Rise and Run
Rise and Run
165: Be All Ears To Some Podcasts We Listen To
What if running could be the ultimate antidote to life's challenges? Meet Erin and Stephanie, two incredible women who defy the odds by lacing up their running shoes even in the face of cancer. Their stories of grit and humor are nothing short of inspiring, as they share how they've managed to run marathons amidst chemotherapy and surgeries. This episode isn't just about resilience; it's about connecting through the sport we love and finding strength in the shared mantra: "FU cancer!"
After talking with Erin and Stephanie we turn to three college friends turned avid runners, Natalie, Kaitlin, and Hannah, and started a running podcast of their own. The Stride Sisters share their stories weekly about running and, especially, running at Disney - a topic to which we can certainly relate.
Our conversation extends to the delightful news of the Fluffy Fizzies relaunch and the entrepreneurial spirit of sisters Michelle and Pam, whose passion for business has spanned over two decades.
In the Race Report spotlight, the mother-daughter team of Julie and Emmy join us to talk about the inaugural running of the Every Woman's Marathon. No less than 15 Rise and Run friends completed this race, and for more than half of them, it was their first marathon. I hope we don't wear out the PR bell.
In the Race Report, we celebrate the diversity of our running community, with race reports spanning the globe—from Boise to New Zealand. As we wrap up, the call to action is simple: join us for our next Zoom meetup and keep the running spirit alive, even as the training stakes rise. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a joyful walker, there's a place for you in our community.
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3 am again. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.
Speaker 4:It's Tara here and Liz and we're in Niagara. Falls Canada. We just finished the 10K and you're listening to the.
Speaker 5:Rise and Run podcast.
Speaker 4:Happy running.
Speaker 5:Our friends Tara and Liz finally finished that 10K in Niagara Falls. Actually, I think they finished it a couple weeks ago, but we're happy that they sent us that intro. Thank you so much for that. Hello, my friends, Welcome to episode 165 of the Rise and Run podcast. I missed you guys Wasn't here last week. How was Mannheim Steamroller Bob? It was okay.
Speaker 6:Well, this is better. Right, this is better, this is better.
Speaker 5:You want to know the truth. It was okay and that's the way Becky felt about it. We had two other friends who just happened to be there. They felt the same way. They felt yeah, it was decent, Could have been better. It was fun. I'm glad we went. Probably not going next year.
Speaker 2:I have a new merch idea. It's a T-shirt with a picture of Bob and just a thought bubble. It just says eh it was okay.
Speaker 5:It was okay, all right, friends, hey, if you haven't figured it out, I'm Bob. I'm glad to be back with you. I'm here this week with Greg, hey, hey, hey. With Alicia, Hello. With Jack, hiya. And with John, hey, how you doing? I'm doing great, John, and I'm happy to be here. You should be Friends. This week we've got a couple of our friends your friends too who are joining us, a couple of groups who have either started or have podcasts going on. We call them PWLT Podcasts. We Listen To, we want to introduce you to them, and our friend Pam and her sister are back with some exciting fluffy fizzies news That'll be coming up shortly In the Race Report Spotlight. It was a big weekend in Savannah, georgia for the All Women's Marathon, and Julie and Emmy join us to talk about it.
Speaker 8:If you enjoy the Rise and Run podcast, please share us with your friends and introduce them to the Rise and Run family, because we're cool, we want to share in the run disney journey. So please remember to follow us on facebook at rise and run podcast and instagram at rise and run pod, and also check out our youtube channel and visit our web page at rise and run podcastcom. If you guys have like any questions, comments, race reports, because we would definitely want to hear how you guys are all doing this race season or want to introduce an upcoming episode, please go ahead and call us at 727-266-2344 and leave us a recorded message.
Speaker 2:We'd also like to thank our Patreons, whose support helps keep the and Run podcast rising and running. If you'd like to join the Patreon team, please be sure to check out patreoncom slash riseandrunpodcast. And I have to give a big, big shout out to our patrons. They have been super, super helpful in these last couple of weeks, because we might as well make the announcement now. In a couple of weeks um, we might as well make the announcement now.
Speaker 2:In a couple of weeks, ladies and gentlemen, we will have the rematch of podcast family feud rise and run versus will run, for it's gonna be epic, and our patrons have been great in terms of helping give us suggestions for survey questions, and then also the patrons. I've already had exclusive access to fill out the surveys. Um, I think by the time this goes live, uh, everyone else will have access to that as well too. Uh, we are going to let a few more entries in this time, but, but again, we will be capping as well. So, once you get that alert on Facebook that it's live, if you want to participate in it, be sure to fill out those survey forms as quickly as possible. But again, the Patreons were really instrumental in coming up with some really, really great questions for this epic rematch, so we look forward to presenting that to you in the next couple of weeks. So again, patrons, thank you so much, but, jack, I think you have something on the patron front that you want to discuss.
Speaker 8:You know, greg, you know I'm so excited for this. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. You guys. It is the holiday season and it is the time of gifting and giving and, with that being said, I know the holiday season. There's always a thing called the 12 days of Christmas. Well, I'm giving you guys the 12 days of stretches.
Speaker 8:I am a certified gravity yoga instructor through Yoga Body Studio, and basically, what gravity yoga is is we help prevent injuries with the stretches that we provide for both your back, your hamstrings and your hips. Now, where does this lead for the Patreons? Now, come on. Well, our Patreons, you guys, are going to be the ones that will vote for what is going to be the introduction to the gravity yoga stretch of the day for day one of our 12 days of Christmas. So they will have the opportunity to vote whether they would like to see a hip stretch, a hamstring stretch or a back stretch, and I will let you know. I will go ahead and make sure that I do provide modifications. I will show you the regular form as well as a more intense form and the lesser intense versions of each one. That way it is modified for anybody to learn. Yeah.
Speaker 5:I can sense the buzz that's building around this voting opportunity. Yeah, what are the options again?
Speaker 8:Your hips, hip stretch, yeah, hamstrings. And your back.
Speaker 5:How do you decide?
Speaker 8:I don't know, but you guys know it's about to be marathon weekend soon, so this is going to help to prevent those injuries. The more flexible we are, the better our bodies are for it.
Speaker 5:I think it's a good idea, jack. That'll be fun. Thank you for that, friends, the Rise and Run podcast is sponsored by the good folks at Magic Bound Travel. Magic Bound Travel can help you with all of your travel needs for your run Suggest, your Disney vacations, or Universal or Cruises, disneyland, royal Caribbean. Magic Brown is there for you. I always like to remind our listening friends that if you're booking a run Disney package through Magic Bound, all of their agents they assign to run Disney runners are experienced run Disney runners themselves and, in many cases, parts of the Rise and Run family. Magicboundtravelcom is the website. Check them out.
Speaker 2:Before we move on to training and the training calendar and such, I just wanted to offer a quick apology. Uh, with the combination of delaying the new york city recap, um, that we had in last week's episode, but then we had mentioned names two weeks ago when the race actually happened. Uh, I realized that probably some pr bells slipped through the cracks because I know not everyone who we listed off in the race report could be part of the, you know, the race report spotlight that we had done the previous week. So if we miss giving you a PR bell, I greatly apologize for that. So, to cover all of our bases, here is one big PR bell for all of our friends who ran the New York City Marathon.
Speaker 5:That's a big bell Back to you, bob. Greg, I don't know how you don't miss more PR bells. Once in a rare while one will slip by, but I know how long that race report can be and I know you have to edit that thing and you've got to listen for every PR and I'm impressed that you catch as many of them as you do.
Speaker 2:Oh, when I re listen back to make sure I didn't make any mistakes, when I'm here, I'm in the race report, I'm like in bated breath because I'm terrified.
Speaker 5:This one. So I think our friends understand if one or two slip through. But thanks for thanks for catching up on that. Friends, let's look at the training schedule. Marathon weekend Marathon weekend is seven weeks away. Seven weeks from the day of the release. We will be running the five K. This is training week number 21. And for the long races, the training schedule shows a seven mile run with the magic mile.
Speaker 5:Let me take a moment here and address something I've seen talked about on Facebook. You're going to hear people talking about different distances. In fact, I'm going to talk about a different distance here in just a few minutes. In fact, I'm going to talk about a different distance here in just a few minutes. What we are giving you is the Jeff Galloway distances on his training schedule that's published on the Disney site. Many of us use something different. You know. Many of us use the customized training program, so we may have different mileages. Many of us use personal coaches. Alicia may have clients who, because they have a race scheduled, can't quite work in their miles, so they have to work their long distance runs around different weeks. So when you hear us saying, hey, I did 23 miles this weekend and you're doing seven. You're not doing anything wrong. It's just that the schedules can be different. So I hope that explains that.
Speaker 5:Disneyland half marathon weekend, the first run in the calendar year 2025 is can it be? It's 10 weeks away. 10 weeks away, training week eight If you're doing the challenge, that weekend you have your first double up a one mile walk and an eight mile run walk. Princess weekend is 13 weeks away. That means we're less than 100 days, 91 days now till the Expo. For Princess Weekend. Training Week 5, long run is three miles this weekend and talk about it's here before you know it. Disneyland Halloween Race Weekend. Registration for Club Run Disney is Tuesday. For the rest of us, for the rest of the world, it is the following Tuesday, december 3rd, so it's 12 days away. I haven't formed a group for that yet. I need to do it, a group chat, so that we can get together on registration day for Disneyland Halloween Race Weekend. It sounds funny to say it. Disneyland Halloween race weekend registration. Didn't we just have Halloween?
Speaker 5:Yes, we ran that like a couple weeks ago, bob, and now we're registering for a race. All right, december 3rd. Hey, training updates. Kids. Anybody got anything they would like to talk about in their training schedule?
Speaker 8:what you got, jack well, you know, last week, um, I did my triple tens and it went pretty good. Calf was a bit tight in my right calf but it's recovered. I'm gonna continue and work more on my stretches as well, um, getting into race day. But the thing that I really wanted to say is is that, like, I think it's extremely important that you also train um your, your body into like the foods that you're eating before the races. This this time around, I um started a you know two weeks ago where I took out like anything, basically most most fried food I've taken out, I've taken out pizza out of my diet, I taken most things that are like greasy out, um, and it's made a huge difference. And and desserts, I have a teeny little like um, like the dove dark chocolates, because I always tell myself it's good for your heart and it is. Don't let anybody tell you any different.
Speaker 5:Even if it is, I'm not going to believe them, Jack.
Speaker 7:I'm going with you.
Speaker 5:I'm going with you.
Speaker 8:But, like it's, it's a huge difference and for somebody who has IBS, I have barely had any issues because I've been having a cleaner diet, um, and I feel like it's going to help prep me for race day and um and so like. When I mean training, like not just running training, I'm definitely training the way that I'm eating too, and I think it's been extremely helpful, and I've noticed a lot less bloating as well, and it's been it's been great.
Speaker 5:I think it's a good point. Yeah, they make a good point. How is the you're training for that hundred miler, which is not that far away now, right?
Speaker 8:No, it's less than a month away. Who's scared?
Speaker 5:I am Well the difference between nervous and scared Jack.
Speaker 8:Nervous I understand you got nothing to be scared of. Yeah, I'm very lucky that I do have a very good friend of mine who is actually um about. As of today, tuesday, the day of recording, he's on his way to south africa yeah yeah, so, um, he's going to run his 100 miler and then he's going to help me crew for mine, which I'm forever grateful for.
Speaker 5:Oh, yeah, yeah, that's Adam, adam, one of the. Run. Disney facers, a really good guy. He's been on the podcast several times and, yeah, he's a good person to have in your corner, that's for sure.
Speaker 8:Yeah, yeah, and I tell you what. You guys, I'm going to put up a story because I can and I feel like after 100 miles I might get bored at some point. So I'll be like, talk to me.
Speaker 5:Yeah, chapters of your story. Hey, have you done your longest training effort yet, or is that still ahead of you?
Speaker 8:I have one more long run weekend. I had to switch out around my last two long runs, which is why I did my triple 30 last weekend and then I do. That was all in one day and then next weekend. Oh, no, sorry, Not triple 30. It's triple 10s.
Speaker 5:Triple 10s, total of 30. Okay.
Speaker 8:But I do on Thanksgiving break, I do a 20 on Friday, 20 on Saturday and 20 on Sunday, and then that's basically it until race day.
Speaker 5:When you do the triple 10s, you break them up two hours in between.
Speaker 8:Yes, it wasn't bad, to be honest.
Speaker 5:Yeah, that would take me all day. I would see the sun rise and set. If I had to do that, just from the time it would take me to do it, assuming I could do it, which I don't think I can.
Speaker 8:You know, Bob, I follow you on Strava. I feel like you could do anything.
Speaker 5:That's a uh, that's a heck of an effort, Jack. So, yeah, I'm glad it's going well and you make a good point on the uh, training your body with the foods. It's something I've thought about when I have long training weekends coming up. I'm not good enough to think about it all the time, but I do think about it. Uh, 48, 72 hours before a long training weekend. So I had four, 10 and 23 this week. Uh, I'm walking that four and walking that 10. And I'll tell you, friends, I've walked a whole lot of the 23.
Speaker 5:Uh, there's one thing I can't get past in that I can't fight the calendar and it's starting to hurt. Uh, the knee hurts. What can I do? So I go easy. I still maintain a 14 minute pace or so and I'm not in a race, but I'm encouraging you again. I mentioned this before. We have we have good runners who are listening to this podcast, people who are going to go out and do great times in all four of the Dopey events. We've got good runners, like Jack, who's going to go out and do 100 miler at an amazing pace. But a lot of us are middle to back of the Packers and that is just fine. That's what Run Disney is for as far as I'm concerned. So we've said it many, many times. People who are a lot smarter about training than me know this that you can do your long runs at a very slow pace.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 5:Yeah, yeah. And now one of the things and we've mentioned this before too you get the endurance benefit. It is still helping you to complete whatever your goal race is. But the other thing that you can't forget about is okay, I did 410 and 23 this weekend. I continued my training today because that's what's on the schedule. I continued my training today because that's what's on the schedule. And if you go hard in that 23, it's going to be really hard to continue your training on Tuesday. So I went pretty easy. I got out this morning. Did I feel a little tired to start? Of course, but after the first half mile or so, when things loosen up, I'm good to go Walk if you must Get the training distances in. They're important kids. Anybody else on training?
Speaker 8:Other than I can't believe it's almost marathon weekend too. I'm like my mouth is like just dropping, like the jaws, like almost on the floor. You're right, I can't believe it. I still gotta buy my costumes. We just talked about it. Seven weeks, seven. Know, you're right, I can't believe it I still got to buy my costumes.
Speaker 5:We just talked about it seven weeks, seven weeks, yeah, we got to start talking about getting the 101 Dalmatians organized. I know, I don't know how many of them, we have 200 and something.
Speaker 8:Do we really? Don't play with me.
Speaker 5:Oh yes, oh yes, Absolutely yeah, it's going to be fun getting that group photo, but we have to. We have to figure all that out. We will. We've got a couple of weeks left to do that.
Speaker 8:Can we have a calling during the race and all we just have to go is and, like we know, we're one of the same.
Speaker 5:Here's what I'm just thoughts off the top of my head. I don't care what corral I get assigned to. I'm going out of the last corral and the reason I'm going out of the last corral is that everybody can come with me. It's only the 5K boys and girls I'm not out to set. We're going to walk this thing. That's the other thing I plan to do. I plan to leave out of the last corral and I plan to walk. That way we can keep as many people together as want to stay together and we can just have a heck of a time.
Speaker 8:You know, Bob, I disagree Because, as a puppy, if you're Cruella, I'm running away from you. You won't see me. You see my dust. I'm going to be like you're not getting me.
Speaker 5:I'll be in the last corral and all the puppies can run away and I'll be walking that corral and all the puppies can run away and I'll be walking. That's my plan, but we had to find a place. We'll find a place to get a photo.
Speaker 6:I've got to get a nice photo by a fire hydrant too, that'd be nice if we could.
Speaker 8:Oh my God, yes.
Speaker 5:Nice if we could. Yeah, I've already figured out that if we tell our buddy Tony that we're going to be there, we'll get a Disney or RK, we'll get a Disney photographer to get a picture of the group. So that'd be good.
Speaker 6:More to follow. The only problem is like if the rest of the crew. Well, unless we get Riley before the event to kind of get us at the staging area.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm sure if you'll talk to one of them, that's what they usually do for the big groups.
Speaker 5:Yep, All right. Well, yeah, more to follow my fellow, my puppies, but I'm excited about that. Hey, we mentioned at the top, we've got really exciting news about our friends at Fluffy Fizzies. Let's visit with them right now. Friends, it wasn't that long ago that we came across with the news that our friend Pam was not going to be affiliated with Fluffy Fizzies anymore. In fact, Pam joined us to talk about it. Well, we've got some exciting news. You've probably read it by now. It's not a surprise. Fluffy Fizzies lives and here with us tonight. Pam and the new owner of Fluffy Fizzies, Michelle. Hi guys, it's good to see you.
Speaker 5:Welcome to the podcast. This is exciting. How do you two know one another?
Speaker 4:Well, I'm the big sister Michelle is my little sister, you're probably going to have a hard time telling us apart just by voice, because we tend to sound alike.
Speaker 5:That happens in families. My brother and I are kind of like that. That happens in families. Not only do you sound alike, but you pick up the same phrases and the same patterns of speech and all that. So it's not unusual. But that notwithstanding, this is exciting news. We are really really happy that you're back up. I know you're very early in the process, but how are things going so far?
Speaker 4:Well, how long do we have? Because there's been a lot going on behind the scenes. I feel like I'm running 24-7.
Speaker 5:Oh, I'll bet you do.
Speaker 4:Pam has been guiding me along this um trail and she's been so helpful, so I think it's been um going very well. Uh, as we speak, the delivery truck should be here in about four hours with um all of the equipment and we should start production really like this weekend, so it's very exciting. So now you know y'all have all met my dad through the many, many experts where he worked.
Speaker 4:Dad has been on the road almost 24 hours straight right now driving the truck uh to mich, michelle's house, because Michelle and I unfortunately don't live near each other, but he literally got on the road 23 hours ago.
Speaker 6:No kidding.
Speaker 4:So he stops a few times to take a rest and he still has probably about three to four more hours right now and he's driving by himself. By himself A big moving truck towing his car behind him.
Speaker 5:Oh my goodness.
Speaker 4:And so when we say it's still a family business, dad is even helping make that transition.
Speaker 5:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I know in the past your dad had helped with the Fluffy Fizzy booth. Michelle, is he going to be helping you through this transition and getting the products ready, like he did for Pam? I sure hope so, so he was part of.
Speaker 4:He was my mom and my dad were both big. I mean, I think it's a family business and it'll continue to be a family business. My children are going to be involved and that's why I am doing this is because I want to introduce them to, to business and stuff, and so I hope to have my dad with me, I hope to have Pam with me I'm dragging Pam with me whether she's coming. So I, you know, I I definitely am relying on them and community support to do this.
Speaker 2:Well, the one place that we always get to see your smiling faces is at a run disney expo, and I, I know, lexi and I chatted about this during wine and dine that you know a small part of our souls was missing when we went to the expo this past year. And you know you turn the corner from the galloway booth and you know there would be fluffy fizzies and they weren't there this time there was no one there it was so
Speaker 4:sad, that's very sad. And I was actually there, uh, not only in spirit, I was running that weekend, but, um, I didn't really see a lot of people and it was very surreal for me to be there. I didn't do meetups or anything like that. It was a very weird situation. So I walked into the expo and just, you know, doing it all from the perspective of a runner, doing it all from the perspective of a runner, it was just so odd to be there and walk around the expo and not have my booth to return to. I didn't even know what to do with myself. So it was, it was hard, and actually I teared up as soon as you said that, greg. So it was hard going to an expo and not being such an integral part of it so but but the question that we have to ask though I know what your question is.
Speaker 2:Go ahead I I mean obviously. I'm sure you're probably still working out the king's again. The truck is in route as we record, but when do we think we can see fluffy fizzizzies reappear at a Run Disney Expo?
Speaker 4:So our goal is Princess Weekend. That is a huge goal we're going to. We are shooting for that. It seems like I have the support of the runners of the community that are really putting some drive behind this train, really putting some drive behind this train, and so that's my goal. I don't know that I would make spring time right after that, but I know I'd love to be back again for food and wine. So that's the goal. It's a hard goal to make, but I am looking forward to it.
Speaker 8:I think it's a beautiful goal to make, though, Just like it's time of magic, it's time of princesses castles. I mean, I'll also be there that weekend and I'll be definitely searching for you.
Speaker 5:Princesses, castles and Jack. There you go.
Speaker 4:I know, and glitter, and glitter.
Speaker 5:And glitter.
Speaker 4:Lots of glitter. We're even going to have more glitter.
Speaker 5:Oh my.
Speaker 4:Yeah, not of glitter. We're even going to have more glitter. Oh my yeah, not just lips. We're going to launch some new products with even more glitter, so all those glitter fans will even have more to go with.
Speaker 5:Michelle, my wife and I will go to the expo and almost immediately we'll get separated and then I'll come back to her and she goes. You've seen Pam? I said, of course I've seen Pam. How can you tell she goes? You got glitter all over you.
Speaker 4:Yes, Well, we'll glitter you up, so come, stop by us first.
Speaker 6:You know you have to walk before your run, so to get to the expo, when is the website and the shop opening back up?
Speaker 4:Well, everybody's knocking at the door, win, win, win. So we're being very aggressive and I hope everybody works with me. I plan to do a pre-launch on the 21st, so just in two days, and then I'm going to do a launch December 1st, and on that launch you can get all the products. So we're going to start off a little slow. On the 21st we're going to start with the glitter, because that's a fan favorite and that's what's being asked for the most right now, and then we'll add to that about that slow start.
Speaker 5:People are listening to this podcast. We get a couple of listeners. I don't know how slow it's going to be. I love it, you know if it, if you know, I think I do think this, though I do think our friends will understand if responses aren't immediate. But that begs another question. Our friends in the past have been able to use the happy running code for a fluffy busy's discount. Will that still be available?
Speaker 4:Absolutely so yeah my main goal for this is to really give back to that community that has supported fluffy busy's from the beginning and so, even stronger now, we're going to support you. So for sure, use that happy running code for the discount. And then also, you know, we're here to help you with your fundraising needs. So we want to give back to the community. That's going to be a big, big goal of mine the custom-made fundraiser stuff. Absolutely the.
Speaker 5:Tinker Bob Star.
Speaker 4:That's right, tinker Bob made a splash.
Speaker 5:I think they're still out there.
Speaker 6:I still have one sitting around.
Speaker 4:I have a picture that I was using still, I think, on the website, if I'm not mistaken.
Speaker 5:Oh, it could be.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they were stocking stuffers. Last Christmas I was going to say if you want to bathe with Bob, you might still have that opportunity.
Speaker 6:But go back Speaking of the website. What is the address for the website, in case no one knows about it?
Speaker 5:Yeah, we do have new listeners. Yeah.
Speaker 6:In case somebody wants to know and go and check this out.
Speaker 4:It's still all the same, Fluffyfizziescom, and you'll see all the same ways to order now. In the future we'll have a little bit of a different look. Maybe we might rebrand some things, but they'll always be the same great formulas that Pam created.
Speaker 3:That was kind of going to be my question Do you know exactly like what products you're going to be offering, or is it kind of developing, or you know how does? How does that work?
Speaker 4:Yeah, no. So we're going to start off with the glitter lips. We're going to add some new products for glitter. We're going to have the same the bounce back, muscle recovery. Yes.
Speaker 8:I wish you were going to have it before my ultra marathon. I'm so sad because I leave. I don't know if you're going to have the product out in time before I leave for that trip. Jack, I have some. Oh there you go there you go. You guys didn't see my face.
Speaker 5:That's what friends are for, right there.
Speaker 4:So many people stocked up. So many people stocked up and now they can start using their stashes. Yeah, no, we'll get those out as quick as possible. So I say December 1st for those, but I'm going to do my best to get everything launched before then. But I'm saying plan December 1st. My favorite was the Bliss Oil. I couldn't run at all without that oil. Sometimes I would start running and I'd run home to throw it on my legs and say, ok, now, there it is, now I can do it. And Alicia has always been a big fan of the body butter.
Speaker 1:Yes, I am so very excited because I'm working through the stuff that I got before Pam shut down, so I'm excited that I'm able to get more. You got it. It's coming, yay. So, while Michelle is taking on this new endeavor, pam, what does that mean for you? What are you going to be up to?
Speaker 4:Well, I'm still working at the university, and so that was actually why I had to stop doing fluffy fizzies, because it took so much of my time. I work with the Center for Entrepreneurship helping entrepreneurs figure out how to start and grow their businesses, but you know me, I can't not be an entrepreneur at the same time. So I've actually launched another company and it's called Entrepreneurship at Sea and yes, ship is capitalized, entrepreneurship at Sea and we are doing business incubators and accelerators so that if you have a business or you're looking to start a business, come away with us for seven days. We get away from land, we get away from all responsibilities and you can solely focus on your business. Come on board with an idea, leave with a business. We're going to have investors on board, we're going to try to have some buyers on board based on the products that come out of this, and you know, we're looking to help others start and grow businesses. So that's what I'm doing now and that's what I'm looking to continue doing.
Speaker 5:It's in the blood, it's, it's in the blood. Michelle and I have.
Speaker 4:We have owned businesses together in the past. We've had businesses just two doors down from each other. I'd say we've been entrepreneurs for about 23 years somewhere around there.
Speaker 5:Which is amazing, because neither one of you look like you're more than 25 or 28 years old.
Speaker 4:Exactly, we started as kids. That's really impressive.
Speaker 4:Since I'm the younger sister and I tend to get picked on, I would like to say but Pam, who was in business first? Well, okay, okay, no, we like to do things together, so I'm definitely looking up for her for some help here. Oh, and you know most of your listeners have seen Michelle, or a lot of them have met Michelle, because Michelle worked one of the expos not too long ago and had her little daughter there with the glitter lips, if you remember her little girl there with glitter lips. So a lot of you may have already met Michelle. But, um, and, and you know, we've decided we'll team up for some of these expos coming up.
Speaker 5:Ladies, on behalf of the Rise and Run family and the entire Run Disney community, we're glad you're back, Michelle. We're glad you're back. We're excited about it. We're looking forward to seeing you at the expo, working with you and just having fun.
Speaker 4:Thank you, I appreciate it and I look forward to meeting everybody in person and being at that first expo.
Speaker 5:Oh, you will, yes, you will.
Speaker 4:Yes, you will. Yes, thank you.
Speaker 5:All right, good stuff, pam. Good luck and thanks for joining us, and we'll see you again too.
Speaker 4:Absolutely, I'll be there.
Speaker 6:It's really great to see Michelle's taking over the company and. Fluffy Fizzy's, which I think is a run Disney staple.
Speaker 5:Institution, institution Kind of an institution, isn't it, John?
Speaker 6:We'll be back at the Expos where they belong.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I'm excited about all of that. We'll be talking more. I'm just glad that.
Speaker 2:National Nightmare is over and Bob can finally get his glitter lips again. I mean because you know.
Speaker 5:I have never worn glitter lips. Our buddy Tom has quite a bit. I mean, because you know I have never worn glitter lips, our buddy Tom has quite a bit. I do plan to wear them with the Cruella outfit.
Speaker 6:This should be very interesting when we see Bob like at six o'clock later on at night. Stuff ain't coming off.
Speaker 5:Hey, hey. Later on later on in the episode, we've got a story about glitter lips that our friend Stephanie talks about. I hope I don't have the same experience. Friends, we have a medal release Princess Weekend 2025,. The medals were released this week. I thought they were fabulous. What did you think Greg.
Speaker 4:Why are you laughing?
Speaker 5:because his joke is oh, they're, they're nice because I actually thought I thought they were okay.
Speaker 2:To be honest yeah, he's just throwing his for loop. No, I mean again, uh, not not running this race, but I, I will. Uh, I will go on to say that I think this is a set of medals that probably is the most cohesive as a full set since the Marathon Weekend 2022, medals that all of us are in love with. Yeah, the Anniversary.
Speaker 5:Weekend weekend 2022 medals that, like all of us, are in love with. I think they all weekend.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, they all tie in to one another very well. Obviously they did a wonderful job of incorporating the princess and then the villain as well too, and what I've also really enjoyed too is just the uniqueness in terms of the shapes and the stylings. And I will say, the other big thing too is that, again, again, we can only judge so much by a photograph. Hopefully we'll be able to get to see them at marathon weekend, but it looks like a continuation of that enamel style similar to what we got at?
Speaker 2:uh, wine and dine. So I think this is a great continuation of the metal quality being upped a little bit and preventing that damage.
Speaker 1:So overall, I think from the original, and I like the style of the medals because it brings a little bit different and I think it goes with the princess theme. I am kind of confused why they incorporated villains when they haven't before. I'm not mad at it, um, I just thought it was really interesting that it's the princess weekend and they were thrown in there too. Um, but overall I like the look of them.
Speaker 5:I just think there's a big move in general towards the villains.
Speaker 6:I think, popularity. Every princess has to film that they have to take care of.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true. Yeah, it's true.
Speaker 5:But I, but I, I see that coming through more and more. Alicia, that's what I, that's my observation.
Speaker 8:That is a very astute observation because I didn't realize. I'm like come to think. I was like, yeah, there's been a ton of villains. Like if you look at the halloween weekend for 2025, it's all villains. You look at this. I mean I like you guys. I mean I'm gonna praise these medals and I'm really happy that I at least get one of them. Um, but I would have loved the lot. Like Harry Potter would say I'll take the lot, but especially the Mulan medal that is so gorgeous which distance is that?
Speaker 5:I don't remember the 10k Bob that's the one I'm not getting 10k is Jasmine you're right 5K is Mulan 5K okay.
Speaker 8:But Jasmine's looks amazing too, just saying.
Speaker 6:That's the only one I'm wondering about too, because every other medal they showed this spinner yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't think there is a spinner on that one, I think because no, there's not, I'm looking at it.
Speaker 6:Does it open up?
Speaker 8:We get to see her reflection. Reflection that's a good poll, jack, like a mirror inside.
Speaker 5:That's a good poll. I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. This will be the first race weekend since Princess of 22,. I think that I'm not doing all the races.
Speaker 13:Wow, Bob, why not I'm?
Speaker 5:doing the 5K because I want to come back to Tampa to do one of the Gasparilla runs. So I'm going to do the 5K at Disney World. I'm going to leave Becky there because I'm going to leave so early in the morning, drive back to Tampa, do the 15K here, get back in time for our meetup Saturday afternoon and then do the half. So it'll be a long weekend.
Speaker 2:Oh, this is your dubbed Princess the Pirate.
Speaker 5:Challenge Princess the Pirate.
Speaker 6:Challenge yeah, or the I-4 Nightmare, or that too, yes it could be.
Speaker 5:I'm hopeful that and I'm optimistic that the drive to Tampa at 4 or 5 in the morning will be okay. Now, coming back, 10 in the morning, 11 in the morning. Well, who knows? Yeah, like you said, it'll be a challenge which would take longer running the half marathon or driving back. We'll find out in the morning. Well, who knows? Yeah, like you said, it'll be a challenge which would, which would take longer, running the half marathon or driving back, we'll find out. But, uh, but there you go. The the princess medals are out there. I'll say what I say every week, and and that is they always look good when you're wearing them around your neck.
Speaker 5:They always do so. Cool Friends. This week we have a couple of podcasts we listened to that we would like to highlight. Let's start by visiting with our friends Aaron and Stephanie. We're joined this week by two special friends of the podcast ladies I've known for quite a while who have started a podcast of their own Aaron and Stephanie welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. We're glad you're here.
Speaker 11:Hello, thanks for having us.
Speaker 5:Run Podcast. We're glad you're here, Hello, Thanks for having us. Okay, I'm going to start. I'm hard-hitting journalism Now. I listened to week, not week, three. I listened to episode three earlier and I'm going to kick it off with a tough question Erin, what's the name of the podcast?
Speaker 14:Oh my God, bob, that was mean, I don't even know what the name of the podcast is because I mess it up every single time.
Speaker 11:Stephanie, you're up, it is, I have a sticker, right?
Speaker 5:here, pace Yourself. It's Just Cancer, pace.
Speaker 14:Yourself, it's Just Cancer, the Pace Yourself, it's Just.
Speaker 11:Cancer podcast. See, you almost screwed it up again. Yeah, we had to add the and podcast because when I was making the stickers I said, dude, it just says Pace Yourself. It's Just Cancer on the sticker and the logo.
Speaker 14:This is my bad because, again, our logo for We'll Run For has always used to just say We'll Run For, and then people would be like what is We'll Run For? Has always used to just say We'll Run For, and then people would be like what is? We'll Run For and I was like, oh right, it would help if the word podcast was there.
Speaker 5:Yeah, yeah, I get it. I love that title because to me, knowing the two of you as I do, it encapsulates the attitude that you bring to this struggle and I think it's just typical of both of you. Really Well, thank you. Listen. Many of our friends know one or both of you, but I'm going to ask you to take and I know you've just spent episodes doing this, so you don't need to repeat all that. I know you introduced yourselves in episodes two and three, but would you please take a minute or two and, stephanie, I'll start with you, since I you know Erin's recovering from me putting her on the spot there a minute ago. I'll start with Stephanie and just please introduce yourself to our friends who are listening.
Speaker 11:Sure. Hi guys, my name is Stephanie and I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 38. I only found the breast cancer lump during a shower, and only because I lost a significant amount of weight using the injectable drug called Monjaro. I'm with the VA, I'm an Army veteran, and I waited until my women's health appointment to bring it up because I just wanted to make sure that it wouldn't change or anything, and so that appointment prompted a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound which triggered a biopsy, and then my diagnosis came in August. I had a double mastectomy in October and then seven days later I walked all of the wine and dine races at Disney.
Speaker 5:You did.
Speaker 11:I did. Apparently, that was a big deal to me. I just uh, to me I was just showing up and doing what I was able to and I I did the 5k with my eight year old, who's nine now and I my biggest feeling was I was failing him because I couldn't go, cause we've been talking about it and you know we signed up nearly a year prior and I felt like I was failing him. That. I'm sorry, mommy, can't go. You know I have the surgery but I still could walk. The day before my mastectomy I ran a virtual marathon in my neighborhood. Who does that?
Speaker 5:Just you.
Speaker 11:Yeah, apparently I do Apparently that's my MO With the breast cancer. Everything just kind of cascaded and I had to have a total hysterectomy with bilateral well, I won't do the medical term but ovaries, all the, the lady plumbing removed, um, and then during the month of march, during the recovery, I walked 100 miles because I just needed to keep going. And then just recently, four and a half weeks ago, I had my final reconstruction surgery and then walked all the wine and then walked wine and then walked wine and dine Yep.
Speaker 5:Yeah.
Speaker 11:And also ran a virtual marathon the day before my surgery there too.
Speaker 5:Because that's the thing to do.
Speaker 11:You know, it felt poetic and it felt like a bookend. It felt like a really good way just to close that chapter.
Speaker 14:Erin, if you would way just to close that chapter, Erin, if you would please. Oh my gosh, she went in on so many details. I'm like how do I? Yeah, we went all the way through the breast cancer.
Speaker 11:That was the Cliff Notes version.
Speaker 14:I know it was a very good Cliff Notes version. I was just planning to say hi, I'm Erin from Will Renfor.
Speaker 5:My friend if that's what you want to do.
Speaker 2:I mean, she is the patriarch of the Will Run For Podcast.
Speaker 14:I am the patriarch of the Will Run For Podcast.
Speaker 5:That goes way back.
Speaker 14:Shout out to Tom and our Family Feud episode. Who doesn't know the difference between a matriarch and a patriarch? There's only one letter. Yeah, so my name is Erin. I am one of the hosts of the will run for podcast. Um, I have been podcasting on that podcast for four and a half years now. Uh, actually, just over four and a half years yeah yeah, yeah, it is, yeah, stephanie approached.
Speaker 14:Stephanie approached me about doing another podcast and for some reason I said yes, because she came to me and was like hey, I was a warthog and now I want to do a podcast, and so that's what we're doing. I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost exactly a year ago, in December. Unfortunately for me, I had to go big or go home, and so I decided that I wanted to get stage four breast cancer.
Speaker 11:So I have metastatic breast cancer.
Speaker 14:So I will be in treatment forever. I pretty much want to say FU cancer. So I'm still running, I'm still trying to be active. It's hard AF, but I'm still here doing it. I just ran the New York City Marathon. I'm about to do dopey. While on active treatment, I got chemo on Monday, ran the New York City Marathon on Sunday and F cancer.
Speaker 6:Yeah.
Speaker 14:Which is what we do say on our podcast. Yeah, but I won't make you believe me.
Speaker 11:No, yeah, which is what we do say on our podcast.
Speaker 7:Yeah but, I, won't make you believe me?
Speaker 5:No, okay, we have the E rating, you earn it.
Speaker 14:Thank you. Yeah, I mean, you can't have a cancer podcast and not curse on it.
Speaker 5:I think you're probably right.
Speaker 14:It just feels like it's appropriate.
Speaker 5:Little catharsis maybe, I don't know.
Speaker 14:Yeah, we don't want to tell our guests that they can't curse. We all have cancer.
Speaker 5:Right, yeah, yep, you can pretty much. Yes, I agree with you.
Speaker 1:So, ladies, we know you have a thing in common, but we're wondering why you started the Pace Yourself. It's Just Cancer podcast.
Speaker 14:I'll let Stephanie take the lead on that. For sure, she was a warthog and I ignored her, and that's how this all began greg is actually tied into this story shocker.
Speaker 2:I mentioned in the podcast featuring aaron who.
Speaker 14:Who would have thunk yeah right this is in a trolling way, though, okay this is not in a fair enough way I was just you were.
Speaker 11:You were unfortunate. You were an unfortunate um guest of honor, I suppose in the bathroom of toy story land well, stephanie came.
Speaker 14:I was talking to you, she came out of the bathroom and I ignored her because she was just a warthog and I was like who's this war warthog?
Speaker 11:I was just standing behind Greg on but to your question, alicia, I was listening to Will Run For and I just heard hesitation Aaron's voice. She would mention something about the cancer and then, just, I just heard the pause and I had someone that reached out to me that was a mentor for me going through this process, and so I said, well, I'm going to reach out to Erin and you know, there's not a lot of athletes that are still trying to do what we do and have done while going through all of the crap that we are going through. So I reached out to her and started blowing up her Instagram and I said you know, I have a ridiculous idea. Why don't we talk? Why don't we?
Speaker 14:do a podcast. Actually, you know what she said to me? She said I was in the shower and I was thinking about you.
Speaker 2:That's where most podcasters do their best thinking.
Speaker 11:Thank you. I have some of my best ideas in the shower. In general, everyone has their best ideas in the shower.
Speaker 14:In general, everyone has the best ideas in the shower, but it just.
Speaker 11:It's a funny anecdote yeah it is um, you should be um. What's that not privileged? What's the?
Speaker 5:honored honored.
Speaker 11:Yes, thank you see, I don't have chemo brain so the hesitation I think that she speaks of.
Speaker 14:Uh, and we've talked about this on the pod on the first episode. You know we jokes and we kind of troll each other around. Like you know, as Bob said, when I came on here and I said oh, I have cancer guys, he's like I can't believe you told us like that. I mean we, we joke around about it, we keep it lighthearted.
Speaker 14:I'm all about the dark humor, but that's not our audience. Like we are a very fun, lighthearted, we don't take ourselves too seriously type of podcast and while we've never shied away from injuries or you know why running gets difficult, or DNFs or DNSs or the emotions that come with running, we I didn't want to just become a cancer podcast. And so the Venn diagram, as Stephanie and I talk about regularly, of runners and then cancer people, and then you put those two together and you intersect how many runners and cancer patients there are and it's just very small and so trying to find the place in the community of survivors and thrivers just felt difficult and I didn't want to just spend my entire life talking about my cancer on our other podcast that's not for that.
Speaker 5:Gotcha. It's small but it's not insignificant. And the more that you, more that you this is going to sound silly the more that you look, the more you're going to find there. I think there are more folks out there than we realize.
Speaker 11:Confirmation bias. Absolutely Is the when I was walking the wine and dine races and a lot of people would come up to me and share their story and talk to me, and that's how I met one of people and customized friend, laura. She has thyroid cancer and fighting thyroid cancer constantly and she said that she couldn't find anything that we have started at all.
Speaker 14:Yeah, and even in New York City, the number of people because I ran with a shirt that said running with stage four breast cancer, and the number of people who came by me and said, hey, um, you're doing great, I had cancer, I have cancer, some sort of personal story that they wanted to share with me. So ladies.
Speaker 2:The thing, though, that I appreciate about your podcast and I'm gonna I'm gonna steal the phrase that you used in your first episode, and that is you're you do not discriminate against cancer muggles you know, so you know this.
Speaker 2:This is a situation where, if you are in this predicament of life, where you have to to deal with this on an everyday basis, then this is a podcast for you. But I I would have to assume on the flip side of it, if it's just you're looking for a podcast that talks about inspiring journeys and inspiring stories, I'd have to imagine this is something that will that will satisfy that niche, correct?
Speaker 14:absolutely, I think. Think even our next episode. We actually have our first guest, and I was editing that last week and one of the things that Liz, our first guest, talks a lot about is prevention and advocating for doing the things that you need to do. So I do really feel strongly that that's a big part of what we want from this podcast. We want, as Greg said I like to call them cancer muggles I stole that from a couple Instagram pages I follow but we want you guys to listen so that you can also learn from us. You know what could you do to have maybe help, screened or prevented or anything like that along the way how to advocate for yourself, yes, how to navigate the medical system.
Speaker 14:Or if you have a family member who was diagnosed, or we want people to be able to just come to our podcast and also just relate to us and also learn not what to not to say also, yeah, not to say there you go, look I'm looking for.
Speaker 5:How do I be supportive without being obnoxious?
Speaker 14:one of the things you don't say to somebody when they tell you you have cancer oh, it's gonna be okay no, no, no, you don't say, well, we're all gonna die someday no, I wouldn't do that. Oh, I have had it happen.
Speaker 5:I believe you.
Speaker 14:Many times.
Speaker 5:I believe you. That's just cold.
Speaker 14:I could walk outside on the street tomorrow and get hit by a bus.
Speaker 5:Yeah, no, not the same.
Speaker 4:Cool story bro.
Speaker 5:Yeah, and I'm not looking for an answer. I'll keep listening to the podcast for an answer.
Speaker 11:Yeah, and I'm not looking for an answer.
Speaker 14:I'll keep listening to the podcast for an answer that is going to be one of our soapboxes for this whole episode of us just ranting.
Speaker 5:How do I say look, I care about you, without being dumb?
Speaker 11:Exactly that I'm here for you.
Speaker 5:I love.
Speaker 14:I, you know, I think that we, just we, a lot of us don't want to be different.
Speaker 5:I got it. Yep, I hear that. I hear that you want to live your you want to live your life.
Speaker 14:You can, I. It's a. For me, especially like Stephanie will have a, if she's lucky enough, we'll have a remission and a cure date. Unfortunately, I will not be lucky enough to have that, so for me it's kind of more of a chronic illness, is how I view it. It's something I'll always have to treat, it's something I'll always have to manage, but outside of that, I want to live as best as I can Outside of that I want to live as best as I can.
Speaker 11:Theoretically, I was cancer-free the date of my mastectomy, but just like you, aaron, who knows if it's been like some sort of skip hopping and we'll find something somewhere else, some other time, who knows?
Speaker 5:Do you feel that maintaining your level of activity is helping you to either fight?
Speaker 11:or to fight through the cause or the cure, because I know you got to fight through the cure too. Yes, with a caveat, I don't know. The exercise certainly does help prevent cancer. My cancer is not genetic. It is presumed to be a condition from my deployment to Iraq, but it it kept me grounded, running while waiting to figure out if I was going to do a lumpectomy or mastectomy.
Speaker 11:Um, you know, I had a lot of cry runs that I just let all out and just cried, just let all out and just cried, and it was just kind of my come to Jesus moments. Just me out at two, 33 o'clock in the morning here in central Florida, cause that's before the surface of the sun heats up. And yeah, it just provided clarity. And for for that amount of time, for those amount of miles, it was just me again. And it was Stephanie before the cancer, stephanie before making all these changes. Stephanie, you know, after having the mastectomy and waiting for, you know, pathology results, or waiting for genetic genetic testing or testing, or walking through the hysterectomy, and now I'm having in full-blown menopause at age 40. It centers me back to me.
Speaker 5:Chance to feel normal, absolutely.
Speaker 14:Yeah, I mean, for me running has always been a mental health thing, I mean on top of other reasons, but a big reason why I began running was for my mental health, and so to continue to do that and show up for myself is something that helps me mentally. And then I know that I've said this in a couple different places Somebody asked me does cancer help you in your running? And I said that. I've said this in a couple different places. Somebody asked me does cancer help you in your running? And I said that I actually think it's kind of the opposite way where running has helped me get through the cancer, because running taught me that I can do really hard things and that when my body hurts and when my body is tired, you have to mentally get through those things and push through that barrier.
Speaker 14:And to me that's what cancer is at this point. It's this physical thing that is, I'm not going to let defeat me. So to me it's kind of the opposite. Running has taught me how to work through those mental barriers and I'm taking that into my cancer journey and saying, no, I'm not going to let this take me down. And so for me I want to be able to get out of bed every day. I want to and it's not. I'm not saying that's easy, I'm not saying that like I wake up every morning feeling gung ho and ready to take on the day and go for a run. But it definitely helps to get me out of the bed and say I'm going to go do these things.
Speaker 11:And it's prepared you for wait for it to pace yourself, because it's just cancer. It's just cancer.
Speaker 6:For your podcast. Is there a format for your podcast, like we have our own little format? Is there a format you guys follow or is it just we start today and say what do we want to talk about?
Speaker 14:We're only three episodes in, so we're learning as we go. We will be doing interviews. Like I said, we just did our first one, so every episode will have some sort of interview.
Speaker 11:I do a medical fun fact, yeah, where it provides education advocacy, just something that you may not know, and it's based on the what I call the flavors of the month of cancer.
Speaker 5:Boy, are they fun?
Speaker 11:Aren't they fun? I mean, you know, I don't.
Speaker 14:I really don't know if I'm ever going to top the loss she's a medical. She's a medical professional, she understands what she's talking about and I just sit there like I'm sorry. Are we talking about wet nuts, or are?
Speaker 5:we talking about. All right, you got to listen to episode three to catch that. Okay, I'm not going to, I'm not going to make you. That's it. Listen to episode three, you'll get it, thank you.
Speaker 14:That's it. Listen to episode three, friends, you'll get it, and then, along the way, we'll be adding in additional segments we want to do what Stephanie has described as ding-dong delights.
Speaker 5:Okay, we'll have to tune in.
Speaker 14:I laugh like a child. She's the one who said it and she cannot hold herself together whenever I say it oh yeah, that's normal whenever you see her face, when you say it too, it's because, uh, it comes from the idea of uh medical wins.
Speaker 14:Uh, people get to ring the bell oh yeah to be able to give people an opportunity to share in with the community. You know things that are going on, whether it be a medical win, a running win, a get out of bed win, a drink by water win whatever you want I love that idea so and how often do you publish your podcast?
Speaker 6:every week, bi-weekly, monthly?
Speaker 14:well, don't ask step, ask Stephanie, because that's probably a sore subject.
Speaker 11:I'm a grown-up we are aiming for every other week. We're still trying to get our footing and get schedules and health issues aligned and to figure out our schedules. Synchronicity, thank you. Our mental synchronicity.
Speaker 14:Thank you Our mental synchronicity.
Speaker 4:Are we not?
Speaker 14:I was going to say aren't we supposed to be? What's the Elsa song? Not the Elsa song, the Anna mental synchronization Sandwiches? Come on, you're not finishing my sandwiches for me, yeah, but.
Speaker 8:I love crazy.
Speaker 14:It's not going well, guys. We haven't gotten to that point yet.
Speaker 5:Yes, we have. And listen. Not only do you have a podcast, but you have a very exclusive Facebook page, don't you? We do, yeah, you want to tell us about it stephanie does, sure.
Speaker 11:Um, going back to the harry potter reference, it's called tumor talk. Um well, the facebook group is the private. We have a private facebook group that we ask that only people with or have have or had had cancer join that because the reason being so that people feel safe and comfortable sharing it amongst yeah, it makes perfect sense to me, it does, yeah and so we we require password to get in, and a harry potter homage to Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows.
Speaker 11:you have to have a password and we give out the password in an episode. So you just have to type it into the group and the questionnaire is to be let in.
Speaker 14:So that's called the tumor talk password and you can use any previous episode, cause if you're a few episodes behind, we don't make you. We don't want to make you have to catch up to be able to join. Or if you've just found us, you can use pretty much any password that's ever been in the past. Just let us know what the password is and what episode it was. In case we you know it's like a year from now and you're using episode one's password, I might not remember when I go to look for it.
Speaker 14:I might not remember when I go to look for it. But yeah, we just wanted to give everyone a safe space because I think, as a person who has had cancer and again I'll use Liz she likes to talk about her poop because she has colon cancer and maybe somebody is going to come into that group and isn't going to feel quite comfortable sharing issues that they might be having while running, and we want to be able to give people that safe space.
Speaker 5:No, I understand that completely. I think it's a very smart idea.
Speaker 2:Ladies, we want to thank you so much for taking the time to share with us this not only medical journey that you are going on, but this podcasting journey as well, and we're here to support not only the two of you, but everyone in your community in the run disney community who is is dealing with any form of cancer whatsoever. But if our friends listening today want to download and subscribe, as we always like to say, how can they go about doing that?
Speaker 11:oh, a, you want to tell them the name or how to find us.
Speaker 5:Aaron, you go with how to find them. Stephanie will take care of the name.
Speaker 14:Well, since I don't know the name of our podcast, I'm not sure how to tell you, but we are found wherever. What do you say, Bob?
Speaker 5:How do you say it, Bob? Wherever finer podcasts are sold.
Speaker 14:Finer podcasts are sold. Yes, thank you. We are hosted by spotify, so we are on spotify, but we're also on apple and then any place that those get pushed out to, so pocketcast, I don't know what else name any app, and it'll probably be there. Uh, we are on instagram at pace yourself dot it's just cancer, and then you can also email us if you have any questions or concerns at paceyourselfitsjustcancer at gmailcom, also on Facebook.
Speaker 2:All right, well, excellent, well, we will be sure to follow and obviously I know John will probably put all of these links into this week's show notes. So, ladies, we love you. You, we are here to support you every step of the way. Congratulations on this new adventure and if there's any way that we can ever support you by, you know, hosting the meetup. Uh, even though you know none of the hosts will be there, we will be there with you every step of the way.
Speaker 2:So um, but in all, in all seriousness, no, we, we do love you, and we can't wait to champion not only you individually, but also your podcast as well. So thank you for joining us.
Speaker 14:Thanks, Greg.
Speaker 5:I know I for sure will be at your meetup in January with a giant Will Run For Flag on the run stickers pace yourself stickers and probably something from Ronnie Drink, because you know not. Why not bring them all, yeah bring them all.
Speaker 11:Sure, at the last rise and run meetup I just started hanging on our stickers to everybody. Anyway, I'm gonna.
Speaker 14:I have an on the run uh shirt so I'll stick an on the run shirt on. I'll put my my will run for a flag on. Come to the rise and run, meet up we'd love to see you.
Speaker 5:That is a difficult subject to handle and if I had to pick two people to handle it, I think stephanie and aaron would be at the top of my list, because it's it's such a serious subject and yet they can handle it in I don't want to say a lighthearted way, because that's not fair, nor is it true, but just in a genuine and honest and look, I'm going to live my life and enjoy it, and I'm going to enjoy doing this podcast too, while battling with this disease. So, great job, ladies, great job. Thank you for coming to join us. Friends, give them a listen. I think you will. I think you'll understand what I'm talking about and it's very worth. It's very much worth your time, I promise.
Speaker 5:Hey, speaking of worth your time, I want to thank our friend, jenny, who has organized the holiday Christmas card list for the Rise and Run family. When I was chatting with her just yesterday, we have over 70 people on the list. They now. You don't have to. If you join up, you don't have to send a card to 70 people. You can. You can decide how many you want to five, 10, 15, or more. It's up to you, uh, but the list is still out there now to you. But the list is still out there Now. Jack, you talked about it's getting close to marathon weekend.
Speaker 12:It's getting even closer to Christmas.
Speaker 5:Oh, my gosh, yeah, so the last day to put your name on the list is this Sunday, which is the let's see 24th of November. Yeah, oh, really, yeah, yeah it is Bob, Bob, Bob.
Speaker 6:We just got out of like the summer, I thought, like last week.
Speaker 7:Well around here it seems that way.
Speaker 5:It's still summer here, john.
Speaker 6:It's still summer, it's still summer up here too. That's why.
Speaker 5:Yeah, but yeah, this Sunday is the 24th of November and we're hoping Jenny's really doing the work on this. I'll help her as much as I can, but we're hoping to get lists of names distributed, names and addresses distributed, so that you can get your cards out by the end of November and get them to their destinations. If you're interested, there's a Google form. It's in the featured section of the Facebook group page. I know everything's in the featured section, but it's up there and it looks like fun. It's a neat idea. I just got my cards. I went ahead and ordered uh, some running themed christmas cards and they arrived yesterday. So I'm ready to go moving right along. A phrase I noticed you used last week, at which I appreciated that was fun. I was glad to hear it.
Speaker 5:I, I, I was going in the background listen, bob, I will always be the fozzy to your kermit, so uh, yeah, we got another podcast we'd like to introduce you to, and those are our friends on the stride sisters podcast.
Speaker 2:All right, so for part two of this special episode. I I feel like I'm in like a sitcom now in the 90s remember when that was a big thing like on this very special episode of family matters, of course yeah, so in this part two of this very special episode of the rise and run.
Speaker 2:You know, a few weeks ago we asked our Patreons to help us produce the rest of 2024. And one of our Patreons also happens to be a podcast host herself, because Natalie was very, very gung-ho and had the gumshoe to put. I host a podcast with some friends and we would love to chat with you and we thought that's a brilliant idea. So we would like to welcome natalie hi hannah, hey and caitlin hi and they make up the stride sisters of the stride sisters podcast. Ladies, welcome to Rise and Run.
Speaker 12:Thank you, it's so great to be here. Thanks for having us.
Speaker 5:Greg, we didn't even need to ask them what the name of their podcast was. I have a feeling they'd have gotten it right off the bat.
Speaker 2:So let's start with any good backstory. Good backstory, natalie. Tell us how the idea of the Stride Sisters came about and how you all know one another, and what led to your amazing podcast.
Speaker 10:All right. So we actually all worked together in college and we worked at a pool, so we worked at our college rec center and knew each other through that and I Hannah and I were actually in the same sorority. Caitlin and I were friends through our rec center and I got married in the last six months and Hannah and Caitlin were both my brides or some of my bridesmaids. So a couple of things led to another where we were always talking about different things and especially run Disney. So over the spring, as we were getting ready for the wedding, and really over the last year, we just kind of started talking and kind of putting pen to paper and once because Caitlin got married last fall so once wedding planning was in our rear view mirror for the both of us is when really pen went to paper and we really started getting planning and getting things ready.
Speaker 7:That was when we put the pedal to the metal. I was like we're going to do this, guys. We got to do this.
Speaker 5:Yeah, you got to get it started. Most podcasts die on the vine because people are afraid to get them started. When did you get started? How long have you been going?
Speaker 10:Beginning of July of 24.
Speaker 5:Okay, cool. How many episodes so far?
Speaker 12:I believe we have 18.
Speaker 5:Yes, Okay, that's significant. Cool Every week by clockwork. Yeah, once a week Do you have a release day Tuesdays? Oh, that is a good release day actually.
Speaker 7:And we put it out early. It's at like 5 am Eastern or something. So if you're getting up to do your run, it should be there waiting for you.
Speaker 2:Let's learn a little bit more about the podcast. Caitlin, tell us what is you know for those who have not had a chance to listen to Fine Ladies, tell us what is the format that you follow for your podcast and what is entailed in each episode?
Speaker 12:Yeah, absolutely so. Well, we have our intro and then we also go into a little bit of a calendar spiel. You know I'm a teacher, so got to get like calendar and morning meeting time in there and also we talk about, well, our injuries. But we really hope that we don't have any injuries.
Speaker 5:Right. We hope that part's short.
Speaker 12:Right, exactly, let's see. What else do we talk about?
Speaker 7:Training updates.
Speaker 12:Yes, we do our training updates and then we also try to mix in some Disney news segments. So what's going on in the Florida parks? Sometimes we branch out a little bit to Universal parks, but I pretty little like the Disney.
Speaker 2:Was Universal a curse word in your household growing up as well, or no?
Speaker 12:For me personally.
Speaker 5:I think it's just Greg.
Speaker 2:Maybe it was just my house.
Speaker 12:growing up, I am a former Disney cast member so I do not want to speak of that other park down the street, but I actually did have a universal annual pass while I was doing my college program at Disney.
Speaker 2:What role did you have during your CP?
Speaker 12:Oh, good question. So I was deployed at first because I was a spring advantage, so I started in january of 2017. So I did merchandise on main street east in magic kingdom and I loved it. And then, when the water parks opened up and they got busier, I was. My main role was recreation attractions at blizzard beach, so I was a slide operator.
Speaker 2:Oh, very cool that so. So how many times have you been down summit plummet?
Speaker 12:Oh, so many times.
Speaker 2:So, many.
Speaker 1:More than I can count.
Speaker 7:Yeah maybe.
Speaker 12:Yeah, it was part of our opening duties. We'd have to go down every slide.
Speaker 5:So oh, was it? Oh, wow, yeah, very cool.
Speaker 12:We went to slide test, every slide every morning.
Speaker 5:Safety first yeah.
Speaker 12:Exactly Safety begins with me.
Speaker 5:Very good, very good.
Speaker 2:Now, natalie or Hannah, did either of you do college program as well too? Because you know, like you know, since you all knew each other in college, you know, did one rub off on the other or not, really.
Speaker 10:I wish, but I was an engineering major and they make it very difficult to deviate from the scheduled program. That makes sense, so it didn't quite fit for me. I also wish, and I was a bean counter. Well, I guess I am a bean counter, but I did my master's my fourth year of undergrad, so I combined it all into four, so you had to lose something in any kind of study abroad, or study away was lost in that.
Speaker 5:That's a nice program though.
Speaker 10:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Now I can't remember if we said this up front where, uh, what institution did all of you meet at?
Speaker 13:Miami university the one in.
Speaker 10:Ohio, ohio, okay, so, not, so, not the U, it's, it's, it's it's Maction we love some Maction.
Speaker 12:Yes, exactly, Mac Conference. That's us Love and honor baby.
Speaker 2:I love some good Maction. My last couple of years at Temple we were in the Mac as well too, so I know all about the directional Michigan schools and Toledo and everything like that. That's awesome, very cool, very, very cool. So, hannah, I'm going to ask you real quick, and all the ladies here can answer this question, but I'll start with you first, hannah, of the 18 episodes that you have published so far, do you have a favorite as of right now?
Speaker 7:That is a really tough question. I actually really like our most recent episode that we just did. We released about Wine and Dine. It's a two-parter from our race recap and we just had a really fun time rehashing our girls weekend.
Speaker 5:That's nice, you guys. John Greg, you thought we put out long episodes. We do two, two and a half hours on a recap. They do two hours, two episodes on a recap. I'm checking this out. We're not worthy. We are just amateurs. We're not worthy.
Speaker 12:We have a lot to say. It's fine, it's good.
Speaker 6:It's fun too. Four hours and 24 minutes of recap.
Speaker 7:Yeah, when you're with your friends, what is time?
Speaker 5:That's right, that's right, well said.
Speaker 2:Very nice, natalie. Now how about you? Do you have a favorite episode?
Speaker 10:it's so hard to pick just one.
Speaker 10:I think one of my favorites is the fantasy draft one, because and that was episode seven- yeah, I was going to ask about that one I cooked that up during a couple runs where I get a lot of ideas when I'm out running at 530 in the morning out in Omaha, nebraska, and it kind of just formed. And it formed over a couple of different weeks so it had been inspired by different drafts I had heard, and my husband was starting to get started with his fantasy draft for actual fantasy football and I'm like, well, I'm going to do, let's do a Disney one. It'd be really fun to pick, like a race weekend, or pick different bathrooms. That was obviously a funny one I had to add in there. You know what do you like? To enjoy a post race in the parking lot, cause it's interesting to see how his up until this trip we had never had a weekend all together in the parks or how we all do things a little differently and enjoy things a little bit differently so I have this.
Speaker 2:I have not had a chance to listen to that episode yet, but I know. Uh, a little while ago, mike rollman, over at the be our guest podcast, did something very, very similar and he actually incorporated, like the espn, um, like draft selection sound effect. Did you go that far with yours, or no?
Speaker 7:We're not quite there yet with integrating extra special effects.
Speaker 2:Well, there we go For version 2.0, now you have an idea.
Speaker 7:We'll keep that in mind for March Madness in the spring.
Speaker 10:Excellent, I already got an idea cooking for that one.
Speaker 2:Perfect, perfect.
Speaker 7:That is our most popular episode with my coworkers, though. Perfect Perfect. That is our most popular episode with my co-workers, though.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, very nice. And then, caitlin, how about you Favorite episode you've done so far?
Speaker 12:Gosh, I don't know. That's kind of like choosing your favorite child, so I don't know if I really have a favorite, but I also really liked the one that we just released today, our recap of Wine and Dine Cause it was a really great trip. Um, there was actually an episode sort of about me where it was a trip recap of a trip that I took to Disney world back in July, and that was also a pretty good episode. If you want to check that one out, I believe it was episode number four, way back in our infancy.
Speaker 6:Okay. Has anything happened that you didn't expect since you started your podcast? Problems pleasant surprises.
Speaker 7:I think I have a very pleasant surprise. While we were at Wine and Dine. Actually, we went to Satouli's Canteen for very early grandma dinner, as Natalie refers to it, and we were finishing up our meal and right behind us we were, we spotted a YouTuber that we all are very fond of and got to, you know, tell them. But then, immediately following that, natalie was like I also know these people and they were other run Disney folks that she knew, and one of she very kindly introduced me, as this is my friend, hannah, as one does, and they said hannah, are you hannah from the podcast?
Speaker 7:oh wow, and so I had my first like uh moment of strangers, knowing who I am it won't be your last it was a very fun and I told my boyfriend all about it the best one.
Speaker 5:Hannah, and the best one you can get is somebody doing a double take and going. I recognize that voice.
Speaker 10:I've done that, bob. Have you Do you on the course? I'm like wait a minute.
Speaker 5:I get it all the time, but you're going to get that too, and it's fun.
Speaker 6:It's fun, natalie have you had anything? Pleasant surprises, anything that's different?
Speaker 10:I think similarly to Hannah, but not quite in the way of being recognized out in the wild when, when it was announced that the beer cup situation was going to be a little different at one time and people message they're like is natalie gonna be okay? What's? Going in her gear check if not her beer cup.
Speaker 10:So different things like inside jokes, things like that. Um, it has been fantastic too and it's really funny because it's like sometimes I say something as like a very like off the cuff little thing, and then somebody brings it back up later. I'm like oh, I did say that.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah, yes, oh, trust me that happens all the time.
Speaker 5:Who does your editing? Because the podcast is very well edited is very well edited.
Speaker 12:That would be hannah and natalie. They edit it. So far I have not had a chance to edit the podcast uh, so hopefully soon.
Speaker 5:Yeah, so you shared that detail because I I'll tell you one of the things that surprised me is the amount of time it takes anybody run into that amount of time?
Speaker 7:yes, definitely yes it takes us if you want to get listeners. Won't know how long our original files are, but it takes about twice as long as. However the original record was and. I talked to one of my coworkers who was a radio broadcaster in college to see if we were just like crazy and don't know what we're doing. And they was like no that actually sounds really good.
Speaker 5:No, that's very, very in line Sounds about right was like no that actually sounds really good. No, that's very, very in line. No, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, my wife will tell you I put more time into this. I worked from home last two years of my career. She'll tell you I put more time into this than I did into my job.
Speaker 7:But I like this better.
Speaker 5:I like this a whole lot better.
Speaker 7:This takes up most of my lunch breaks.
Speaker 5:Okay, yeah, what are your plans for the future of the podcast?
Speaker 10:it's tough just because it it's based on seeing where things go, and we always want to be a space for community and you know really kind of the mission being we're gonna. We want to be a space to show that, like you can do it if you put your mind to it, you put the effort in and you know there's so many people cheering you on to support you. So I think that, as we're still growing and getting to know new people and getting to meet new people, I think just establishing a little bit of a community never take the food truck area away from you guys, but it'd be awesome.
Speaker 5:You're welcome to come join us. You know that.
Speaker 10:I did. I did pop by during Wine and Dine, but it'd be great to just, you know, kind of like have like see you guys as almost like the gold standard of a run Disney podcast and just Disney podcast. In general I consume a lot of podcast of on all my runs and all my exercise. So I think just seeing like just what you guys have been able to build and grow over the last few years is kind of not copy but emulate in a lot of ways.
Speaker 5:Sure, you can go ahead and copy. We have no pride of authorship. You can go ahead and copy. Yeah, and I joke a little bit, but I also am, as you are, proud and happy to be a part of the community. If the community grows and if you are part of helping it grow, then I'm all for it. So go ahead and copy, we don't care, I promise.
Speaker 2:No, there's a lot to be said about that, because I remember the one time chatting with our buddy, kg, over at Living the KG Life. You know she had said to me the one time and it's absolutely true, I mean sure, and probably some you know subsects of the podcasting world. Yes, there is competition, but when it comes to the run Disney community, I mean, yes, you know there's, you know we need less, you know less animosity in the world and jealousy and everything like that. So we're. You know what's great about the Run Disney community and now this ever growing Run Disney podcasting community, is that we're here, you know, we're here to lift everyone up and we're so excited to have the three of you ladies now enter the foray.
Speaker 5:It's right, really awesome, right I don't. I don't see rivalries in anything.
Speaker 2:I just see other, except for those guys over, the, we'll run for podcast, not not even that's not even those guys.
Speaker 7:Come on, I just really enjoy, you know, getting on talking with my friends and bringing that joy to the listeners as well, and hope that they find that too and maybe we'll have some new friends, I've caught three or four episodes.
Speaker 5:I don't think I've caught anyone from beginning to end, but that's not always wrong either. You know you put and we do this too. You put a two hour plus podcast out there, like I did 45 minutes this morning, so on my run. So I caught 45 minutes of one of your episodes and it is a fun one. I think our listeners, our friends, would enjoy it. Also, how can our friends find you?
Speaker 10:Well, any podcatcher that you enjoy listening to a podcast on the Stride Sisters podcast. Also our socials. We are Stride Sisters podcast on everything but Twitter, X, Tweeter, whatever you want to call it. We are Strideis pod on there. Not going to say we're all that active on that one anyway, but we are more active on Tik TOK, especially thanks to Caitlin, and then Instagram, but that's where you can find us. Maybe Facebook page pending.
Speaker 7:We're waiting for the for the listeners to request that one.
Speaker 5:Well, that was fun. It's great. As I said just a minute ago, it's a fun podcast. Thanks for joining us. Hey, when are we going to see you at Disney again? Please, Natalie, start with you.
Speaker 10:You're going to see us all around the same time.
Speaker 5:Okay.
Speaker 10:We'll be back for Marathon Weekend. It is my second.
Speaker 5:Dopey challenge Hannah Caitlin.
Speaker 12:I'm actually doing the standalone marathon.
Speaker 2:So you and I are together just the marathon. No, no, no On our podcast it is standalone.
Speaker 5:There is no. Just Right now you're on our podcast, so it's just the marathon. Oh yes.
Speaker 12:I am running just the marathon in january um, I didn't know if I wanted to fully commit to dopey, especially with my work schedule oh yeah, that's fair.
Speaker 5:That's fair, and natalie will tell you this. The hard part of dopey is the training, yes, and the hours you got to put into the training. Not that you don't have to put a lot of hours into marathon training you do, but butopey is in the league by itself. But the bottom line is we will see you in January.
Speaker 6:Hannah, what are you doing, Hannah?
Speaker 7:I am also running the Dopey Challenge. It will be my first ever.
Speaker 5:You'll remember it. You'll remember it. I hope so You'll remember it. I think you'll remember it in a good way. I am one of those. I've said this, told this story many times. I finished my first Dopey Challenge in 2019. I went straight to my wife and said that was great. I can't wait to do it again.
Speaker 12:Oh, that's amazing. Yeah, that'll be much better than my Chicago.
Speaker 5:Okay.
Speaker 12:Sorry, I was going to say I had an aunt who did her first Dopey Challenge in 2019 as well.
Speaker 5:Yeah, cool.
Speaker 12:She absolutely loved it.
Speaker 5:Yeah, then we got 20. Then we didn't get 21. But anyway, we're good, we're good, so we look forward to seeing you then That'll be fun. Thanks for joining us. We'll talk with you later, see ya.
Speaker 12:Bye. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Well, ladies, once again, thank you so much for joining us and again, you know, your 18 episodes in the content you're producing is great and we can't wait to hear more.
Speaker 2:So, once again, thank you for joining us. But before we move on to the race report, spotlight just had a quick update. I know we are still roughly about seven weeks away from Marathon Weekend, but it's not too early to get your name into the roll call for Marathon Weekend. You can do so by adding your name to the Google Doc that is pinned, like everything else, as Bob just mentioned, in the featured section on our Facebook page. Or if you ever see the race report thread on Facebook, you can always add your comment in there. But again, if you are running and Grant, it doesn't just have to be dopey Any race that you are participating in during Marathon Weekend, make sure you get your name on there so that we can properly recognize you. That will probably be in our first episode in the new year. So again, you still have time, but we just want to put the all call out there now. Get your name into the roll call.
Speaker 5:Yeah, thanks, greg. We'll remind friends as we go along, but we're looking forward to seeing you there, and I know you're out there because I know how many Dalmatians we have signed up, so look forward to that. Okay, my friends, it's time for the Race Report. The Race Report is sponsored by Stoked Metabolic Training, our buddy, tom Stokes. He's going to be with us in a couple of weeks talking about Wheel of Fortune. I'll be excited to hear that Stokesfit slash Rise and Run Coaching is his website. Take a look on the featured section of our Facebook page for information about Tom's three levels of training.
Speaker 5:I'm still active in one. I think it's been very beneficial to me in helping to reduce injuries, help me lose some weight and help me. I don't know that I'm building any muscle You're not going to confuse me for Tom but as we age, as we all age, we do lose some muscle mass and I don't think I know it's helping me, at the very least, reduce that rate of loss. So I think it's a worthwhile program. Friends, let's start the race report. On saturday in savannah, georgia, for the every women's marathon inaugural running of this marathon. Over there in georgia we had a bunch of folks who ran this one, a bunch of rise and run friends with us tonight in the race report spotlight are two of those friends, julie and Emmy. Hiya guys, welcome, hello, so good to see you. Are you two related?
Speaker 9:Yes, mom and daughter.
Speaker 5:Mom and daughter. Yeah, emmy's been with us before. Yes, right, emmy? Yeah, yes, talking about Paris and Flying Pig.
Speaker 9:Flying Pig style. Julie, your first time here, right, emmy's been with us before. Yes, right, emmy. Yeah, yes, talking about paris and flying pig flying pig style.
Speaker 5:Julie, your first time here, right? Yes, it is. Well, this is exciting because this is the first time we're trying the video part of this, so I'm excited for that also, and this is very unofficial, but I keep track of who has joined us in the spotlight. I keep my eye on trying to get new people every week, trying not to repeat folks If you're out there and you go. Well, I've heard so-and-so a couple of times. The exception is world majors. I don't even track that. If you've done a world major and you're on the spotlight, good, you can be on three, four times. But having said that, the reason I brought that up is I believe you are race report spotlight guest number 99 and 100. Ooh, woo-hoo.
Speaker 5:That's sad, that's a big deal, huh.
Speaker 6:You two could fight it out who's 100, okay, okay.
Speaker 5:All right, but let's talk about this one. This sounds like it was a great event. What made you decide to do it?
Speaker 9:I think we decided to do it because we are going to do we're doing Dopey in January, so we were looking for a race that we could do either, you know, a half or a full to do our training for DOPI. Yeah.
Speaker 5:Catered training run.
Speaker 13:Catered training run, literally in my case, but we will do more training between now as it is early, but we just wanted, like a train, just basically treat it as training run. But also because it was a women's race and for me as a walker the time cut off was very generous it was 7 45. Oh, that's good so yeah so I knew that I could make this, that's good.
Speaker 5:Well, julia, that's a question I ask a lot of guests on the spotlight is how you got started running. Are you exclusively a walker? Now? Pretty much so. Yeah, that's okay.
Speaker 13:Yeah, I started in 2006 with the Disneyland inaugural half oh nice, been involved in run dizzy for quite a while, but mostly walking, and we we've done numerous halves. My husband and I were inaugural dopies oh wow, perfect princess challenge. So we, we've done a lot. And then we got the kids involved as they got older, did avengers, everybody together, yes, so that's. It's been a major portion part of our lives, hasn't it?
Speaker 5:yeah, neat stuff, that's great. I'd always love, uh, the families running together. That's a neat thing. I know becky's retired now from five k's, so she tells me yeah, she's got one.
Speaker 6:She's got one coming up.
Speaker 5:She's doing the next one. She was soaked, you know.
Speaker 13:The next one is the dalmatians and we are gonna, we are gonna be down. Yes, we got our shirts, yes, we're ready nice.
Speaker 5:She, uh, she didn't say anything to me. We came home from springtime surprise, and there were Amazon packages here. Not a surprise, okay. If we're going for a day or two, there are Amazon packages at the door. One of them she goes oh good, my Dalmatian outfit arrived. This is the day after springtime. Well, that's good. You're going to be there as puppies, that's good. I'm excited. I'm looking forward to that. We going to be there as puppies, that's good, I'm I'm excited, I'm I'm looking forward to that.
Speaker 6:We'll be talking about that on the episode. We've already talked about it on the episode. Tonight we talk about it more as the weeks go by okay so this is the inaugural event. You said yes, so was there anything like any hiccups?
Speaker 9:good, good communications throughout the at the weekend so I thought generally the communication was okay, um, and then the expo was really small and so it made it hard to get your shirt, you know, they ran out of the merchandise, it was hard to look at vendors and things like that. So I think they had like a really good vision of what they wanted out, of like what they wanted our experience to be. I just don't think they expected everyone to show up at 10 am when it opened, um, because we were there maybe around 11 30 ish and it was so really busy and they had run out of the merch by then. So, um, you know, as long as they book a bigger venue next year and kind of space some things out, I think it'll be even better. I think those that did get a chance to do all the things that they had at the expo had a good time. It's just when we were kind of there in the crush of it, so it just wasn't as good as it could have been.
Speaker 13:Yeah, and we're kind of. You know, Emmy works for Flying Pigs, so she knows how to run. We've done many, many expos. So you know, we kind of I don't want to say are expo snobs, but maybe we're expo snobs. But anyway, the great thing about this race is that 40% of the registration were first-time marathoners, and I think that is a tremendous thing.
Speaker 13:They said they had 7,000 register. But we're thinking maybe 5,000 showed up and ran it. But I mean, I think they had a good vision for it. They will make improvements. It's just there were a few hiccups in the beginning.
Speaker 5:Oh sure, there are growing pains with any event, and this was a pretty good-sized one. I did notice and we're going to go through the list of our friends who ran this here after we finish yeah, I noticed a whole lot of this was my first marathon for the women that did it, which I think is great, of course, and maybe the fact that it was an all women's marathon encouraged folks who might not have tried otherwise to give it a shot. What do you think?
Speaker 13:Absolutely yeah.
Speaker 9:And just the fact that also, like the time cut off was was really generous, that kind of can ease your mind a little bit of okay, it's a I don't have to strive to go so fast or I can be a little slower in my training.
Speaker 9:I can do a run, walk, I can walk, I can, you know, kind of do my own thing. But you know, I think there's the support was there. I think they had a lot of. They had they offered a lot of training plans and support and things like that too. So I think that encouraged people who were maybe on the fence or who were a little intimidated oh, I think this is a little more accessible and doable for me and they did allow men to register, and so some women commented that they were able to run with their husbands or significant others.
Speaker 13:So I think that helps too for first time marathon marathoners good deal.
Speaker 5:I actually was going to ask that, but every women's. I figured maybe they didn't, but they did. That's cool. I mean that's kind of like princess. I enjoy running. Princess is just.
Speaker 6:Is the event for anything? Does it give back to any charity or organization?
Speaker 9:Yes, they had several main charity partners that were all women-focused. I think one of them was Girl.
Speaker 13:Scouts, black Girls Run, girls on the Run.
Speaker 5:Girls on the Run, yeah.
Speaker 13:And St Jude Hospital. When you registered, you could pick a charity and they would make a donation.
Speaker 5:Oh, that's nice, that's nice. So how was the course?
Speaker 9:Well, it was mostly flat, which was good, oh good, yeah, it was mostly flat. There were a lot of out and backs and we're just not out and back people yeah right. You know, but I thought it was good, like there are parts that were that were really beautiful. There was a highway portion. It was a lot shorter than the run Disney on the highway, so it really wasn't that bad, you know, but it was just hard with the out and backs, I think, cause it's you see the people.
Speaker 9:I hate seeing the people go by you're going, and so that's not.
Speaker 5:You're not fist bumping as you go by, or no, we did. I was high, fiving high fiving they did.
Speaker 9:The vibes were high, but it's oh, it's not always fun.
Speaker 13:You just couldn't see, like, where the end was on some of these out oh, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, I get that and that gets a little.
Speaker 5:It gets in your head a little bit yeah yeah, how was the weather it?
Speaker 9:was a beautiful day.
Speaker 5:That's good because it can. They can still be warm in georgia this time of year and and that's another humid area over there, like where I live. But I'm glad, um, I'm glad it was good. That's nice any course. Highlights for you okay um clearly there are you go first.
Speaker 9:Well, um, I was. I was with a pace group for a while, so that was always my that's. I like to find a pace group and just stick with them, work up for a little bit on a marathon, so it can be a little, don't think as hard. Um, there was so many, we went through several neighborhoods and so there was lots of people out cheering. There's a lady offering to let people use her bathroom, you know, just fun stuff like that. Um, I got to see mom on out and back, um, you know, but it was, it was good.
Speaker 13:Oh, there was there was a the marching marching band the uh university stadium. They had the savannah nana's uh the savannah bananas bananas yeah they have their cheer.
Speaker 9:Their cheerleaders are savannah, nana, so it's like older women as in grandmas yes, nice. So they were out cheering um because we went around the stadium where they play, so that was really cute.
Speaker 5:I didn't know about that.
Speaker 13:That's cool there, there were girl scouts handing out girl scout cookies very good so my thing was this I um, I'm used to a race butler, my husband oh, okay yeah, um, when, when we do our training, a lot of times he will bring us a coke.
Speaker 13:Um, he does do half marathons with us. He's retired from marathoning, but he will do half marathons but us. He's retired from marathoning but he will do half marathons, but on marathon day, down at Disney, he'll meet us on main street and bring us a Coke, my peanut butter sandwich, my sunglasses. You know, it's just really nice to have that support. So when we went to Savannah I was concerned because we didn't know anybody there and I didn't know. I really like to have a Coke because I don't really drink the electrolytes.
Speaker 13:Now, I carry, I carry food with me, I have salty snacks and whatnot. I just I thought, oh gosh, I wish I could get a Coke. But you know, maybe somewhere on the course I can find a Coke. So anyway, we get started and long about mile five I see a guy in a dopey jacket and I'm like, oh, hey, dopey. And he goes yeah, dopey, oh, see you in January, see you in January. Okay, run to the Saltonback, come back. There he is again. He was talking to other people but I just I just went on and then I seen long about mile seven for a third time.
Speaker 5:I'm like, hey, there you are again, you're following me.
Speaker 13:He's like, yeah, you're going to see me a lot, and I don't know. I just said out of desperation, can, could you give me a Coke? And he's like I got you. And then't know, I just said out of desperation, can, could you give me a Coke? And he's like I got you. And then you know, now listen, you're, you're running a race, you're trying to keep moving. And I was just like, well, where will you be? He goes, I don't know, I'll find you. And I'm like, oh, okay, and I go on. And then I'm thinking to myself as the miles go on, and then I'm thinking to myself as the miles go on.
Speaker 13:I could have given him my bid number to track, I could give him a phone number. Who knows if I can see this guy again. But it's okay, if I'm supposed to get a coke, I'll get a coke. And I went on and there, around a mile 16, there he is again. And I'm like, oh, there you are. And he's like, yeah, I got a coke with a coke and a smile so straight out of the commercial that's right, exactly.
Speaker 13:And I I'm like, oh well, we got to take a picture and what's your name? And but again, you're trying to keep moving, right? So he goes well, my name's Greg and um, I said, well, how will I? He goes well, I was a pacer at Wine and Dine. I was a two something pacer. And I'm like, oh, okay, because you know, chris Twiggs publishes the names. I'm like, perfect, I will be able to find him. So I go on my way and then this is.
Speaker 13:We started out in Beck and this is where I ran into Emmy so I could drink some Coke, I could hand the Coke off to her, so she has some extra sugar. And you know, go. And then you come back out of this, out and back there he is again. And then I stop and I'm like, hey, guys, you know, are you on Facebook? Yeah, yeah, I'm on Facebook and I'm trying to. You know, in my mind, keep going. But figure, how will I track this man down to thanking? And I'm like, you know, I'm on Facebook, blah, blah, blah, okay. And they're like, hey, don't you need to finish the race? Yes, I need to go. So they said we will see you again. I'm like, okay, so take off, and right before the finish line, somewhere around mile 26, there they are, greg and his friend Joe, and I had to stop take a picture. And then I had one of Alan Young's bracelets on.
Speaker 13:And so I had to give that off, give it to him and say thank you very much, appreciate it, and that was you know. It really testifies, you know, power run disney community oh yes mine, but I would have never, never asked somebody if I didn't see that dopey jacket, because I'm not dopey's no suffering they know what it is yeah, they.
Speaker 13:I mean really this is a testament to Greg and how kind, because I don't know how he found the coke, I don't know what you know was going on his end, but I did later that night get on Facebook and get his name and I found him in the rise and run group and connected. So thank you and I owe him a beverage. See him at the expo on Wednesday, whatever he wants.
Speaker 5:Awesome Cheers. Awesome Great story Julie Great story.
Speaker 13:That really made my race, though, because we didn't know anybody there and it was just nice to have that connection.
Speaker 5:It is a heck of a community. It surely is, and that's a great example of it. It's a great story.
Speaker 6:Thanks. So how was the event after the race? The post-race celebrations area? How did that go?
Speaker 9:so, um, I thought they had like plenty of snacks and stuff at the finish line. You know chips, cheeses, granola bars, milk. This event was sponsored by milk, so there was yeah, yeah, yeah milk and water and cheese cheese.
Speaker 9:No, but the the finish line kind of dumped you right out into kind of a reunion area and I was kind of tired and sat down on a curb and just to gather my thoughts and you know kind of, okay, where am I? Where, you know, and I I'm not super into the after party, so we didn't go, cause you also would have had to walk around the block at this point, and I had, and I said to myself I can either walk around the block to go sit down or I can just get up and just keep walking back to the hotel. You know, cause if I stop and sit again I'm probably not getting up.
Speaker 5:Oh yeah, it's tough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 13:So, but I think, from what I saw, that other people posted you know those that went had a good time- they had a concert even, but our hotel was a mile from the finish and so we kind of you know, know, when I finished I said, did the same thing, sat down a minute, got the gps tried to figure out where I am and we just went yeah, that's, that's not too bad, that's not bad.
Speaker 5:All right. What's up next for you guys, what races you have coming up and when do we see you at disney again?
Speaker 13:don't be no, no you. Oh, I'm doing the St.
Speaker 9:Jude 10K. Okay, because the pig will have a booth at the expo. So if you're doing the St Jude, come and say hi and then we're, then it's.
Speaker 13:Dopey.
Speaker 5:Then it's January and Dopey.
Speaker 13:Yeah so we're just training and be prepared for a Coke to meet my husband on main street for the marathon.
Speaker 5:Will he have a Coke?
Speaker 13:He will have a Coke. He will do the half with us. Yes.
Speaker 5:Good, so that's good. Well, we'll be excited to see you there. Well, thank you, thanks for joining us. Thanks for being a part of this new experiment. Let's see how it works out. I had fun with it. I hope you did too.
Speaker 9:Yes.
Speaker 13:Thank you. Great, and I want to say something about the Rise and Run group.
Speaker 5:All right, I'll turn mic, go ahead.
Speaker 13:I want to say thank you because I feel your podcast and the Facebook group are so supportive. I mean, people are just kind and they stay focused on hey, this is a good race. This didn't work and it's really been great because we just discovered you probably this spring and I've enjoyed it very much.
Speaker 5:We're really blessed, julie. We're blessed with wonderful friends like you and Emmy, and I've yet to meet anybody associated with the Rise and Run family that I just didn't enjoy speaking with and enjoy knowing. And we hear a lot that you help us. We hear from our friends that say, oh, you helped me finish and I go, that's great, that's wonderful, I'm glad, but you finished, we didn't do it, you did it and you had to make the effort, so we're proud of you.
Speaker 13:Thank you, thank you, thank you. We will look forward to seeing the very tall Cruella.
Speaker 5:With the glitter lips.
Speaker 13:All glitter lips, oh my Wow.
Speaker 5:Yeah, we'll see how that goes. I'm going to try it. All right, friends. Thanks so much. Great fun talking with Julie and Emmy. We had a bunch of folks in Savannah for this event. Let's take a look. Denise was there. She has sent in her first race report, ran her first marathon. You're going to hear a lot of those bells Said it was beautiful weather, finished in just a little over six hours, very happy with the result. Allison was there. Allison ran her first marathon. Ashley first race report from Ashley a huge PR of almost 44 minutes.
Speaker 2:Wow, that's awesome.
Speaker 5:She's proud of that too. Thankful for her coach for pacing her and dragging her along when she felt like she wanted to quit. I get it. That's the thing about long-distance running I want to quit but I don't. I keep going. Good job, ashley, tiffany.
Speaker 5:Tiffany says this is her first race report. I thought we've heard from Tiffany before but it's her first race report. First full marathon outside of Disney, first race outside of Florida. Outside of Disney. First race outside of Florida didn't quite make the goals she had of a sub-six-hour marathon. Came pretty close and set a five-minute PR. Allie's giving us her first race report and on her birthday she ran her first marathon. Managed to hang with the six-hour group until about mile 22. Made a wonderful new friend who had also fallen back a little bit and they finished together. Allie's family got to spectate in a bunch of places along the route.
Speaker 5:Crowd support was wonderful for this race. Lisa finished her first marathon. Jackie was there. Kim went intending to run just to the half mark and then pull out out due to injury. Kristen did her first marathon. Said that seeing so many women support and cheer on each other and seeing so many other women that were running their first marathon like she was made this a wonderful memory.
Speaker 5:Lucy says the crowd's support throughout the course was outstanding and the supportive cheers and high fives and smiles from the fellow runners Because remember Julie and Emmy telling us there's a lot of out and back, so plenty of opportunity for that. Now Lucy is the exception. She didn't PR, but she did PR and you've got to give her credit for this. We almost need a special bill. She PR'd in beer consumed during the race Maybe not the best idea, but she had a good time. Taylor first marathon and I saved this one for last. I wish we had a special recognition sound for this. Michelle finished this one and said I finished my last marathon. I think she might be telling us the truth. We'll see, all right.
Speaker 5:That sounds like it was an outstanding event there in Savannah.
Speaker 6:That's a lot of people. Bob for an inaugural race too.
Speaker 5:Inaugural race yeah, that really is a lot of folks. I mean it puts up there with some of the other ones.
Speaker 6:And knowing some of these people here, they're not local to Savannah.
Speaker 5:No, and how many? I didn't count them, but I'd say 80% of them. First marathon. Yep, that's impressive. So they got a good event going on there in Savannah. Maybe some of our friends will want to look for it next year.
Speaker 5:Now, not terribly far away in Greenville, south Carolina, the Ville to Ville Sprint Relay. Anna was there. This race was set up with teams of three where each person ran alternate legs that counted down. So Anna ran a total of seven miles. I think she ran a five mile leg and then a couple of legs later a two mile leg. Uh, race was really difficult for her but she's proud of herself for not only putting herself out there but being part of the team and a lot of times. Being a part of a team like this you'll you'll do better than you think you're going to. She ended up setting PRS at two different distances at one mile and at five kilometers.
Speaker 5:Our friend Kayla was in Winter Garden, florida, for the French Family Foundation 5K In Charlotte, north Carolina. They had a race weekend with a marathon, a half marathon and a 5K had a race weekend with a marathon, a half marathon and a 5K. Joe Ellen ran the marathon. The crowds were amazing and encouraging. Court support was fantastic. But those hills were no joke and the finish line was uphill. Finish line should not be uphill. That should be illegal. You shouldn't be able to finish going uphill. But that's the way it was Uphill or not. For Joellen, a marathon PR.
Speaker 5:Kristen ran her 10th marathon here, first time doing this race, because it always made her nervous. She had heard it was a hard course and she had done the half before. But she made it. She used it as a catered training run. For Dopey Bryce did this. It's his second finish of this marathon on a challenging course. He says I don't think there's a single second of flat ground on the race. Amazing day, it was awesome to see how much the race has grown in just one year. Wanted to give a special shout out to his girlfriend, alex for finishing her first ever half marathon. That's a PR, alex. This bill's for you.
Speaker 5:Anna did the half, signed up as a catered training run, wound up with a 30-minute PR, 30-minute PR in the half as a catered training run. That's significant. Proud for pushing through, excited to keep training and see what else she can do. See, training kids. It's that training. It works. Sean was there. Sean ran the 5K in Richmond, virginia. They had a race weekend there. We had friends running the half marathon. Ellie says the weather was amazing, spent a little over three hours on the course with lovely friends course with lovely friends, felt strong at the end and relived the race course that she's run several times over the years. Loved that she got to run the race with Robin. She was able to catch up with Jen and Dawn prior to the race. For Ellie this is half number 48. So also there and Ellie mentioned some of them. Kristen was there, as was Dawn, her husband Brian and Denise were all there In Macon, georgia, the Macon Music Half Marathon.
Speaker 5:I love Macon's. Great for using the city name as a play on words, my favorite sports team name of all time. Guys you ever heard of the Macon Whoopie Wasn't that on a Newlywed game.
Speaker 6:Yes, Bob Eubanks yes.
Speaker 2:Everyone was always Macon.
Speaker 5:Whoopie, macon Whoopie. So Macon Whoopie was a minor league hockey team. They no longer exist, but they really were the Macon Whoopie. Makin' Whoopie. So Makin' Whoopie was a minor league hockey team. They no longer exist, but they really were the Makin' Whoopie. Let's see, makin's got a rich history of music the home of the Allman Brothers, otis Redding, little Richard, jason Aldean and more. Of course, ran past several points highlighting this musical heritage. Of course, itself was tough A lot of hills, including the hill Beth's law school was on. She finished with a PR of just over two and a half hours, so close to reaching the POT. Beth, you're going to get it next time. Meanwhile, this PR bell is for you.
Speaker 5:In Houston, texas, brandy did the run in the park benefiting Herman Park. She did it with friends. So a flower, a swan, a tree and a runner did the Herman Park 10K. If you saw their photos, they had shirts. I think it said like imagine I'm a flower or imagine I'm a tree. Brandy said imagine I'm a bird, a swan, a swan. Imagine I'm a swan. It was all white, that's right, and you got to see the little eight second video that she posted after the race. She's standing there and the swans were all around her Just walking all around. It's craziness, all right.
Speaker 5:In Israel, our buddy Jonathan ran the Eyal Shemuli Memorial Race. I'm pretty sure I got the last name right on this person E-Y-A-L. I'm going with Eyal. I'm not sure that's correct. In Boone, north Carolina, a race that had to be postponed due to the hurricane the Spooky Duke 5K, 10k and Costume March. Maggie from Magic Bound did it. The weather this time was perfect Beautiful, bright blue skies, a chilly breeze, lots of costumes and lots of characters. Something went wrong. Maggie did not finish dead last this year. She's not sure what happened. Her streak has been broken. Maybe she'll start a new streak next year. Worse luck next year, maggie. What can I say? She's trying to finish last. If I finish her, better luck it's not going to, anyway.
Speaker 5:Boise, Idaho, the Boise Half Marathon. Rosie said it was beautiful, but chilly, sunny and 32 at the start. Does the temperature really get that low? Hmm, local race for her that ends on the Smurf turf at the Boise State University Broncos Stadium. Now, allie, without an E, paced Rosie through her first half, so Rosie paid it forward and paced her friend Nicole to the finish, which means that Nicole got her first ever half marathon finish. Therefore, nicole, that's a PR, congratulations.
Speaker 5:In DeBerry, florida, the biking 5K, 10k, half at Gemini Springs Park. Jackie and her number three child did this one. It's Jackie's first 10K. Let's see a great first 10K for number three and me. Never thought I'd be able to run a race with one of my kids, but here we are. So her daughter ran while Jackie did run, walk, run. I think that's awesome First races. That's got to be two PRs. Really neat looking medal for this event.
Speaker 5:Another rescheduled race in Lakeland, florida, the Sun and Fun Pumpkin Dash. Kristen and Phillip did this one at the airport. Phillip got an age group second place finish. Cj did it. It was a good time with his friend who was a groomsman at his wedding almost 20 years ago and also ran with his family there. This is the second annual running of the race. It's small but it's good. In the United Kingdom, emma ran the Alton Towers 10K at the UK's biggest theme park. And finishing up overseas in New Zealand, the Queenstown Half Marathon. Sarah, no character stops, but plenty of beautiful scenery and crisp mountain air. Temperature to start was chilly, one degree centigrade, just a tiny bit above freezing friends, so it took a little while to warm up. No personal best, but the first race in a long time that she stopped to enjoy the scenery.
Speaker 2:Sarah posted some really, really lovely photos of the scenery in beautiful new zealand you know, bob, just going back to emma's race real quick, when I when I first saw that I I misread it and I thought it was the faulty towers of course uh, that is such a great. I don't watch many british comedies from back in the day, but john cleese was amazing in that I watch a lot of them.
Speaker 5:That's a classic faulty towers. That's amongst the best, no doubt. But no, this is alton towers, which I wasn't familiar with. Uh, I looked it up where it is.
Speaker 8:Alton Towers looks really cool. I watched some videos on it.
Speaker 2:Adam Haddon goes there a lot yeah.
Speaker 8:It's on my bucket list now.
Speaker 5:All right, let's move to Sunday In Orlando, the seniors first. Turkey Trot 5k. Tracy did that one. I don't know the seniors get to start turkey trots early, I'm not sure. Plus, I'm not sure Tracy classifies as a senior anyway, but she didn't send in a report. So what can I say? I'm familiar with this one, though say I'm familiar with this one, though I've never run it the Publix Battleship 12K. It starts in Spanish Fort Florida, which is close to Mobile. It finishes in Battleship Park, which is in Mobile. Erin ran it with her husband. Let's see, probably the largest event that she's run outside of Disney, probably the largest event that she's run outside of Disney.
Speaker 5:The race which started in 2015 to honor veterans. Every year the medal represents a different branch of the military and this year the medal was for the Navy or represented the Navy. Kelsey was there, ran it also. It's Kelsey's favorite local race. Now here's one. I don't know how I missed this one the St Pete Runfest Half Marathon in St Petersburg. Trina did it Her best race ever, looking for a way to get miles in for marathon training, and today was or the day of the race was a 17-mile training run. Arrived early, walked a mile, used the 315 pacing group as a guide, which I think is a smart thing to do. You don't have to necessarily stay with the pace group, but you can use them as a guide. Sometimes Trina ends up PRing this race by 12 minutes. Good job, trina. She notes that our friend John Pelkey and his wife Jodi were there as race announcers.
Speaker 1:I'm super proud of Trina for doing this one. She's been working really hard and had to miss a race that she was supposed to have recently due to the hurricanes, so this is kind of her comeback one and did amazing at it yeah, we missed a bunch of them.
Speaker 5:So here's the thing you did amazing. All right, we'll drop the mic on that and move to the walt disney world cast member 5k. We had a couple people participating in that. Kayla was there, as was heather, who was representing roll disney at the cast member 5k had a blast. Uh, cast members, friends and family in this holiday 5k. I think I think heather did it in her pajamas, but I'm not sure I.
Speaker 2:I want to talk about this one for a second. Great, I understand it's a cast member event. So obviously a cast member event and a officially sanctioned run Disney event, I understand, are two completely separate things.
Speaker 8:What about a former cast member? Can I go? There you go.
Speaker 2:I think they're invited guests because I think there was also one in Disneyland as well too, and one of our former guests, michael Does Diz, got invited to participate, so he got to do the one in Disneyland this weekend. So yeah, if you're a friend of a cast member, I think you can get in. To my knowledge, heather would be an invited guest.
Speaker 5:I'm not aware that Heather's a cast knowledge. Uh, heather would be an invited guest. I'm not aware that heather is a cast member.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so there you go yeah, but anyway, the point that I was going to make was is that if, if we can host a full-fledged 5k in animal kingdom, then I think we know the plan and we know the logistics.
Speaker 5:Run, disney, let's get a 5k back exclusively it would be nice kingdom it would be absolutely wonderful it would be nice now they're dealing with far fewer numbers correct exactly.
Speaker 2:Hence why I wanted to make the distinction up front. But I'm I'm hoping that maybe this is a step in the right direction. And then the second thing I'll say is that metal looked amazing. You put the muppets on it. You just had a Muppet race at Wine and Dine. Run Disney Again. My theory for 2026 is that Springtime Surprise will be an homage to Star Wars, again to make John happy. But 2027, run Disney. Make the Muppets happy for Springtime Surprise. I now step off my soapbox.
Speaker 5:I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Let's wrap up Sunday. Let's see. We got the Turkey Trot Tune-Up 5K in. Oh golly, dan, I don't know what it is. Is it Lyle Illinois? I'm going with that L-I-S-L-E. I'm going with Lyle Illinois.
Speaker 5:Dan did this 5k as part of his 26 mile dopey training. I find that tough to do. Got the first 10 miles in before the race, picked up his bib along the way why not? I'm running 10 miles, might as well pick up my bib. Uh, then he did the 5k. That puts him around 13. Then he finishes 13 more. Uh, about 150 people ran this event. Dan knew a handful of them. It was also fun. He got to encourage a young lady who happens to be a fourth grader at the same school that his kids go to, because he will likely be her cross-country coach next fall. So, dan, way to go to get that one done. Again, I find it tough to. I find it tough when you're doing an organized race and then go out and clean up your additional miles. It's just challenging.
Speaker 5:The Hot Chocolate Series. The Hot Chocolate Series was in Columbus, ohio, and Travis did the 10K. Second year doing this one had a great run, ended it with a PR. Let's finish in Las Vegas, nevada, the Glittering Lights PJ5K. Sarah was there. Lots of good photo ops, milk and cookies at the end and, yes, sarah ran in what appears to be her PJs. Way to go, way to go, friends. Congratulations to everybody who finished an event this weekend. All right, my friends.
Speaker 5:Episode 165 comes to a close. Friends, and if you run, you know you are our friend. It's been our pleasure. We hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Getting a little introduction to some other podcasts. You might want to give a listen to Exciting news about Fluffyizzies coming back. This is a Zoom Thursday. Information on how to join us will be on the Facebook page. If you haven't done it before, please consider doing it. We love meeting new friends at the Zoom meetups. Training's going to get tougher. Stick with it. This is the hard, hard part. You're coming to the home stretch. You can do it until we meet again.
Speaker 2:Happy running the rise and run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your health care provider or event organizer Organizer.