Rise and Run
Rise and Run
163: 2024 runDisney Wine and Dine Half Marathon Weekend Recap
Ever found yourself lost in a whirlwind of Disney magic and running excitement? Join us as we recount the exhilarating Wine and Dine half marathon weekend, where Jennifer sets the stage from Pennsylvania, sharing her bubbling anticipation for this grand event. From the thrill of spotting Muppet characters to the joy of collecting candy at Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, we immerse ourselves in the unforgettable atmosphere that only Disney can offer. We also shine a spotlight on young runners Joshua, Riley, Sam, and Wesley, who bring fresh enthusiasm to the Run Disney scene, and explore the mechanics of the new corral system, uncovering its potential benefits and challenges.
What's the secret to capturing the spirit of camaraderie during a race? Uncover heartwarming stories as we navigate the highs and lows of a Disney half marathon, where teamwork and encouragement led us to cross the finish line alongside Chloe and Allison. These narratives not only highlight individual perseverance but also emphasize the collective spirit that fuels our Run Disney adventures. As we wrap up our journey, we touch upon the logistical aspects of these events, from strategic race starts to post-race celebrations filled with laughter and creativity.
A bittersweet farewell concludes this episode as we bid adieu to our cherished co-host, Allie. Her vibrant energy has been a cornerstone of our podcast, creating bonds that will last beyond her departure. We reflect on her invaluable contributions and celebrate the community that has flourished under her guidance. As we say goodbye, we hold on to the joyful memories and look forward to the exciting paths that lie ahead, both in running and in life.
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3 am again. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.
Speaker 3:Hey, it's Jennifer calling you from central Pennsylvania where I'm sitting in my classroom working on sub plans to get ready to travel down to Florida for Wine and Dine half marathon weekend. You are listening to the Rise and Run podcast. Happy running.
Speaker 1:Jennifer, thank you for the intro. I remember when we were at the meetup I think it was you said Hi, I'm Jennifer. I'm your intro for next week. And look at that. There you are Talked about heading to Wine and Dine. We saw her there. Appreciate it. Thanks for that. There you are Talked about heading to Wine and Dine. We saw her there, Appreciate it. Thanks for that. Hello, my friends, Welcome to episode 163 of the Rise and Run podcast. As always, we are so happy that you've decided to join us this week. I'm Bob. I'm here with Greg, hey, hey, hey. With John. Hey, how you doing With Lexi?
Speaker 4:Hello.
Speaker 1:With Allie, hey friends and with Jack.
Speaker 5:Hiya.
Speaker 1:Hi, friends, Great to see you. Saw a bunch of you just a couple days ago, but it's good to see you here again. This is it, friends. I'm gonna bite my tongue a little bit and just say gosh, it was great to see everybody. We'll get more into that in a little bit. This week, obviously, our Wine and Dine Weekend Recap. We have a special treat not quite the typical race report spotlight, but we have some friends who were doing their first or maybe second 5k who joined us to help us recap the 5k. I promise you're going to enjoy that.
Speaker 6:And if you enjoy the Rise and Run podcast, please share us with your friends and introduce them to our Rise and Run family. We want to share in their Run Disney journey and their running journey. Remember to follow us on Facebook at Rise and Run Podcast and Instagram at Rise and Run Pod, and you can check out our YouTube channel or our webpage, riseandrunpodcastcom. If you have a question or comment, race race report or you want to introduce an upcoming episode, call us at 727-266-2344 and leave a recorded message we also want to thank our patreons, whose support helps us keep the rise and run podcast rising and running.
Speaker 5:If you'd like to join the patreon team, please check patreoncom. Slash rise and run podcast. Rising and running I. If you like to join the patreon team, please check patreoncom.
Speaker 1:Slash rise and run podcast the rise and run podcast is sponsored by our friends at magic bound travel. I hope magic bound folks helped you out to get some of your reservations for wine and dine. It's probably not too late to check into them. For marathon week it might be, might be. I don't want to make any promises but, uh, magic bound can help you out. Hey, if you're with magic bound, maybe your agent you can talk we're going to talk in a minute. Advanced dining reservations are coming up for marathon weekend. Maybe they can help you out with those too. Remember the magic bound crew and they're getting bigger all the time. A whole, well, all of them. Any of the magic bound travel crew that's going to work with you to help you plan a run disney trip has been to at least one and in almost all cases, multiple run disney race weekends, and a whole big old bunch of them are part of the rise and run family too. So magicboundtravelcom is the website. Check them out.
Speaker 1:Well, let's, as we usually do, kick it off taking a look at what training we have coming up. I just put wine and dine in the rear view mirror. We now focus on walt disney world marathon weekend. It is just nine weeks away. The training is getting serious for this one. My friends. Now on the jeff galloway schedule, we're in week 18 of the training and we've got some different mileages down here. If you are working on the challenge, you've got an eight and a half mile walk and a 20 mile run walk this weekend. If you're doing the full, it's 20 miles and we don't usually include this but it struck us odd when we looked at it. If you're just doing the half, it's three miles. You got a longer one next week.
Speaker 1:I'll mention again advanced dining reservations. I go by the day of the expo and I back that off, figuring we will probably most of us will be there on that Wednesday. The Expo starts on Wednesday at Marathon Weekend. So November 9th, which is this, what Saturday? Let me do some math. Yeah, it's this Saturday. It's the first day to make advanced dining reservations. And remember, if you are staying at a Walt Disney World Resort, you can start on that day and then make reservations for the duration of your stay, for your dining.
Speaker 1:A little insider's tip here If you've got a really tough one you want to get, go out to the end of your window. Make that one first, because fewer people will have access to it, you'll be more likely to get it. Disneyland follows, disneyland follows. A couple weeks later it's 12 weeks out. We're in week five of training for Disneyland half marathon weekend. Long run, six and a half miles and we're getting into Princess now Training week two for Princess weekend, which is 15 weeks away. Three miles for the half or the challenge is your long run this weekend. Real quick gang. Any updates on training that you'd like to talk about?
Speaker 2:I don't have anything training specific that I wanted to bring up, but Well then we don't want to hear from you. Greg, just sit down okay, all right, all right, moving on, moving right along.
Speaker 1:Uh, no, but go ahead, greg, I'm messing with you thanks, bob.
Speaker 2:So you know, last week, obviously, I shared the the trials and and tribulations of what was my 23 mile run and how difficult it was and and how mentally defeating it it wasn't such, and I just want to go out and and publicly thank our rise and run community.
Speaker 2:The number of Facebook messages, of Facebook messages, Instagram messages or people who I encountered at the expo or pre-race or at the meetup or post-race that came up to me and thanked me for sharing my story and sharing my vulnerability gave me affirmation that I'm not the only one dealing with this, especially when it comes to that type of mileage. So that really just made me happy that even in my time of struggle, I get to still continue to set up what I want to do in my heart of hearts every single week on this podcast, and that is to help and inspire others to achieve their dreams. So thank you to everyone who who reached out and chatted with me. It means the absolute world to me. It filled my heart with joy and um and again it just goes to show how amazing this particular subsect of the run disney community is and I am forever grateful. So thank you so much amen to to that, greg.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of valuable things said there, both in terms of helping friends and the value of the community. We can't say enough about it, and this weekend I don't know if I'll be able to put it into words, but once again, this weekend was just an amazing and wonderful time. Hey, it is apropos. I made a note here. That was, if we're talking about training, maybe kind of a kickoff to the Wine and Dine recap. One of our friends, richard, made a post in Facebook who said all you first-time 5k runners from Wine and dine, remember when you thought you'd never run 100 yards and I can extrapolate that to darn near anything. I don't care what you took on as a challenge, whether it was the 5k, and then you said that's it, I'm done. Whether you did the challenge, whether you're getting ready to do dopey, whatever it is, there was a time when you thought I can't do that, that's too hard for me, and then you went out and did it, talking about training in general. Now we've got other things to talk about this week.
Speaker 1:There are big numbers coming up. There are big numbers on the training schedule. Many of you have probably worked around that 20 if you were at wine and dine. If not, you've got a 20 on the schedule this weekend and you're going to have the 20, then you're going to have a 23, and you're going to have a 26, and they're going to be hard, but you can do them.
Speaker 1:The one thing I want to emphasize to folks who were at wine and dine and maybe you're going through this for the first time there's a real tendency that after you finished a goal, race to go ah, understandable, but if you've got big stuff coming up in January, you don't have time to do that. You've got to continue your training. You want to take a day to relax? You want to take today off, tuesday off? Okay, but don't Don't let yourself slide backwards. Stick with your training plan. It's the key to a successful and enjoyable marathon weekend, if in fact, that's where you're headed.
Speaker 1:Friends, sometimes I wonder if it can keep getting better from weekend to weekend, and so far it seems like it can, or at least it doesn't get any. It's at least as good, and every weekend seems to get better and better. Gosh, it was good to see a whole bunch of you this weekend. Let's talk about what happened at Disney World this last weekend, and I'm going to start. I didn't prep you for this one. I'm going to start Halloween night in Disney World. Yeah, I'm looking at you, lexi. You were there. Mickey's not so scary, lexi. What did you think of it?
Speaker 6:Oh, I had a blast. Good job, not so scary, lexi. What'd you think of it? Oh, I had a blast. It was so much fun and, honestly, I got to do everything that I wanted to do, and I mean, I know I'm in the minority here, but I did not have to wake up and do the 5k, so I stayed until it closed yeah, good for you, becky, and I got there about I don't know, 5.30 or so.
Speaker 1:Had you been before, lex?
Speaker 6:Long time ago, I think I went in 2014.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 6:Yeah.
Speaker 1:No, I had not been there at all. It was the first time for that. I heard all these stories about all this candy. You're going to have more candy that you can carry. You're going to give you a bag. You're going to fill it up. Well, becky, and I got the bags. You come into Magic Kingdom. There's a big old sign that says Mickey's Not so Scary this Way. You go back that way. They give you a bag and they give you a bag of M&Ms. And for the first I don't know 90 minutes or two hours, we're carrying around a bag with a bag of M&Ms. That's all we had. We're going what the heck? There ain't no candy here. And then Becky and I grabbed a quick dinner headed over. We watched the stage show, the first one.
Speaker 6:It was good. Oh, I loved the stage show yeah it was really well done.
Speaker 1:It was fun. It was based on I'm blanking out. Sanderson's Thank you the Sanderson's? Yeah, hocus Pocus, hocus Pocus. That's what I'm working on.
Speaker 5:Come on, bob, it's like basically a national holiday kind of thing. It's like basically a national holiday kind of thing.
Speaker 1:I knew what it was, it just wasn't coming out. But yeah, that was fun. Then we wandered over Huge crowds my goodness, the place was about as packed as I have ever seen Magic Kingdom. But we wandered over and met up with y'all after the Halloween, after the parade. Right, we got to. We knew where you were and you knew where we were, and even though we were 30 yards apart, there was no way we were getting together. There were too many people. But that was okay. We both had decent positions to watch the parade. The parade was kind of fun.
Speaker 4:I love the grave diggers. Were they there? Yes, that's my favorite.
Speaker 6:That was the coolest part where they do the shovels on the ground and it sparks and all that kind of stuff. I sent a video to Jack of the flag Halloween people because she auditioned for that.
Speaker 5:I had auditioned two years ago I I had gotten a call back for it, and then I actually sent in my video again for them. This past year they called me back again, but I decided not to okay so I'm really sad. So maybe someday, but I could have been a pirate oh yeah, yeah, I remember the part, the buccaneaneers.
Speaker 1:Yeah, um years back I said I hadn't been to Mickey's not so scary, I really hadn't. But years back Becky and I were just there, no race involved or anything, and we had dinner at Liberty tree tavern and between the time we went into dinner and the time we came back out the party started. We didn't have party tickets or anything, but the parade went by. We went and stopped and watched the parade and all I could have, and golly, this must have been, as I said, I don't know, eight, ten years ago boo to you and you and you, it blows my head to this day.
Speaker 5:Yeah, it's worse than it's a small world.
Speaker 1:Yeah, happy halloween boom, oh god please no, bob, come on, there's no way.
Speaker 4:It's worse than small world, sorry I, I think it is I've heard the new one is also like uh, earwig as well, but I don't. I haven't heard it, so I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Ah what the heck. It was a good play, it was fun. We watched that. We y'all headed back to see the second stage show. I think, yes, we did. I forget where Becky and I went. I think we went on a ride or two.
Speaker 6:Well, we went to the candy stop all together first.
Speaker 1:Well, we did. We went to a couple yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:By the time we left, we had bags full of candy. Well, that was the question I wanted to ask because, with this being the last party, I mean, I've heard stories in the past that like they just take shovels and and dump them in there because, like again, with it being the past last party, I'm sure they can probably only donate like a certain percentage of it so like I'm sure they want to get rid of it.
Speaker 2:If you had to take a guess in terms of poundage, how much candy do you think you ended up?
Speaker 6:with. I guess Lexi, I have an answer to this. I came home with two full of the bags. The bags are a foot tall. They were completely stuffed. Allie was putting stuff in her backpack. I was with Allie, Tara and Debbie and Pam, and Pam also put some in her backpack.
Speaker 1:Wasn't Joshua there too.
Speaker 6:Joshua was there for a little while. He didn't stay with us the whole time.
Speaker 8:Okay, and Tara's husband was there a little while.
Speaker 6:He didn't stay with us the whole time, okay, okay, and Tara's husband was there, yeah, right. But so after we watched the second stage show, which I thought that was like the best entertainment of the whole night, I thought I mean, the parade was good, the fireworks were okay, but the stage show was like the whole reason to go I had, it was good, yeah, um, I mean y'all know me and villains and all the villains were there, so it was fantastic.
Speaker 6:And then we actually headed over towards tron right after the fireworks and I looked the line and I was like everybody and their mother is going into Tron, right now after the fireworks I could either wait in line here for 45 minutes there was about an hour and a half left of the party or I could go find the villains, because I could not come to a Halloween party and not meet a villain.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay.
Speaker 6:So me and Debbie and Pam ended up going to the Trick or Treat Trail and two Trick or Treat locations. We rode Buzz twice peter pan and hon mansion and met pluto ariel and prince eric, gaston maleficent and the evil queen, in like an hour.
Speaker 4:Well, I have an important question what was pluto dressed as pluto? Wasn't dressed as anything I don't think he didn't have a halloween costume on I don't think so.
Speaker 5:Hang on, let me look at my pictures. That last hour is so important, though I forgot I want to get anything done. That last hour is it because everybody just leaves?
Speaker 6:yeah, yep no, pluto wasn't dressed as anything, not back at the circus, oh huh but. But whenever we got to the trick-or-treat stop that was back in Belle Gaston's tavern area they said we have eight boxes that we need to get rid of in the next 30 minutes. How many bags do you want?
Speaker 8:I was going to ask the question about the candy. Do you think the m&ms that you got in your race box for extra candy from uh?
Speaker 6:yes, I do actually think that I I think it was extra candy, um, and I mean, I feel like they had a good selection of candy too. They had skittles, they had skittle gummies, they had lifesaver gummies, they had all of the chocolates, twix, milky Way, three Musketeers, snickers, and then they had like four different kinds of M&Ms.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, I saw a lot of M&Ms. I haven't looked through all our bags. I don't know what we're going to do with ours, Greg. As far as a shovel, they weren't shovels, but they were scoops. They're almost like an ice shovel they had.
Speaker 5:They weren't shovels.
Speaker 1:They were, but they were scoops that they were going there a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and they would. Because, like I said, when we got in there, they gave us a bag and they dropped one bag of m&ms in and I thought, man, if we're going to go everywhere and get one thing put in, I don't know how we're going to fill this up. Well, I found out, and in terms of I would say, that becky and I left with between I'm just swagging, okay six and eight pounds of candy.
Speaker 2:I don't know what we're going to do with it well, based on the price that I had to pay this year for halloween candy to give out during trick-or-treating, you might as well just save it for next year and then, just you know, start thawing it out around October 15th.
Speaker 1:That might not be a bad idea.
Speaker 8:Those guys over there they give out the stale candy.
Speaker 5:I will say so.
Speaker 5:When I was a cast member at Disney World, I actually did have the opportunity to be one of those candy people for one of the halloween parties, because those shifts go away so fast oh yeah, yeah, the people that work at magic kingdom, like I was working at disney's highway studios and they just had candy shifts available and they go out with them like a day or so and I remember the end of the night. That's the. That's the time to go get your candy, because we will give you the bigger scoops, like hordes of it just saying yeah, she did not like she filled it to the top.
Speaker 6:She filled my bag to the top and then she was like you want another bag. And she didn't even wait for an answer.
Speaker 8:She was like I got to get rid of it.
Speaker 6:So I have a bag of candy that I like and then the bag of candy that are not my favorites, and I took the not my favorites to work.
Speaker 5:I knew that was not your favorites, I knew it. There was no way.
Speaker 6:All my favorites are in my kitchen right now.
Speaker 5:If you haven't realized, me and Lexi work at the same job. Just putting it out there, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, I left. I watched the 10 o'clock fireworks show, which I thoroughly enjoyed. We got a good place to watch, becky and I did, centered in front of the castle. We had a good time and then we headed out because I had a 5K reservation the next day.
Speaker 8:Bob, but before you went to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, didn't you have to pick up your bib? Why, John, you're right.
Speaker 1:I did. I'm glad you reminded me, because I would have forgotten and then I'd have showed up with no bib.
Speaker 4:Lots of Halloween candy, lots of.
Speaker 1:Halloween candy and a lot of feathers on you. Yeah.
Speaker 8:Sam's molting Any changes from the past years pam wasn't there besides pam. Well, it was there, wasn't she?
Speaker 1:I didn't see her. She was there.
Speaker 6:I didn't see her though, but yeah, not in the same contents as she usually is there whenever I went and I'm pam, I hope you're listening because when I went to the main expo area, I walked past and I was like, oh, that's where Fluffy Fizzies would be.
Speaker 2:See, I felt the exact same way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all of us. Well, yeah, we did. Yeah, yeah, I missed. I saw Pam posting on Facebook. I knew she was there, but I didn't see her.
Speaker 5:Was she running?
Speaker 1:She ran Again.
Speaker 2:I had to go to facebook to find out she, pam pam, usually did at least some of the runs I want to say she did the 5k at least yeah, there were times when pam did the booth and all the runs no, but, john, going back to your question about things that that were different this year the the one thing that I wanted to chat about was the Run Disney official merch that is sold in the arena. So I got there to the expo on Friday afternoon and for once I actually decided to change up how I do things and I actually did the Run Disney merch last, after picking my bib and then going to see Jeff and and coach twigs and getting my race shirts and such. And the one thing that was really different is they changed up the, the styling or or the cuts of the weekend specific merch, which I thought was really creative and really unique, and I I was, I was super excited to you know. As soon as I saw that I was like, oh, I can't wait to grab my stuff and and try it on and and see what I like here. But unfortunately I don't know if it was just a situation of an increased field size or if it was because it was an anniversary year, but by by friday at like, I probably got in there like 4, 15, any of the just weekend like, like the generalized weekend merchandise. There were no long sleeves and no short sleeves in my size that I was looking for.
Speaker 2:I think that the largest size that they had out was a large, and I asked a cast member if, if, what was out was out, and they said yes, so that.
Speaker 2:So I was a little disappointed in that, but again, no, you know, no one's fault there, it's just you know, it was when I could get there, when I could get there. So I was like, well, I want to be able to get something very specific for the weekend. So I went around to each one of the areas and the only thing that I was able to find is they had four challenge shirts in the typical size that I wear challenge shirts in the typical size that I wear and I put it on and it immediately felt different than any other run Disney shirt that I've had in the past. And even though I had a shirt on over top, I did a mirror selfie and I sent to my wife because I just it felt off to me. I didn't feel 100% comfortable in it, and so I texted it to my wife and I said does this look good on me? And she was like you look miserable um.
Speaker 2:I would, I would not, I would not buy it. I was like, okay, that kind of like confirmed my thoughts. So, for the first time ever, um, in running Disney, I did not buy any run Disney merch. Now, the one thing that I did want to try and I did want to compare is this weekend run Disney released their new general run.
Speaker 1:Disney merchandise Generic right.
Speaker 2:Which over on Wednesday night friend kristen running in makeup and jocelyn and lisa donato glasner.
Speaker 2:You know they've kind of been labeled as the um, you know, like run disney social media influencer team or whatever um. So the three of them had the opportunity to preview that that specific merch on wednesday night before the expo and some of the stuff looked really intriguing that I wanted to go look at. So I grabbed just the generic unisex running, you know, short sleeve running shirt and I tried and they they had plenty of that in my size and I tried that on and that fit me normally, like any other run disney merch has in the past. So obviously they went with something unique and I'm wondering if more people had the same experience that I did, that maybe they needed to size up one because of the specific cut style and that's why maybe those larger sizes went. But I mean, I I thought the design of all the merch looked really really cool and again I I give I give run disney a lot of credit for, you know, mixing it up and not doing the same thing over and over again.
Speaker 6:Just unfortunately it just didn't work out in my favor this time around and I I will also say, um, I was underwhelmed by the actual race merchandise, like the race specific merchandise, but I loved the core line and I thought it was beautiful. My only complaint is that it's all white, all of the tanks and the jackets and everything is white and like I don't know about you guys, but like that shows pit stains and gets dirty really easily I would immediately have spaghetti sauce all over it.
Speaker 4:even if I didn't have spaghetti, I'd be like where's the spaghetti sauce?
Speaker 1:Even if you were eating breakfast, you'd have spaghetti sauce?
Speaker 6:Yeah, I get it. Yeah, and I just can't do that. But the Lug Weekender bag hello Christmas list. I texted immediately to Mama and I was like, hey, so I don't know how Santa would get this to me, but I'm putting it on my Christmas list. So tell Santa Claus that this is what I want.
Speaker 2:Santa may listen to us. So he already knows I have news on Santa coming up later.
Speaker 1:Okay, and Santa knows I promise. Yeah, okay, real quick. I thought the generic run Disney merchandise was great. I didn't buy any. Becky bought a bunch. She really enjoyed it. But I know it'll be there in January so I may be-.
Speaker 2:Well, it's good that she bought it, since she's retired now.
Speaker 1:I know.
Speaker 8:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Is that retired? She's running the 5K. She's going to be a Dalmatian.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, so she's back out of retirement Wonderful.
Speaker 5:Is the Weekender bag, the same one that they've been selling for the past year, year and a half? That blue one. They changed the design. What I didn't see that. What color is it, is it?
Speaker 6:green, my favorite color. No, it's like the new core line.
Speaker 2:It's like the teal and the yellow and and the greens and and it's like bubbles.
Speaker 6:It looks like bubbles. I need to see this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, jack it's definitely different than the one that you contemplated over a lot during I bought that one. Oh yeah, that's right you did buy that one okay after all contemplation.
Speaker 6:Yes, yeah, I like this one better than the previous one just because of the color?
Speaker 5:or is the design different where it's like an actual backpack?
Speaker 6:the design is the same, it's just the color and the like. It just I think it looks beautiful what one more expo generic comment.
Speaker 1:Remember last week's episode where we had our buddy tom on and we started talking. Tom said about taking his cups and we all went oh, thanks for the reminder, tom, but it's gonna be too late for people listening and I remembered for the first time in how many races I remembered to take my cups. They changed them. You can't use them.
Speaker 2:So well, the one thing I would, I know, grant I didn't get a chance to ask anybody to do, like you know a factual comparison here, but to me the at least the the weekend cup looked bigger than the generic run disney cups or espn. So I'd be interested to see how many fluid ounces this one can hold.
Speaker 1:The one that they were using this weekend.
Speaker 2:Yeah, To me, to me it looked bigger so it's it's not bigger.
Speaker 1:If, if anything, it's smaller, okay, but it's not bigger. It fits inside the other ones.
Speaker 1:Cause I know we had we had the other ones with us and I was able able to nest it in there very nicely, got you okay. Okay, trip home. So I yeah, it's probably uh, it's a little bit of a different uh shape, so it's probably the same size in term in terms of how much it holds, or very close, but it's, it's not bigger, so I guess don't worry about packing your cup for next race weekend no, no, no, I don't think so.
Speaker 1:I think it'll have a specific logo on it. We'll see. Hey, another one, and I just saw this today. I just noticed today that I got another luggage tag for the anniversary of the show.
Speaker 2:Anniversary year yep.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. When I got my bag with my shirts in it, that shows you how much. Well, I wasn't going to wear a long sleeve shirt this weekend, so I just brought them home in the original bag and I was putting things away and I thought, what? I have another metal, what's this? Oh no, I have another luggage tag, so I'm going to go out and buy another piece of luggage so I can put the tag on it. All right, I did the 5K. It was fun. I showed up as Sam Eagle. I walked it with Stephanie the ballerina and Karen and Mark and a couple other folks were in there. I can't remember they went back and forth. I was with Stephanie on the course most of the weekend. Disney did a good job with this one. The Muppet scene was great. The live Muppet characters. The Swedish chef was there at the race start with John and Carissa, and that was hilarious on the stage there.
Speaker 4:Love it.
Speaker 1:They had a real puppeteer and he did he or she, I don't know, it was a puppeteer. They did a wonderful job and that was fun. Sam Eagle got to talk with Riley before he took off. Sam's a very colorful and popular character, so he did that. It was a great and enjoyable 5K, but we brought some experts in to give us a detailed description of how the 5K went. So, friends, here with us now are our stars of the show for the 5k recap. I am so happy and I'm going to introduce you guys and I just want you to say hi and tell everybody how old you are. Okay, and I'm going to start. I'm looking at a screen and I'm going to start up here with Joshua. Joshua, hi, how you doing. Good Hi Doing good.
Speaker 7:How old are you? Nine, nine.
Speaker 1:Okay, thank you. Thank you, riley. How about you?
Speaker 7:I'm good, and I'm also nine.
Speaker 1:Okay, all right. Who's older, you or Joshua? Never mind, never mind, never mind. I'm only kidding Hiya, sam, hi, how you doing buddy.
Speaker 7:Great Great.
Speaker 1:Oh man, that man, that's good, I love it. How old are you, sam? Eight eight and Wesley. Hi, hi, buddy, you're looking good. I love, I love the fact that some of you guys were in your middle. Wesley, how old are you?
Speaker 9:I'm nine years old all right.
Speaker 1:So we got three nines and an eight. Sam, that's awesome, man, that makes you the youngest here, and you're younger than me too. I just thought I'd let you know that. Yeah, that's cool. So, listen, I want to know about this run disney event. Now you guys, do you know how old you have to be to do the 5k at disney?
Speaker 7:no, I did not know how to. I do not.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's okay, you can talk, it's okay. Five, that's right, five so five yeah, so you know. My question is what took you so long? I'm just kidding guys, I'm just kidding man no.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know you're, you're nine. You could have done it four years ago. I don't know what you were waiting for. Yeah, goodness, I don't know. I don't know many five-year-olds that are doing the 5k, but that's pretty good guys. When I was, when I was at that young, I couldn't have done it. You guys did great. Now this is the first time for everybody, right? Everybody's doing the 5k first time. First, first run, disney, right? Yeah, it's my first run, disney, so yeah yeah, did anybody do a 5k somewhere else before disney I?
Speaker 7:did one in hickory hammock right before it you did, sam.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what about like two weeks ago or something, maybe? Yeah, a little bit, not too long though it was. It was this summer, right one in sea world before oh, it's sea world yeah, that's my first one man, you're a veteran, you're a veteran and you're the young guy that's.
Speaker 2:That's really cool hold on bob before we move on any further. How many pr bells do we need here?
Speaker 1:we need, we need three right, I I'd say we'll give. We'll give them four, all right. Well, all right here we go.
Speaker 7:Four pr bells it's supposed to be called personal record, okay it is, unless you're in england, and then it's pb.
Speaker 1:You know what's pb stands for no, personal, but not better no, no, you got the first word right personal best, personal best. And yeah, it's just don't know, I don't know why that is. We over here we send us a PR for personal record and they say PB for personal best. But we can say that too if you want. But here's what I want to know when did you, when did you guys get the idea that you wanted to do a Disney run?
Speaker 7:So I so my dad was my inspiration. He kept on doing lots of Disney runs.
Speaker 1:He's an inspirational guy. He really is.
Speaker 7:No. I thought I was wanting to try it. Yeah, my legs started hurting.
Speaker 1:Yeah yeah, it was hurting really bad. When did you get the idea, wesley?
Speaker 9:So basically my dad wanted to make me try out running for the first time and then when I first tried out I started on like one mile and I liked it, so I kept going like four miles and then I ran the race wow does.
Speaker 2:Does your dad make you wear a cape? No he doesn't have a second one okay, all right, also I've never paced, because it's my first race.
Speaker 1:Oh, very true that's a solid point yeah, I think you have to have one or two in before you start pacing them. That's pretty cool. I want to know, joshua, did you train for this? Did you do any practicing? Did you get up early in the morning and go running with mom, or maybe dad, I don't know um.
Speaker 7:I have run club on monday run club. Tell me about that well, it's for school and last monday I did three miles in it you did three miles in run club.
Speaker 1:That, that's real. What grade? Tell me what grade you're in Third grade. Oh wait, fourth, fourth. Well, it's a new school year. It's okay, it's a new school year, you're getting used to it. I'm in fourth grade, Roddy's in fourth. I'm thinking was he in fourth. Sam, are you in third?
Speaker 7:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, third's a good grade. I remember third grade.
Speaker 9:I love third grade.
Speaker 7:It's just the worst thing about it that we're in portables.
Speaker 9:Oh, I know what you mean, something I'm thinking about fourth grade is that we're last ones to get lunch in my school. Oh that's 12, 15.
Speaker 8:We're the first ones.
Speaker 7:We're the first ones. I like 11 almost.
Speaker 1:Oh man, 11's too early. 12, 15, 15 is too late.
Speaker 9:you need to do it in the middle a time that fourth grade goes out, and I hate that yeah, it's almost time for dinner for crying out loud.
Speaker 2:Well, I I have a question. Even though we haven't started talking about the race yet, school brings up a really good question out of the four of you who ran the race and then still went to school that day not me I know, I know, okay, all right I know sam and josh did, because I know they did I just stayed home permanently oh well, I know, josh
Speaker 9:did it. I know that, I know josh josh you went to Josh, didn't?
Speaker 1:I know that I know Josh. Josh, you went to school, didn't you?
Speaker 9:Yeah, you know why?
Speaker 1:Because mom values education. That's why.
Speaker 7:We stayed at Disney.
Speaker 1:That's educational too.
Speaker 7:Oh, we stayed at Disney.
Speaker 1:And another good thing about the race is that I made a friend good while you were on the racetrack, on the race course or before you started that before that and we ran together oh, that's great, that's great but except we got separated oh, that's because it's so crowded there yeah sam, did you uh? Did you want to say something?
Speaker 7:yeah, so inside the race, when I was in mile one, we were just running and walking for 30 30s right right we got over mom and started sprinting, and I was there behind without even doing anything, josh, how'd you do you?
Speaker 1:got something you want to tell me?
Speaker 7:Not that, but I think I'm the oldest veteran here. I ran a run Disney race when I was three.
Speaker 1:You did what.
Speaker 7:Ran a run Disney race when I was three. Is it like one of those kid races that they do? I don't know if they do them, but yeah, yeah I don't know if they're this is, this is josh's third run disney 5k that's pretty good.
Speaker 1:Um, I want to know spotlights on the kids and all the grown-ups I want to know if anybody had trouble getting up early in the morning um, I did not have any no trouble, riley did me.
Speaker 7:I had to wake up at 2 am. I had to wake up at 2 am. I did that, the same thing, but I didn't even care about it because I had a granola bar.
Speaker 1:You should have had boxcars I was complaining about getting out of bed.
Speaker 9:I was complaining.
Speaker 1:Oh heck yeah.
Speaker 7:I was too, because I don't want to get out of bed.
Speaker 1:I was too, Wesley. You didn't have any trouble, did you? You just popped right up, right.
Speaker 9:Well, I kind of did, I kind of didn't. I was very tired, but then once I who ran in costume.
Speaker 7:Uh, no, I did it's homemade costume, oh okay, what was it? Kermit.
Speaker 1:Oh, kermit, kermit, Kermit. Yeah, of course, of course, I remember seeing it.
Speaker 7:I saw lots of Kermit costumes. I saw lots of Kermit costumes.
Speaker 1:What were you, Riley? What were you?
Speaker 7:I was Glinda from Wicked.
Speaker 1:Oh nice, I was um glinda from wicked. Oh nice, nice joshua, what were you?
Speaker 7:kermit kermit?
Speaker 1:I wasn't kermit. I had a costume. Who knows what costume I had?
Speaker 7:it was the blue one. The blue one. I forgot his name.
Speaker 1:Cookie Monster. No, I was Sam Eagle, a great American you weren't Cookie Monster. No, cookie Monster's blue too. That would have worked. Cookie Monster doesn't have a beak.
Speaker 7:The whole entire thing is supposed to be Muppets themed.
Speaker 8:It was Wesley. Were you at Custom Wesley? No, dad wouldn't give him you accustomed Wesley. No, dad wouldn't give him the cape. Remember that's right, the cape. If he had the cape, a lot of people would have been following him.
Speaker 1:They would have All right, I want to know what the favorite part of the race was.
Speaker 7:Technically at the mile points.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you like the mile point signs, or are you just happy to have the mile done Both? Yeah, that's a good answer, riley. What about you?
Speaker 7:Where the race finished.
Speaker 1:When it finished, that is the best time. I agree, Josh. What was your favorite part?
Speaker 7:Gifts.
Speaker 1:The snack boxes. Okay, okay, cool, leslie, what was your favorite part?
Speaker 9:my favorite part was like when we started running and the pictures yeah, did.
Speaker 1:Did you stop for any characters?
Speaker 9:uh well, we didn't wait in line, so we just like, like, stopped in front of them and then just took a quick picture and continue running.
Speaker 7:I understand, I understand I did not, you didn't stop for characters, sam, did you stop for characters um no, but we took pictures at all the things and this is what it looked like that's good, that that's a good picture, the.
Speaker 1:But the problem, sam, is that we don't nobody can see it, because it's just an audio. They only hear you. They can hear you.
Speaker 7:It's the Japan Pavilion, the thing that's inside the water.
Speaker 1:Yes, there you go. See, that's perfect. That's a perfect description of that great photo. That's terrific.
Speaker 2:Well, speaking of seeing characters, this race was themed to the Swedish chef and the Muppets was themed to the Swedish chef and the Muppets. What Muppets did we see over the course of the 5K race? Because I wasn't able to come to this, so I was extremely jealous. So, riley, tell us what Muppets did you see? I saw multiple times the Swedish chef. You saw the Swedish chef. Where was he?
Speaker 7:Like he kept on. So, as I was passing by, I met someone, and they were dressed up as Swedish chef oh, there were a lot of those they even had the chicken with them yeah, what yeah they had a chicken with them, yep it was a flesh chicken, though.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was fake, fake.
Speaker 9:Definitely.
Speaker 2:Who else Sam? What Muppets did you see?
Speaker 7:Sweetums.
Speaker 1:Sweetums okay, yeah, he was there. He was there at the end, Very cool.
Speaker 7:He probably was in the TV every single time, like at the halfway mark, maybe Inside. I feel like he was in the TV every single time, like at the halfway mark, maybe. I feel like he was in there All right, who else?
Speaker 2:Who else saw Muppets?
Speaker 9:I saw Bob Eagle you saw Sam Eagle.
Speaker 2:Where was he at? Or are you just talking about Bob? Bob.
Speaker 1:Okay, oh, okay. But I saw Sam on the movie screens, the big screens he would show up there. All right, drew, but I saw Sam on the movie screens the big screens.
Speaker 7:He would show up there. Very cool yeah he's so funny.
Speaker 1:Who'd you see, Wesley.
Speaker 9:Well, I saw a lot of Muppets, but all my answers got taken by other people, right?
Speaker 1:now, that's okay. They did pretty much cover all of them, but I think Riley's got one more she wants to talk about.
Speaker 7:I saw Miss Piggy. Miss Piggy, yes, indeedy much cover all of them, but I think riley's got one more she wants to talk about. I saw miss piggy miss piggy.
Speaker 1:Yes, indeedy, yes indeedy, I saw miss piggy on multiple occasions. Uh, sam, who did you see?
Speaker 7:um well, at the end of the race I don't know if you can see it there was chicken chickens. How we're talking those chickens?
Speaker 1:the talking dancing chickens from the Muppet show yeah.
Speaker 2:So they had Camilla out. That's pretty cool. Yep, it's a shame Gonzo wasn't there, because they're the power couple of the century Did anybody see Gonzo?
Speaker 1:I don't remember seeing Gonzo.
Speaker 7:Who's Gonzo?
Speaker 2:He's the one with the nose that comes out the big, long blue nose he's the one with the the big, long nose, a question mark nose almost.
Speaker 1:He's always getting in trouble.
Speaker 7:Oh no, no, I didn't see him. Never watched, I've never watched the munchkin. No, I'm are them?
Speaker 1:are the? Are the muppets, are the munchkins? Neither one doesn't matter. What's up, wesley?
Speaker 9:well, I might. I think I saw some people dressed up as animal oh, you sure did.
Speaker 1:I saw that. Yep, that wasn't unusual. All right, let's see. I see sam and wesley wearing their medals and I know you all got medals. I want to know did you, did you show anybody else your medal? Did you get a chance like I don't know? Could you wear it to school? Was that allowed?
Speaker 7:I did, I did, I brought in this case I did it today that's nice.
Speaker 1:What did your friend say about it? Um, but I only show my teacher oh okay, what did she say, or he? Great that's very the teacher's very short sweet to the point. Great, now go sit down. How about it, joshua, did you show anybody else your medal?
Speaker 7:No, too afraid of grabby, grabby hands.
Speaker 1:Oh gosh, but you probably could outrun them because you're a good runner Probably a better runner than me no, running in the classroom simple school rules go over the school roads again, please I've been. I've been away from school too long, buddy. I forgot those simple school rules. I should have known them. How about your shirts?
Speaker 7:you wear your race shirts today I did mine's long sleeve and I don't yeah I also got the pin you did yep I like it yeah, I was supposed to be the same thing as the middle. Almost I wanted it to wear. I wanted to wear it to school, but I also didn't want it to get dirty okay, okay, understand that. It's bringing in the case. I didn't get a case.
Speaker 1:Oh see, well, that's a problem. Yeah, if you don't have a case, you can't bring it in the case. Yeah, that logic is impeccable. I want to know who's doing another run Disney run and when are you doing it?
Speaker 7:I'm doing one in springtime springtime good which one? The guardians of the galaxy one.
Speaker 1:Hey riley, what are you doing?
Speaker 7:well, we're possibly doing another disney race next year okay, that that's terrific.
Speaker 1:How about you, wesley?
Speaker 9:Which one are you doing? I mean, I might want to try to train up to 10 miles so I can do the three races.
Speaker 1:Whoa.
Speaker 2:He's following Dad's footsteps and really up in the distance early in life.
Speaker 8:Way to go, buddy. Yeah, pretty soon he'll be doing the keys with him, exactly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, dad's a good, no, no, no, dad's a good, dad's a good role model. Let's see, that's a good role model for no joking around, yeah for all your all your moms and dads are good role models, but dad's a good role model for long distances. Sam, when are you running again?
Speaker 7:um. Well, I already told you um oh, I wasn't paying attention. This year it's kind of like my big run where I'm going to do a lot of runs Like 2024 run.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is the year, Joshua. How about you, buddy? When am I going to see you again at the start line?
Speaker 7:For the Dalmatian race, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Great and Great. Springtime surprise the Dalmatian race. Oh yeah, great and great. Springtime surprise. Springtime surprise. Awesome the dalmatian race. That's the, that's at uh, that's at uh. Marathon weekend that's in january. Yeah, that'd be good okay, guys.
Speaker 8:So you're doing a race this year, but do you know that you need to be 10 years old to do the 10k? So who's going to step it up to the 10k out of you nine-year-olds?
Speaker 7:I was guessing that because I told my mom I feel like every single time with the 5k, the number that the 5k is is the number that you have to be old to do it ah, 5k 5 years, 10k, 10 years.
Speaker 1:You may be on to something. You may. You think you have to be 26 years old to do the marathon who knows, maybe I think it's around like 18 or so yeah, I think it is. I think it is 18. Yes, it is.
Speaker 9:Yeah, that's very good, very good what you got, wesley I might do that 10k we're talking about because, well, I'm turning like 10 in 13 days.
Speaker 1:Oh how about that? Good for you? Happy birthday, happy birthday february, february, for well, that's great guys february 13th, february, 13th.
Speaker 1:Were you born on a 14th? 14th, okay, that's better. That's better, because I was thinking maybe you were born on a friday, the 13th, but no, 14th is better. That's good, that's a good, that's a good birthday. That's a good birthday. Yeah, well, look guys, I. I hope this was fun. This was a lot of fun. Thank thank you for coming to join us. It's great having you here. Thanks to mom and dads for letting you do it and for standing by and uh and and being a part of this too. It was a lot of fun.
Speaker 7:You want to say goodbye to everybody bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye happy running.
Speaker 1:There you go. We'll stop it right there.
Speaker 2:That's great well, kids, that was awesome. You gave such a detailed report and and, trust me, it made it made this one of the most eventful 5k recaps that that we've ever had, so so thank you, oh you know.
Speaker 2:Thank you for your time and your thoughts and and bravo to uh to each and every one of you, uh, getting up early. And but now the last comment that, even though I did not participate in this race, observing this as a third-party spectator via the social media side, I want to give major kudos to the Run Disney community for showing up for this race. In terms of costumes, they were absolutely brilliant and Run. Disney if you're listening.
Speaker 2:The community brought their A game. It's time that a springtime surprise. We need an entirely muppet themed weekend, yeah, and let's, let's make it happen. I grant it, I I have my predictions about what I think the fifth anniversary will be. Uh, for for 2026, but but maybe for 2027 let's, uh, let's think about the muppets. So let's, let's get them their, their, their whole weekend.
Speaker 1:Greg, I didn't do. I did Sam, cause I like Sam and I had the costume. I considered the Swedish chef for a little bit but I went. No, there'll be 2000 Swedish chefs there. I'm probably close. But having said that, some of them were really, really excellent.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to single anybody out, but we had a couple of folks who did a really great job with the Swedish show. All right. So 5K, great fun time. Said enough about it. One thing golly, coming out of Mickey's Not so Scary. Going to the 5K I was just dead. I felt like I was coming out of the half on the dopey weekend. So 10K comes around by then. I guess I was just dead. I felt like I was coming out of the half on the dopey weekend. So 10K comes around. By then I guess I was ready. Now I had more friends doing the 10K. Guys, take it away. What did you think of the 10K?
Speaker 6:So I had a first for the 10K.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 6:I was in corral B, so as in boy, not b as in back.
Speaker 1:That's great um, what's the air like over there, uh?
Speaker 6:there's no stress, none at all, which I mean stress, none at all, which I mean. Oh no, my, my biggest thing was, like you know, I've struggled over the past I don't know year or so, like with motivation and speed and health stuff and like for my past run Disney season, going to the race weekend was always just kind of a little stressful for me. And first of all, just going in, like I that I started, because I almost started like at the curve before you go into where the start line is, um, but I, I mean I didn't notice any big differences as far as the crowdedness. Once we got on the course it just kind of felt normal. Um, it wasn't too crowded but it wasn't sparse. Like you know, I've heard jack talk about how a and there's no lines and all this oh, you gotta get, yeah, but you got, you gotta be setting quite a pace.
Speaker 6:I didn't, I didn't have that experience, um, but it just felt, it felt normal. Um character lines I actually got to stop for a character, I got to stop for chippendale and it was fantastic and, um, I timed it. It was seven and a half minutes, that's how long I was in line in line. Yeah, it's not bad no, I wasn't bad at all, um, but the big takeaway is that from when I started to when the balloon lady started, Right.
Speaker 1:Was 52 minutes, right, right, wow, I was going to say I used to have a POT and I would start and be. I can remember one. I think it was a half marathon where it looped around. I'm at mile four and I can hear fireworks going off at the start still. Yeah, yeah, it was a surreal experience for me.
Speaker 6:I'm at mile four and I can hear fireworks going off at the start still. Yeah yeah. It was a surreal experience for me and I mean I just really enjoyed it. I kept with my intervals and whenever I came out of the boardwalk I saw Greg and the group on the other side going into the boardwalk. So I waved to them.
Speaker 6:And it was also just really nice to go through the World Showcase and not get swept, because that was where I got swept during the marathon and or no, I got swept under the ball in marathon. There was one other race where I got swept under the ball in marathon. There was one other race where I got swept in the world showcase, but yeah, and then I finished and I was only sore for like a day. It was great, awesome.
Speaker 2:For the 10K. The first thing that I want to talk about is did you guys know that there's a new way to sing the alphabet? It goes a, b, c, d, d, d, d, e, e it's d purple, d green, d yellow, d blue d maroon, yeah, so so I I think I I want to
Speaker 2:talk about this way that they adjusted the corral system and and I I guess wine and dine is always their guinea pig. You know weekend to try things out, you know I remember last year, during the recap you know, we talked about how the corral ease situation and how it was in no man's land, in timbuktu, and oh, I remember that hear anything or see?
Speaker 2:anything or whatever. So obviously that you know they're trying something here. And we we experienced the the not well communicatedicated changes to this very early on. So we had our meetup to the left side of the bleachers and I want to say it was maybe what 420-ish or something like that we decided to meander over into the corrals and most of us were going to stay together and we were all going to leave out of Corral D. So about three-quarters of our group went into the corral and then Bob, myself and a few other people. We had to visit Corral P before we went in, and so we finish up and I think we were on like our last person or something like that, and all of a sudden k comes running out of the corral, over to us and says guys, the password is by you. And we're like, what are you talking about? A password? And that's when we learned that the way that they were doing is that that they divided up the larger corrals I think D had four or five and E had three, I believe and what they were doing is they would just filter you into one and then, as soon as that filled up, they would close it off and then they would filter you into the next one, they would close it off and then they would filter you into the next one, and when.
Speaker 2:And the problem was is that there was only a few people saying please keep your whole party together. Well, we didn't hear that, as you know. As we were, you know, heading, you know, essentially, since we, you know, split off. So, you know, like we, we, you know got to the gate and we were, like you know, like we, we, you know got to the gate and we were like by you and they're like come on in. And then, thankfully, we were able to all stay together and like I started like racking my brain, like you know, I know our friend david was like like this is weird, like there are other letters in the alphabet, uh, besides, you know d, blue and everything.
Speaker 2:And then, and I was like I was kind of a little frustrated with the whole situation, because I'm like now I had a little bit of stress because I had this plan to run with my friends, but now there was the potential that I was separated from them because of a clear lack of communication and I was like I am not initially in the moment, I was like I am not. Initially in the moment, I was not a fan of this and then. So then you know, as we were waiting until, you know, it was officially time to start off, I was trying to weigh the pros and the cons of this and, you know, kay actually came up with a really good pro. Pro for this, and that is from the runner's psyche perspective, is that you go to pick up your bib at the expo oh, I got corral d, I'm super excited about that as opposed to getting your bib and oh, I'm in corral.
Speaker 2:Oh, now I'm not, as I was like. Okay, that makes a lot of sense, but if they're doing these subsects of corrals, obviously I think they're doing to try and space things out, and to me, I think the idea and the concept of everything is a great move in the right direction. I just think it was poorly executed. And to me, I think you need to stop reinventing the wheel. You know, bob, when you and I did our first Wine and Dine and Lexi as well too and this would be applicable to Alicia, unfortunately she's going to be here tonight is, you know our first run Disney race? It was corrals like A through P.
Speaker 2:And yeah, I thought it was O, but it might have been P At that time the proof of time was 2 hours and 45 minutes and I almost kind of think, the way that they're doing this, I think they should go back to that old system because, heck, they're doing it out on the West Coast in Disneyland.
Speaker 2:So that way if you have a POT, it doesn't mean just because you have a pot doesn't mean you know, just because you have a pot and you know, say, your pot is in like like 240 or something like that, doesn't mean you're going to be all the way up front and crowd you know corral a or b or something like that, but it allows you to properly seed the race better in terms of paces.
Speaker 2:And then you know, and in that way you know, if you don't have a pot, then yes, it's, you know you fill it up until, um, you know, until you know that particular corral is finished. So I like, where run disney's thought processes on this? It just I think it was a very poor execution in terms of the lack of communication that they provided to the runners, because I mean, in theory, yes, they did give us the little graphic that was like this corral closes at this particular time. It would have been just nice to know ahead of time that, oh yeah, by the way, d's divided up into four or five different subsections and this is when they're going to close. That was never communicated until right in that moment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's the only problem I had with it. That is absolutely the only problem I had with it was the lack of communication. Other than that, I don't whether I'm in d, purple or k, I don't care, doesn't make any difference to me, you're just calling it something else. It's doing the same thing. Um, but yeah, if this is the way it's going to work going forward, I'm fine with that. I'm correct. Yeah, I'm ready for it.
Speaker 2:It's almost in knowing that information. I mean, obviously we'll talk about later. But our thought process then changed for Sunday, for the half marathon, because we knew, okay, everybody who needs to go to the bathroom go to the bathroom now and then we all walked in together.
Speaker 8:Next question about that corral situation now we think you're in corral d blue. When you got to the start line, did they wave you off in waves again still, or is that whole?
Speaker 2:no, it was still it was then still subsected, um, even within those sections too, because I was well, I think it was for the half marathon they drew. Yeah, yeah, it was the half marathon, because, bob, I know you and Stephanie got slightly separated from us ever so slightly, and that tape went right in between us so, yeah, but just going back to just the 10K. In general, though, it was a fantastic race. I know I'll make Allie laugh when I say this I was super excited because this was the perfect 10K course.
Speaker 4:A humid race. Oh, did you hear what I said? I?
Speaker 1:did. Yeah, that's a humidity I said a very humid race.
Speaker 2:We'll get to that for the half marathon, that's for sure.
Speaker 6:Hey, the 10K was very humid too.
Speaker 2:It was, but not nearly as bad as Sunday, but, no, I love that course. I also really appreciated the tweaks that they made actually inside the park in Epcot. I think it was in the second, no, in the first half of the race, probably between miles three and four, now that all the walls are down around the, the communicor hall. You know that building, that they, you know they knocked down the building to build a building, um, you know, as part of the, the transformation of epcot, uh, and. But then I also really like the fact that towards the end of the race too, we got to go under spaceship earth, and those and those make for some great photos, probably some of my favorite photos of the weekend. And then we got to go under Spaceship Earth, and those make for some great photos, probably some of my favorite photos of the weekend.
Speaker 2:And then we got to do the bubblegum bathroom exit as well too, which I appreciate because I feel like with most run Disney races, it's always that leave between Mission Space and Test Track and then go underneath Guardians and finish up. And then the one fun story that I will share um from the courses uh, within our group we were running in world showcase. K was dressed as tiana, uh alley without an e was also dressed as tiana in the version of in the beginning of the movie where they're serving breakfast. So I decided to dress as the line cook buford because I knew it was a cheap costume that I could put together, and k was determined that she wanted to get me featured in a like an official, like run disney post, you know so I could live in infamy with her and um and and hollywood, and no joke what we're running.
Speaker 2:And all of a sudden, uh, david sees this guy on the bike with a camera attached to him and he runs up to k and he goes do you know who that is? That's, that's the, the photographer, pr guy. And as soon as k heard that I've never seen k run so fast before in my life and she got right behind him and David trailed her. And then all of a sudden, david, in like the most obnoxious, friendly way possible, said boy, those are two great looking Tiana's on this course and that biker immediately hit the brakes, hopped off the bike and grabbed Kay and alley and all.
Speaker 2:So, of course, like I'm like, here we go. So I was gonna let them do their own thing. And the two of them were like no, greg, get over here. So the photographer had us walk um off to the side so that you get photos, and then they pulled us off to the gate to get us ones with Spaceship Earth in the background. Unfortunately, we didn't make the cut, but they were some really nice photos. So if you ever see a bicyclist with a camera attached to their back and you have a really good costume, get their attention, because your day could be made.
Speaker 1:I was going to say tell Kay, or tell Kay yes.
Speaker 2:But overall, fantastic 10K race race. I had an absolute blast. And the last thing I'll wrap it up with is um, I stayed true to my word. I posted the video on both instagram and facebook. Um again for that very generous donation our friend Sarah gave me for my charity bib for the Philadelphia Marathon. I enjoyed a nacho of a tortilla chip, some of the plastic cheese Now the event guide said Skittles, it was M&M's, but I made my special nacho and I ate it and I lived to see another day, which was nice. See another day, which was nice. And they also upped the ante on the challenge because Kay was actually carrying real beignets from Port Orleans, French Quarter and they just smelled so amazing the entire race.
Speaker 5:I thought those were real beignets myself. I was like that's so tasty, and she ran with them. Without eating them, I would have a hard time.
Speaker 2:And this is also the dedication of Kay. She also asked for a container of extra powdered sugar so that she could sprinkle it over her costume and her skin, essentially giving essence that she was working at the restaurant. But anyway, she was in the beer line and I went over and I ripped off an ear from one of the Mickey beignets and then I dipped that into the plastic cheese as well too, just for fun, and that I immediately regretted my decision Wasn't that much fun, huh. No, that was not fun at all.
Speaker 1:M&M's are much better, though I don't have much to add. On the 10k, I enjoyed it again. I walked with Stephanie and I and with Jennifer. We had a good time. Mike was asking one another as we walked through the parks y'all's pictures were awesome. Yes, absolutely we were having a good time.
Speaker 1:They were you could, totally I'm laughing about them right now, but they were fun. Uh, yeah, it was a good time. It was a good race. Now, the 10k was on Saturday, the the half on sunday. Anything happened in between? Why, yes, it did.
Speaker 1:We had our meetup with the rise and run family. Becky and I were over there. Uh, we had, I thought we were signed up for brunch at art smith's. We were a little bit late, so we had lunch at art smith's and then we walked over to the meetup area at about oh golly, 2, 15 or so, and our friends, judy and our husband, jim judy, who is taking care of our merchandise for us. They had already secured the beachhead becky and sat, added some tables to it.
Speaker 1:It wasn't long, two 30, two, 35 other friends started to arrive. I recruited some help and I should have written these names down to young ladies who were as sweet as could be, who walked up to the car with me to help to carry those 40 pounds of cookies and if I'm exaggerating, it ain't by much Okay, help to carry the cookies down to the uh, the place. Jim helped also. It was great. I'm telling you, the meetups are incredible. Thank you all for showing those who did. And if you haven't yet, man, you're missing out. It's just such a wonderful community. Every time, more and more I think this can't get any bigger, can it? And then it does. And it was just, I don't know. Words fail me. It was just fantastic.
Speaker 6:It's so funny. After having the first couple of meetups, you know, over the past few weekends, I have learned that I have to bring a bottle of water or two because I just enjoy talking to everybody so much and my voice will get sore yeah I also have a question for you guys.
Speaker 5:Quick question do lexi and I sound the same?
Speaker 1:uh, I don't think so voice wise I don't, I don't think so.
Speaker 6:Yeah, I don't think so so there were a couple people who were like oh, you're jack and I'm like no, I'm lexi.
Speaker 5:And then they're like oh, you run ultras and I'm like no that's jack, but if it helps, because I know we're both going to be there for marathon weekend, I'm the redhead although you could mess with people, because now that we have our name buttons, you could.
Speaker 2:You could each ride and swap it with another.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they were fun too, weren't they? I mean, it didn't take long, and it was that way out in California too. Once, folks, if you show up with paper name tags, hello, my name is. Nobody wears them, but the buttons.
Speaker 6:They were beautiful.
Speaker 1:They looked great.
Speaker 6:They looked great.
Speaker 1:And we need to order more, right, I think? So Okay, I didn't count how many I have coming back. They looked great. They looked great. We need to order more, right, I think? So Okay, I didn't count how many I have coming back. I would like to ask friends, and I will ask friends to bring them back, if they can. Well, they can. But what will happen is you'll forget, and if we get half the people to bring them back, that's going to be good. So, yeah, bring them back for January if you can, and if not, we'll have more there. But they went over real well and I love it. You know we all do this. We, we see so many friends and I promise we love you all. We love you all equally. Children, but I can't remember everybody's name anymore. I just it's just too many people, and so we'll get to the.
Speaker 1:We found ourselves getting to the expo and taking a step back and looking down and looking for a bib and then realizing nobody had bibs, so we couldn't steal your name off the bib. But the buttons are great. So that went over well. Um, of course, the cookies went over well. They always do. Becky puts a lot of effort into those. Uh, we had a plan to do some recording there, but we got a little bit of rain, not enough really to spoil the day. But it was enough for us to say I don't know if we want to bring our electronic equipment out. And we didn't do that.
Speaker 6:It did cool it off quite nicely though.
Speaker 1:It was comfortable. Yeah, it was nice, and I just again, I I have a hard time putting into words how amazing it is to me the number of people that show and the way everyone gets along with each other so quickly and so well and friends. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about, and if you haven't been, you need to come. It's like we're at the Olive Garden.
Speaker 4:When you're at the Rise and Run, meetup your family.
Speaker 8:Your family.
Speaker 2:Except we don't have unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks.
Speaker 4:We have unlimited cookies. Though, we have unlimited cookies.
Speaker 1:A longtime friend, chris, who I hadn't seen for a while, joined us. Chris is one of those guys. If you ever look at the YouTube on the origin story and if you trace the dots on how we got to the Rise and Run family, chris is an early reason we ended up getting here. I hadn't seen him for a while. He got there and he just kept looking at me and laughing and going bro, this is amazing. This is amazing. What's happened here? Uh, wait till, wait till marathon weekend, because it's even typically even bigger than yeah, lexi I I was gonna make a comment similar to yours.
Speaker 2:I remember we we took the group photo and at that point I was like ever so slightly hungry.
Speaker 2:So I was trying to make my way from the walkway up the stairs to the cookie table, but I never got there because I just had so many conversations with either people coming up to me or you know, just, you know, trying to do my due diligence to you know, to chat with as many people, um, as I could, and I just I never got there and I, I remember, you know, getting back to the room that night and, um, you know, and chatting with hollywood, since, you know, since we were rooming together and I was like I know how much we like to have pillow talk at night, but I, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to talk if not, I'm not gonna have a voice for sunday because it would.
Speaker 2:But again, it, you know, even though vocally I was shot, I was it. I've never been so excited to have be vocally shot, because that just goes to show how much love and support you know there are at these meetups and I I truly do cherish them. And bob, I'll echo your comments, you know not not to single him out, because there were so many wonderful friends who were, who were at this meetup, but I was so glad to see chris sapienza because, you know, and I told him he kept commenting to me very similar things.
Speaker 2:They said to you about how just amazing the size of this is and everything. And I said, but you know, even though you're new to this right now, for us I'm like you got to remember that you are a part of this story and the very pivotal part of this story. And you know there's a chance that the the legwork of a facebook group that that you did, you know, between yours and you know and then the alicia's run disney motivational team group. You know, if none of that happens, rise and run doesn't happen. So I was so glad to be able to celebrate, yeah, that with him, um, at that meetup. So, yeah, it was, it was absolutely amazing and I it's also a meetup I will never forget because it was the first time I got to meet Baby George.
Speaker 2:And he's just the cutest darn kid in the world and absolutely just loved eating him up. But yeah, to everyone again who takes time out of their vacation to spend time with us and to spend time with one another. With one another, greg, yeah, yeah, that means the world to me, and I mean who would have ever thought that we could potentially outgrow the food truck area? So just keep on coming, keep on coming everybody, because we love to see it grow.
Speaker 5:I can't wait to see you all for January. Yes, absolutely yeah.
Speaker 1:So I want to tie a bow on this one and say to those who came thank you. You are the ones who make this as great as it is. We appreciate that If you haven't been, and I absolutely do understand people. If you're here, there are friends who are here with their families. The family wants to be in the park, I get it totally. But if you ever get a chance to get over to one of these, I promise you'll be back for the next one. So we'll see you in January. All right, kudos, thanks for the meet and greet. Sunday morning arrives. We head out on the half marathon. Let's see Greg, you and me and Alicia. Yeah, alicia, okay, I. I knew there was others. I knew there was Alicia's not here. Uh, how'd it go, greg?
Speaker 2:This was a a nice race and and a race that I I needed and and I a race that I needed, and I'll explain why I needed it in a second. But again, we had a great group of friends and we figured out paces and intervals and what we were going to try and do, and it was a very nice democratic process in terms of, as we passed by, passed by character stops, whether or not it was worth stopping or not. Uh, so that all worked out really really well. Um, but now, ali, I would like to elicit your catchphrase right here boy, that was a really humid race absolutely, it was a very humid race.
Speaker 2:You know so much the point where I remember we stopped I think it was for chef daisy in hollywood studios, and I was wearing my junk band and I literally rung the thing oh yeah with how much sweat it was in there it was. It was tad toasty and warm, but again it's florida and you know there's there's nothing we can do about about it.
Speaker 1:You say that like it's a strange thing, Greg.
Speaker 2:I know. I know Because this fall training cycle has been so weird up here in Pennsylvania, because we'll get 48 hours of fall and then summer comes back and then we go back to fall and we haven't been able to stay consistent. So I feel like I just haven't fully acclimated to anything yet. But um, you know, in terms of the race, though, um did pretty well for the first 10k and then it was, and then, probably at about the halfway mark, I must have gone really, and even though I was the one calling out intervals, um, everyone kept telling me. I got really quiet and they started checking in on me because I think, you know, majority of my friends knew what I dealt with on my 23 miler and I don't think they wanted to see me get into that place again because of the, the heat and the humidity and such. So I was like, no, no, I promise I'm, I'm okay, and we kept going. But it was about halfway I said to everyone I'm like listen, I can't, I don't think I can keep up the 30, 30s that that we're doing anymore. Could we, you know, make a slight adjustment? So I threw out a couple of different interval options and we settled on. I think it was like 15 1545s and that worked out beautifully.
Speaker 2:And then the turning point in the race then happened for me. About a half a mile later, we came across two young women by the name of Chloe and Allison and they were just struggling. And they were just struggling and you could you could see it on their faces and I you know it was a combination of myself and Allie, without an E and K, and Tara and and Laura. We all just rallied around these two and they're like hey, you're with us. Now Come and join us. This is the interval that we're doing and you are more than welcome to join our group and we're going to have a ton of fun.
Speaker 4:I don't think Jen was saying that she didn't.
Speaker 2:Oh, yes, yeah, Jen was with us too.
Speaker 4:She was saying you guys were like you're coming with us, we're giving you a choice, but you don't have a choice.
Speaker 2:And we kept up with the interval and we still did character stops and if someone needed to take a chorale pee break, we did that and Allison was doing a fantastic job. But you know one one she got with us. Chloe, on the other hand, was, I think, what was still having, you know, some some, you know, mental strains and you know so we all kind of like took turns in terms of like, cycling, you know, with her and you know, and being one-on-one with her, hey, hey, where are you at physically? Where are you at mentally? Do you need some nutrition? How can we help you?
Speaker 2:And then there were times, as we got closer and closer maybe I think it was probably when we were doing the final on-ramp to come back to Epcot, and she kept apologizing, saying that I'm so sorry that we need to take this really really long walk breaker, you're not going to be able to do as much running or you're not going to be able to hit your goal. And when she, and when she talked to me about the goal, I said, chloe, I only have one goal in this race right now and that's to get you across the finish line. Because in you know, in chatting with these women. We found out that, um, for Allison, it was her first half marathon and, I believe, her first run Disney race and for Chloe, she had done run Disney in the past but she said I think she had walked the marathon or she had participated in the marathon, but um got swept. So this was one where, like she like really wanted to like be able to like legit run across the finish line and and I loved I love the fact that you know this almost got like I felt like you know, these two women were like a sign from the running gods, after what I dealt with on my 23 miler, that I was, in turn, able to take the things that I've learned from you all and from our community and from coach twigs and apply them to get them over the finish line and whether and what I loved is we made the two of them start the charge in the, you know, in the, the shoot as well, you know, and you'd be able to watch the two of them cross the finish line.
Speaker 2:It was just awesome to see and I'm just, I was just absolutely so proud of them. I, I have it, I would. And what was great was um allison came to our like unofficial meetup at the post-race party. So, um, you know, just got to know her a little bit better during that and I I know chloe found us on instagram later. So, um, you know again, ladies, we're just so proud of you and I'm so glad I was able to share that experience with you. In terms of other aspects of the race that I just wanted to talk about and, bob, I'm really curious to get your thoughts on this is everyone complained about this at Springtime Surprise during the 10 Myler course, and Run Disney sent out a survey about course crowding. Why do you think they put a water stop on?
Speaker 2:the international squeezeway and literally had like we literally like legit, had to stop. Why do they do that?
Speaker 1:I don't know. I heard somebody call that run Disney's version of Interstate 4.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:It went from running to a state?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know, greg I I'm sure that they're aware of what they're doing. Run Disney's done this before. I mean they could put it there.
Speaker 2:They could put it on, or they could put on the boardwalk too. I mean, that's another option.
Speaker 8:That gets a little slippery, though, with the wetness on the ground.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think, I don't know, there's a little reluctance on the boardwalk because of the hotels there and the people staying in the hotels Reluctance to make more noise than necessary. I don't know. We're traveling on this case. We're traveling from Epcot to Hollywood Studios on that walkway there. There is. It does open up a little bit as you get to Hollywood Studios. I don't know. I'm sure we are not the only ones who have thought of this and I don't have a good answer. It's not.
Speaker 2:It's certainly not the best because I mean, you know, like john, like you said, like if you just bump it up by a quarter of a mile, you know you're, you're in the transportation center. Or you know the, the walkway from the skyliner to you know the front gates of of hollywood studios, you know it's a, I mean it's a heck of a lot. It's not massive, but it's a heck of a lot, wider um than um.
Speaker 8:You know then the squeeze way, so it's a sidewalk is really all you have there, yeah and you're breaking it down quick because by almost park open, everyone should be through correct, I mean.
Speaker 2:And the other thing like I thought about too, is like, yes, they do put a water station there for for the marathon, but we're coming the opposite direction and the race is a lot more spaced out by that point as well too. Um, you know where you know. So that's what? Usually what mile like 23, where this was like mile, something like it, like two and a half or or, or three, or something like that, so obviously it was still super crowded. Um, and then really the. The only other thing that that I would comment on you know, if run disney is looking for some feedback to get some improvement, is I believe this was the first race weekend at walt disney world where it was no longer volunteers in terms of the aid stations, and to me I think that showed, because, at least from where I was positioned throughout the course of the race, those volunteers were having a really hard time keeping cups filled, to the point where, at at least two different water stations, I walked through and didn't get anything again, not not.
Speaker 1:That was your choice, right correct that.
Speaker 2:That was my choice, but, you know, in order to keep like forward momentum and try to grab something, because you know it was a situation where, like a majority of the volunteers you know again, and they were doing their absolute best I don't fault the staffing that was there, they were doing everything that but I think more people were trying to get them filled as opposed to passing them out, and I think that was just for me it was extremely noticeable. So, whether we can open it back up to volunteers or try to think of some type of incentive to get more people out there, I think it would definitely help the situation for sure.
Speaker 1:You know me, I don't have problems. One thing that irritates me a little bit got nothing to do with Run Disney is when you get on that area where you know it's going to be crowded, you know it's going to be slow.
Speaker 1:I've come out of Corral D and I'm walking and yet there's going to be someone behind me who thinks he's qualifying for the Olympics. Yes, Look folks, it's a run Disney event. Have some patience. I understand you've trained for this. I understand maybe you've even got a goal in mind, but there's going to come a time that run Disney events. We're just going to have to relax and walk.
Speaker 2:I heard. I heard one comment that our group experienced at one point. It was something along the lines of like runners on the left, slackers on the right, or something like that, and I was like really, but again, I you know I wasn't gonna let that.
Speaker 1:You drag me down it's time to be patient. It it's time to have fun. I had fun all weekend. I was walking. I was walking all of these events. Again, I'm with Stephanie. This time we just had a good time. Stephanie, for medical reasons, could not run, so I was more than happy to walk with her. No problem there, glad to do it. Thank you, stephanie. You saved me from having to run, so I appreciate it things.
Speaker 1:I had an encounter with Santa Claus. I saw him on the course and, being a large person that I am, I walked up behind him and said, as I should, santa, I know him. And Santa turned around and said hi, bob. And now I'm thinking is this someone who listens to the podcast and recognizes the voice, or is this really Santa and knows everybody? So it was the former, but it was Patrick, a friend of ours from the Ox and Spoon crew. The Ox and Spoon crew was great. Speaking of Elf, our buddy, the legendary Bill, was there dressed as Elf, but I didn't see him at that time that I ran up to Santa. It was good to see those guys. It always is.
Speaker 1:I yo-yoed with our friends from the Run Dopey crew. They were moving faster than we were, but they were stopping for photos, so we'd end up back and forth. I think we ended up finishing it right about the same time. Stephanie walks a good pace and we didn't. There were plenty of cutbacks where we could look back on the field behind us and again, even though we started out at D and even though we were walking the whole time, we never were threatened. We were fine, we were happy to keep going.
Speaker 1:We picked up a hitchhiker. Our friend of the podcast, bethany, joined us. Bethany said that she had been DNF'd her last event out in California. I said, well, that's not going to happen here and but she was perfectly capable, she did. I think she was happy to go to our uh, 30, 30, uh intervals that we were doing, you know, 30 seconds walk followed by 30 seconds walk, and it worked out very well and uh and and she stayed right with us and she was strong up through the end there. I was glad she got on because she was a coast to coaster and Bethany actually is a West coast person. She had done the half at Disneyland and was doing a half here for a coast to coast metal, so I'm glad she got that. I was happy to see our cheerleading crew on the side I wanted to bring that up when you were done.
Speaker 4:That was great that was you, it sure was. And David and baby George, and baby George's mom Did George have his button.
Speaker 1:George had a button, you know.
Speaker 4:No, I didn't know, I didn't notice.
Speaker 1:From Saturday he had a button from Saturday, just like, didn't know, I didn't know. From saturday he had a button from saturday, just like, just like all of us did, with our names on it that's so cute yeah, I don't know if he brought it with him or not.
Speaker 1:He probably forgot it. He's probably lost it already or used it for teething or something, I don't know. Uh, of course I uh. I chatted with our friends at the end jeff and ryan, and and John and Carissa. It's always a pleasure. I chat with Tracy, but she's always in the back there, but at least I get to say hi, goofy was up top on one of these I think it was this one, so I have to, yeah. But yeah, yeah, I remember fist bumping Goofy, which is pretty impressive because he's up there pretty high, but we were able to do that.
Speaker 1:I had seen Jeff On Thursday at the Expo. The crowd's always big around Jeff. I get that, so I always wave, say hello, tell him I'll be back the next day. I went back on Friday and did that. There wasn't much of a crowd there. Tell them, I'll be back the next day. And I went back on Friday and did that. There wasn't much of a crowd there.
Speaker 1:I forget which one of our friends Christy or Chrissy, I think was there talking with Jeff. She was about to get a photo and I snuck up behind her and said here, let me take that for you. Oh, it's you. Yeah, it was cool. So she's got a picture with Jeff and then a picture with me, and if you see the two pictures on Facebook, it looks like she shrunk in the second photo because, just anyway, it was fun and, uh, I wanted to talk with Jeff but he kind of blew me off. You know, he just turned and talked to somebody else. I'll get you. No, I won't, I understand Jeff. Uh, jeff sees me often enough. That worked out, but it was fun. We finished, I got my Rise and Run bag out so I could drop them it was amazing they're a good thing.
Speaker 1:I used that to put all my stuff in and I think that's it. That didn't end the weekend. We did have the after party at uh Epcot. I'm glad to do it, I'm glad to go. It's another chance to see our friends before we leave. Uh, but I didn't. Well, I spent more time there than I expected to. I went back. We went and watched the fireworks. We again, we spent more time there than I expected to. I went back. We went and watched the fireworks. Again, we had a small group. We gathered together, went and watched the fireworks.
Speaker 1:I thought they were nice. I thought Luminous was nice. I enjoyed it. Any other, any dissent Hearing? None. I'm moving on. Luminous lasts about 15 minutes. Um, I got to tell you kids, I'm getting old, I'm getting tired. I go, look, I'm going to walk up to our 10 o'clock meetup. I know I'll be there early, but I'm just going to sit down and relax until everybody gets there. Well, I got there. There were already, I think, one or two people hanging out. What do you think? Maybe 15, 20 people came by during the course of the evening, maybe a little bit more.
Speaker 2:I would say, a little bit more yeah.
Speaker 1:A little bit more.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean obviously nothing compared to the Saturday. No, and it wasn't intended, but it was impressive.
Speaker 1:Yeah right, it wasn't intended to be, it's just an opportunity chance. Say hi. I know that every time I said, oh, that's it, I'm tired, I'm going, uh, somebody else would come by to say hello, and by golly, I'm, I'm happy that you did. And I was talking with one person and I said that's, I think I'm going to head back. Becky had already left and I think I'm going to head back. And they said no, I think you're going to be here a little bit longer. I said what do you mean? He goes. That's tom's behind you and our buddy, tom stokes, was there. So tom and adam, both were there, and tom's wife was there, the muscle mouse wife. Yeah, they were all there. And then then I made a clean break. I think most of the crew that was still there headed off to enjoy the rest of the party.
Speaker 2:I headed off back to pop century yeah, I mean, once I say goodbye to you, bob, I really didn't do much. We went towards the front of the park to see what the the guardians situation was like and I was a little nervous because the line was stretched out the door, um, like well, past the, the starship, um, you know that's out in front of that attraction, and they said it was a posted 60 minute wait. And at that point, you know, like you, I was toast, but I was like, if my friends want to do this, I'll, I'll tough it out with them. And going back to what we talked about with, like fast pass and lightning lanes, you know a couple of episodes ago, it surely goes to show how quickly a line can move when there isn't lightning lane holding everything up 100% agree, coming from a former attractions cast member uh.
Speaker 2:so we had uh david time it, and then again starting outside to the moment we got onto the ride vehicle, so that included both pre-shows. It only took us 36 minutes so it moved really steadily. So nothing like being exhausted than having your body full of adrenaline coming off of a roller coaster. And then that's when I officially decided to uh, to hang it up and go home. Yeah, I, I, I always enjoy the after party. I I enjoy doing with friends for. But I will say this my, my, my hot take with the with this particular party is if you're running the half or you're running the challenge it's including your registration definitely take advantage of it. If you're say only doing the 5k, or 5k and 10k or whatever combination of that, I don't know if it's worth. What was it? The $110?
Speaker 5:that they were charging for. Not worth it one bit sorry.
Speaker 1:Now wait a minute. If you're a day ticket person, if you're buying a ticket to the park for a day, it's probably okay, because that's about what it's going to be anyway, so that's probably not bad. But if you're like most of us, with annual pass, that's an extra 110 well, it's, it's okay, not okay.
Speaker 5:If you really think about it. Logistically, though, if someone buys a day pass for that day specifically, they might do better. Actually, no, because the park opens an hour later for the half marathon day. Because I know I told my parents like oh, when they did, when they came last year to cheer me on, they um went to epcot right after and the park opened a little bit later um than normally would and um it was crowded for right off the bat, and then it is just way even more crowded because you know how you can get in an hour too early with that party ticket.
Speaker 5:Everybody gets so nervous because it's so crowded. Honestly, if you're going to buy that ticket for the party, make sure you just stay to the end, because that's when the time and worth of that ticket is going to be the best, because you can get on a lot of things faster be the best because you can get on a lot of things faster.
Speaker 4:I will definitely agree that it was so. So we went at five o'clock and it was so crowded that it was like it was like a water stop at the middle of the boardwalk and Hollywood Studios it was. It was just like you couldn't. You couldn't see right or like left at all.
Speaker 4:You're just in a sea of people and then so anxiety inducing I could but then you know, right around the time we we sat down, we found a table, we were very lucky that we did. We we grabbed snacks and we ate and stuff like that, and then by the time the fireworks had started, um, we were kind of like walking free and that's like you said. It's like it's much nicer. It gets much better as people start clearing out after dinner and after the fireworks. It was awesome.
Speaker 4:I ran into everybody kind of organically. I saw Margaret and Leisha and I saw you guys were in a group in front of the boys to men um nighttime like spectacular, and then there was a few other people. I got to see Chris, chris Sapienza and um Allie, without an E, and um, I got to see um Kay and Josh, I think it's what. Josh was there, right, and Josh was there too and I got to talk to him, which I haven't talked to Tara, um Rachel I hope I'm not forgetting anybody, because I'm really bad at that and well, did you get to visit with Woody when he was there?
Speaker 1:Woody and Kim.
Speaker 4:No, I didn't see them. Oh, you missed them. Okay, yeah, I missed them.
Speaker 1:Yeah, woody Kim and Woody's dad Bob were all there.
Speaker 4:So when we were driving in, when I was cheering I actually cheering is awesome because, like you know me, I like to get as much sleep as possible I would roll in at the last second before everybody was headed out to the corrals, and so when everybody left at three I slept for another four hours and then as I was driving in, I got to see the line of people kind of on the highway area and I saw the Rundope group, because they're always wearing those fabulous dresses so it's like they're hard to miss.
Speaker 1:All right, friends. So look, just in case we haven't said enough about wine and dine weekend or maybe you have something you want to add, here's a good chance for me to tell you that this is a Zoom Thursday, so when you're finished listening to this episode, join us on Zoom. The instructions are already posted in the Facebook group page. I do hope we see you there. We will also probably have a chance to hear a little bit about the New York City Marathon. I'm going to mention that when we get into the race report no, don't, don't play the beeps yet. No, we're not there. Okay, our friends as many of them as we can who were at New York will be with us next week in the race report spotlight. We wanted to give them time to get their due instead of burying them in all this wine and dine stuff. And oh, by the way, worth mentioning, we talked about it before. Many of you probably already know this Sydney is now the seventh world major marathon, sydney, australia.
Speaker 1:So I don't know what year it starts, probably next year, and from what I read that there's still the six-star medal will still exist for the foreseeable future. Whether they'll make a seven-star medal or not, I think is still up for debate, but yeah.
Speaker 6:Sydney is going to be recognized. The word is right now that they are creating pins to go along with the seventh and potentially eighth stars that the candidates are in there, but the original six-star medal will stay the same.
Speaker 5:So now I'm curious is there anybody here that are trying to get all stars of the world majors?
Speaker 1:Oh, not me, that's not going to happen. But I promise you there are people, and I promise you there are people planning already to go to Sydney. What a great city.
Speaker 5:Oh my gosh yeah.
Speaker 1:What a wonderful trip that will be, and I think it's fantastic for the people in Australia and people worldwide. I think that's going to be an outstanding event. Let's see here, my friends. Oh, I want to mention this Run gum. I was able to give away some of the run gum and I want to share something. Guys, one of my friends who chewed it had this experience and I did too.
Speaker 1:If that stuff sits around the run gum, if it sits around too long or gets too hot when you go to chew it, it's fine and then it gets really mushy. That is not what it's supposed to be like. If that happens, get you know it's not going to hurt you, but you're not going to want to chew that. And if it happened to you, I apologize. I may talk to the run gum folks, not that I'm going to have any say in what they did, but I want them to realize that that is not a good thing. So if that happened to you, I'm sorry. I did have a bunch of folks who used it and said, hey, it worked for me, it does work I, I did it in the half it does work. But if you're chewing it and it doesn't keep that chewing gum consistency. Spit it out into the pouch, dispose of it properly Again. It's not going to hurt you, but you don't want to do that. You might also look on the Speed Labs site. That's the same company. It's just a different type of gum and, candidly, I like it better, so I wanted to put that out there. If the product works for you, don't forget, you can use either rise and run or bob r20 for your discount. It's still a good pick-me-up, but I don't want anybody thinking that I'm recommending something that is as yucky as that. If that happens, so sorry about that. If it did happen to me twice happened to be I forget when, but on the drive home. I was getting real tired on the drive home on Monday and I grabbed some I had in the car and I know I've had it in there for a while and after about three or four minutes when, nope, this one ain't working. All right, my friends, it's time for the Race Report.
Speaker 1:The Race Report is brought to you by Tom Stokes at Stoked Metabolic Training. Stokesfit slash. Rise and run is the website. We talked with Tom last week. Got a chance to talk with Tom at the meetup, as I mentioned at the farewell meetup Um at the meetup. As I mentioned at the uh, at the farewell meetup, tom and I are plotting costumes for the Hercules 10K at springtime surprise weekend. I'm not going to tell you which one of us is going to be Hercules. There is a little typecasting going on, so I think you'll figure it out. Adam was there too. He's going to be part of it. We've got it all worked out. It'll be a surprise. But back to uh Stoke metabolic training. He's got the various levels of training available Head up to the top of the Facebook page. Look for them there. He's got some discounts for our rise and run family. Very worthwhile, highly recommended, very worthwhile, highly recommended. All right, on the race report not that long this week because most of our friends were either at Wine and Dine or in New York. So let's see what we got.
Speaker 1:Let's start back on Saturday in Ashland Wisconsin, the Chickamaugan 5K, not Chickamaugua, chickamaugan, jenny, I'm sure that means something to the folks in Ashland Wisconsin. Maybe someday you get a chance to explain it to me. However, jenny had a lot of fun at this one. It wasn't timed, which that was nice. That makes for a leisurely stroll on this beautiful fall day up in Ashland, wisconsin. We're starting to turkey trot throughout the country. This one was in Eisenhower Park in New York. A 5K turkey trot Regina with her daughter on this one Her daughter's training for the Princess 5 and 10K. So they took this one at a nice walking pace, chilly and breezy to start, a 30 degree temperature drop from the day before. But they warmed up on the course. It was flat, it was friendly, there were donuts and muffins at the end On one that was probably not chilly.
Speaker 1:In Hawaii Kai, the Hawaii Kai mile race presented by the Hawaii Running Lab. Hawaii Kai is a region on Oahu. It's down in the lower right-hand corner. It's near Hunama Bay. For any of you who've ever been to Hawaii and want to go to one of the most beautiful places on the planet, this is it. Valerie and her family did this one flat, fast and wide for this great magic mile. It's just a mile but it was a big family affair. Eight-year-old daughter did it, shaved two minutes off of her previous PR, finishing at about nine minutes, and second in her age group. Husband finished first in the old man age group. I'm quoting here Valerie's husband. I don't believe you're really in the old man age group. I almost guarantee you're not in my age group, but good for you for finishing first, not in my age group, but good for you for finishing first. Valerie Ram with another daughter and they were just shy of a podium finish finishing fourth in that category In Fort Smith, arkansas, the 17th annual Jim Rowland FCA River Valley Run.
Speaker 1:Joe did the 5K. Didn't place in his age group. Speaking of old man age group, he wouldn't mind me saying that, I hope. I hope I only know two people in the Rise and Run family older than me. Joe's one of them. God bless Joe for still being out there. I appreciate him. That really, really is impressive. But, as he says, didn't place in his age group. But we know the victory is getting out there and doing it. Amen, joe.
Speaker 8:And there's more than three people in his age group.
Speaker 1:that means that's impressive, isn't it? It really is, John.
Speaker 8:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, even in Fort Smith this area is bigger than the Fort Smith area. There are very few here, very few, where there are more than 370 plus in the age group. They've even had some that have had a 75 plus age group there because they get enough older walkers or runners. I think that's terrific. Joe typically does it with his buddies, the three amigos. They did the 10K on this one and Joe did the five. Let's move to Sunday.
Speaker 1:I've got one here the Run for the Water 10-Miler Austin Texas race number three in the Austin Distance Challenge. Derek was in there, but it was hot in Texas too. He ended up pulling himself out at mile five and a half Very hilly course, and the heat and the humidity got to him. My friends, it gets to all of us at some time or other, and sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. Derek wisely pulls himself out and lives to train and race another day.
Speaker 1:All right, new York City Marathon we're going to give these friends an opportunity next week in the spotlight. But let me just read off the names that I have who put their name in the race report for the New York City Marathon Allison, amanda, brandy, brenna we have two, carys, carrie, last name, m Carrie V, grace, jason, katie, laura, mary, megan, nicole, tara, cody, aaron, our friend from Will, run For Kristen, run Fit Mama, mama and Boyd. So I hope we hear from a bunch of them next week. But congratulations, friends in Pittsburgh, pennsylvania I don't know if it's the EQT 10 miler, because that's how it looks Capital EQ or whether that's equity, and some you know, like the old rock group that looked like Inksys but was in excess. You know them, john right.
Speaker 8:I know them.
Speaker 1:I knew you would. Let's see who was there Andrew was there in the 10-mile order, chrissy was there for the 10K and Alyssa was there with her husband Ricky. Let's see, alyssa was there with her husband Ricky. Let's see. Kind of a traumatic weekend for Alyssa because their young daughter, aniston, got hit by a baseball bat on Saturday by accident, by accident. But after finding out that she was going to be okay, alyssa and Ricky ran this event on Sunday, finished in an hour 43. Good time. She says she likes that because Mr Rogers, who was also from Pittsburgh, regularly used the code 143 as his code for I love you. Get it. One letter, four letters, three letters. You probably already knew that. Anyway, with everything going on for all their friends and family, it's a great reminder to tell everyone how you feel about them. Let's see what else we have. Amy was in Las Vegas for the Las Vegas Marathon. David and his daughter Lillian were in Charlottesville, virginia, for the Shelter for Help in Emergency 5K. This was Lillian's first 5K. Lillian, this PR bell is for you. They had a wonderful time in the cool fall weather, but the hills were tough, but they did it. Good job In Ontario, canada.
Speaker 1:The Hamilton Marathon Claire, she did. It was Hamilton Marathon weekend. Claire did the first K there as her first race since a rather serious fall in Dopey 2023 during the marathon, where she fell, hit herself, broke some teeth. It was a big deal to get this one back under her belt. She picked the perfect time to come back Great weather course, mostly flat, scenic down to the waterfront. Now she can start with renewed confidence to improve her time here, where she builds back up for Wine and Dine next year and then Dopey 2026,. She says she's looking forward to seeing a bunch of us there and we are looking forward to seeing you there too. Claire um. In athens, georgia, the ath half. Matt says this is his favorite local race, with really good crowd support and a great ending running through the bulldogs' Sanford Stadium. It was Matt's girlfriend's first half marathon and their families came to cheer us on. Matt didn't tell us what his girlfriend's name is, so, matt's girlfriend, this PR bill is for you. First half marathon got to be a PR.
Speaker 1:Geneva, illinois, the ooh-. La chocolate 10k. Vicky vicky ran and won this thing last year, only to find out that the course was missed marked, so it was kind of an unofficial, not a 10k thing. Uh, weather was perfect, right around 50 degrees. She took off, led this one from the get-go. She had one guy on her heels at the beginning but she soon outpaced him. Occasionally she'd look back, but mostly just focused on running her race, getting the best time that she could, doing well. Even got a chance to give one other woman a high-five as they passed each other going on different courses 5K and 10K, going in opposite directions. Other going on different courses, 5k and 10K, going in opposite directions. Not only did she set a new PR by at least 10 minutes with a 10K time of 44 minutes pause for PR bell but she was the overall winner for the second year in a row, not first female overall winner, vicki. Awesome job. Caitlin Caitlin was there too. The best part for her was the fact that it was a five-minute walk from her front door to the start-finish time. First local race in this new area. For her Thought it was fantastic. Nice In Huntington, west Virginia, the Marshall University Half Marathon.
Speaker 1:Cynthia says congratulations to the Wine and Dine runners. She stayed closer to home and ran this one for a PR. Let's finish up in Hilton Head, south Carolina, the Hilton Head Quarter Marathon. Karen was there. High humidity, gusty winds made it a little interesting. It was her first quarter marathon, so, greg, we've done quarter marathons before.
Speaker 2:Yes, we have. That's how you and I met.
Speaker 1:In fact, that's the only one I've ever done Same.
Speaker 2:And unfortunately they don't do the quarter marathon anymore, they just changed it to a 5K. Oh really, which is really unfortunate, yeah. So, Phil's Tavern. If you're listening, if you're listening to the Rise and Run podcast, bring back the quarter of a marathon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, by the way, for what it's worth. I thought Phil's Tavern was a good place to eat, although I'm I have no plans to go back there, since it's about 1200 miles away, but it's still a good place to eat. Let's see what did Karen say here. Uh, met her goal of under 13 minutes a mile. In fact, she crushed that about 12 and a half minutes a mile. A little bit of a mental struggle. At mile five, legs and brain was fighting her. She took some extra walk breaks. I remember seeing a post from Jeff Galloway that said to take shorter strides when you're tired. It helped, it worked. She finished hey, for what it's worth.
Speaker 1:I tried keeping track of all our friends who did the Wine and Dine weekend and mentioned PRs their first time. Forget it. I love you guys, but again, there were about 300 of you who told us you were there. I'm trying to keep track of all of that. It was just a bit too much, all right. That wraps up the race report for episode 163. Thank you for submitting your reports and I hope we were able to do justice to what you did out there on your race courses. All right, friends, and if you run you, you know you are our friend. Before we say goodbye from this episode, our good friend Allie has something she'd like to say.
Speaker 4:Okay, so thank you so much.
Speaker 4:I I just wanted to say, um, you know today's the last day that I'm going to be on the podcast, and I know that's sad news, and, although leaving something that you love is never easy, I just wanted to let everyone know how grateful I am to have had the time to do this and spend the last few years with just some of the most amazing people in my life, and I'm just so grateful for everyone I've met through the podcast, from the amazing guests that we got to interview and the close friends that I've made, not only like you guys, the hosts on the podcast, but also like all of the friends that I made who are listening to the podcast.
Speaker 4:I have some lifelong besties in my life right now and and I I want to make sure that you know that I want to stay in touch with all of you and um, and I hope to continue, you know, seeing you in the future If I do end up cheering at an event or anything like that. Um, you've, you've all made the past few years really amazing. The races that I shared with you guys have been some of the most amazing memories that I will cherish forever and I still plan to do some behind the scenes stuff. I just am not going to be a voice in anyone's ears anymore. So I just wanted to let you know that I'll still. I'll still be around and in Disney fashion that means that I'm not going to say goodbye. Hopefully it's just to see you real soon.
Speaker 1:I'm picturing Allie God bless and thank you. I'm picturing the end of the movie ET, where he points to the forehead and says I'll be right here.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You'll be missed, my friend. You've been a very big part of this. We love you and thank you.
Speaker 5:Oh, but, allie, this friendship has meant very much to me and I'm really sad to see this as your last episode, but I know we'll continue on on, and this truly has been a wonderful experience. I'm so glad to have met you, because you're such a wonderful person, and for sure, oh thank you, you go in life in terms of all your goals, but yeah, thanks, I appreciate it ally.
Speaker 2:You know I I don't need to go on a long soliloquy about how I feel about you and what your friendship means to not only just me, but our podcast family and my intermediate family as well too. You're such a ray of sunshine and you helped. You helped take this podcast to levels that we thought you know when it was.
Speaker 2:You know just the six of us to start that you know, where you know we wouldn't be where we are today Thanks to you and and I'm I'm forever in in debt to you, agreeing to come on that princess recap show all those years ago. And then you know, when Bob made the suggestion of being like let's let Allie be a host, I mean there was. I think it was the easiest decision that we, that all of us have ever made collectively together, because you have, you have brought such a unique perspective to the running community and the run Disney community and we're just, we're so grateful for it. And in in typical Allie fashion, I'll close with. Anytime I ever change my socks or shoes, I will think of you oh, that's awesome.
Speaker 4:I I appreciate you guys. I know that you will do great things and I will be keeping tabs on every one of you and I have made best friends forever, and so I I say that about you, but I also say that about our listeners I would love to keep in touch and I know I've made lots of great friends and with that I will say happy running.
Speaker 2:The Rise and Run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your health care provider or event organizer. You.