Rise and Run
Rise and Run
171: She's "Pop"ular! Mayra the runDisney Support Superstar!
Join us for a visit with the unforgettable Mayra, your spirited bus stop superstar from Pop Century, who injects humor and joy into your morning race commutes. And stick with us as we gear up for the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. With Mark's traditional race weekend song setting the tone, this episode is packed with stories of camaraderie, enthusiasm, and unforgettable Disney race experiences.
Our guest, Mayra, shares her passion for creating magical moments, whether at Disney races or music festivals, endearing her to runners and guests alike. Discover the behind-the-scenes world of transportation logistics at Pop Century, and the energy that keeps marathon weekends alive. We celebrate the heart and soul of the runDisney experience, from the joy of wearing costumes to the enduring support of friends and family.
Get ready to conquer race weekend with must-know tips on packing and planning, from the convenience of Amazon Prime for last-minute gear to ensuring your gadgets are juiced up and ready. We'll guide you through creating a seamless checklist, complete with weather essentials like Mylar blankets and sunglasses, to optimize your race day. Relive 2024's standout races, envision your 2025 goals, and reflect on the inspiring achievements of runners like Kathy, Mary, and Jack Witzig, whose dedication and spirit serve as a powerful reminder of the strength within our running community.
As we embrace the new year and the challenges of the Dopey Challenge, we invite you to dream big and join our ever-growing circle of dedicated runners.
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3 am again.
Speaker 2:Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.
Speaker 3:Good morning friends. This is Michelle from the snow globe's snowiest town in the United States Erie, pennsylvania. It is a balmy 17 degrees and I just finished the Santa Snowflake 5k. I hope everybody training for all of their races are somewhere less snowy and warmer than here. Happy running everyone.
Speaker 4:That is Michelle from a very snowy, very cold Erie, pennsylvania. Thanks for leaving that for us, michelle. Hello my friends, welcome to episode 171 of the rise and run podcast. I'm bob and this week I'm here with john. Happy new year, bob. Happy new year john. With greg hey, hey, hey. With Alicia Hello. And with Jack.
Speaker 5:I want to say Happy New Year to everybody too, you can, Jack you just did Now.
Speaker 4:This will tell our friends what kind of exciting lives we lead. We are, in fact, recording episode 171 on New Year's Eve, and we're happy about it too.
Speaker 2:Well, listen, we got to hurry up because John's just going to go across the river then, so he can go to Times Square to watch the ball drop, so we got to hustle up here.
Speaker 6:Okay, john, have you ever done?
Speaker 5:that.
Speaker 6:No, I have to like get there like real early, and once you get in the corral you cannot leave.
Speaker 4:And there are no porta-potties in there no porta-potties.
Speaker 9:That's not right.
Speaker 4:It's true, but it's not right, but it's a fact no backpacks, no blankets, no umbrellas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I have heard it is one of the most overrated experiences that one can have.
Speaker 4:I've never done it never going to. I've been close to Times Square on the year's eve, but I've never been in Times Square and I don't think I'm going to do it either. Let's see my friends, since this week our guest is the bus stop superstar Myra from Pop Century. If you've been on a bus coming out of Pop Century on a race weekend, you know exactly who we're talking about. By the time you finish listening to this episode, I'm going to bet a bunch of you are going to book Pop Century for your next race, just so you can see who we're talking about. It's fun Looking forward to that we're going to have, because this and this will be a theme of the first part of the episode.
Speaker 4:This is the last episode that will drop before we are all together at Walt Disney World for Marathon Weekend. So a rise and run tradition. Our friend Mark is going to join us to sing a song that he's sung the last three years no race report spotlight. The race report spotlight. The race report spotlight will return in 2025. It's a favorite thing of mine, but, gosh, at this time of year it's just too hectic and we can't squeeze it in. But it'll be back, my friends.
Speaker 9:If you enjoyed the Rise and Run podcast, please share us with your friends and introduce them to the Rise and Run family. We want to share in their Run Disney journey. Please remember to follow us on Facebook at Rise and Run Podcast, instagram at Rise and Run Pod. Check out our YouTube channel and visit our webpage at risenrunpodcastcom. If you have a question, comment, race report or want to introduce an upcoming episode, call us at 727-266-2344 and leave us a recorded message 266-2344 and leave us a recorded message and my normal plug.
Speaker 4:We are out of recorded messages, so we're hoping to hear from you, please.
Speaker 6:We also want to thank our Patreons, who support helps us keep the Rise and Run podcast rising and running. If you'd like to join the Patreon team, please check patreoncom. Slash rise and run podcast. And we'll like to thank our newest Patreon, jeff, who joined at the happy running level.
Speaker 5:Hey, jeff all right, you guys, and if you haven't checked it out yet, just letting you know that we put out a new episode on youtube, which I'm super excited about because it's my 100 miler at daytona oh, cool jack, I didn't even know it was up there.
Speaker 2:Jack, thanks for making me cry on Christmas Eve. By the way, I want to thank you for that one.
Speaker 4:You're very welcome.
Speaker 5:You're very welcome.
Speaker 4:I got to see that. I'm really looking forward to it.
Speaker 5:It's up on there and I also do want to say I do promise that I do have the gravity yoga stuff coming. I thought that I would be able to be more um flex like flexible slash, be able to stretch more after the race.
Speaker 1:I physically have not been able to stretch for the most part, and I'm still recovering.
Speaker 5:So I apologize, it's going to be happening. Um, I was really hoping it to be before dopey. Um, but um, I'll keep you guys notified awesome.
Speaker 2:The rise around podcast is sponsored by our friends over at magic bound travel and, as of day of release I think this is a pretty important reason why you might want to reach out to our friends at magic bound is starting today, january 2nd. Guests who are traveling to walt disney world in the summer of 2025 can get the famous trumpet noise in the background.
Speaker 2:Free dining is back, it looks like it's available for most nights, may 27th through June 26th and July 7th through August 6th. So even though unfortunately there are no run Disney races happening at Walt Disney World during that time, if you're just looking for a summer vacation that you want to take with your family, go to magicboundtravelcom. Get that no obligation quote and I'm sure our friends can run all the numbers for you on to whether or not that free dining makes sense for you and your family. So again, magicboundtravelcom.
Speaker 4:You know, Greg, it might be a good thing that there are no runs while they're doing the free dining plan.
Speaker 5:Oh yeah, you want to go on out.
Speaker 4:Because that's a lot of food. You know that is a lot of food. It's a neat thing. I used to do it. It's neat. It's neat to walk into the restaurant and say give me this, this and this and not worry about the price. But it's a lot of food. You pay for it somewhere, bob. Oh, of course, I think everybody knows that. But it's a very popular. Not entitlement, it's a very popular. What's the word I'm looking for?
Speaker 4:Incentive, incentive or a campaign, or it's a very popular thing that they do at Disney World. I know a lot of people are excited about it, so very good. Hey again, I don't really have alibis or apologies, but I've got a couple of runs I want to mention that have slipped through the cracks in the holiday season here. My first note says that Kathy did the Indie Brew Ho Ho Ho, 5k. And if there's anything more significant than that, I don't have a note on it now. Mary and this is uh significant mary did the jingle jog in winston-salem, north carolina, her first ever 5k, therefore a pr. Now I hope I haven't missed too many others. I do my best, I promise. Let's look at the training calendar. Oh my gosh, here we go. I always flashback at this time of year to a time in June when I said all right, marathon training is beginning, marathon training. One week from tomorrow, recording time. One week from today, release time is the 5K. One week from tomorrow, recording time is the Expo. We're one week out, kids.
Speaker 5:Sweet baby Jesus, isn't it?
Speaker 4:amazing it is. It's just amazing to me to think about all that. We've gone through all the training. Now there are seven miles on the training schedule this weekend. Your training is done. Those seven miles aren't going to make or break you, but it's a really good idea to do them. Take as much time as you want to walk them if you want to, but get the seven miles in and then there'll be, I think, six next week, the Saturday before race weekend. Get those in too, so, or I'm already at no, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Speaker 7:This is a.
Speaker 4:Saturday yeah.
Speaker 7:Golly we're there.
Speaker 4:This is the Saturday before race weekend, but get them in, it'll really help you. There's going to be. If you look at your calendar, no-transcript. Four weeks now, three weeks after Disney World, disneyland half. You are in training week 14. And if you are doing the challenge, you have four and twelve and a half miles. Four miles on Jeff's calendar is a walk, twelve and a half is your run walk. Princess Weekend Princess Weekend is seven weeks away. These are all going to be here before we know it. We're in training week 11. Now it depends on whether you're doing the half or the challenge. The half, you've got three miles, the challenge, you've got four. And there's a magic mile on your schedule this weekend. That's always a good time to kind of gauge where you are. Remember, the magic mile is a measuring tool, it's not necessarily a training tool. Springtime surprise is now 91 days, 13 weeks away.
Speaker 6:Three months man, it's just time just flies.
Speaker 4:Wasn't it just Christmas? Oh yeah, it was just Christmas. Wasn't it just Christmas? Oh yeah, it was just Christmas. Wasn't it just 2024? Doesn't it seem like just yesterday it was 2024? That was also last year, bob.
Speaker 4:All right, springtime Surprise Training Week 5 is a three-miler Training update, as I said at the top. If you're, if you're training for marathon weekend, I'll use a phrase that's been going around the customized training group quite a bit the hay is in the barn, just don't mess it up. What? This is unscripted. We didn't talk about this going in gang. Going into the last week before race weekend.
Speaker 4:Is there anything special that you do to make sure you're ready? I'll give you an example. I wash my hands all the time, but the weeks leading up to race weekend I must wash my hands five or six times a day. I don't want to catch a cold from anything, so I'm just even that much more careful. Or when I go into or out of a public restroom and I have an advantage here I don't press on the door where the plate is, or I press way up at the top where I know nobody else can reach Up and down stairs, I try to keep my hands off the handrail little things like that. Uh, up and down stairs I try and keep my hands off the handrail little things like that. I personally, I get a flu vaccine, I get a COVID vaccine before the race season starts, before wine and dine. I'm a big advocate, but if you haven't done that, I wouldn't do it now, not this close.
Speaker 2:I would wait, I would wait this episode brought to you by the CDC.
Speaker 4:But are there any things you guys do Watch your diet or anything?
Speaker 6:Holiday weeks before marathon weekend. That's kind of tough, Bob yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's true, jack, you had something you do.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I usually will think about packing the weekend before. Yeah, yeah, and then I'll tell myself a date that I'm going to do it, and then it happens usually either the night before or the day of.
Speaker 4:That's okay. Do you use a checklist for packing?
Speaker 5:Yeah, but I don't. It's funny, I make the checklist and then I don't usually go back through it, so I don't understand why I make the checklist sometimes.
Speaker 1:Well, you know.
Speaker 4:That is absolutely a jackpot. I signed up for the race but, I, don't look at anything.
Speaker 2:I just sign up for it and then I run it.
Speaker 5:The only time I've actually used, legitimately used my checklist was for Daytona. That was the only time. I think.
Speaker 4:I've ever actually looked back at it. Dopey's a good time too, though.
Speaker 5:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll see.
Speaker 2:Well, jack, I'll, I'll, I'll go off of of what you were saying about packing what you know how. Like you know, the night before race, like the really popular thing to do on social media is to do a live flat picture to make sure that you have everything. I essentially do that when I start the pack, I find my guest bed and then I just start laying things out by day in terms of race outfits, park outfits, kuchamata, go along with everything else, and then I just let it sit there.
Speaker 2:So then that way, when I do go through the checklist, you know, and then that way you know thank God we have Amazon Prime you know that if you know last minute like we'll talk about in a little bit Say you might need to make an adjustment to your costume because of the weather or you need to get something to help keep you warm, I can immediately go to Amazon. Or you know the Target down the street or something like that you know to get those last second things. And that way I'm not like super rushing.
Speaker 9:On that note too, greg putting your fuel in baggies, especially if you're doing dopey or goofy, to have them ready in baggies, especially if you're doing dopey or goofy, to have them ready. That way you can just have it all ready to go and make sure you have everything that you need for the race day. It's a helpful thing. When I've done dopey in the past I even marked on the baggie. I wrote 5k, 10k.
Speaker 4:Well, not the 5k, but whatever day it was, yeah Right. So continuing on with this and you've kind of started it, if you're making a checklist and I don't want to go through the whole checklist, but if you're making a checklist, what are some things you would put on there that you think others who haven't done this before might not think about it? Now, alicia, you already started talking about it with fuel. I think that's a good one, and keep in mind that the weather is forecast to be chillier in Florida than it's been in quite a while.
Speaker 6:I always pack those Mylar blankets even if the weather's not going to be cold, because you never know if a cold front pops in one morning. You got a Mylar blanket and I'd bring up. I usually bring one, one, one or two to the race in the morning because if I need it or if one of our friends needs a Mylar blanket, we've got a blanket.
Speaker 9:No, that's so kind of you. One thing that people may not think of is bringing a reusable water bottle. Especially if you're doing dopey, where you're doing multiple days in a row, or if you're doing the half or the full, you're going to want to hydrate before the races and that way you have it easily accessible and can take it along with you when you're going out and about and meeting friends and doing all the things.
Speaker 4:Okay, I'm going to bring the Mylar blankets. We've already talked about Hot Hands. That's a brand name, but Hot Hands, I was introduced to them at the Jeff Galloway event that he moved to March because Atlanta is so lovely in the spring and it was 19 degrees that morning and uh, I think it was Caroline, I'm not sure One of my lovely customized training plan friends introduced me to hot hands and they were great. So I'll have those and I will almost certainly get some uh, cheap throwaway type rain ponchos or jackets, because it might rain but they also add some warmth and they're easy to take off. Jack, what do you got?
Speaker 5:So I know I'm not great at looking at the checklist again, but I am fantastic when I make one. I think so. So I'm going to toot my own horn by also adding this little tidbit note. I'm going to give you a little two, a little A and a little B, and the first one is is if something is so extremely important that you don't want to forget it, just put an alarm on your phone and label whatever it is that you need to do, like pattern wise and make sure it's like packed before you leave, like have that alarm set for the day before so you could just double check it.
Speaker 5:And the other part of it is your phone might die during the marathon if you're doing the marathon or really even the half marathon. So always setting an alarm to make sure everything is fully charged before you leave, or if you bring in an extra charger with you, like those like what are those? Like little portable ones that you can like yeah, fuel rods yeah, those are great to have. Um, put them like in a little baggie, a little plastic baggie, so that way the sweat doesn't get into it.
Speaker 4:But I mean, make sure everything's charged um, yeah, you know, honestly, I've never and I'm pretty slow, I've never lost battery power on my phone on a marathon.
Speaker 6:You don't listen to music or other stuff.
Speaker 4:That's true, I don't. That's right, that's that's. That's a good point.
Speaker 6:I know some of our listeners use the apps on their phone. You're using a lot of power.
Speaker 4:Yeah, mine's just in my pocket.
Speaker 2:The one that I was going to say, and maybe it could be an afterthought because of what is being forecasted, but make sure you do not forget your sunglasses.
Speaker 4:Oh yes.
Speaker 2:Because if we do get a little bit of wind and it's coming directly at you, at least that will help your eyes and such, it's coming directly at you, at least that will help your eyes and such. And then the other thing and I know I mentioned this on last week's episode when we were breaking down the event guide but especially for the half marathon and the marathon, there are going to be stretches where hopefully we get some clouds. But especially for the half marathon, when you're going south now on world drive, if you are middle to back of the pack, uh, the same can be said for that stretch from the ttc down to animal kingdom during the marathon, and then even animal kingdom to like blizzard beach, where there's not a lot of shade. Um, you know, to hide into that sun is going to be right down on us. So you know again, even though it's going to be cooler than in past marathon weekends, you know, to help shield your eyes, um, I think that's a vitally important oh, the sun still is.
Speaker 4:Yeah, the sun's still as bright, regardless of the temperature. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 6:Something else to think about with your checklist and I don't I thought Jack was going to there Anything that's very important to you, especially if you're flying bringing your carry on. Yeah, do not put it in your checked luggage, because, or at least keep a pair of running shoes that you know are comfortable.
Speaker 9:Absolutely.
Speaker 6:At least one race outfit that you want to wear. So, if somehow your luggage does somehow not wind up in orlando with you, you have something to race with instead of trying to buy something at the expo and feeling horrible about it yeah you know, john, I I thought about it and then I forgot about it halfway through that thought, so that's probably why I didn't go in that direction, but I'm glad that you said it.
Speaker 6:Also, I know. A couple of months back, uh, Jack and company put out a video on our YouTube channel of what to pack for a race weekend. I remember we did that, yeah, yeah so you can go back on our youtube channel and look for that stuff too there you go oh, oh, let me, can I piggyback off of that?
Speaker 2:I don't know I hope you remember another video that you yourself edited and uploaded to our youtube page.
Speaker 5:John just let like little light bulb. He like pushed that little little hanging thing. It's on, Okay and we're good. So another great video. If you've never done Marathon Weekend or you've never done a weekend, a Run, Disney Weekend at Disney, go ahead and check out what it's like at Disney Expo. That is a wonderful video for information. Or even about the one video that we had about the. What is it? The like 20 things that you must remember before going on a Disney race or something like that.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I've forgotten all of those.
Speaker 5:but I should probably look at a screen. That would probably tell me a lot of things, but I'm just going to leave it there because you know that's just me. I'm sorry.
Speaker 4:Well, that's good stuff, jack. Sorry, that's good stuff, jack. That's why we love you, darling. All right, good stuff. Now, that wasn't all inclusive, my friends, and we didn't make any attempt to be, but there's some ideas of things you don't want to forget about. Sit down, think it through, make your own list, Look online, look on our Facebook groups. You will find friends who have checklists that will help you out. And it's smart. I don't care how many times you've done the race. In fact, coach Twiggs was saying this this morning and he's spot on. It's not the new runners, not the first time dopies, not the first time marathoners who forget things. It's the folks who have done it several times to get very complacent and go oh yeah, I can, I can do that yeah.
Speaker 4:All right. Hey, as we wrap up 2024, I'm I want to ask my friends two questions, and we'll take them in order. What was your best favorite, whatever? What was your highlight run for 2024? And what are your goals for race year 2025? Who wants to start? I'll start. I'll start.
Speaker 6:So I only did a couple of races this year but I think going to Bird in Hand and finally running that race, I think that was a highlight race this year. Good.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's a good one.
Speaker 9:So I only did run Disney races this year and so I am going to say my favorite and then an honorable mention. So my favorite was actually the whole springtime surprise challenge because it was really family oriented for the Reitherman family um and I, I really just had a great time. And then my honorable mention is the marathon, because I mean, I can't not say the marathon when it was my seventh one and I'm just grateful for my body, um, so yep it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, of course marathons are always significant, but yeah, that springtime surprise weekend I don't know that's become kind of special the last year or two.
Speaker 5:Yeah, it's always a fun race weekend it is it is, I'll hop on the train right there with you.
Speaker 2:I think, as much fun as I had at Bird in Hand this past year. I think for me, the 10-miler during Springtime Surprise was probably my favorite race of the year because, similar to what you were saying, alicia, about the idea of our community and our friends, and you know these friends who are becoming part of our extended family, oh for sure, I feel like from the 5k up through that race, like the running group just got bigger it did yep, and you know we always you say that you know running with a friend makes things so much better.
Speaker 2:But when you're running with a gaggle of friends, it, you know it takes that excitement level and that level of fun and exponentially blows it through the roof. And I just liked how I'd like each character stop. We just kept picking up more and more people and you know, and then even you know I've been grinding, I know I specifically said the 10 miler but, like you know, if you look at that whole weekend in general, you know the Peter Pan follow the leader as we finished off the 5K. I mean like that.
Speaker 9:That was so much fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a core memory for sure. That was so much fun. Yeah, that's a core memory for sure. So, yeah, I mean, I'd even go so far to say that at least in like my run Disney rankings and I don't know if this is a hot take or anything like that. I think for me, Springtime Surprise is starting to usurp Wine and Dine. I have so much fun during that week because I think it's because the you know the distances are, you know on the lower end, I think it creates so much less pressure.
Speaker 2:I mean sure we still have, you know, paces that we need to abide by and such, but I just think it's it's. It just has a different vibe to it and I think that vibe allows for you to you know, really, really PR and fun. Yeah, so for me, 10 miler during Springtime Surprise.
Speaker 4:See, no pun intended here, no double entendre, but I think that this has caught us by surprise. I think when Springtime Surprise came along, initially the reaction was kind of muted.
Speaker 9:Yeah.
Speaker 4:You know, where's Star Wars? What are they doing? They're supposed to be changing things. Why is it only 10 miles, and now that we've grown into it, it really is becoming something special. Who do I leave it? We haven't heard from jack yet, have we?
Speaker 5:so I only did six races this year.
Speaker 4:I was really trying to think about what I did yeah, but you probably did more miles than the rest of us.
Speaker 6:Just a little bit In one race.
Speaker 5:I really, truly want to say my favorite race of the year was Daytona, but I'm going to put that as an honorable mention. Okay, yeah, it was pretty epic, as much as it was miserable during the second half.
Speaker 4:It was hard too.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I got to run one of my dream races this past year and I forgot it even happened this year because it happened in january and um, I've always dreamed about running through disneyland and to me that was just so beyond magical. To run through pixar pier, I remembered and I'm going to say the 5k especially was my favorite one because it was just felt so magical. I felt like I had the whole park to myself. Um, because I was, I was really speed running to get past through the crowd and once I was out of the crowds, I was like it was just I don't know, it was just so cool.
Speaker 4:No, you had to explain that to us, Jack. We have no idea what you're talking about.
Speaker 5:But to start a race in the park and end it in a park you never like and have most of it in the park is you don't get to do that at really most disney races, I feel like.
Speaker 4:So that's, that was my favorite I can't disagree with anything that's been said. I love it the the one for me this year this was this is almost unfair, but the end of dopey number four back in january was a week after I turned 70 and I got to push my buddy woody almost the entire way.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, that's almost like cheating using that one my best of 24, but without question it was my best of 24. I'm not sure they'll ever top it. We had uh, we had lots of other really, really outstanding races, and by golly I do. I don't care how long it takes me to finish. As long as I finish, I just enjoy meeting up with the family and and going together. So they're all great, but that one's will always be extremely special for me. All right, 24 is just a couple hours away from being over.
Speaker 4:Friends, what are your goals and I'm not putting any parameters on it what are your goals for 2025? Goals for 2025. Goals. Look, my goals are just to finish. Okay, finish, dopey. That's one. I've got a couple destination races this year. I'm going to Flying Pig for the first time. I'm looking forward to that. I'm going back to Bird in Hand. I'm looking forward to that. I don't. I'll be back at the Disney races, but I'm not sure what I'll do in them. I'll be at all of them, but my goal let's see is to still be running at the end of the year, still be having at it.
Speaker 9:So I know 2025 is mere a couple hours away. Um, and I'm still working on my personal goals. But my running goals I really want to focus on getting faster. That was my goal in 2023 and then some life stuff happened. So I want to get back to that, because I've really spent this last year on endurance, um, and then continue with um strength training and hopefully at some point, try for a PR. If that's for the marathon, if it's for a shorter distance, I'm not really sure yet. We're going to see how the year goes, but, um, those are my running goals.
Speaker 5:So I I don't know why I didn't think dopey was next year. I'm like, oh, cause next year is in a few. In a few hours I messed with my mind. I was like I don't know why I didn't think Dopey was next year. I'm like, oh, because next year is in a few hours. I messed with my mind. I was like I ain't doing any races and I was like, wait, no, I am. I would like my legs. My goal is to have my legs at least somewhat recovered for me to be able to complete Dopey.
Speaker 5:I've been able to go on one run and I did two miles and I can confidently say right now I could do a five can and 10 K. I am a little not confident about the half and the full, but I still have about a week and a half, so we'll see. So that's my goals to be able to complete dopey. So I could say I did Cruella to dopey and um then the rest of the year I just want to have fun with running. I don't want to put pressure on myself by choosing a race specifically. If I want to go and do a race, I'm going to go and just be like, okay, let's just go and have fun with it and not make it a time goal or a distance goal of any kind.
Speaker 4:That sounds great.
Speaker 5:Yeah, because I'm getting married in 2026 and I want to have fun and not stress out getting married in 2026 and I want to have fun and not stress out.
Speaker 2:so for me and I know this is this is a very cliche thing to say around this time of year but my, my ultimate goal for for 2025 is is to lose weight. I, I got, I got to a point during the pandemic where I I lost a substantial amount of weight and even I want to say I think it was like 2022, I was able to maintain and then and then drop a little bit more. But you know, life, life's and I just I know I have a a very um, unhealthy relationship with food. Like it's weird, like I, the exercise part of it is not, is not an issue for me If not, I, you know, I wouldn't be on a running podcast but it's. It's the nutritional side of things where I really, really struggle.
Speaker 2:So I know there's many mindset changes that I need to go through, so I need to start exploring those, because I'm not interested in fads and I don't want to put overall pressures on myself. So, even though I don't think I want to set a goal, I want to be this weight or I want to lose this many pounds in 2025. That's not the goal, because I feel like if, if I put like a specific number on it, I'm really good, I could set myself up for failure. So, but the idea of just creating healthier habits that in turn, will lead to a healthier lifestyle, which then, I hope, will then translate into, you know, easier times with running, which will then hopefully turn into being able to become faster and maybe set new PRs. I want to take the healthy lifestyle portion and let it morph into the, into the running, and see where it takes me. As opposed to this is the poundage.
Speaker 2:this is the this is the race distance and this is the time that I want I. I just wanted to naturally um, you know flow in the right direction, and I know I have an amazing community, not only with my wife and my daughter, but here on the podcast and also other family and friends, so it's something that I know. That will not happen overnight, it will take time, but it's something I need to get more serious about in the upcoming year.
Speaker 6:I think my goal is kind of the same. I want to get a little healthier. I had some injuries this year. I had a bad case of planters. That still kind of bothers me a little bit and I hopefully that goes away and I can. I want to try to get a POT this year and I haven't had one in a while. So I think that's my, my goal. It's not I don't know, even if it's a 10 K POT to get a half marathon that's, that's good.
Speaker 6:I mean, don't need to go too too far yet.
Speaker 4:Oh, I'd like to do that too, john. Yeah, that would be great, alright, well, alright, friends, sounds good, sounds good. I hope Maybe we'll play this back at the End of 25 and see how we did. I don't think we'll really do that, but what the heck, it sounds fun right now.
Speaker 6:Jack, put it on your checklist, jack, oh yeah, for sure.
Speaker 2:I'll remember exactly where that's at and I won't try and put it through the washer like I just did my wallet you know, I I actually have something that I want to throw out to the gang here and we did not talk about this, so surprise, but but. But I think this is something that we need to talk about. What was your favorite 2024 podcast memory, whether it was a guest or a meetup or something? Jack said. You know something along those lines.
Speaker 5:My favorite recordings that I've been so blessed with being part of this host. I would like to say that the Family Feud episodes were my favorites to record this year.
Speaker 9:They were very fun the two of them.
Speaker 2:Jack, I'm right there with you again. I think for me, from a recording standpoint, right there with you again, I, I think for me, from from a recording standpoint, the uh, the family feud episodes were an absolute ton of fun. And then I would say, from a like live in person perspective, I, I think I can't just put that one any meetup during this year.
Speaker 2:So I got to be between marathon, weekend, springtime, surprise quasi bird in hand and wine and dine. You know you go to those you know regardless of the weekend and you think that it can't get any more special or it can't get any any bigger. And then you're just so surprised and it brings, it brings such joy to my life. Um, you know it's, it's something that I I hold on to forever and I hope that that feeling continues into 2025 family feud episodes were great also.
Speaker 6:I really liked what we did this year with the final four episodes we did.
Speaker 9:Those were really fun. Final four.
Speaker 2:The March Madness style shows.
Speaker 6:Oh my god, I forgot about those Because it was in March. Yeah, yeah. That was real fun. We've got to do that again this year with a different.
Speaker 4:We will, John. We will Don't Restaurants.
Speaker 6:But Shh Don't tell Restaurants, but shh Don't tell anybody. Yet Don't tell anybody.
Speaker 9:I've just been so grateful of all the new people we got to meet through the podcast this year and the amazing guests we've had on. Every time we have a new interview and a new person that we're meeting, we're all a little nervous. We're like, how is this going to go? And we make a new friend, a new family member, and it's just really fun to bring new people in um and just create a bigger and more great family.
Speaker 4:Alicia, I'm going to piggyback and say mostly the same thing, Cause I just, while we were talking, I just went through the list of all the episodes for last year and I was thinking, Ooh, I remember that guy. That was.
Speaker 1:Ooh, this girl.
Speaker 4:Everyone, every one of them. I was just so happy. And gosh, who was. So many people, of course, chris and Jeff were with us, as usual. We haven't talked to Chris in a while. He needs to come back. Chris and Jeff were with us as usual. We haven't talked to Chris in a while. He needs to come back. Golly, we re-ran Taryn, but just so many, so many folks. When we talked with Matt about carrying the flags which, by the way, we get the flag from the 5K at Marathon Weekend oh yeah, yeah, we'll get it after matt's done carrying it. Uh, it's just one after the other, the one that, uh, jack, that you set up for the vacation races I forget the name that was.
Speaker 4:That was fun um. Our council of costumes came back uh uh, coach stokes britney came back and we haven't talked to britney for a while. I'm waiting for I don't want to bother her till the baby's here yes you know what our d23 talk?
Speaker 5:yes, yeah, that was fantastic you know what I think?
Speaker 2:yeah, you'd have to parse things out, but I think those two episodes were some of the most downloaded episodes that we had this year. I mean now, usually our recap episodes are the most downloaded that we get. But yeah, those two episodes with Amanda definitely rank up there. I know her original episode, I believe, is in our top five ever most downloaded episodes. So, yeah, I always love chatting with her and we need to find a good excuse to bring her back for sure?
Speaker 4:OK, yeah. Remember when we talked with Jonathan Siebert? Yes, yeah, that was fun. I still haven't met him.
Speaker 9:Yeah, he's doing dopey, so hopefully we'll get to see him sometime, I love talking with Fitz Kohler.
Speaker 4:She's a blast. I'll see her in February at the Gasparilla run. So I'm copping out and saying I can't really pick one. I just enjoy the heck out of it, and one week after the other, I'm looking forward to next year. We'll see who else we can get to join us. We got to get the marathon winner, oh yeah, every year, hey, and we always get the female winner. And if you wonder why, many times the male winner is a Brazilian, who may or may not speak English well, so that's kind of a cop out.
Speaker 6:So if you know a male winner this year and he speaks really good English, let us know, let us know.
Speaker 4:We have never had the male winner. We've had the female winner, starting with Brittany and then the last four years. Now hasn't it been?
Speaker 2:every year of the podcast, we we've had the female winner of the marathon. It was Stephanie and Katie.
Speaker 6:Katie been. Yeah, every year of the podcast we've had the female winner of the marathon. Yep it was?
Speaker 2:it was stephanie, and uh, uh, katie, katie.
Speaker 4:Yes, yeah that's fun, katie. You just won the uh walt disney world marathon. What are you going to do now?
Speaker 6:I'm going to the rise and run podcast and we did have neely on as a winner when she beat one one, one princess, yeah yeah, one princess all right out, that's right.
Speaker 4:That's right. I knew we had that's the other person. I was getting confused. Thank you, john, that's right, all right. Well, it's fun, friends, it's fun, but we're getting closer to midnight, so what do you say?
Speaker 2:we visit with our guests for the week there are are many people within the Run Disney community who are institutions throughout a Run Disney race weekend. Some of those might include Jeff Galloway, carissa Galloway, pelkey Jogging, jack Sparrow. Those are just a few, but there's one woman who holds a very similar title, but the thing is we might never see her at the start line or finish line and she is one of our biggest supporters. If you have ever stayed at pop century for a race weekend, I think you know who I might be talking about. We would like to welcome myra to the rise and run podcast. Myra welcome.
Speaker 7:Thank you so much for joining'm very honored and happy to be here with you guys this evening.
Speaker 2:We are so excited. It's funny when I met you and I asked you to be on the podcast, I love what you said to me and that was sure I'll do it, but I'm a little shy and I had to laugh because I don't think that is the case whatsoever. And I had to laugh because I don't think that is the case whatsoever. So, before we get into the wonderful stories and the wonderful relationships that you have made when you work one of these events, what is your official title?
Speaker 7:I am your liaison for transportation. I am there to make sure that our guests have their buses when they're supposed to be there and that everything runs smooth.
Speaker 7:Interaction with guests that's my own thing. Most of us that work this event there's quite a few of us in the backseat that you guys don't see. Everyone is just to be in the background and kind of make sure that the buses are running and everything is going smooth. The way that I am is something that you probably won't find with anyone else within our work environment, because it's not required, it's not asked and it's even not even mentioned. And it's even not even mentioned. I create my own kind of moment with these individuals, with all our guests, with all of the runners. A lot goes into having them come into the Disney property, into planning, and I go through this with a lot of them the planning, the preparation, the getting up, the, you know, staying on your toes, the practicing over and over all these extended hours that you put into it, and that's not even encountering everything else that comes with it.
Speaker 4:Mara, what time do you get there on race day?
Speaker 7:On race day around 1.30 in the morning.
Speaker 4:I figured we are supposed to be there at 2.30 in the morning.
Speaker 7:I figured we are supposed to be there at 2.30 in the morning. That is our official start time. I try to get there a little bit earlier to go over to ESPN, make sure that everything is set there, kind of see what the roads look like, because we do sometimes have people that come in park at these places and shuttle in. So even though it's not part of something that I have to do it just for my own benefit, it makes me calmer. I'm happier when I know that everything is the way that it's supposed to be. I know that our runners have a lot in their heads already to plan and everything. So anything that I can do on my side to kind of just take that part of it, the ease part out of it, then I'm going to do it.
Speaker 2:You know, myra. One question that I thought of that that I should have asked upfront is help us delineate Are you an official cast member of the Walt Disney company? Do you work specifically for Run Disney or do you work specifically for the bus company?
Speaker 7:I actually. It's none of those oh okay, how about that. Okay, your bus company Run Disney hires. I'm not a cast member. Yeah, I know that's weird.
Speaker 4:I'm surprised at that, yeah.
Speaker 7:Disney's very close to my heart, just like all the runners, so I guess that's one of the things we have in common. That's a common bond Disney Run. Disney hires a company called Academy to run all kinds of the bus routing and all of that. Okay, once Academy is hired, academy hires us TMS for our staff to make sure that buses are where they need to be, that everything is running smooth. There is a total of 11 different more like 16 different properties, but there's 11 routes that are running constantly during these events and they're all running together at the same time. So we have staff located at all these resorts to make sure that everything is running smooth, that buses are where they're supposed to be, that the timing, that we don't have guests waiting too long, that kind On a typical work environment. We usually hire academy for our bus people and we run the show. This is where the tables turned for our company, where Academy was hired by Disney, and they hired us because they know how well we run these kinds of events. You know this is just a weekend event which we do a lot of and too many props, but we do this all the time wherever we go, whether it's a sporting event, a musical event, a golf event, one of these major festivals, musical events, all these things we do with the company, so we are very comfortable. But usually we don't get to interact with our guests like we do at Disney because the tables are turned. So for me it was a huge plus when they announced that. You know, academy had it and we obtained the contract.
Speaker 7:My first question was which one has the largest amount of people? A lot of my counterparts are very afraid of large crowds and groups and this I wanted to make an impact because I love our Disney folks and I feel them at heart, just like I am. So I wanted to make as big of an impact at the biggest property that we could find. So my counterparts know me and they're like oh, let her, that's perfect, because we don't.
Speaker 7:You know, there's other properties where buses come around and you see five or six people at one time. Pop Century is one of those largest ones out of them all, where we have the bulk of people. Even over at the All-Stars there is that amount of people, but they're scattered in so many different stops that when the buses pull up you see it's only three people here, five people there, 10 people here, that kind of thing, and by the time they come around to all the stops, you've got a bus full. At Pop Century we have buses full right from the curb. So for me that is a huge bonus because I get to talk and interact with lots and lots of great people on that curve.
Speaker 4:Lots of crazies real early in the morning.
Speaker 7:You know what. It doesn't feel like that to me. I know a lot of people are like this is nuts. I can't believe the videos you post of the people, how they're dressed. It's very part of me. I think, that if we didn't see that it just wouldn't be. I mean, there's so much excitement and there's so much bubbled up energy that we all have because we all want to be there and everyone that's there is there of their own will. I mean, they put a lot of effort and thought into being there, so it's huge for me anyways, and a lot of people have that essence, that vibe, that energy.
Speaker 7:It's a two-way street. I mean I see it with everyone and it's great to pull up and see thousands of people lined up and everybody. It's a thing in the morning and we've made it a thing and a lot of the other guests that have stayed with us and then they go somewhere else, like the Riviera, or they'll go to Blizzard Beach or any of the other areas around the Yacht and Beach Club. They're like or they'll go to Blizzard Beach or any of the other areas around there, the Yacht and Beach Club, they're like it's so quiet, it's so incredibly boring. And then they say, why don't they have? And I said you got to understand that what you have happening at Pop Century it's our own. It's a two-way street, our guests and myself and we've created this energy bubble there that you can call it, and it's there and you're welcome to come join. But on our side it's not required by anyone anywhere else. It's just something that organically became a thing. And it just became a thing. Yeah, you know.
Speaker 4:It's true.
Speaker 8:Now everyone associates you with being stationed at pop century. But have you worked at any of the other resorts? Or follow-up question Do you get assigned to pop century because you've been there forever and that's where you have established your bubble, or was it just by chance that you just started doing pop century?
Speaker 7:it was a choice, um, when, when this came through, a lot of like I said, a lot of my folks. I work with a lot of these, these people that are there all over the country. We do travel a lot, we go everywhere and everyone knows me for the same thing. Um, I'm very energetic, I'm very bubbly, I love people.
Speaker 2:I'm a true people person that's not coming across right now. For some, reason. I don't know why.
Speaker 4:You'll fix it in post.
Speaker 7:And I enjoy, whether believe it or not, my Disney people is definitely something that it's a perk for me. But I'll go to a music festival and I'll wear the beads and the colors and the headdresses but I don't have that interaction with the guests like I do with Disney Because, again, like I said, our tables were turned. But at all these events, the bus drivers I have very good kinship with bus drivers from the East Coast, the West Coast and everywhere in between where they see me and they remember me and I kind of create a bond. My way of being, I guess you could say, is I try to bring some sort of happiness and joy to anywhere and everywhere that I go, the way that I see things in life, whatever you put out there, you get tenfold. So even if I'm doing something crazy I might be in the middle of the desert loading buses for a Burning man event.
Speaker 7:Oh, really yeah oh yes, I work that and, as a matter of fact, on my my thing, you'll see my anomalia, my stickers oh yeah, yes, and I have been there. And if, if, no one else is around, you better believe I have music playing. I'm dancing by myself with a tree sitting in the grass, just being joyful internally. You got to create your own joy inside.
Speaker 7:That's my, my and if I can make someone out there's day if they're not having a good day for whatever. I've made connections with people that I never thought I would see again in California, I saw them again in Philadelphia, so I'm in Texas, just incredible. Even the run Disney team my very first dopey that I worked the marathon, the Dopey Challenge. There was a gentleman and he had his dopey shirt and you know, we created a thing. We were at Pop Century Fast forward. About eight months later, I am working the Best Buy Convention in Las Vegas and I see someone walking across the corridor and I see the dopey shirt. So I start going woohoo, congratulations. So what is that? It's a 40 something, whatever the minus 48.6.
Speaker 7:That's right. So I yell it out. I said, woohoo, 28.6. Let's go. And he turns around and he says that voice and he goes wait. And he turns around and he says that voice and he goes wait a minute. And I look at him and I recognize him and I said, oh my God, you stayed up and he's like I know, when you were the bus lady we had a moment, that's wonderful, even though it had nothing to do with Disney.
Speaker 7:I saw the shirt. I still brought that on. And now people are going what's going on here? Like how do they know each other, like how do you? And then we explained I said no, he ran the Disney race and blah, blah, blah and it was a thing. And he went and got some more of his friends and brought them over and we had a picture and this was Best Buy had nothing to do with Disney.
Speaker 7:So if I can bring that, or if I'm doing something quirky, funny, whether it's a sneakers that everybody adores, the sneakers that I wear with lights on the bottom, they see that somewhere and, even if for one second, it just makes them smile and say, oh, I remember her and her crazy ways. Look at, that's enough. That's a good vibe. There's, there's more need of that. Wherever we may be in our lives, you know, and you might be having that one moment, that everything is just not where it should be. And you'll remember something that happened, some some quirky saying, whatever. You know that I would tell everyone on the bus oh, flash your medals, but only flash your medals, please. Something that just it'll resonate with them and then maybe somewhere along their life something will spark that memory and it'll just bring the good vibes. That's kind of what I want to do with everyone you know yeah, I do, it's nice, you know.
Speaker 4:I don't know.
Speaker 7:It seems like pop has become the unofficial headquarters for disney runners it has yeah it's one of the larger properties between that and coronado springs is the other one.
Speaker 4:That's a very large property as well, but it's more spread out, spread out, yeah.
Speaker 7:And you also have the All-Stars, but it's bungalows everywhere.
Speaker 4:Again yeah.
Speaker 7:Or you have that kind of thing, Pop. Everything is kind of close by Funnels into the one, yeah. You have the Skyliner.
Speaker 7:You have access to all the other bus areas where you want to go to downtown Disney or Magic Kingdom or any of those places. You have that ability when you stay there. I know a lot of people say you're promoting pop. It's not that, it's just very convenient. It is the closest to your ESPN, which is when we have. When everyone comes in they have to go and get their bibs. It's the closest, so you're there and back. You have connections to everywhere. In a couple of minutes you're at 417 I-4. You are very that property. It's very accessible for everyone to get where they want to go visit around and it's a huge property and it's become a thing that a lot of folks want to stay there.
Speaker 4:And it is a little bit more affordable than some of the others too. Correct, correct, that doesn't hurt.
Speaker 7:You know this is something that a lot of you didn't know when we started this whole thing, you know, from the very beginning I was at Art of Animation. First because I run both sets. We had two young people at Pop Century. Myself and another young man were at the Art of Animation. From there I left them alone and I came to Pop Century to kind of drive back and forth. That's when I said you know what? Art of Animation is smaller, so we'll put a group there and then I'll come to Pop Century. And because this is a larger group here, Now the manager at Pop Century I believe his name is Mike.
Speaker 7:He is amazing. He watched four or five different marathons that I was there and it was always the same thing Very loud, very obnoxious in the morning, four in the morning, till all the runners came in, I was there for them. Like I said, you grow a bond, you know, and even if you win the race or you don't, sometimes they need that. It's okay. You made it here, you went through planning, you practiced, you gave it your all. You put 100% of yourself into this, Okay. So the medals there, that's not the important part, the part that you were here and you did all this. That's what's important. Take a moment to take in the whole experience of everything you just went through to get to this moment. So it's special. So once you create that with our friends that I considered, oh, I'm going to go hang out with 2,000 of my friends this morning. That's the way I see it, you know. It's something special and it brings them back and it brings that little memory again, that happy thought later on, wherever that may be.
Speaker 7:A lot of people just oh I. You know we have avid runners, don't get me wrong. They want to go, they want to come back and that's that's great, you know, that's fine. But then we have other ones that want to prolong the experience, want to have a good time while they're there and and just enjoy themselves. And if I can make it better, I'm definitely going to do that and I love being around them. And the hours are crazy and the coworkers are all like you're insane. You're the only one that's like but, I, enjoy it.
Speaker 7:It's every time the marathons come around. I look forward to each and every one of them. And now it's known with our people. It's like because it's one of the largest properties. Whenever you have a huge property, it takes a lot more to manage that property, to make sure that everything is the way it should be. It has a lot to do with your connections with the drivers. It has a lot to do with the connections with the folks. It has a lot to do with your other counterparts If you are, more than anything, very respectful with our drivers. But a lot of drivers also, you know, have their way of doing things. They've been doing this for so many years and they have been jaded because they are mistreated by the people that load the buses. So every once in a while you'll get a hiccup with a driver here or there.
Speaker 7:I have been very, very fortunate. I treat my drivers very well. So in our spot when we need a bus, there's always buses. There's hardly ever any issue of buses taking too long. Ada or the wheelchair accessible vehicles for our folks that need to ride on wheelchairs with their families and friends. You know all these little things. It takes these drivers if you are good to them and you're nice to them, and the same that I treat my guests, I treat them when you need them to do something for you. You better believe it. They're going to be front and center for you immediately, no questions asked.
Speaker 4:That's nice.
Speaker 7:Yeah, and it does. You have to kind of build a relationship with them, because they are maneuvering in these properties with 50-plus people on board and they've been up hours and have these lives in their hands. And they've been up hours and have these lives in their hands. So I'm very fortunate to have really good bonds with our drivers. And even if it's a driver that is on my route and I know that they're having an issue at whichever one else, you know, the one that's, the ones that's next door, is what is that? The all stars? I'll call the kids that are running that and I'll say, hey, how you doing out there? And they're like, oh, you know what, I'm short, I need three buses. I have people in line. I said don't worry about it, I'll go to my drivers. I say, hey, could you guys do me a favor, can you pick up these folks and take them and then come back to me? The drivers absolutely no problem, because I try to explain to my counterparts. Talk to your people, let them know as much as you know. That's all folks ever want is just to know what's happening, what's going on, what time of the bus is going to be there. There's so many questions we have in our heads. Answer as many questions as you can. Trust me, when that 2 o'clock in the morning rolls around, you're gonna love it. You know there's times that I sit back at that curb at three. You know I always tell them two o'clock, we start loading it to 2 30, we let you go and then I kind of already got my bearing. So I kind of know about your corral numbers and and I'm always constantly asking questions and updating things whatever I can in my head to give as much information as possible.
Speaker 7:Yes, we're in a digital age. Yes, everything is online. But as an older person you notice I wear these. You give me a text message. It's going to take me 20 minutes to read. I got to put the glasses out. I got to make it bigger. I got to make it bigger, right, thank you.
Speaker 7:Right, and you have to go through a process and a lot of our folks are like, oh well, I said, come ask, come ask. If I don't know the answer, I'm going to find you the answer and it's going to be one that's going to. I mean, people still have their way of doing things and I understand that. But if I can give you any information. That's going to make it easier for you in the morning. Trust me, it's going to be better for you and me. We're both going to have a great time and everyone's gonna end up leaving happy, which is the mango. That's it.
Speaker 7:And then, at 4 30 in the morning, I'm sitting on the curb. Everybody left, there's no silence, and another 30 drivers, because by this point everyone's there, everyone's ready to roll, and the drivers have come back to me and said well, what else do you want us to do? I said you guys did what you were supposed to. You're good. Now you just get to relax until after we start shuttling them back. And I guess that's what makes a difference, because a lot of these other posts still have people Because the bus didn't show up, because this didn't happen. Talk to your people. I said it makes a huge, huge difference. Talk to them. That's all you need to do. Tell them what's going on, answer their questions.
Speaker 7:You know, and get to know them.
Speaker 4:They're going to be back. They'll be back, that's right.
Speaker 6:So this is a question about to run Disney weekend in the buses. So one of the questions is the bus drivers, do they try to get the same hotels every race weekend? Or try to say, I want to be at pop, I want to be at all star, and are they staying at the same resort the whole weekend to run that show, or they get moved around?
Speaker 7:The way that it works is normally. They all get moved around. However, can I be on Myra's route? Can I be on Myra's?
Speaker 7:route, yeah, when you have 100 bus drivers and they all want to be on my route number one. It makes me feel amazing. That's the first and foremost Secondary. Not everybody can be on that route, so they try to shuffle them around as best as they can. Whoever gets there first gets first dibs. A lot of the drivers will ask for the same route, but they are trained on every single one of these resorts and they can move around to any. And when they check in they get a kind of like a pamphlet right With every route in this pamphlet with the physical address of the resort and the turn-by-turn directions on how to get there within the property itself From Epcot to the resort resort to Epcot or from the resort to ESPN and vice versa. So they all have the knowledge and they've been doing it long enough to know. And they also have a training day.
Speaker 7:Before any of you, before anything happens, these drivers are given a day to be driven around the properties and they get to see everything. So they're very comfortable. Where they're going Now the choice of where they want to be. It just sometimes our you know, our counterparts are checking in these buses and they are assigned a certain route. This is where those numbers. We are number 11. And, like I said, we're so good at being number one, they give it to us twice. That's my latest joke for the group Good one. They are very comfortable with Route 11.
Speaker 7:Route 11 is very easy but it has the bulk of people. So sometimes when the other routes have a hundred people for the whole morning, here we are at 1700, 1800, 2100, you know, so it does. But a lot of them prefer that. They they want to be on that route because they know how folks are, they know that folks are educated enough. Uh, people come in, they get in and they get their job done and everything is you know. But a certain time we're good, we're golden, everything is fine and we get it. You know, every once in a while we'll have a couple of stragglers that didn't realize that at four o'clock in the morning it's running late.
Speaker 7:If you're on corral A or B you better bring as much pixie dust as you can because we can get you to the race. But getting you on your corral you're on your own. At that point it's very and it's difficult. When you have you know you're setting your own arm, and I know it because it even happens to us. I get very excited about it and you're like, okay, I got to go to sleep, I got to go to sleep, and our folks get there and they're running around all around. Oh, let's go to the magic kingdom for a couple hours. Okay, let's go eat at at downtown disney. Okay, we're gonna go shop for this. You don't realize. You just put 12 to 20 miles on your yeah, yeah, absolutely because where you park to where you go eat, it's a hike.
Speaker 7:And then you got to walk back, and then when they drop you off to your room, it's a hike, and let's say, oh, now you want something from the snack bar. Now you're gonna, you know, quarter of a mile here, and all these little bids add up and you don't realize it till you have that. You know that they always say that last, what is it? The last kilometer is the hardest one, because now everything falls on you. You know, and you realize that you know you did, oh, but you're in Disney, oh, you're in Disney, so, and you forget till you sit down and then you realize, oh, I might be in trouble.
Speaker 2:All right, myra, I want to go back to something you said a little bit earlier about the relationship that you've developed with the manager at Pop Century, and the one thing that I've noticed and I I saw it at pop during wine and dine and I know bob and I, you, you and I have experienced it at porter lean's french quarter is that when we arrive back, we've been seeing this awesome trend of like welcome back celebrations you know whether it's a step and repeat or a photo frame, or you know the, the, the Disney buns with like I'm celebrating like little bottles of water and stuff like that. With the relationship that you have with the, with the managers, and just your infectious positive energy. Did you have a hand in any of that planning or is that specifically you did? Wow, that, that's incredible.
Speaker 7:Tell us about that said no question about it. When we first started this, it was very quiet on that curve and I made noise and I started with just clapping. Then I brought my own personal cowbell and I stayed there and I clapped and I welcomed and I did this for three marathons in a row without anything. And then one day, over at the where I am station, right across, there's a parking area right in there I saw this gentleman, very well-dressed gentleman, mid afternoon Everybody was heading to expo very well-dressed, just kind of sitting there and just watching, watching In the corner of my eye. I'm always very aware of my surroundings, so I said, okay, well, that seems odd and I just let him be, I just keep doing my own thing. The next day he showed up, and he showed up when they were returning after the race. This was on the half a marathon, so it was probably maybe like nine-ish or something, and he was watching everything that was happening.
Speaker 7:Shortly after that I want to say the very next marathon Mike came up to me and asked me if it would be okay, if I would be happy to have some cast members come help me greet the folks when they get off the bus. I was ecstatic. I was like, oh my God, yes, yes, bring them, all of them, I don't care. Yes, yes, yes. Oh my God, great idea, phenomenal, blah, blah, blah. So he brought over three young ladies and they had the white Mickey Mouse hands, which was really cute, and they helped me. That grew into hey, do you think that they would like a red carpet coming off the bus? Oh my goodness, yes, bring it, bring it, bring it. Okay. Two, I'm going to put a table here with some little water and pins for the mess. And, oh my God, yes, phenomenal, yes. And then has grown into everything that you see today. You know the photo ops and all this.
Speaker 7:And I absolutely had a hundred percent of the. It was a hundred percent in my because I kept saying he kept going and you really enjoy this and I love doing this and you guys. And I kept encouraging him to bring all these kind of little things because I said you don't understand, look at their faces when they come off this. This is going to make the difference whether you stay somewhere else or you stay here. I said because you're bringing that extra little thing and they love that. And I said anything, because you're bringing that extra little thing and they love that. And I said anything, you know, once they cross that finish line, it's yay, and then they go back to the resort and it's done, it's done, and I said so. It's beautiful to have it prolonged, even when they're walking through the property.
Speaker 7:For have somebody, hey, congratulations, woo-hoo, yeah, whatever it may be, you know they wear their medals and there's a reason why they're wearing their medals they're proud of themselves so let's encourage that and he brought all these things, one after the other, after the other, and kept asking me would this be okay? And I said, absolutely, bring everything, bring everybody. It's amazing, let's welcome everyone. And I encouraged him to keep bringing people and he has added the photo ops, the pins, the rest, the bubbles, the carpet, the all of this stuff and it's amazing and I love every minute of it, even if someday I'm not there, and he has all this for them.
Speaker 2:I did my job I mean just it's incredible to see that you know that idea, you know just blossoming between the two of you and now how your impact has, in theory, spread across all of walt disney world property. I mean that's really good. Like I said, I've only ever seen a pop in that french order, but I'm sure there are other resorts that do something similar, but at least for now I haven't seen anything better than Pops. So bravo to you and your charisma and your encouragement to help bring that to life. That is absolutely amazing.
Speaker 7:I'm hoping Mr Walt is up there somewhere looking down.
Speaker 2:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 7:That is definitely where I'm at Way to go.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I can picture it. Way to go, myra, I can picture that High five. Thank you, I'll take it Way to go, myra, I can picture that High five.
Speaker 7:Thank you, I'll take it Absolutely. I try to encourage the rest of my folks because they see me, you know that I come in and then a lot of them follow a lot of the different websites that they have, these little groups, and a lot of times I'm not aware of them and they'll come when we're having our team meeting. They're like look at Myra, and they're like flashing pictures and they're like well, how'd you do that? I said talk to your people, get into it, have fun with them. Most of us are going to be stationed at the same ones because once we get it done right and everyone knows what's happening, we try to keep everyone at their places so they don't get confused. So they already know exactly how things work.
Speaker 4:I got you, it makes it a lot easier.
Speaker 7:So, that being said, I said you already know your folks, your folks. We are creatures of habit. We like to create that same kind of scenario over and over. We don't like the unknown and they become very comfortable once you know. When you park somewhere. You park at Walmart. Have you ever noticed that you tend to park around the same area all the time? Kind of the same thing. You know, we're creatures of habit, so create that. Create the habit of being there for them, smiling for them, encouraging. You're getting up like they are. You know. I kid about the synchronicity between them all because a lot of our runners are concerned. They say Mayra, we've seen you here at 2 o'clock in the morning. It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Have you eaten? Have you gone to the bathroom? Are you? You know? And I said trust me, when you guys nap, I nap. When you guys eat, I eat. When you go to bed, I'm in bed. I said trust me, when I'm here, I'm 100 here, I am all here. This is what's happening in my life at this moment.
Speaker 2:You know I was going to ask you about that because when the first time I've ever got to experience you and and the aura that is you, um, it was it was the friday of wine and dine, and no, I didn't run the 5k that day. I I flew in that morning, so I was getting to the expo after lunchtime. So as I was like like I'm putting the pieces together in my head, okay, you were obviously out there to make sure that everyone got on the bus she was there okay she was, and then they got off, but then you're also still there helping the buses for the expo.
Speaker 2:So I was always interested in terms of like, how long your shift lasts. So that that's incredible that you can keep up that amount of energy that long, day after day after day. You should be commended for it.
Speaker 7:Thank you. I'm notorious for that, and a lot of the coworkers I'm like no, I can't deal with you right now, because we do normally. I'm on an 18-hour day. I'm very comfortable with an 18-hour day. Now, the nice thing about the marathons is that we get there like 2 in the morning, we load you and we get you out there 4.15. Everyone's on the buses. That's the last one. 4.30, it's crickets. I'm quiet. 5 o'clock I can hear the gunshot. Everything stops because they want to make sure that all the runners go through thresholds. So there's no transportation, no public transportation moving around. So from 5 o'clock to 8 in the morning, it's a break that we have.
Speaker 4:Quiet, okay, that makes sense.
Speaker 7:Very quiet. So what happens in that time? Our bosses say everybody to their vehicles, do whatever you want to do. Right now we have our radios, our two-way radios. So most of us will run to our cars, put the seat back and take a quick nap. No, we're not, it's a great nap. That's phenomenal. And I'm like an iPhone. You plug me in for two hours, I'm fully charged. They're known, they know I'm a cat napper, you know. So you rest. Now. Folks come back. Everyone gets back.
Speaker 7:Now the official break for us is between 8 am and 11. At that time we go back to our resort and our bosses have most of the res minutes and we'll go to bed. Now we sleep till 11. We have another two, three hour nap. Then everybody refreshes, goes back to their posts. Now we see everyone, you know, through the end of the night we're done at five or six. Then we go home. We get back to our hotels seven o'clock at night, by 7.30.
Speaker 7:Most of us, or I should say I don't know about my rest of the week, but for me I'm sleeping and I'm totally asleep, and then I get up. So my clock is just like their clock. So when they said well, you didn't see me between this hour when you were sleeping. Guess why? So was I. So when you were not, so was I, when you guys think that's when I was. And then in the evening. It's the same thing as the days progress. The first day, we're all, we all have energy. It's the same thing as the days progress. The first day, we all have energy, it's good to go. The second day it's a little bit harder. Third day, and then, if you're doing dopey on the fourth day, you're spent.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we're all that way.
Speaker 7:Yeah, and it catches up with you. So usually on my second and third day I'll come into the hotel once we're done, at 5 o'clock. I'll be there in like 15 minutes. It takes time to get to our hotel, which is right down the road. In 15 minutes I'm in my room, I've already picked food, I'm already eating, I'm showered in bed by six and I sleep through the night. So now, because I know our friends are going to demand a little bit extra, because now I got to carry you that little bit- I got to get you on that bus and I got to give you a hundred percent because I got to get you over there.
Speaker 7:Once you're there, the corrals, the energy, the gun, the people, all that then I got to when you come back. But those last two days, especially if you're doing the dopey challenge, those are very hard, those are extremely difficult. And by the first day, okay. Second day, okay. Third day you're like uh-oh, fourth day hits and you're like what was I thinking? What is happening? Oh, my goodness, am I going to make it? And then there's that doubt that you have Encourage. Hey, whatever happens happens. You're here, you made it. Good morning, whatever it may be, and I'll get you on the way Because it is a long weekend.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, we know, yes, we know.
Speaker 7:And on Sunday by noon, usually they cut us all. They cut us very early. They say 10 o'clock, 10.30 at the latest, that's it. We want everyone out of the properties and you're good, go check out of the hotels, because everybody's got to check out by 11 o'clock. So we've got to get our stuff out.
Speaker 7:And even though I do live in Orlando I'm about 30 minute drive, but if I'm home and I understand, the women will know what I mean you get home and you're like okay, let me just do this load of laundry and then I'll go. Okay, I'm just going to watch this one dish. I promise Five minutes with my pup and I do have a lot of dogs. I'm going to spend five minutes with the baby. Okay, all right, what am I going to have for lunch tomorrow? All these little things at time.
Speaker 7:And then and I have tried it I have come home and then I said no, I can't do this. I rather be where I'm at and stay at the resort, because once you get done, you come back, your room is there, you go to bed, you sleep. There's nothing else to distract you, because in the morning you're going to need that for what. That's my job and I'm going to do the best that I possibly can for my folks and it's expected. I think, that if I came in quiet one day, everyone would think that it's not me.
Speaker 4:That would be bad.
Speaker 7:And even if I tried to, I said okay, I'm going to behave, it's just, I am who I am. I'm not for everyone and I understand that 100%, because I've been around people that are like oh no, this is too early, I can't, I can't. But around Disney I fit right in, yeah you do.
Speaker 9:So, Myra, have you ever done a run Disney race and if you haven't, are you willing to step away from your position to be this amazing motivational experience at the run Disney races for everyone?
Speaker 7:I have not run an official Disney race. I have ran. I was a symbol instructor before I started doing this in transportation company. This is where you get the whole try to get everybody involved. Yeah, that was very natural to me Cheerleader in high school, that kind of thing. I've always been way out there. I have never ran a Disney marathon. I have run for St Jude's, the Tough Mudder, yeah, and you know all these kind of races. I'm one of those. I do all those with obstacle courses and all that very much in my, in my comfort zone. Um, I would have loved to do a Disney race. However, I think, and I truly believe, that with the way that I am, I don't think anybody would get any running done. I think we'll just be wrestling out, have a good time and laugh and just enjoy the moment and forget about the race and just the way that I am. I think that I will create a ruckus if I was on the other side.
Speaker 4:That's pretty much what we do. I mean we get to the end, but we're not sure how, but I'm like can you imagine?
Speaker 7:Oh my God, it's you. Oh my God, I got a good picture.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, it'll. Oh, my god, I got a good picture.
Speaker 7:Oh yeah, oh yeah, and I'm like a while you know it'll be three o'clock in the afternoon and I'll still be sitting there and then the back.
Speaker 6:You need to move on, lady, you know so forget to get on the bus, just be greeting everybody exactly well, what so?
Speaker 2:what we need to do is we need to start a run disney petition, uh, you know, to encourage myra to sign up for an event, and then we just need the email address of your supervisor so that we can email them that, uh, that, uh, that petition, and and we'll get you on that course, one of these days, so you know.
Speaker 7:But if I'm on the course, though, my heart will be breaking because I'd be thinking who's on?
Speaker 7:the other is anyone there for them when they get off that bus, because technically and officially that's not our job. They just know that that's just the way I am and they're not going to stop me and they're not going to prevent me from doing anything. I said you know, the boss is like well, you got to be out of there by 10 o'clock. I said yeah, but after 10 o'clock I'm not on your clock anymore. I could be here till noon, no problem with that. So 10 o'clock, I'm not on your clock anymore. I could be here till noon, no problem with that.
Speaker 7:So for the dopies, I usually stay all the way through the last day. I check out of my hotel the day before so I can stay, because I want to make sure that I get those folks that are at the end. A lot of them say please be here when I get back. Absolutely, I will be here for you. You know it's just, and if I don't see them it worries me, like I remember faces. Later on I say, wait a minute, I didn't see this. And in my head I'm looking at faces. I didn't see them. Is everything okay? Are they going to be here? You know what happened. And then you also get the group that you see them later on. They'll say well, I didn't want to come by because I didn't finish. I didn't go through the finish line. I said I don't care about that.
Speaker 7:I care about where you went and everything that you did. The finish line is phenomenal, Don't get me wrong. But that's not all of it. That's not the only part. There's so much more to it.
Speaker 4:Mara, you see all these crazy costumes going onto the buses. Are any of them that stand out over the years?
Speaker 7:Oh, my goodness, Okay. So over the years, I love when men, grown dads, come dressed as the princess and their little daughters come dressed as the prince, because that's what they wanted to do. I love the husband and wife team. Or girlfriend boyfriend team, you know one will be what's the name of the team. Or girlfriend boyfriend team, you know one will be. What's the name of the I can't think of his name the one with all the feathers from Up all the different color feathers.
Speaker 7:Oh, Kevin, Kevin yeah, kevin, kevin, kevin's will come by and it'll be a flock of Kevins. Or Flora, fauna, meriwether, my three favorite fairies, um. Or isma, with her funky eyelashes, the beautiful lipsticks that these beautiful women wear, with this glitter that it just goes out and light up tutus and feathers and you know, i't even.
Speaker 7:There was one from the Emperor's New Groove. There was a young lady that was dressed like and she had a bag and inside the sack was the emperor and she was carrying him. There were two friends and it was creative. Another one was a castle. I mean I just I can't. I don't have a favorite because I think they are.
Speaker 4:No, there's a whole lot, yeah, and they are really creative. You're right, and actually I've worn most of the things you talked about. Light up, tutus.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah we, we still need him to wear the glitter lipstick. Actually, we're, we're working on that, though I got the glitter lips for the next race.
Speaker 4:Unfortunately I'm not going to be at pop next race, but I got the glitter. You should see a lot of Dalmatians at the 5k and as a dog rescuer myself, I have amazing pictures.
Speaker 7:When I say I take a picture, I say babe, I found another 10 doggies, bring them over.
Speaker 4:I'm hopeful that the puppies you see in the 5k will say hey, I heard you on the Rise and Run podcast. That would be great, yes, a lot of our friends are doing that a couple hundred of them.
Speaker 7:That's incredible. Yeah, I know I worked an event, the Electric Daisy Carnival, edc, orlando about two weeks ago, and there was a group of 700 ducks and I was like, oh, and I thought about that and I said the only one that would get close it would be the flock of kevins or the pound of pups that I've seen from the dalmatians. Those have been the ones we won't get 700.
Speaker 4:We may have a couple hundred. We won't have 700. That'd be incredible.
Speaker 7:That's impressive and do what they do, figure out. If y'all can get like a picture moment in front of the cast.
Speaker 4:Oh, we're going to try it and get like the whole group together.
Speaker 7:They do that a lot and I think it's great memories for everyone and it gives you a little something extra, you know.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we're going to try, I promise.
Speaker 2:Well, myra, this has been an absolutely phenomenal interview. I mean, we have fun every week on this podcast talking to new friends, but I think you have set the bar to an absolute new level and we cannot thank you enough. But to close out this interview, I want to ask you one final question, and this is an audio only podcast, so I'm going to describe the scene to our listeners. Myra right now is wearing a shirt that says best support person ever. It's got a silhouette of a Mickey and it's got handwritten messages all over the shirt. I think that is a testament to the impact that you have on this community. Can you tell us the story behind the shirt that you're wearing right now?
Speaker 7:Well, see, you're gonna make me cry. There's a young lady named Michelle. Michelle is from Chicago and she was one of the first few people that I met when we did the first dopey and we created a bond and she created this beautiful shirt. This is the second one she gives me. She gave me one that had dopey on it and this one she gave to me the way that you see it and gave it to me with a Sharpie so I can have anyone and everyone who wanted to sign it do it. She brought it to me as a gift. It's one of my prized possessions and it's something that whenever I'm feeling down and I'm feeling a little bit out of it, this is what I wear. I am me and this is something y'all don't know. My mom passed away from cancer about a week and a half ago.
Speaker 2:So sorry.
Speaker 7:Me too, and it was something that we wanted it to be. We wanted her to be around a little bit longer. But you know, there's other plans in this universe and I've been feeling a little bit in and out of it, and this afternoon I you know I we're going to do this and I kind of put my best foot forward and I put the shirt on and I was like, okay, it's good. The good vibes that came with what I'm wearing is what I'm wearing. This is something that was given to me from the heart and the things that you see written on there for people that took time and did this for me to thank me. So it meant a lot and it comes with amazing vibes and positive energy. So today was one of those days that I said I'm going to wear it because I need to bring this on to where I'm going to be, and this is the reason of this.
Speaker 2:Well, your positive vibes are radiating through your microphone and into the ears of all of our friends and our amazing listeners. So again, we cannot thank you enough, myra. Are you on any social medias that people want to follow you or reach out to you? Are you on any socials?
Speaker 7:I am, I am, but most of them are going to be under Anna Gizer. Anna is my middle name. It was also my mom's name.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 7:Gizer was. Instead of the Energizer Bunny, I was dubbed the Anna Gizer Bunny.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay.
Speaker 7:Which was a very long time. This was before social media even was a thing. So it became a thing and everywhere that you see on Facebook there's folks that follow me, that have me. It's under Anagizer, okay, and you can find me and you'll see a picture of a little dopey that was handed to me, me and given to me, and my first dopey, a little girl, knit this dopey for me and I have a picture of him on the site and then you'll see, and a lot, of, a lot of the guests found me and now I have become a member of run disney and there's a couple of websites and that's the same way. You'll find me everywhere as an advisor, all right, well, well, again that.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for sharing that. I, I love, I love how that ties into to your socials and everything like that. And you know, and the one thing that we got to track now, I think, um, you know, bob and gang, I think we need to uh talk with our friends over at magic bound after this episode drops to see if there's an exponential increase in bookings at pop century, because I, I think, you know, you know, kind of like peanut butter and jelly go together, myra and pop century will forever, ever go together.
Speaker 2:So, myra, we cannot thank you enough for your time. Continue to do, just do you, girl, just keep going, and, and we are there to support you just as much as you're there to support us, and we want to thank you for joining us here on the Rise and Run podcast.
Speaker 7:I am very, very honored that you guys asked me. This is something I did not expect. It's beautiful, it's amazing to me and I thank you for having me on, and I hope this does reach a lot of the folks, because everybody out there, woo-hoo, it will See you on the next one.
Speaker 4:This does reach a lot of the folks because everybody out there woohoo it will. You'll be surprised. I hope you'll be surprised 2.30am.
Speaker 2:Well, I know this is our first episode of 2025, but this one ranks up there for me, folks, I mean probably the best episode of 2020.
Speaker 4:Among the best, yeah, among the best of the year.
Speaker 2:But no, in all seriousness, I remember, after we finished that interview, I remember it gave me. It gave me such inspirational hope and the fact that you know that type of positivity coming out of someone who is not employed, by run disney who is?
Speaker 2:not employed by the walt disney company, but who brings so much joy to this community. It was an absolute honor, myra, to have you on this podcast. We can't wait to see you next weekend during Marathon Weekend, and we're going to find every excuse to have you back, because you are a ray of sunshine and we need more Myra in our lives. So, folks, if you are staying at Pop Century for Marathon Weekend or any race weekend coming up in this 2025 calendar year, make sure you go say hello to that woman.
Speaker 4:You will not be disappointed and tell her you heard her on the podcast.
Speaker 2:Exactly because she will absolutely eat it up. She will. But you know, speaking of other inspirational individuals, we have some exciting news to share. So, day of recording here on New Year's Eve I don't have the episode number in front of me, but our buddy Jack Widzig he finally completed his challenge that he set off to do many, many, many months ago. His challenge that he set off to do many, many, many months ago and that was to run every single street of Camden County, new Jersey, in honor of his father who had passed away several years ago from Lewy body disease, and we are very happy to report he put it up on social media this evening. He has officially completed that challenge.
Speaker 2:Jack. What an incredible accomplishment. What a beautiful tribute to your father From everyone here at Arise and Run. We are extremely proud to know you and the accomplishment that you completed. I know our calendar is booked out for the next couple of weeks because of all the race weekends and everything like that, but we promise in early 2025, sir, we're going to have you back on this podcast to hear about the trials and tribulations of this challenge that you set forth. But again, we are just so proud of you, congratulations.
Speaker 4:Yeah, congratulations, Jack. And the only reason you don't have the cheering crowd noise is because Greg took it off my board and I haven't put it back.
Speaker 2:Give him a survey, says Bell. I think that's still loaded in there.
Speaker 6:Also Greg, that was episode 94, running Camden County one street at a time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so yo if you're not sure exactly what we are talking about. Go back to listen to episode 94. Uh, it's really inspirational. So if you know that, I guess that's the theme of of this week's episode is inspiration going into 2025. So I'll be sure to give that one a listen for sure all right, absolutely now.
Speaker 4:Friends, this race weekend coming up, marathon weekend. But the big thing, and we've talked about it over and over the 101 Dalmatians 5K. I still have friends who are jumping into the group and saying is it too late? No, it is not too late, it won't be too late until we cross the start line on that 5k. You can join us. You can get a Dalmatian shirt. I really don't think Alec can get them to you from KPA anymore, but if you can get one, if you take a white shirt and draw black dots on it, whatever, here are the things I want you to know. We talked about them last week when we talked with Monica.
Speaker 4:We will get together as a group at 4 am on race morning. We assemble near the bleachers in the staging area. You're coming off the bus and you walk towards the front. There is a stage in the staging area how convenient. Set back from the stage are several rows of bleachers and if you're looking at the stage on the far left side, that's where we'll be. It shouldn't be long before we're easy to find. First of all, you're going to have a six and a half foot tall Cruella with glitter lips. That should be a giveaway, but there should be a bunch of folks wearing Dalmatian shirts.
Speaker 4:Four o'clock we'll gather for a photo. I'm not positive where that photo will be, but we'll do it. After that we'll walk over to the corrals as many as you who wish to. We're going to leave from the last corral, regardless of what our bib says. Remember, and if you haven't done this before, if you haven't been down to Disney World and done a race or haven't done Dopey before, if you haven't been down to Disney World and done a race or haven't done Dopey, the 5k is not timed. I know everything you read about. Dopey says that you must maintain a 16 minute pace for all the races, but you just have to finish. You have to finish the 5k. If you're in Dopey, your bib will have a timing chip so it'll record your time. Big deal. If you're not in Dopey, your bib won't even have a timing chip. That's the deal with the 5K. So we're going to walk to keep as many of us together as possible and then we can finish the race. That should be cool, finishing with about 200 puppies. So that's the deal.
Speaker 4:4 am by the bleachers for a photo. Walk together to the last corral Walk, the 5K. Have a good time. All right, friends, it's time for our first Rise and Run tradition of the episode, and that is the Rise and Run roll call. And boy do we get a kick out of this, especially when we think about where this started. And golly, I wish that I had the records. The original records were lost. The original files were lost, but the first time we did this was for Wine and Dine 2021. And I'm going to guess we had maybe 12 or 15 names on the list. I'm not sure. It probably took us 30 seconds. We have a few more than that right now.
Speaker 6:I was going to say. Bob, if one of our listeners want to go back and listen to that episode and count them for us that would be a great idea.
Speaker 4:That still exists, that's true. Yeah, that still exists. I forgot all about that, john, and I'm just smiling here. I think it's so much fun. I think it's so neat that so many of you want to get in on this and by golly I hope we got you all. I was working up to the last minute adding names Our friend Rob, who has been a huge help with this. I can't begin to describe how much help Rob has been in building and working on this race report. It's also. Thank you very much, rob. But our rule is that when we start the list, if you hear your name, you're supposed to stand up when your name is called and you're supposed to stay standing until all the names are called. Now I realize a lot of you have been training and that may be more standing than you're going to do in the corrals, but we'll see. All right, here we go. I by golly hope we got everybody. We're going to do our best with the names, but we're going to start with the dopey challenge all right.
Speaker 5:So our first one, um, is april and it's his first dopey. And guess what? Allison is running her first dopey too. Um, oh sorry. That's Allison B and then Allison W this is her second year doing dopey. We also have Amara with Eric and Arlene Amber, which is her first dopey, first half and first full. Oh, my goodness, that's gonna be epic. Oh, um, okay, sorry. We have Amy M, amy S and then Amy it's her first marathon and first dopey and husband Jeremy, first dopey. We have Andrea in the notes that says that it is her first true dopey. She did run in 2017.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I don't know what that. Oh, I know what.
Speaker 6:That's the one that got rained out, the rained out one.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 5:Oh OK. Well, I don't think it's supposed to rain this time, but, you know, I think we might be good. So and then we have Andy, who is doing his first dopey, and Anita, who's doing her first dopey and first marathon Epic.
Speaker 2:Continuing along with our dopey runners. We have Anna doing her second dopey, ashley first dopey, audra first dopey, avery, second Beth and her son first dopey for her son, beth H, running her first dopey. This guy named Bob.
Speaker 7:He's running his fifth dopey Go.
Speaker 2:Bob Brady and their dad Rob are running their first dopies Brandy doing dopey number three, brenna doing her first dopey and Brianna also doing first marathon and first dopey.
Speaker 6:Next we got Bridget and her brother doing dopey. Britt is doing her first dopey. Caleb is a perfect dopey-er. Okay. Carrie R, carrie Van TF and Carrie V. Carrie V is doing her third dopey. Cece is doing their first dopey. Sia, she's doing her first dopey. Celia and Edgar are doing their third dopeys. Celia P is doing her first dopey. Celia and Edgar are doing their third dopeys. Celia P is doing their first dopey and Chad is doing their fifth dopey before 50 years old.
Speaker 9:Continuing on with Charlie doing dopey number nine, chase doing first dopey Chelsea's first dopey Chris's first dopey Chrissy's first dopey Christian's first dopey Chris's first dopey Chrissy's first dopey Christian's second dopey Christina A, christina H doing their first dopey Christopher and Lauren doing second dopey Cindy and Sissy with her husband.
Speaker 4:Okay, second dopey for Cody. Connie's running, Connie's running, Courtney's doing her first dopey. Daphne first dopey Dale. Dan Daniel doing his first dopey. Danny Denise and Diana's doing dopey number two and celebrating her 60th trip around the sun. Way to go, youngster and Dylan All right.
Speaker 5:Then we have Doug for his dopey, elizabeth, ellen, dopey number five, ellie and her husband, first dopey-ers. We have Emily and Sarah doing their second dopey. We have Emmamy with dopey number four, eric first dopey, erin first dopey, gretchen, second dopey and hannah first dopey and second marathon we also have hannah marie running their first dopey, heather h first dopey.
Speaker 2:Heather H first dopey in first marathon. Heather J first dopey. Heidi first dopey. Adania, this lovely lady I know named Jack. Jackie A running their second dopey. Jackie S first dopey. Jared doing his fourth. Jason and Jay running their first dopey.
Speaker 6:Jen I. We have Jen and Joe. We have Jen M doing her first dopey, jen I. We have Jen and Joe. We have Jen M doing her first dopey. Jennifer H, first dopey, jennifer K, second dopey and first dopey for her friends Maureen and Becky, jennifer K, jenny and her fiance, cameron. First dopey for both Jessica G, jessica L, jessica M' Cameron. First dopey for both Jessica G, jessica L, jessica M's first dopey, jessica O and her husband.
Speaker 9:Continuing on with Jody B, jody D, first marathon and first dopey, john and Laura, jonathan, jordan, first dopey, josie, joshua, juan Jose or JJ, their second Dopey, julie. Dopey number six, karen, first Dopey and Caitlin.
Speaker 2:A lot of international friends in that group.
Speaker 9:Yes.
Speaker 4:Catherine L, catherine M First Dopey. Katie J, katie M First Dopey. Katie J, katie M First Dopey. First Marathon. Kelly Kelsey doing a first dopey. Ken his first dopey. Kevin and Jessica first dopey for both of them, I believe. Kim first dopey, first. Mar marathon, kirk first dopey. Lots of first dopies. I think that's awesome and I'm wrapping up mine with Kizzy, her second dopey.
Speaker 5:And we have Kristen with her first dopey, Christy with her third dopey but fourth dopey trained for. We have Laura and Laura Laurie. We have Laurie without an E doing her second dopey and second marathon, and then we have a Laurie with an E. We have Laxmi doing their first dopey, Lena Leanne, first dopey, Linda Lindsay T.
Speaker 2:Also, lindsay and Joey are running their first dopeys, lisa C, lisa L, lisa, lisa T doing the second dopey, my bird in hand, buddy Lizzie running dopey, lori Luciana, megan H first dopey, and they go on to say they're untrained, so good luck.
Speaker 4:Good luck, Megan.
Speaker 2:Mara and her husband Ryan, second dopey for both of them. Our Council of Costumes member Margaret running dopey and this will be Margaret's 10th marathon and our buddy, who you're going to hear from in a couple of minutes, mark H running dopey, number three, and also pacing as well.
Speaker 6:We have Mark P's first dopey, mary H, plus her husband and son running as well. We have Mark P's first dopey, mary H, plus her husband and son running dopey. Mary S first dopey, daughter Rachel's first dopey and daughter Kelly's third dopey, another Mary S. Then you have Mary Beth, matthew D, first dopey, matthew G, meg's first dopey, megan McD Megan A, melissa N. Continuing on. We have Michael, mike Lynn, meg's first dopey, megan McD Megan A, melissa's N.
Speaker 9:Continuing on. We have Michael Mikelin, Michelle, Nancy, Natalie doing their second dopey and third marathon. Nicole McSee First dopey. Nicole with her husband Zach and mom Cheryl First dopey for all and first marathon for her mom. Noah, first dopey and first marathon. Noelle first dopey and first marathon with her husband Ben, His first dopey, first marathon, first run Disney event. Wow, that's triple. Pat first dopey, but like six goofies he's done. And Rachel first dopey.
Speaker 4:What is it, pat? Have you done six? Have you done five? What is it like six? Come on Like six, like six. All right, pat, if you can't remember they must have been spectacular, moving right along Randy's first dopey, riley's first dopey, rob Robert doing a First Dopey. Ryan B First Dopey, first Marathon. Ryan McSee, fourth Dopey, ryan T, dopey, number eight for Ryan T, sabrina Sayuris First Dopey, first Marathon. Sarah D, sarah G's first dopey.
Speaker 5:So we have Sarah M, who's doing her second dopey but got swept in the marathon on her first one.
Speaker 4:Glad you're back, Sarah.
Speaker 5:Yes, you got this. We have Sarah W first dopey Sean M, first dopey Shannon. First dopey Shelby Allison. First dopey Sean M. First dopey Shannon. First dopey Shelby Allison. First dopey Sherilyn. First dopey Sonia first dopey. That's so many first dopies.
Speaker 4:A bunch of them, yeah.
Speaker 5:Yeah, stacy first dopey, stephanie fourth dopey, steve second dopey and Taylor first dopey.
Speaker 2:Taylor T is going for her fourth dopey in a row. One half of the two guys, our buddy Tom and his wife Kim, are running dopey Tiffany's running her first dopey, tom and Gary first dopey for both of them, tracy, troy, tyler and Todd this is their third dopey Vanessa first dopey and our last one, zinnia, running her first dopey.
Speaker 4:Alright, a major round of applause For our Now. I don't know how many people Are on that list Because I just have them in line numbers in cells, but there are 186 entries there, several of them with two or three or as many as four names. So there are at least 200 people on that list and we expect to see each and every one of you. All right, friends, congratulations. That list and we expect to see each and every one of you. So, all right, friends, congratulations. Let's move on to the goofy challenge and kick it off.
Speaker 6:Okay, kick it off the goofy challenge. We have alissa anita's doing their first goofy. Ashley, brandy, cheryl, chris cc Turner is pacing the half. Christina Danielle, Jason, Jeremy and Kate.
Speaker 9:We also have Katie and sister Nicole, our very own Kay Kayla, laura Leslie and her husband Lisa. Fourth Goofy, mary Jane. First Goofy Melissa, patrick, rob and Robert.
Speaker 4:Now there's a reason that when you get to the expo and you look at the lines all around, the Goofy line is typically the shortest, as long as our Dopey line was. I am now wrapping up our Goofy runners with Samantha. I am now wrapping up our Goofy Runners with Samantha, shay, sonia, tara, tiffany doing her first Goofy, tracy doing her first Goofy and Tricia doing her first Goofy. I don't know why it is, but it's true.
Speaker 5:When you get there in the expo you'll see that one booth All right friends, let's take a look at our marathon runners now and start them out with. We have Alan, who's doing his 33rd marathon, and Grace who's doing their 28th marathon, and it's perfect. Those are.
Speaker 4:Disney marathons. Those are 33rd Disney marathon, 28th Disney marathon. Alan is one of the two perfect marathoners we have on the list. We've got the other one coming up in just a little bit.
Speaker 5:And then we have Allie, without an E, doing her first marathon. We have Alicia, very own. We have Amanda, amy L, amy R doing her first marathon. Andrea first marathon. Anne, becky first marathon. Brianna first marathon. Bryce first run, disney Ooh, you're going to get addicted. Brooke first marathon and first run Disney oh my goodness.
Speaker 2:Also running the marathon marathon. We have carissa, casey, chadwick, chelsea, and this is chelsea's first marathon and first run disney race. The other perfect, a coach to many of us here, coach chris twiggs, christina c CJ, running their first marathon and this is a theme for this one and first run Disney race Craig, dara, david and Dorothy.
Speaker 6:Then we have Drew first marathon. Duncan first marathon, elise, first marathon, emily, emily D's first marathon. Emily J's first marathon. Erin's first marathon, my mile 10. Buddy Greg Gretchen first marathon. Emily J's first marathon. Erin's first marathon, my mile 10. Buddy Greg Gretchen first marathon. First Disney race. Harrison and Jacqueline.
Speaker 9:We also have Jake, first marathon, jeff first marathon, jenny, jeremy, jessica, jh, also known as Heather, our very own John, josh first marathon, first marathon, caitlin first marathon, kalina and Kate first marathon.
Speaker 4:Catherine Carrie Kevin doing his first Kylie first marathon. Kristen Laura first marathon. Lori Lola first marathon. Lola's pregnant with twins. This may be our first ever hashtag marathon babies.
Speaker 5:Wow, that's awesome.
Speaker 4:I think it's amazing the women who run well a lot of people amaze me, but women running pregnant very amazing. Matt Megan first marathon and Melissa first marathon All right.
Speaker 5:We have Nicole, kristen and Mallory first marathon for all, for all um. We have nick's first marathon, payton, rachel s, rachel w robert first marathon and first disney race. We have ryan shonda first marathon, tammy first marathon. We have tara, carlos, nina and cecily and it's going to be nina and Cecily's first marathon and Cecily's 18th birthday. A happy birthday Cool and then, to round up the marathons, it's Trina.
Speaker 4:All right, all right, our marathoners. All right, let's knock out the 10k and the 5.
Speaker 7:I'm sorry, the half, the half. Let's not forget about the half marathon.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's right Marathon weekend. And, by the way, had any doubt that we're recording on New Year's Eve. I'm sure you hear the fireworks behind me. No crickets, they're scared of the fireworks.
Speaker 2:Alright, running the half marathon we have Alvaro, Amanda and Jared, amy R, amy S, andrea, angela, angie, anne-marie First half marathon and first run Disney race. Ariel first run Disney race and first half marathon. Ashley and Becca is running her first half marathon.
Speaker 6:ashley and becca is running her first half marathon. Okay, we have brian. We have brianna carly's running first disney race and first half marathon. Carol, our friend casey, christina, cindy, courtney, david and greta greta's running her first half, denise D and Denise W using as a training run for the princess half.
Speaker 9:We also have Elizabeth doing their first run Disney event and first half, emily D, emily F, erica Gino, first half and first run Disney event. Grace Haley and Cody first half and first run Disney event. Grace Haley and Cody, first half. Jeanette, jeff, jen R and Jen H.
Speaker 4:Okay, jessica H, jessica M, doing her first half in like forever. Julie Julie says she needs a guide. Justine and her daughter, carrie. Katie, doing her first half and first run Disney event. Katrina, kayla, first run Disney event. Kelly with her husband and two sons, kendra and Kevin we have Lori.
Speaker 5:We have Liz doing her second Disney half, but first half at Disney World. We have Lucy doing her 30th Disney race. Wow, that's awesome. Nona, paul Shauna first half. Stephanie first half, stephen, valerie and Zachary.
Speaker 4:And that is our list of half marathoners. We got fireworks for the half marathon, oh, never mind. On to the 10K.
Speaker 2:Running the 10K. My buddy Allie without an E Amber, amy K, amy S, angela, anne, April, brenda doing her first 10K, carol, carolyn and family and Cindy.
Speaker 6:Danica's Danielle P's, and her daughter and Kevin.
Speaker 9:We also have Kristen with her brother it's her brother's first 10K Lori, matt, megan, melinda Megazenz doing her first 10k running with her mom, kazay, the running as Chip and Mrs Potts that's cute. Ravi, rob, sadia, valerie and to finish out the 10k is Zan.
Speaker 4:Alright, friends, I almost feel like we should have a drum roll. Here we are to the 5K. Oh, instead of a drum roll, we got fireworks 5K. Amber, amy K, amy S Andrew doing his first 5K. That's a big deal.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 4:Yeah, Angela April Becky, my very own wife Becky, is doing the 5K.
Speaker 2:She's back out of retirement.
Speaker 4:Well, she's there because of a name that's coming up just in a little bit, and she wants to be one of the puppies too Brenda, brent, brooke and Caitlin first 5K, caitlin cool.
Speaker 5:We have Carol, cindy Danielle, first ever 5K Diane, emily, aaron, grace, greta and her mom, holly and Jacqueline.
Speaker 2:Jace, who is nine years old, running with his mom Jennifer. This guy that I know named John is dressing up as a Dalmatian. Julie running her first run Disney race. Kevin, kim Laurie. Lola with dad Jay Laurie running their first run Disney race. Megan with mom Pam, melissa and Megazins this is their first run Disney race and first 5K running with her sister Misco and mom Kazay.
Speaker 6:We have Rachel Shannon doing her first run Disney event. Tara, valeria and Valerie 5K.
Speaker 4:That's it, that's it.
Speaker 6:That's it, that is. You should put another challenge in here too, while we're at it.
Speaker 4:That is the challenge will be finishing the rest of the podcast if we're reading all those names. But there we go. Gosh, this is wonderful. It's fantastic. I love you all for doing this. I think it's just great that all these names are listed. I'm excited about all these first dopies and first marathons and first 5Ks. Oh gosh, I can hardly wait for it to get here. All right, a couple quick announcements before we finish up this episode.
Speaker 4:Our meetup, our meetup, saturday afternoon 3 pm at the food truck area at Disney Springs. I sure hope you can make it. I hope we have nice weather. I think we probably will Maybe a little cool, but get to wear a jacket or a sweatshirt and get out there in the food truck area. 3 pm is the official start time. Folks are usually there early. If you can be there at 3.30, that would be wonderful, because that's when we'll take our group photo, 3.30 on Saturday afternoon. We know that you've got other plans and not everyone can make it, but we love, we really love seeing you there and I promise you everybody that comes has a wonderful time and folks look forward to it and look forward to coming back.
Speaker 4:What else we got going on? I wanted a real quick. Thank you to Jenny for organizing our Christmas card list. It was a huge success, jenny. Thank you for all your work on that and for all of you who participated in it. Thanks. I think that's going to become a tradition and I imagine that will grow from year to year. So that was fun, all right.
Speaker 4:My friends, it's time for the race report. The race report is brought to you by our friend Thomas Stokes of Stokes Metabolic Training. Stokesfit slash, rise and Run Coaching is the site. I've been talking about it for episodes and episodes. He's got a new challenge starting two weeks after Dopey, and I've always said the information is on the Facebook page and it hasn't been. It is now. It's up there in the featured section. This is worthwhile, my friends. Use the code RISE50 and Tom will knock 50 bucks off the normal $97 registration fee. It's an eight-week challenge. It involves strength training and nutrition guidance. It is highly worthwhile. Strongly recommend it. Maybe after doing it you'll decide you want to hang on for one of Tom's other programs, which are also explained up there in the featured section. But it's a good thing. Short race report. Let's see.
Speaker 4:Let's start back on Christmas Day, because we haven't recorded since then. In Vernon, connecticut, we had the Scrooge Scramble 5K. Erica ran this very small local race, fewer than 200 people, great support, 26 degrees but sunny. 26 but sunny. As long as it's not windy, that's not too bad. Out and back course rolling hills First time really racing since she fractured her foot over the summer. She did party pace for Wine and Dine, which is fun, and ended up and this is impressive First time since breaking your foot on a 5K, a 25-minute, 10-second 5K, a three-minute PR Way to go, eureka, that's awesome. Glad you're back and that's a great pace.
Speaker 4:On Boxing Day for those of you not in the UK or Canada, that's the day after Christmas. For those of you not in the UK or Canada, that's the day after Christmas the Boxing Day Pudding Run at Whistley Bay on the coast of Newcastle in the United Kingdom. Medgar ran on a beautifully sunny but chilly day Great views of the coast, everybody wearing festive outfits and the prize at the end is a Christmas pudding. Megan. Another great pace here $24.53, a PB for Megan. This one's kind of neat. I think it happened on Friday, but it was the 5K at Sea, unofficial Disney Dream Run somewhere around the Bahamas on the Atlantic ocean. Sean and his wife Lauren did it. Some guests a wonderful guest put this together, a 5k on board the ship and came up with some really awesome looking medals. That's pretty neat. I think I think you picked the right cruise, sean.
Speaker 4:On Sunday back in the UK, in Hertfordshire, the Buntingford 10-miler. Amy did her first ever 10-miler, very cold morning. The scripture said the course was flat, the hills on the course suggested otherwise. Amy likes the 10-mile distance because after the first mile you can tell yourself you're down in the single digits. Heck, after the first step, amy. Only 9.99 miles to go.
Speaker 4:In Kenmore, washington, vanessa did the Absolution Run 8-miler at St Edward State Park. This was a trail or mostly trail race. Muddy, hilly, rained the whole time. It's the Pacific Northwest, it's supposed to rain, no metal and it's a must-do if you're in the Seattle area. Beautiful scenery, nic, nicely marked trail, dedicated volunteers to help, excellent post-race food. Best part for Vanessa was getting to see her friend Renee Lee who did the four-miler. I saw a picture of Vanessa's boots after this one was done. They were a mess. That's it. We've got some other races coming up today and tomorrow, but gosh, don't have. I feel like I should read that again. The race report went by too fast.
Speaker 4:All right, my friends, we've been looking forward to. First of all, happy New Year. Happy New Year to you and yours. We hope, all of us hope, that 2025 is a wonderful year for you. We're excited. All those miles of training are behind us. Now it's time for the reward.
Speaker 4:We've got one more tradition for this episode that we'd like to share with you. Now, for this episode that we'd like to share with you now. We're fortunate to have our good friend Mark with us this evening. It's become a pre-dopey tradition at the Rise and Run podcast, mark. Well, first of all, mark, welcome back to the podcast. Thanks, bob, it's great to see you. This is the third year that now we've had Mark join us. We'll explain a little bit more. I think most of our friends have done that. Most of our friends know what's coming, but if not, I'll explain in a second. But this is the fourth year the podcast has been on prior to Marathon Weekend and the third year Mark has been here with us. So we're glad you're back. How's the year? How's the year going for you, mark? In in, uh, running. This is a. This is the first year you paced anybody right yeah, I started.
Speaker 10:I started at princess was my first official pacing and now you're a regular I, I am and it's. It's been a wild ride. I've not all of them have gone smoothly.
Speaker 4:Well, I would say to my friends who are listening that Mark's a great, great example. How long have you been running, Mark? It's not that long, is it?
Speaker 10:No, no, I started a couple of years before COVID, so yeah, it's hard to do math because COVID just time, and so whatever that works out to be, I guess five, six years and then, uh well, we lost this.
Speaker 4:What'd we lose? Most of 21, I think, yeah, yeah. But yeah, I mean, you haven't been running that long and I can remember chatting with Mark about, oh gosh, I don't know if I can finish this marathon, or oh gosh, this is the first time I've tried a half. And now here, just a couple of years later, you're confident and capable enough to pace and be one of the regular pacers for Coach Twiggs. I think that's awesome, man. Thank you.
Speaker 4:Also, if you're not aware, those great looking training calendars, the posts that go up once a week. Mark does that for us too. He's another one of those folks who is behind the scenes and just does a lot for the Rise and Run podcast and the Rise and Run family, so that's wonderful. The first year we ran Dopey it was not my first year I had done it the first year that we were on for Dopey would have been January of 22, 22, 23, 24, 25. Yep, yep, I got it January 22. But, uh, I always considered when I first started I, I remember, and I said this on the podcast before I can't do dopey, it's impossible. It was my impossible dream. So I played a recording of the song from the man of La Mancha in 2020. But, mark, you're still active in theater, correct?
Speaker 10:Yeah, yeah. No, I actually just finished doing Charlie Brown Christmas. We did a little version of that, pretty much exactly what it sounds like, just a live action version of the Christmas special. Oh, neat.
Speaker 4:Neat. That sounds great and Mark's a talented singer. So after playing and recording year one, I said wait a minute, I've got a friend who can do this and we've asked Mark, you have several Bob. Well, I consider myself fortunate.
Speaker 4:I'm blessed, mark, and I've asked Mark again to come back because I think, as I listen, and I know the lyrics to this song very, very well, but they touch me, they touch a chord, and the impossible dream epitomizes to me and to many, I think, what it is to finish this dopey challenge. So I think, mark, without further ado, if you're ready, maestro.
Speaker 1:To dream the impossible dream. To fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow. To run where the brave dare not go, to right the unrightable wrong. To love pure and chaste from afar. To try, when your arms are too weary, to reach the unreachable star. This is my quest To follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far, no matter how far. To fight for the right, without question or pause. To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. And I know, if I'll only be true for this, that one man, scorned and covered in scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage To reach the unreachable stars Still gets me.
Speaker 4:It still gets me. It still gets me Friends. There you are. That's it. It's the quest, it's the dream, it's the star, but you can reach it, mark. Thanks, I'll see you in a couple weeks, huh. Yeah, just a few.
Speaker 4:Friends and if you run, you know you are our friend. The dopey challenge to me is, and always will be, the impossible dream, even though I've done it Not maybe the impossible dream, it's always the quest, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far the line in there. That gets me as much as any when we think about the Dopey Challenge, the fact that it's so difficult, and being weary and striving anyway. But the lion and the world will be better for this.
Speaker 4:I don't know. I don't know if I'm being overly dramatic or not, but I'd like to think that each and every one of you, whether you know it or not, are inspiring someone else in some way by taking on this incredible challenge, and maybe, just maybe, you're making a little part of the world just a little bit better. And I'll leave you with that Happy 2025 and happy running.
Speaker 2:The Rise and Run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your healthcare provider or event organizer.