. And they had lunch, they had beer, it was all free.

Speaker 3:

Oh, beautiful.

Speaker 5:

You know I always say any race where I leave the start line and get back to the finish line in one piece is a success. So it was absolutely a success.

Speaker 3:

Do you find that there are people in line behind you, Rob, using you to draft?

Speaker 5:

A couple of times, in fact. I sat down to eat lunch. A lady came up and sat down next to me and she thanked me for being her uh, her blocker for a little while. That was probably a mile, mile and a half. Uh, I'm not used to that. That's one of the things owning my second ride with a big group. I'm not used to looking in the rearview mirror and seeing a bunch of people behind me there. So I was trying to make sure I didn't do anything dumb and swerve or cause an accident that's it right, just do it.

Speaker 5:

It'd be like an indy 500 pile up or several people running into me behind because I was dumb in the front.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, I one time towards the one time, towards the end of 100k, I got into a pace line and boy, what a difference. I mean two or three miles an hour easy. And uh, we got all finished and I thanked the group for letting me ride and it was a young lady riding behind me and she says well, she was pretty, she's pretty young and I'm not. She goes, sir, I'll ride with you anytime. It's like riding behind a truck, that's great. So uh recommended rob the, uh the the tour to cape 100, I mean for the cape.

Speaker 5:

Uh, you know I've done the 5k a few times in the past and now that I'm kind of doing the cycling thing, I'll absolutely put it on the calendar and, a matter of fact, next year I'm going to have the goal of making it my first 100 mile ride as they have that level as the next one up. So if I can go from my first 100K ride there to a 100 mile ride within a year, I think that would be a nice accomplishment to celebrate this turn around the sun.

Speaker 3:

I think you can do it. It's a challenge, but I think you can do it. That's great. Well, rob, thanks for joining us. Buddy, I appreciate it. It sounds like fun. We need to get to. I need to get back on my bike. How close are you to Fort DeSoto? You know where that is.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I know where Fort DeSoto is. It's an hour and a half north of me.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm much closer.

Speaker 5:

No, but I, you know, my stepson or my son, is up there usf in college and we just got his bike sick. So I, you know, maybe that's what you know maybe I'll start working with him on doing some rides and stuff around and I'm actually going to bring my bike up.

Speaker 5:

I'm coming to clearwater this weekend coming up for the 5k and the half marathon oh up there this weekend and I was going to ride the bike around clearwater on saturday after. Okay. So, rob, thanks, I'll let you go, gentlemen, thank you guys. I really appreciate it, love the work that you guys do, I know. I tell you that in person every time I see you thanks, rob.

Speaker 3:

The other weekend long event was the houston double in houston, texas. Uh, 5k and a half. Catherine did it. I saw that she did finish the 5K, said the weather was really good and she was looking forward to the half. But I didn't get a report on the half.

Speaker 3:

On Sunday in Texas, the Austin International half, formerly the Austin 3M half. This is race number five in the Austin Distance Challenge. Derek did it. Derek was wondering if, because it was a newly named race, that was an automatic PR. Sorry, no, nope. Cold Start, temp 28. Wind chill in the teens. Winds gusting to 30. That's rough. Michelle was there Also commented on the wind and the cold. But Michelle does get a PR because this was Michelle's first half marathon. Her highlight, she says, was somebody handed her a taco. That was her highlight. It was a gesture that kept her going. Jill was also there. Jill PR'd as well by 13 minutes. That's near a minute a mile in a half marathon Fastest course Jill's ever been on. Hit mile one and she thought it was a mistake because she got there so quickly. By the time she hit 10, was feeling great. Not a lot of crowd support, which again 29 degrees, 16 degree wind chill. I'm not standing out and cheering, but still a great race. That was the Austin half marathon.

Speaker 6:

International marathon. How's that international? I don't know. That's a great race. That was the Austin Half Marathon International.

Speaker 3:

Marathon. How's that international? I don't know. That's a good question.

Speaker 6:

I don't think there's any other country 13 miles from From Austin From.

Speaker 3:

Austin? No, I don't think so. I don't think so. Yeah, Don't know. Okay, just curious on that one. That's a good question. Maybe we'll find out later. If we find out, we'll report back to you.

Speaker 3:

Let's go down to Key West, florida, the Key West Half Marathon. Britt was there, as was Holly. Holly did her first half. There's another PR. Beautiful course. This one the city came out to support. I imagine. The weather was pretty nice Some on-course entertainment, lots of water, rest, gatorade stops Overall great time. The medal and this is appropriate for Key West is a hangable bottle opener.

Speaker 3:

Let's wrap up the race report with the I have a Dream 5K in Las Vegas. Pretty sure this one was Sunday, although undoubtedly it was for Martin Luther King Day. Sarah was there. She walked it one week after doing Dopey, a little chilly, but it warmed up once she got moving. Best of all, she got to meet fellow Rise and Runner Chris Chris was there. Chris was there with Woody and Jesse, his beagles. Runner chris chris was there. Chris was there with woody and jesse his beagles. Chris was 15th overall in this 5k, third in his age group, and the beagles both finished first in their age groups or in their species group or whatever. Anyway it was. There we go.

Speaker 3:

Gang race report for episode one 74. All right, my friends, and if you run, you know you are our friend or reminder. No zoom call this week, we will have one next week, even though it is the start of Disneyland half marathon weekend, I think it being 5 PM on the West coast, maybe some of our friends will be able to hop in and tell us how things are going out there in California. Look, whether you made it to Disney for marathon weekend or not, whether you finished your first 5K or your 15th dopey, or if you didn't finish, if you tried your best like John talked abouty, or if you didn't finish, if you tried your best like john talked about earlier and you didn't finish, know that we still love you, we're still proud of you. Get back out there, get back to your training. You can do it in the meantime. Happy running time.

Speaker 1:

Happy running. The Rise and Run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your healthcare provider or event organizer.

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