Rise and Run
Rise and Run
162: It's Time to Start the Music! It's Time to Light the Lights! Wine and Dine is Here!
What if running could be more than just a physical challenge? Embark on an exploration with us as we unpack the emotional and mental landscapes of distance running, revealing personal growth, resilience, and the power of community. We're joined by Tom from Stoked Metabolic Training, who not only shares his expertise in training and nutrition but also teases his upcoming appearance on Wheel of Fortune. His insights into maintaining mental toughness will inspire you to push through your own barriers, whether you're gearing up for a 5K or a marathon.
The magic of runDisney races isn't just in the miles—it's in the memories and the milestones. We're thrilled to bring you the latest scoop on the 2025 fall runDisney schedule, including the much-anticipated Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon and the newly-timed Wine and Dine Half Marathon. As the Walt Disney World race season kicks off, we celebrate the achievements of our friends who ran the Niagara Falls International Run, capturing the essence of running alongside some of the world's most breathtaking vistas. Join us for a spirited conversation on the joys of race weekends, from the adrenaline of the Expo to our Rise and Run meetup at Disney Springs.
Fuel your body and soul with our nutrition tips, designed to optimize your race day performance and recovery. From energy gels to carb-loading strategies, we cover everything you need to know to stay energized and injury-free. As we gather for meetups and after parties, it's all about the camaraderie and the shared passion that makes our runDisney community so special. Tune in to experience the excitement, challenges, and triumphs of running with us, and find out how you can join our journey.
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3 am again.
Speaker 2:Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.
Speaker 1:Hi, this is Lisa from Alberta, canada, and you are listening to the Rise and Run podcast. Are listening to the Rise and Run podcast. If you love Disney and you love running, this is the podcast for you. It has definitely helped get me through some of my long runs and a few of my short ones too. Happy running everybody. Thanks Rise and Run.
Speaker 3:Thank you, lisa. Thanks for sending us that introduction from up in Canada, where I understand it's starting to get a bit chilly. Hey, we're glad to hear that we got you through some long runs. But, as I always remind folks, yeah, you got you through those long runs, we're just a bunch of folks sitting here talking about them, so good job. Thanks, lisa. Friends, welcome to episode 162 of the Rise and Run podcast, the episode that kicks off the Walt Disney World Run Disney Race season. A bunch of us are already at Disney World even as we speak. Hey, friends, I'm Bob. I'm here this week with Greg.
Speaker 2:Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 3:With Allie.
Speaker 4:Hi friends.
Speaker 3:What's up with the voice Allie?
Speaker 4:Well, I scare act all of October and every year I think I'm going to make it through all of October and I'm not going to lose my voice. But that never happens and I ended up losing my voice, but luckily I have. I'm not as squeaky as I was yesterday.
Speaker 3:What a trooper. What a trooper Losing her voice. Scare acting comes to the podcast. We're glad you're here, allie, so glad to be here. Yeah, we are, that's good. Also, with this week, john hey, how you doing, and With us this week, john hey, how you doing, and Jack.
Speaker 3:Hiya, all right, friends. This week our friend Tom Tom from Stoked Metabolic Training drops by to talk with us a little bit about his training program, a little bit about nutrition and a little bit about an upcoming appearance on a TV game show that there's a real good chance you watch. We'll tell you about that in just a little bit, especially if you like letters. In the Race Report Spotlight we had some friends who ran the Niagara Falls International Run and they'll be joining us in just a little bit.
Speaker 7:If you enjoy the Rise and Run podcast, please share us with your friends and introduce them to the Rise and Run family we want to share on your run Disney journey. Please remember to follow us on Facebook Rise and Run podcast and on Instagram Rise and Run pod. Check out our YouTube channel and visit our webpage, riseandrunpodcastcom. If you have any questions, comments, race report or want to introduce an upcoming episode, call us at 727-266-2344 and leave us a recorded message.
Speaker 5:We also want to thank our Patreons, whose support helps us keep the Rise and Run podcast rising and running. If you'd like to join the Patreon team, please check patreoncom. Slash riseandrunpodcast.
Speaker 2:The Rise and Run podcast is sponsored by our friends over at magic bound travel. Since we're in the the thrust of wine and dine right now, and, you know, over the course of the race weekend, the calendar will be turning to november we all know what that means and, and that is the.
Speaker 2:The holiday season is upon us and one of my favorite holiday traditions at Walt Disney world is going to see the candlelight processional at Epcot during the, the festival of the holidays, and I think, as of day of recording, I believe the the dining packages went on sale for those. So if you're interested in going to see olaf himself, josh gad or barney stinson, aka neil patrick harris, or ariel the little mermaid, jody benson, be one of the awesome narrators during this event, you'll want to be sure to book a holiday vacation, uh, to walt disney world, and our friends at magicound Travel can take care of that for you. Be sure to visit magicboundtravelcom and when you fill out the no-obligation quote form, be sure to tell them that you heard about them on the Rise and Run podcast.
Speaker 3:Thanks, craig. If you haven't been to the Candlelight Processional, that's a very moving, a very impressive thing to do over the holidays. I'm sure you would enjoy it. Hey, let's take a look at the training schedule For weeks and weeks and weeks. I've kicked it off with if you're doing wine and dine, you have. Well, if you're doing wine and dine, it's time to celebrate. All the hard work of the training is done, it's behind you. You have earned this victory lap, whether it's the 5k or whether you're doing all three races. Enjoy them. I know I plan to and I hope to see you there enjoying them. Training's over Wine and dine. It's about to be history for another year Wine and dine. It's about to be history for another year.
Speaker 3:Coming up in January the Walt Disney World Marathon weekend. We are in training week 18. We are now 10 weeks away that's right, 10 weeks away from marathon weekend. If you are doing the half marathon, you have eight miles on your training schedule. If you are doing the challenge, you have six miles on your training schedule. No, I still haven't figured that out. However, both of these include a magic mile and remember, the magic mile is included in the overall distance. Best way to do it is to go real easy for a mile, then do your magic mile and then finish the remaining miles that you have Got a run in Disneyland in January it's 13 weeks away.
Speaker 3:We're in training week five, for that Long run is three miles. And we're on the princess training schedule, as we mentioned last week. Princess is 16 weeks away. We're in training week two, the long run is four miles. I'm looking at advanced dining reservation days and adrs for marathon weekend are coming up the second week in november. So heads up folks. That's assuming you're going to get there on expo day. So when you're going to get there on Expo Day Assuming you're going to get there on Expo Day Advanced Dining Reservation Day is November 9th. So pay attention to that. And again, that's something your travel agents can help you with. Yeah, which is a plus since last year.
Speaker 7:It was during the race.
Speaker 2:It was during the race. Oh, yes, you're right, John.
Speaker 3:People walking around with their phones. Yeah, that's good. All right, Since we're talking about training gang, any training news?
Speaker 2:Well, I got a doozy for everybody. I want to share this story in hopes of being able to help others. I promise I am not looking for a pity for a pity party you're not going to get it anyway, okay, all right, well, I I appreciate that.
Speaker 2:So because of some uh work, travel that I had, and and races coming up and and and whatnot, I had to have my schedule rearranged. So, even though technically I should be, quote unquote, tapering for wine and dine, I actually had a simulation uh weekend, uh, this past weekend. So I had a six mile walk and then I had a 23 mile run walk the next day and six miler went totally fine. And then I I actually took off from work on on friday to to get this 23 miler done and I I felt really really good up until mile 15 and even though physically there was nothing wrong with me, I I wasn't in, I wasn't really aching all of that much, I just hit a wall. And I hit a wall like I've never hit before.
Speaker 4:Like a mental wall or a physical wall. Yeah, a mental wall.
Speaker 2:I mean, at the time I wish I would have ran into a physical wall, because then that would give me an excuse to stop, but for the next two miles I just became my own worst enemy. Oh, I've been there. And it got to the point where it was so bad that I was about 17 miles in and there was a bench just off of the trail in some shade and I sat down on the bench and I called coach twigs and the first words out of his mouth were hey, how are you? And for the first time ever on any training run in the 10 plus years that I've been running, I started emotionally losing it. Ah, and I and and and.
Speaker 2:The problem, you know, I kept explaining, you know this to coach, you know the whole time of nutrition. Wise, there's nothing wrong with me. Physically, there's nothing wrong with me, but I just like, for some reason, I just had doubt creep into my head and and for some reason, I, I started thinking and grant, and this is the. The amazing thing about our community is that you get to know so many people, and you get to know so many people on a level where you either know about their achievements or you know what they're training for and what their goals are, that you're, you're always thinking about them and and not necessarily thinking about yourself a lot. And I was getting discouraged because, you know, even though this was a long run pace and I and I knew, I damn well knew that I could take this as slow as I wanted to I kept comparing my paces to what my paces I want to be for either the Philadelphia Marathon or the Walt Disney World Marathon in order to achieve one of my time goals.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, we can relate to this yeah.
Speaker 2:And the fact that I was slowly declining off of that really got me discouraged. And then you know, and then, on top of you know so, then you know, so then I started thinking about others, like I started thinking about our friend Jen, who we had on the spotlight last week, and her talking about hitting her time goal in Chicago. And I was thinking about that because her time goal is very similar to my time goal and I was like, with my paces, I'm not running her pace right now and I'm going to fail at this goal and I'm going to be a marathon failure and all of this will be worth nothing.
Speaker 4:Right. So then when you're training, do you think like oh, why do I even try? Why am I even bothering? Exactly, Exactly, or or.
Speaker 2:I was, you know, jacked out to put you on the spot. I was thinking about you and I was also, you know, thinking about our friend, our favorite pacer with a Cape, adam. You know, both of you have 100 milers coming up in the next couple of weeks and, like here, I am doing 23, and there are some weekends where, you know, the two of you are running 20 miles a day for three days straight.
Speaker 2:I'm like I bet they aren't sitting on the bench right now crying their eyes out to chris twigs and so I think I learned during that whole run that when it comes to running, I have a kryptonite, and my kryptonite is doing a training run of more than 20 miles by myself, because I've done several training runs of 20 miles by myself and I felt fantastic. But in any other time over that I've always had somebody with me. For both of my my Walt Disney world marathons, I had John right next to me. When I did the Rehoboth Beach Marathon, I came friends with a woman who was, I learned, used to be the Galloway training group head in Pittsburgh. When I did an unofficial marathon at Frosty Looper last year, I was with Michael and Aaron of the We'll Run For podcast. I always had somebody with me of the we'll run for podcast. I always had somebody with me and when I get to this level, I I just I crumble and and over and I think, overall, what I learned the most was that I need to learn to love myself and I need to learn to love my running journey and not compare my running journey to other people's running journeys. And I and I understand that this, the stigma that I have, is not going to change overnight and and I don't know what my future goals will be for 2025 and beyond, but you know, I damn well know that if I can set up an opportunity to do a 20 plus mile training run with somebody else, I'm damn well, I'm going.
Speaker 2:Just went through so many different levels of like embarrassment and shame and discouragement, vice, or like you know, if, if roles were reversed and I was running with somebody and they started to have these thoughts, I I wouldn't know where to go to and the things to say to help, to encourage these people. And yet I'd be willing to help these people. But I'm not willing to help myself and I think I need to learn how to do that better, and I know that will come with time and I hope that the next time I have to go out and do something like this, I I hope I have a much bigger result. So, again, I I will end my soliloquy now.
Speaker 2:Like I said, I'm not trying to look for a pity party by any means whatsoever, but you know, bob, like you know you have mentioned several times before, we just want to show our community that, even though we have been doing this for a while, yeah, this isn't easy for us too, and and sometimes we need help and you need to love yourself and you need to get yourself help and because if you don't, you're not gonna be able to get either those time goals that you want those distance goals that you want or, most importantly, those pr and fun goals that you want those distance goals that you want or most importantly, those PR and fun goals that we want, and I hope that this is rock bottom for me, and I can't wait to see all of my friends this weekend, because now a half marathon is going to sound like a pipe dream compared to what I did this past weekend and I just can't wait to be with my family to do it.
Speaker 5:You know, greg, I'm just going to put this out there. I know I already said it, but I have had times where it's not even a double digit day and I get very frustrated with myself, having those similar thoughts that you had during this run. And sometimes I'll step to the side on the trail and I'll like just kind of sit down on the ground and remind myself I'm going to take this one minute. One minute is all I'm giving myself, and then I have to keep going because I I think when we have these long runs like this, they are harder than the race oh yeah they are 10 times harder on the race than it is on the race day normally, at least from what I've heard oh yeah, for sure, absolutely, they are.
Speaker 5:And regardless if you're doing a six-mile run, a 20-mile run, greg, a 23-mile run or even, like the runs for the 100-miler, I mean, you're going to have those days. How you continue is a lesson for yourself and it shows and proves to yourself that you can do hard things and some of the times whenever I'm having the hardest time, you did exactly what I would have done, greg. I would have contacted my friends and I would have been like hey, I just need some help, some motivation, which is what you did in our group chat and we, as friends, we will always be there for you and I'm so glad that you reached out to us. I'm so glad, hopefully, we said some words to keep it going.
Speaker 2:You did, you absolutely did.
Speaker 5:But there's been times I mean during my 100K Black Canyon I called Adam. You did. You know you can do it, your body can do it. You just need to go past that upheaval of the mind. Sometimes the mind is the hardest thing because it tricks you into so many thoughts that are not true. I am so proud of you for being able to get through those things, because that is a hard challenge to have. I think it's harder than the race itself.
Speaker 4:Training your body is one thing. We go through the training. We have a calendar. It says I run this many miles this day. I run this many miles this day. The one thing the calendar doesn't tell us is that there will be some weird mental training that we have to do. We don't know what's going to come up and that we don't know how we're going to talk to ourselves at three miles is going to be the same the way we talk to ourselves at 23 miles.
Speaker 4:Because I know my voice in my head is very different at different points of different training runs and I learn so many things about myself and I learn so many different ways that I, you know, talk to myself and look at myself and go, oh my gosh, I didn't. Why is that thought in my head? Or why am I doing that to myself now? Or you know, and I learned to sort of become comfortable with, like you said, giving yourself grace and I feel like it's like running is, we don't talk so much about the mental training, but it is so hard on these, especially these really really long runs, to just have that grace with yourself and say I can go as slow as I want, and you know what it's. It's not going to matter.
Speaker 4:Yeah it's, it's actually might be good for me. My body might need more recovery right now, and but we don't. You know, sometimes we don't do that to ourself. We just sort of start spiraling, and so when you learn to control that, then you're like okay, well, I can now learn to maybe not spiral as much on the next training run, or maybe something new will come up and I'll have a totally different spiral or whatever.
Speaker 4:But I think it's really smart that you you had the this wherewithal to come to these conclusions and not just go well, I just stink at running and I can't do it and whatever. I just went ugh, bad training run. You said, no, this is how my brain was talking to myself and this is how I'm going to handle it next time and these are the ways that I coped with it. Maybe I can come up with some other ways to cope with it. That's very smart, because you're a seasoned runner and you've been running for 10 years. That may be why, but you know, I don't know that I had that much wherewithal to do that. But I start. You know, I was beginning to and I feel like you're doing a lot of the mental hard work.
Speaker 7:You're. You made one of the biggest mistakes and I'll tell you what it is. You're comparing yourself to others. It's compare yourself to yourself, how, how, how you progressed in your training. We've seen you. You've done a lot of things. That loopy looper you're. You're comparing yourself to others. It's you guys. Compare yourself to your own body. You know what you can do. You know like people will amaze you, like you know you look at somebody go, how can that guy lift, like what makes that little old aunt saying you know, make. You know like the people have these things. You just got to stop comparing yourself. That that's one of the things that people not just you, everybody you're comparing. Oh, if he could do this, I could do this. You know it's one of the biggest things and that's what'ses with your mind.
Speaker 2:You know why can't I do this? Because there's other things going on and this is all incredibly sound advice. And again, and this is why I appreciate each and every one of you so much and I want to put a bow on this conversation in terms of saying that I've had a lot of time to chat with Coach Twiggs. You know when I was again an emotional wreck on the phone with him and then even today on the customized training call, and I just want to give so much kudos to him because he, even though end all be all, it was a terrible run for me he salvaged it. He immediately said how far are you from your car? And I was like three miles. He's like walk to your car, I need you to get some caffeine in your system as quickly as possible, and then he goes. I want you to go home and I want you to finish this out, because you're the type of person that I know that won't will tell yourself that. You know you need to get this done and I would just so appreciative to get that game plan from him, and you're sure he makes my schedule for me, but to get a game plan from him in real time.
Speaker 2:I'm ever in debt to him and and even in my emotional mess that I was, you know, and I and I truly mean this coach. I love you. I love you with all my heart and you're the best coach ever and you're going to be my coach until I can't run another step. So thank you so much and again I apologize. I really didn't want to bring it down or on wine and dine weekend. But if we're going to talk about training updates, that that was my training update. But again, like I mentioned the, the light at the end of the tunnel is that it's wine and dine weekend and I get to run with all of my friends and that's just gonna turn me, you know.
Speaker 5:that's gonna give me the 180 that I need from this past weekend and if, if I could say anything to that, greg, I'm so thankful for you telling your story because I feel like on social media it always seems so perfect, perfect of everybody's training. In reality, we all have days like this. Just no one ever truly shares it. So everybody does that comparison game like, well, they always seem to be on top of everything. And no, I have bad days. Are you kidding me? It takes me till two o'clock just to get myself out the door sometimes to convince myself. So I'm in bed thinking about it for three hours and then I'm like, well, I better go now, because it's going to take me so many X odd hours to get out. So we all have those days.
Speaker 5:I think it's so refreshing to hear something truly real. You know what I mean. It's not always going to be picture perfect. And if I could say one last thing is to the side, step to the side, have a moment to yourself and then do what you need to do to get that run in. For the rest of it. You could do it Envision your finish line. That's what I do, and sometimes envisioning the finish line makes me want to cry, because it makes me so happy because I'm almost there and if you're slogging through a training run right now on the podcast with us.
Speaker 4:We're so proud of you. Yes, we know you can do it.
Speaker 3:And if you need an alternate game plan, go get a bunch of caffeine and put it in your system and go right out there and finish it did I mention that I was a run gum ambassador and greg, don't worry, I'll be with you marathon weekend again all right, I'll see you at the magic carpets all right, let's move on kids.
Speaker 3:Uh, disney announced a little bit of next season's schedule today. As a matter of fact, yes, they did not as much as I had hoped, no, just just a sample. We'll get to that just a little bit, but what did they announce?
Speaker 2:In years past, run Disney usually around Wine and Dine typically gives us the entire race season schedule, but for some reason this time around they decided just to give us the fall races of 2025. So those are the second annual Disneyland Halloween half marathon weekend will be September 4th through 7th 2025. And, if you're interested in registration, club Run Disney is on November 26th and general registration is on December 3rd 2024, that is. And then the big one, the 2025 wine and dine half marathon weekend, will be October 23rd through the 26th 2025, so not in november. Uh, club club run disney registration occurs on february 4th 2025 and general registration is on february 11th 2025. So what do we think?
Speaker 3:well, that's the earliest that I'm aware of.
Speaker 7:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And I've been following it since 2015. It's always been. It's always been in November.
Speaker 5:Well.
Speaker 3:I made the comment earlier that it almost always coincided with the end of the world series. So that kind of gives you a frame of reference.
Speaker 4:but I've always felt like it was on daylight savings time day.
Speaker 3:It always it has been for quite a long time, yeah, since I've always felt like it was on Daylight Savings Time Day. It has been for quite a long time, yeah, since I've been running it. The half marathon has occurred on the day we switched back, not this time.
Speaker 5:So I'm upset I hope you're upset.
Speaker 2:You're upset, but you're laughing okay.
Speaker 5:Yes, it's for personal reasons. So I'm trying to plan a wedding and it's really hard to plan a wedding when I don't know when the run Disney race weekends are. I'm trying to avoid the wedding accidentally being on one of the weekends Because the months that we're looking at are end of August we already know that and November is a big one that we're looking at. So thank goodness we have that. But then the other backups are january and february and I just I don't want to book anything if you know there's going to be a race weekend, because then I'm like really I don't, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I mean they did say the rest of the schedule would be coming soon.
Speaker 5:Yeah, but of course this is vague all the time.
Speaker 2:Oh, of course, yeah, so it is soon, like by the end of widen dying, or is it in early? Or is it going to be like announced, like prior to marathon weekend or something right?
Speaker 5:so I'm going to talk directly to the run disney. Um, I've been watching a lot of the crown, so I'm going to call him. The parliament of making decisions. And um, run disney, do us a favor, can you just give us the rest of the?
Speaker 4:schedule, just jack.
Speaker 2:You don't even have to tell all of us I want to know the rest of the schedule too because, I know brad and maggie are chomping at the bit to know when springtime surprise in 2026 is going to be so that we can officially get started planning the rise and run cruise, because we want to be able to line that up post springtime surprises that year.
Speaker 3:So, but again, we can't really do that until we have that information yeah, becky and I were talking about that just at lunchtime today. When's that going to be so? Hopefully we'll find out pretty soon, but as far as it being a couple weeks early, it's only one week early.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, I don't know what difference it's going to make. Give us a little more time between wine and dine, and marathon weekend Probably be 11 weeks instead of 10. Okay. I mean, this doesn't make that much difference to me, I'm good with it. We'll actually be there for our wedding anniversary. Becky and I try, before we were doing Run Disney, we would try to get over there around our wedding anniversary. This time we'll be there on it, which we have been before. On it which we have been before.
Speaker 5:Also, I need to recruit you all, gang and listener friends. I need some help If you by chance, have done a Disney Cruise Line wedding and you have information and goodies of tips to tell me. It's not necessarily where we're going to get married, but I'm just very curious about the whole process, so please message us on Instagram or like message me personally on Instagram with the Instagram name is Jacqueline underscore Beck for 16. That, yeah, please help a girl out. Or if you know of any venues, I don't. I'm not a great planner, so help me.
Speaker 2:Okay, this is coming from the girl that doesn't research her races before I know.
Speaker 5:Well, that's great with disney, though, because you just show up I mean all I gotta do is pick out the dress and then just say yes to yep. That cake looks great, that flavor sounds amazing and voila you arrive well, I think the other thing that we need to chat about.
Speaker 2:Going back to the news that the thing that everyone has been spiraling about today is the artwork associated with wine and dine. I'm a grant, very minimal. I think my favorite hot take came from um, the infamous uh dvc runner on instagram, joe. Uh, he made a little graphic that had the rugrats characters from the old uh nickelodeon cartoon and you know it kind of gave him those vibes, but everyone is talking about the sun and the moon. That was included in that logo and there are some time race, nighttime race exactly and run disney if it's in the cards.
Speaker 2:I think you're gonna make a lot of people happy if you bring back a nighttime race yeah is it really that great?
Speaker 2:I've never done one I've never done it either, but every single video that I have ever watched now grant that that course also used to include the osborne lights, which, right, also miss uh dearly. But I mean, I I think if you did a night race, that offers you, I think, a lot more flexibility in terms of where you can go, and and maybe we could finally get our wish back of wine and dine being the only half marathon where you touch three parks.
Speaker 2:You know, it would make things a lot easier but on the flip side of things, there were other people that were like well, sun and moon means we run during the day and you party at night. So, it could go either way, but if that was the first thought that popped into a lot of people's minds, I really hope that's what they're considering, because if it is, I'll be signing up as quickly as possible.
Speaker 3:You know, I realize they're different. I do, but you're going to do two nighttime races this week. The sun doesn't come up here until about 7.15. The race starts at 5. The 5K and the 10K are going to be in the dark. I know it's not the same.
Speaker 7:Okay. So one thing about the race changing this year, the race weekend changing this year you will be able to do New York and Wine and Dine in the same year. But there's a but If you're planning on doing Marine Corps, that will not happen, because that happens the same weekend of Wine and Dine.
Speaker 3:Now, that is a big thing. It's the 50th anniversary of Marine Corps run.
Speaker 2:Well, bob, the one thing I was going to ask you about being the native Floridian here, and, and, and I I mean obviously, yes, there's technically still a chance, even in during a November race, but is hurricane season technically still in effect in late October, like that, or?
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, hurricane season runs till the end of November. Okay, fortunately the hurricanes can't read a calendar, of course.
Speaker 2:I just didn't know if, by you know, by bumping it up, that you know week or two weeks, you know, does that give the potential and then them having to make difficult decisions.
Speaker 3:But again, you can't predict it. But yeah, I mean, had it occurred this year, you would have missed by a week, you would have missed, missed by a week, you would have missed Milton by a week. So yeah, it could happen, but it would be very unusual.
Speaker 2:Last thing that I had on the docket for this topic was similar to what you were saying, John, about sure you could do New York, but you wouldn't be able to do Marine Corps. There was, I know, a lot of discussion after our one recap episode, but if you are interested in doing Bird in Hand next year, Bird in Hand and Disneyland Halloween are on the same weekend again, so if you're waffling between those two, you will have a difficult decision to make.
Speaker 3:One more thing before we get to our guest here this week. The Pacers have been announced, so I'm not going to go down the list of Pacers, but if you check our Facebook page, Coach Twiggs put, put the list of Pacers in there and I, as I recall, you got a 145 Pacer, a two hour Pacer Then I think. After that it's every 10 minutes up through three, 30. That's for the half marathon only. If you're interested in a pacer and the pacers are wonderful You've heard us talk about them before they do a fantastic job Go to Jeff Galloway's booth. Talk to Coach Twiggs. One or two of the pacers will be there, Ask them how it works and they'll give you all the information you need.
Speaker 7:One other thing if you're running the races this weekend and you want to keep track of the balloon ladies, our friend Matt over there at Team Run Diz he does have a Twitter balloon tracker app now out. So if you go to his website, team run discom and you could find out on, he's got a Twitter, a telegram and a threads tracker so you can track the balloon ladies. So if you need that extra help, he's there for you. He does good work.
Speaker 3:We appreciate it. Hey, let's let's visit with our guests for the week. Hey, friends, we've got a special guest with us tonight. You may know him as the Tutu guy or the Muscle Mouse, but we know some of us know him as Coach Tom Tom. Welcome back to the Rise and Run Podcast. Good to see you, my friend Great seeing y'all Happy to be back.
Speaker 8:Can't wait to see everybody in person very soon.
Speaker 3:Yeah, actually it's so soon that it's today because we get into this time warp where we record things and then we don't put them out for 48 hours. So you know, I'm waving, I'm at the Expo waving at people. Tom is too probably. You're going to be there on Thursday, tom.
Speaker 8:I'll be there Thursday, hopefully the majority of the day.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, exped is a great day. I look forward to seeing everybody there, tom, and I hope I see you there, I know I'll see you somewhere, my friend. You and I are not hard to miss Perks of being plus six feet, yeah.
Speaker 8:So hey, Tom, what's new with you?
Speaker 2:What isn't new? I'm going gonna be on wheel of fortune in december.
Speaker 3:So cool, super excited yeah, we, uh, we did know that that's cool, but I wanted you to break that news. Uh tell our friends when you're gonna be on december 11th.
Speaker 8:It's a wednesday night, so super excited. And you'll be more excited if you're a spider-man fan oh, stop all right, tom I.
Speaker 2:I know you can't divulge a lot of secrets in terms of what you know happened over. You know the course of your recording yes, he can in secret among friends? No, no no, a lot of friends but the the one thing that I need to know is are you one of those types of contestants that will immediately buy a vow as soon as you get money on the board, or do you play it out the long game and bank up as much cash as possible and then start going for the vowels?
Speaker 8:you know, growing up my dad used a lot of words to the television about those people that buy all the vowels. Stop spending the money. And oh my god, yeah, so no. And I? That was the first question he asked me when I told him I was on the show Did you buy any damn valves? And I said look, it's very fast-paced once you're there. It moves quick and a lot was going on, so I might have bought some, but but listen.
Speaker 7:You got to put a discount price yeah right Listen listen, let's put this aside.
Speaker 3:I don't want to press on anything here. I know Tom can't talk about it. Friends tune in. Tom's already agreed to join us on December 12th and then he can talk all about it. So we'll get back to him then. All right, jack, what you got.
Speaker 5:So my quick question for you is was it a lot harder being on the show playing the game than it is at home?
Speaker 8:the stress levels were through the roof I believe, it, I believe it. The stress levels were through the roof and you know there's just, they're about 22 minute episodes. It felt like I was there for five minutes. It was yeah, I believe.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I believe that too, I do. I believe it. Absolute blur All right. That's great. All right, Allie.
Speaker 4:Well, speaking of stress levels, a lot of people might be a little nervous for some of these upcoming race weekends that we have planned, so I'd love to hear some tips and tricks that people can talk about for their nutrition and what they can do leading up, maybe to prevent some injuries and stuff like that coming into the race weekends. We have wine and dine, and then, just a few short months away, we have marathon weekend.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and we've got the long training runs for marathon coming up too. That's right. So what say you, Tom? What's some good nutrition advice?
Speaker 8:Well, I want to actually touch on the very first thing. You know people getting nervous as we're coming up. Trust your training, trust the work that you put in. If you've been putting in the work, you're, you're going to get the results. Just don't call me a week before the race and tell me you didn't prepare for four months and you're having a heart attack now because you need a miracle. Put in the work and you'll get the results.
Speaker 8:Nutrition wise, which I love to talk about, that's a big question. I'm getting a lot around the race. What do I do day of Day of? Don't change too much, but race day. Nutrition starts the day before. So make sure meals are carb heavy. You want to have fuel in your body. Carbohydrates are your primary fuel source, so you should be eating a little higher on the carbs that day. That doesn't mean don't take any protein. So protein is going to build up the muscle. Protein is going to build it up, but it'll also help you prevent the breakdown. So make sure you've got a good amount of protein in your body. Not more than 20 to 30 grams on race day, but when we get to race day, 30 to 60 grams every hour is a good rule of thumb for fueling of 36 grams of carbs on race day Of carbs, yeah, okay.
Speaker 4:Does it matter the kind of carbs that you eat ahead of time versus race day? I know a lot of people say on race day you want those like goos and stuff like that that are real sugary. But should you be eating a lot of sugar beforehand, or is there something else that you should eat that'll like last longer?
Speaker 8:Days. Day before, you're going to want slower digesting carbs, rices, starches, anything like that. It's going to be slower digesting. It's going to sit in you a little more If you were to have a sugar the day before, and you know the goo. That's a fast digesting energy source, so you're not going to feel it, you're not going to get much out of it on race day. Those are the ones you want to pull out day of on the course and stay fueled with.
Speaker 4:But what if those sport beans just taste really good and you want to eat a bag of them in the hotel the night before?
Speaker 3:I put down the sports beans. We can see Allie.
Speaker 8:This is audio, so they can't see me raising my hand, because I'm that guy. I stock up on sports, of course, and I devour those.
Speaker 7:So, Bob, when you go to not so scary Halloween party, all that race candy is no good for you. No, you'll still see that again on system.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you'll see that again on.
Speaker 8:Saturday. But that'll be the sugar rush carbs, yeah.
Speaker 8:Yeah, I've been seeing on a lot of the Facebook pages as we get closer I mean, we're we're in the final week before wine and dine is people asking the question what should I be having during the race? And I'm loving the answer from the vast majority of people Don't introduce anything new. Test it out, Get it into your system, God forbid. You get to mile, you know mile seven or eight and try something new and it doesn't agree with your stomach and you find yourself in the Epcot bathrooms or, even worse, a port-a-potty. We want stuff your stomach's used to.
Speaker 3:I have been down that road. It's not fun. It is not fun. Look, this is an off-the-wall personal question. I have found and it could just be coincidence, it could be I've psyched myself into this that I have a very positive result when I eat fish the day before a race. Does that make sense, or is that just me? Now tell me the type of fish. Oh golly, typically a white fish, something not fried, but something baked or broiled Not baked, something broiled.
Speaker 2:Maybe like a bronzino, something like deep bone table side.
Speaker 3:That's your favorite, right, bob? Something like that.
Speaker 6:You're classy, you're a pe your favorite. I like that yeah.
Speaker 3:The first thing you said what Greg said.
Speaker 8:The first thing you said was was pretty much all I needed to know White fish. White fish is going to be your leaner fish, so it's pretty much straight protein. You're getting a good, clean protein source. Salmon While I love salmon and I eat salmon probably multiple times a week salmon's going to be a little higher than fats and that could bog you down a little on race day, Just give you that kind of heavy weighted feel.
Speaker 8:One of the most fun questions I've been getting from people I work one-on-one with and in group coaching programs is you know, I'm planning out this trip and I'm trying to plan all my restaurant reservations and I want to remain healthy but I also want to have fun. My first rule of thumb on race weekend is go have fun. Go have fun. You've trained, You've done the work. You don't need to be 100% all of the time. Loosen the belt and go enjoy. I've got Ohana breakfast book one morning and Wilderness Whispering Canyon Cafe another morning morning. If you see me there, you're gonna be like oh my god, this man is eating with that. Keep an eye out on on how experimental you get two big red flag ones I've been hearing from people in their past history and I've loved these restaurants. I'm not dogging them woody's round up rodeo very oily oh, I can't eat it I'm gonna
Speaker 8:overeat almost, or you want a good amount of salt and electrolytes come race weekend. You want to, you know, have a lot of water and electrolytes are going to help you. That food is also very salty, but to the point where you're gonna, you're gonna be licking your lips and and feeling par.
Speaker 2:But Tom, those biscuits are so good.
Speaker 8:I'm talking nutrition and I know, I know. I know One thing I preach is you got to be able to enjoy, enjoy life if you're on that kind of journey. And the other one if you're somebody who eats a fairly bland diet normally and you're not used to a lot of spices, boma could be a little dangerous. You don't want to have that Saturday night, take in a bunch of spices that you're not used to. But Tom, the soups.
Speaker 2:The soups are so good.
Speaker 4:Well, but if you're the kind of person that does, that could be a really healthy option for you.
Speaker 8:Absolutely, Absolutely. And the bottom line is like don't throw anything brand new into your system that that's going to throw you off. You want to feel good that day. You don't feel good all weekend.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and how about no alcohol for a day or two before?
Speaker 8:Whatever, your choice is Bob.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 8:It's become a tradition where I have a beer at the expo. Okay, Do I recommend going and starting at the expo at 10 am and staying there until they shut it down? I mean, there's a group of people out there that does it. It's not my, my mentality, but you're also. You know, we're seeing people that we haven't seen, since, for most people, springtime that's April and it ends up being a little bit of a celebration. So if you're somebody that can handle a beer or two and you're not going to go overboard, enjoy your beer or two that's good to know, Tom said drink carbs, no, eat carbs.
Speaker 4:But we can also drink carbs then I guess too.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah.
Speaker 8:That is good to know. I mean, that's what those refillable cups are. I know I had something to pack. I knew I was missing something.
Speaker 3:Thank you for reminding me.
Speaker 7:Thank you. Well, you just reminded everybody. They forgot it now because it's coming on.
Speaker 3:Thursday. We're good here. I can still put it in my suitcase. Anybody listening?
Speaker 8:is going to be listening on Thursday. They'll listen on Thursday, I mean come Thursday. I think my buddy, chris Turner, will kill me if I don't mention to hydrate, since we're talking about beer. Beer will dehydrate you. I don't think we're not looking at too hot of a weekend, especially those of you that did Disneyland, where it was scorching, that was record setting. Yeah, yeah, so you know you probably don't have to go that far, but make sure you're getting plenty of hydration.
Speaker 3:I tend to talk about the weather when we record this episode, realizing that again by the time it releases, people are going to be in the weather, so predictions don't help much. I would just say that it's been over here on the coast. It's been lovely the last couple of days and yes, it's 85 or so at 3 in the afternoon, but I was looking this morning at 930. It was still 72 degrees here. It's been real pleasant, so I'm hoping we're going to have a wonderful weekend, friends.
Speaker 8:I'm a creature of habit. So this week I've started by getting. I've started moving my alarm up to 4 am and there's not much to do. At 4 am I have my coffee and I'm in the gym parking lot kind of just doing laps before I start working out at five. But the weather's been nice at that hour. Don't compare. 2 pm in Orlando to 5 am.
Speaker 3:Right. It's been pretty. It's been very pleasant in the morning. It's still Florida. The humidity if you're coming from up north you're going to think the humidity is it's going to be higher than you're used to, but it's lower than it's been here. It's going to be a lot lower than it was at springtime and it really has been very pleasant.
Speaker 2:So I hope you are enjoying it. So, tom, you mentioned race day itself. You handle remembering to do your nutrition while we're out on the course. Considering all of the distractions from you know the start line, to character stops, you know, to just chatting with friends. It can be really easy to forget. How do you remind yourself?
Speaker 8:That is such a tough one because I'm I'm a squirrel and I am guilty of that and I see people and I'm all over the place. So I'm glad you asked that one. I personally will gamify it where I'll try to get maybe a mile marker shot. You know three, six, nine, 12. And I do my photo at the mile marker and down something. Just little gamify and make it fun so that you kind of it doesn't become a chore that you're. You're not going to realize you're low on fuel until you're till you're past that point where it's, and that's why we recommend the quick fuel. That's why the goos are good. Anything that digests fast, it's. You want to get it into your system and get it in fast. Nobody wants to be outside of my buddy Gordon. Nobody wants to be eating a sweet potato on the course. I hope he brings me a sweet potato on Sunday.
Speaker 3:All right, I like that, though. Three, six, nine yeah.
Speaker 8:Or set a reminder on your watch. You know, if you're somebody that likes to fuel every hour regularly, just set the little reminder to go off something to ding and just give you a little nudge. Or go with your friends Watch, watch when your friends down some fuel. There's so many ways you can tackle it. You have to find the one that works for you and that's, with anything, fitness and nutrition just finding the best route for you. As a person, I like it. That's where you get the path to least resistance.
Speaker 3:That's helpful, tom. We've been talking about race weekends and of course we've got one going on right now and we know the big one's coming up in January to think about our training runs, which are kind of rehearsals not only for the race but for our nutrition plans. What can you help us with on those?
Speaker 8:The same rules apply with those longer runs and even more so you're going to, especially if you're somebody that's doing their first marathon or first dopey challenge. The fuel has to go up along the way. And one big thing I'm seeing and a question I get asked a lot one of the great things about working with so many runners now is the vast amount of data I get to see and I get an inside look at what people are doing. And a big, a big pain point I get from the running community is that, hey, I did my first marathon last year and I gained weight. Nobody expects to gain weight on the road to 26 miles.
Speaker 8:You envision getting a little leaner and what I've discovered is people are eating for the day before their training run and the day of their training run. They're having those same calories. Let's call it Friday and Saturday. They're having them the rest of the week. So your body has a much larger fuel need on a day you run 20 miles. On the day before you run 20 miles, much larger fuel fuel need. But you get used to it. Your body gets accustomed to taking in 2,400, 3,000. You know I take in a lot of calories on my training run, probably more than the normal person, so I'm not even going to throw throw the numbers out there.
Speaker 4:Tell us. I'm so curious about that.
Speaker 8:I hold about 115 pounds of muscle mass and I'm trying to maintain it during all of this.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 8:My calories at maintenance are currently at about 4,200. I love it. If I'm trying to gain muscle, they go higher, but during training weekends I'm pushing anywhere between 5,000 on.
Speaker 5:Friday before the long run and 5,500. That's awesome, that's nuts, that's crazy awesome.
Speaker 8:That is going to shift gears very quick though, because I have, you know, most of my costumes this weekend have tops, but I don't anticipate they will on Dope.
Speaker 4:No, that's so interesting, though, because I think a lot of people hear numbers like that and they go well, how did you even get to that point? And I think it's really important that people understand that you really do need to fuel your body for what you're doing, and if you're very muscular, you might take in more, um calories, and if you are, if you've sort of built up your metabolism over this time, you really do want to fuel it.
Speaker 8:I want to try to keep that metabolism as long as possible and that's just years of re. You know I've been that guy. That's, oh my God. I want to be. I want to be super lean and if I don't have an eight pack abs and just tight skin I'm going to lose my mind. And I've eaten a thousand calories and did not look healthy. I looked emaciated and I got injured a lot and I was tired a lot and there's a whole host of other things that can happen, from the hair falling out to hormonal issues that you don't want to go down that road. Bob lifted his head when I said the hair falling out. I've had a long time to work on it. I just, if it starts happening, I'm going Greg route man, I'm just taking it all off.
Speaker 4:That might appeal to somebody who is hearing this and going like I'm constantly getting injured and I'm constantly, you know, feeling bad after all my training runs and stuff like that. Maybe look at your caloric intake and say practice with your training runs, taking in a little more calories.
Speaker 8:And one of the one of the first things when I work one-on-one with somebody, I will I'm not going to tell you what to do right out of the gate If we work one-on-one. I want to see exactly what you're doing for a week and this is the hardest part for people because they know I'm watching now, so they want to eat chicken and salad the entire time. I want to know what Allie's taking in exactly, without me touching or adjusting. Allie could be taking in, you know, 800 calories a day and just starving herself and starving her training.
Speaker 4:No way, I'm a weightlifter. I'd taken like 2,400 calories.
Speaker 8:And that's what I'm talking about. You know, but you, there's the opposite end of the spectrum where I can watch it. Okay, wow, you're taking in about 3,800. You're not far off from where you should be, but if you're somebody, that's not training for anything and you Right.
Speaker 4:When I stop training yeah, I still eat 2,400 calories. And then the pounds start to pack up.
Speaker 8:Are you going to come lift weights with me after the 5K? Oh, I'm not going to be there that day.
Speaker 4:Unfortunately you won't be there, but I would love that.
Speaker 3:You know what? We've kind of segwayed into something here, tom, and that is Stoke metabolic training. You've got the programs that you offer and you offer a nice discount to the rise and run family. I can talk about it, but why don't you talk about the levels of training that you have available for our friends, my two, two main levels of training.
Speaker 8:We've got the group accelerate program, which it's a group coaching program. It's loaded with people from this community. So I love that and just just gives me an hour doing this. And I'm going to be honest, sometimes we just for the first 15 minutes of our group calls we BS about, we're on Disney and we talk Disney and then we get down to fitness and nutrition. But that comes workout plan, nutritional guidance, all the good stuff. And one of the best parts of that is the community aspect. Sometimes I have to cut everybody off, be like y'all especially.
Speaker 8:We did a call what was it last night? And I think the first 30 minutes everybody was just so hyped for race weekend I'm like, does anybody have nutrition questions? And then we started getting flooded. So we helped navigate during all of that. And then one-on-one, that is, you get me one-on-one dialing everything in for you. We work through every nutrition struggle you have. If you're somebody completely lost and you just need guidance, we start at the beginning. There's so many guides out there right now, and especially more so once we approach January. Do these eight things to get fit. Yeah, right.
Speaker 8:Right, and they're going to tell you get more sleep, drink more water, eat more protein. And they are. They are the most basic guides.
Speaker 3:Don't give your email away, please, you'll you'll never stop getting stuff, never hear the end of it.
Speaker 8:But with that like, I'm going to take a look at every little aspect of your training. How can we incorporate strength training to injury? Proof you the since? Since working with you guys and getting to know you all, that's been one of the. You know it's nice to make somebody feel good and hit their number on a scale. It's much better for me mentally when somebody says, coach, I ran my first marathon or my first half marathon and I didn't have any pain after. So if we can dial in your exercise plan to match your running training and you come out of a race and say, wow, I don't feel like I just got hit by a car, that's that's a joy for me and you got one.
Speaker 8:you got your foundations program also right, tom Foundations, just the workouts just the workouts, a little less one-on-one, but if somebody's looking, you know I'm running, I'm eating right, but I want to start incorporating strain training.
Speaker 3:We can dial that in as well. Good place to start. Yeah, all that information is available at the top of the Facebook group page in the featured section. The link is to get to Tom's training programs.
Speaker 7:Well, something else with your training programs will help you out later on. Like you mentioned before, glycogen. That's your biggest fuel source. And what happens when we gain muscles?
Speaker 8:We can store more glycogen right 100% Glycogen is stored in the muscle and it's actually, you know, a little inside of me. I go through phases where I will deplete my glycogen, and it's a popular weight loss technique. You do it by having less carbs. Your energy starts to, starts to go a little bit, but I'll look flat and I'll look deflated for three or four days and then, by the time I fuel up on Thursday before race day, I have a feeling I'm going to look good in my costume this week. That's awesome.
Speaker 8:Notice those energy stores dropping and somebody who's got more muscle on their body is going to be able to. You know, as as we, as I, go through and see more people's journey and journey on nutrition and in line with run Disney, in line with Run Disney somebody with a small amount of muscle they get a little tired faster and they have to fuel more during the run. Nothing wrong with that. When I first started doing races and people tell me you don't fuel on the half marathon and I was like no, why I'm not? I felt fine because I generally fuel myself enough. But now I've noticed my performance is better fueling during the race. So I nerd out. Don't let me nerd out too much because I'll nerd out over all those numbers. Get me on a call with one of y'all and I get to nerd out with all your numbers.
Speaker 4:All I hear you saying is if I have bigger muscles, then I can eat more carbs and more desserts at Boma and more stuff at the at the food and wine festival. So I love this.
Speaker 8:Does your body handle the spices well?
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, oh yeah and you're good. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Time. I think we're going to wrap it up here and thanks so much. I love talking with you and I know you enjoy talking the subject. I've appreciated being part of the Stokes training program. It has helped me out quite a bit I can be better, but it really has helped me out and look forward to seeing you. Is it today or yesterday or anyway, I'll see you soon, man.
Speaker 8:Hey, I'll actually see you today by the time this airs. I'll see you in the afternoon. Bob, with that message I got gotta leave everybody with one last thing what Bob? Just said he could be better. Give yourself grace, bob. That is my biggest quote to anybody on any kind of fitness and nutrition journey. Give yourself grace. You had a hurricane side. Swipe you, my friend.
Speaker 3:You've done great, we had two, alright, alright, tom, thanks a lot. You had a hurricane sideswipe. You, my friend, you've done great. We had two, all right. All right, tom, thanks a lot. See you soon. All right, it's great talking with Tom. I'm looking forward. December 11th. Tom's going to be on Wheel of Fortune. He can't tell anybody anything about it and I will fess up. He didn't tell us anything in secret either, so we don't know how he did. It'll be fun to find out. I did get him to commit to joining us on December 12th, so you'll hear about it as soon as we know about it. But I wish him good luck. And as far as the training is concerned, I have really, really been happy with the Accelerate level. I haven't been to the Zoom meetings as often as I would like, but it is another great community and it's just very helpful for cross training and weight loss, metabolic training good stuff.
Speaker 7:Another event that's happening this weekend besides Wine and Dine, is the New York City Marathon. Our friend Doug and the Will Runford guys are setting up a meetup in New York City on 2.30 Saturday at Bryant Park. So if you want to meet some fellow Rise and Runners, some fellow Will Runford podcast friends, come on down there and you can meet up, and hopefully some fellow will run for podcast uh friends, come on down there and you can meet up and hopefully get some logistics together of see. If you want to meet, cheer, get together and race together. So go down there and join them out.
Speaker 3:Doug said there would be cookies. It's in the tradition of rise and run meetups. Speaking of tradition, rise and run meetups, but mostly Becky. But Becky and I have been making cookies for the last 48 hours, not continuously. We stopped, took a nap, tasted some cookies, but we're ready for our meetup, our formal meetup, saturday. And when I say formal, I don't mean coat and tie, I mean one that's formally scheduled.
Speaker 2:Bob, I already rented a tux.
Speaker 3:Well, by golly, you're going to stand out, Greg. You're going to be the guy. Where's Greg? Oh, he's the guy over there in the tux Stand out.
Speaker 4:I can't sing it Matri-D yeah right, you can greet people.
Speaker 3:You can greet people at the door. There are no doors. We will be at the food truck area in Disney Springs. The way to find it is to find that great big balloon that goes up and down. Then turn to your left. There'll be a Starbucks there. Keep going the food truck area you'll see the food trucks, and we'll be back in there. We officially start at 3, but folks are always there early. We have dozens and dozens of cookies to share. We've got our Rise and Run name tag buttons to distribute. We'll probably have some wristbands there. What we really want there, though, is you, there, we just. What we really want there, though, is you, and if you see us before, you'll get the idea. We really really have a good time at those. We're looking forward to it.
Speaker 3:Three o'clock is when we officially start. 3.30 is when we like to assemble for a group photo, so if you're planning you're not sure when you can get there try to be there at 3.30. And then, after that, we don't break up. I've got a dinner reservation. I can't remember. It's in Disney Springs somewhere at 5.15, I think it is. I'm willing to bet that I'll be scrambling to make it. I know I have the last couple of years I've been having to rush to get over to my dinner reservation. He's got to bring the cookies back to the car. The cookies have to go back. We bring the recording equipment with us. There's usually a bunch of stuff I have to take back, so it is a blast. We can't wait. It's that much fun. I also want to remind you that we get together before every race in the staging area.
Speaker 3:As you come in, you come off the bus, you walk. It takes you a little while you go through security. You walk to the staging area. Look at the stage. There are bleachers set up off the stage. To the left of those bleachers is where we hang out. I think I'm the only one there. For the 5K, I'm pretty easy to find. I will be wearing my Sam Eagle outfit, so I'll be entirely dressed in blue and I've got the Sam Eagle outfit. So I'll be entirely dressed in blue and I've got a. The Sam Eagle is not a mask but the beacon. All that is on a hat which adds another three or four inches to my height, so you'll be able to find me. Now 10 K. Who's at the 10 K? I think a bunch of us.
Speaker 2:I think it's. It's all of us. Yeah, it's all of us. For the 10 K.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think a bunch of us, I think it's all of us. Yeah, it's all of us for the 10K.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all of us being Sorry, all of us being yourself, myself, lexi and Alicia.
Speaker 3:All right, so all of us are there for the 10K and then for the half. Greg, it's you, me and Alicia.
Speaker 2:And Alicia correct yep.
Speaker 3:All right.
Speaker 4:I might be there if I can cheer you guys on. I might meet at the beginning or I might find a good spot to cheer you on.
Speaker 3:Nice, nice, nice. But we love seeing you there. We love just come on by say hi, we'll hang out. I won't have any cookies, because it's before the race. Might have a Pop-Tart before the half, because it's before the race. Might have a Pop-Tart before the half?
Speaker 2:I don't know, I haven't decided yet. Don't put it in the back of your shorts this time, bob.
Speaker 3:I'll never live that down. All right, gosh, I hope you're having a good time at Wynodon and, again, I know that a lot of our friends aren't there, but a bunch of them are. And speaking of that, it's time for the roll call for the 2024 Wine and Dine Roll Call. I love the roll call, friends. The roll call is a rise and run tradition. We have some rules. When you hear your name, we expect you to stand up and remain standing until everyone in your race has been called. Now we do allow exception if the pilot has the fastened seat belt sign on, you're allowed to remain seated for that.
Speaker 3:Before we get kicked off here, I want to give a special thanks to our friend Rob, who has been a big help on the race reports in general and was a help on this one. Rob did some statistics for us. He did some counting and it looks like we had and it's. This is not names, this is entries, because as we go through, you'll realize that some of our entries have more than one name. For instance, someone might be running with their son or daughter or family. So in 2023, we had 250 entries. This year we have 286 entries and I think back, this is the first race, this is the first roll call we did, and we did it for Wine and Dine 2021.
Speaker 2:It lasted 15 seconds.
Speaker 3:I think we had 15. I think we had 15 entries, I think we had 15. So we're up to 286. I'm going to encourage folks. The marathon weekend numbers are not up to where I expect them to be yet, so we've got 10 weeks to fill out the marathon weekend. All right, let the 2024 Wine and Dine Race Weekend Roll Call begin. Let's start with the 5K.
Speaker 7:Okay For the 5K. We have Abby Allie with that an E. Allison B and her family. Her two kids are running their first run Disney 5K. Allison W Andrea Ashley Bethany, some guy Bob is running his 50th run Disney race. That's right.
Speaker 3:What Number 50. Race, that's right. What Number 50. Yep.
Speaker 7:That's great, bradley and Brandy.
Speaker 5:We have Brianna, brittany and Mark Brooke, carol, carolyn, kathy, charlotte and family Peter and Lily, Lily's first 5K yeah, and family Peter and Lily, lily's first 5K, yeah. We have Chrissy with an IE and Chrissy with a Y and her family, stephen, Jason, alexis and Charlotte, first time running all together.
Speaker 4:I hope they have a group costume.
Speaker 5:I know.
Speaker 4:That'd be cool.
Speaker 5:And then we have Christian and Mary, which is going to be Mary's first run Disney event. That'd be cool. And then we have Christian and Mary, which is going to be Mary's first run Disney event.
Speaker 4:That's epic we have Dale, denise, dylan, elizabeth, we have Eric, aaron, ethan, Heidi, we have Holly F and then we have another Holly who's running their first run Disney race.
Speaker 2:We also have Jack Jacqueline, we have Jared and Lily. Jen E this is her first run Disney event. Jen R, jenny, jodi and Tim Jordan, joshua and Joshua P.
Speaker 7:And we have Katie and her son Miles. We have Coast to Coast K. We have Kelly, we have Kim R, kim S, we have Kize. It's a mother-daughter race with Misco, okay. We have Christine. We have Larry, we have Laura, we have Lori and we have Larry, we have Laura. We have Laurie and we have Leslie.
Speaker 5:We have Lily Lindsay and Anthony Laurie, another first-run Disney inventor. Yeah, we have Margaret, mark, mary, michelle, mike, misco first-run Disney event yeah, and first race with her mom, kizzee, and then Natalie.
Speaker 4:Nick and Riley will be joining us. Riley that's the first 5K Nikki, patrick, riley, rob, our friend Ryan, sam, sarah C and Sarah G Season and Mark and Season Sister Summer.
Speaker 2:We also have Shawnee Sean, stephanie with her son Mr Nine, susie Taylor Tom. We have Hollywood, mrs Hollywood and their daughter Natalie Tracy Tr. And their daughter Natalie Tracy Trina, with their son Frankie and Tricia.
Speaker 7:We have Valeria and with her Aunt Maria, we have Valerie, and.
Speaker 3:Vanessa. All right, congratulations, friends. That's our 5K.
Speaker 2:It's time to start the music. It's time to light the lights. All right, it's 5K. It's time to start the music. It's time to light the lights.
Speaker 3:All right, it's 5K, let's go with the 10K.
Speaker 7:Okay. We have Amber. We have Blake and Debbie. It's Blake's first 10K and first run Disney race since 2008. We have Brian that's Tara's husband. It's his first run Disney race since 2013. We have Brooke. We have Carolyn that's his first run Disney race since 2013. We have Brooke. We have Carolyn that's her first run Disney, her first 10K. We have Holly her first 10K. Jeanette, jen, jenny, jude just turned 10s and now his first 10K.
Speaker 4:Ooh, a 10K for being 10. That's cool. Yeah, that's pretty cool.
Speaker 7:We have Julie.
Speaker 5:Andica will be their guide we have lauren lizbeth and liam liam's first run disney event. We have a lot of first run yeah, yeah, that's so fun it is.
Speaker 5:It's great oh, you guys are gonna have a blast. Okay and sorry, we have, uh, laurie. And who's this other person Starts with an L. How do I say her name? Oh, yeah, there it is Lexi. Come on One of our hosts Melinda Sherilyn, stephanie, susie, taylor, taylor, which is their first run Disney and first 10K running with her mom that's exciting. And then Terry, with her first run Disney event.
Speaker 4:We also have Tracy, trina and Valeria.
Speaker 3:Okay, that's our 10K runners for this year.
Speaker 4:I got to get my voice back before this weekend, or I don't know if I'm going to be able to cheer.
Speaker 5:You just got to get those clappers and just have them continually going.
Speaker 3:You've been doing all that training, Allie.
Speaker 4:I know. But you know what? Sometimes the training at the end is really hard.
Speaker 3:So it's about recovery for me right now. Yeah, we'll talk about that in the next couple of weeks, about the training at the end being really hard. All right, let's now talk about the people who are running just the half. Although they may be running something else here, these folks are not. At least they're not signed up for the challenge. They're signed up for the half marathon.
Speaker 2:Starting off we have Allie Withany, but not our Allie that's here right now, Allison B, who is getting her Coast to Coast medal after this race. Allison. W Autumn, Bethany also getting coast-to-coast and this is her first visit to Walt Disney World. How exciting. Christina, Dorothy Duncan, steph's friend Elise and Emily.
Speaker 7:Okay, we have Erica and her husband Hannah Heather Push Rim. It's her first race as a Florida resident.
Speaker 4:Yeah, she just moved she moved to the Orlando area. She won't be on my flights anymore out to Orlando.
Speaker 7:Oh, that's too bad, jack. It's his first one, his first Wine and Dine event. Jacqueline, Jeanette, jeff, jennifer and Michael Caitlin. Jennifer and Michael Caitlin, kat and Katie going for her coast to coast.
Speaker 5:We have Kayla, laura Lucy, her first half at 15. Oh my gosh. Yeah. We have Molly Phillip, which is Krista's husband. We have Renee Ryan, who is pacing, sabrina, sarah, tara and Carlos.
Speaker 4:We have Tracy and we have Trina, with her husband Jeff and daughter Sarah.
Speaker 3:Friends are half marathoners. Friends are half marathoners. Let's wrap this up with our 2024 Wadendine Challenge Runners.
Speaker 4:All right, we got Abby Allie without an E. Amy M, amy S. Is there a second? Amy S. Second Amy S yep, okay, so both Amy S's. If you both stood up, that's fine.
Speaker 3:Well, the second one is doing. There you go.
Speaker 4:Yeah, but the second one is the one who's doing their first challenge and first half marathon Andrea Anita and Ashley J, ashley S and Beth.
Speaker 2:Our buddy Bob. You know the Bob that's on the podcast. He's running this and by completing the challenge we'll have over 500 run Disney miles.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I added him up when I finished the half. Now this is the measured miles on the course, not measured miles on my watch. Okay, I will cross at 500.1 miles.
Speaker 5:Whoa, that's awesome.
Speaker 2:And now all I have is that song stuck in my head. I will walk 500.
Speaker 3:I've sparked a bunch of earworms today, not intentional, my friends.
Speaker 2:Also running the challenge. We bradley brandy, brianna, brit, carol, kathy, celia and edgar, charlotte and chris we have christian christina k, christina m, christina w courtney.
Speaker 7:Dale david's first Wine and Dine weekend.
Speaker 2:David W. George's dad. George's dad.
Speaker 7:Is George going to be there, that's all.
Speaker 2:George's going to be there. First run Disney event for George.
Speaker 3:All right, too young to run, though. Too young to run, yes.
Speaker 7:David W Dawn, denise Dylan.
Speaker 5:We have Donna Elizabeth, emily, denise, dylan. We have Donna Elizabeth, emily, eric, which is their first challenge and first half in 12 years. Get it. We have Aaron C, aaron L, ethan, which is a first wine and dine and first coast to coast. So that's epic. We have wait, who's this? Oh wait, yep, greg, that dude. He's, of course, our one of our amazing hosts, greg, get it. Greg, who just conquered his 23 miler this past weekend. All right. Now we have heidi and jake, who has their first run Disney event and first race in 10 plus years.
Speaker 4:Jared Jen. First challenge Awesome job, Jennifer, jeremy, jessica. 13th half marathon of the year. That's a lot of half marathons. That's an average of more than one a month. First, wine and dine and then second, coast to coast.
Speaker 3:Did you do that? I mean, I didn't see you use a calculator or anything.
Speaker 4:I did it in my head, bob. Wow, that was fast math.
Speaker 5:I can't do that, thank you.
Speaker 4:We have Jody B and then we have another Jody B Again. If you stood up at the same time, it's totally fine. But the second Jody B is going to be Jody B with Tim. We have Jonathan. Jonathan's coming all the way from Israel, yeah he is Wow Love to see it.
Speaker 3:He got out and he's in London right now.
Speaker 4:So cool. Jordan and Joshua.
Speaker 2:You know one person that I realized who forgot to put their name on this race report and she's not here right now but our wonderful and beautiful host Alicia, who is a perfect Wine and Dine challenger.
Speaker 4:I will add.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm, but now going back to the alphabetical order list we have Julia Caitlin who is running her first challenge. Katherine. Coast to coast, k love you, k kelly. And we got a bunch here coast to coast first wine and dine and first race with a new last name. Congratulations, kelly. Kim, krista, who is, like Alicia, also a perfect challenger, kristen, christine and Larry, who's running his first half.
Speaker 7:Then we have Lori and Leslie, lindsay and Anthony, lisa, luciana, margaret Mark who's pacing the half Mary Jane, first wine and dine with Pat Mary Jo Mary with first wine and dine with Pat Mary Jo Mary with daughter Kelly and Rachel, maureen and Becky in the challenge in 5K.
Speaker 5:We have Megan, Melissa, Michael, Michelle, Mike, Molly, Nancy, Natalie, Stride Sisters Podcast, Get it. We have Nikki and Nix, who is having their first challenge, first half and first run Disney event. That's a lot to celebrate right there.
Speaker 4:Nona and Doug, first challenge and first half for both. Good luck on that. So we have two Patrick O's. So I'm going to say the second letter to Patrick OD and Patrick ON Riley, rob Ryan, sarah Scott, our friend Tara, my roommate for the weekend, mr Hollywood.
Speaker 2:Tracy, tricia, troy, valerie and Vanessa.
Speaker 3:That's it, folks, the Rise and Run family of runners for Wine and Dine.
Speaker 4:I love hearing everybody that's going to be there. It makes me so happy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, allie, I agree, it's a fun thing. I love hearing all the names. I'd love to see all and again. It's 286 entries. Some people are in the 5K and then somewhere else. I don't know how many unique names are in there, but I sure hope to see all of them at the meetup. That'd be cool. Well, that was great, but now that we're done with the roll call, it's time for the Race.
Speaker 3:Report. The Race Report is brought to you by our friend, who you just heard from Tom, so I got nothing more to say. December 11th Wheel of Fortune. Be there or be square. Let's start this one off. On Thursday a week ago in Halifax, nova Scotia, lori with her son, tyler, ran the Beat Beethoven run. This is a neat thing. It's a seven and a half kilometer route and the premise is that you need to finish it before the orchestra finishes playing some piece of music from Ludwig van Beethoven. They don't actually play one of his compositions. They play a variety of things, but it's a neat idea. When the symphony stops, that's it. You either beat him or you don't. Laurie and her son about 50 minutes is how long depends on what the conductor, how fast the conductor moves his arms about 50 minutes was the time for the music Lori and Tyler did in fact beat Beethoven. Tyler's first race. That's a PR and judging by how much fun they had, it probably won't be his last.
Speaker 2:Bob, did you hear Lori on the customized training call this morning? Talk about her son.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:My favorite part to her conversation that she didn't put here in the race report is that, apparently, this being his first run and he's looking to get into it a little bit more, and she's like hey, mom, did you hear about this guy?
Speaker 3:Jeff Galloway. Have you heard? By golly, I think I have. Okay, but I'm glad you reminded me of something, greg, and that is I wanted to make the comment. This is the time of year where the race report gets long, and that's wonderful. We want to acknowledge all of your achievements. We're so happy that you put the reports in. But to keep this thing from going three hours, I have to shorten these quite a bit. Friends, the race reports are in the Facebook group. I read them all I do, and I enjoy them, but I cannot copy down everything that you've had to say, so I have to shorten them up quite a bit. I also am afraid that I might miss some because, again, there are just so many. But with those caveats in place, let's go to Friday.
Speaker 3:In Lakeland, florida, our friend Monica talks about her children who competed in an elementary and a middle school state championship. Fantastic weekend for the Chaos Crew. Child number two competing in the elementary division ran her first state level meet and she did great. She placed 56th out of 211. And number one in the middle school division really killed it. She did great. She placed 56th out of 211. And number one in the middle school division really killed it. She ran a PR and took ninth out of 283 competitors. Then on Sunday Monica met up with a bunch of her dead last start villain friends to run the Claremont Clay 15K. She knocked it out in under an hour 30, but there's some really speedy runners there, so that only got her sixth in her age group. All in all, a great weekend for the Chaos Crew plus mom. Interesting thing in that race that Monica did all the awards are plants. Monica did all the awards are plants. That's pretty cool.
Speaker 3:Let's go to Saturday, Mackinac Island. The Mackinac Great Turtle Half Marathon up in Michigan, part of the Mackinac Island trio of races. Tracy did this one. Temps in the upper 40s with winds at 15 miles an hour, brr. First three miles into those winds along the shorelines, then you turn, run into the island with eight full miles of hills. But Tracy did it. Time wasn't bad considering the hills.
Speaker 3:In Door County, wisconsin, the Fall 50, a 50-miler point-to-point race. Tara and Carlos did this one. Perfect weather, fall colors out in full force up in Wisconsin, their first 50-miler. They're worried about the 12-hour time limit but with the great weather, terrific fellow runners and a really good training plan and boy is that the key. They finish with over an hour to spare the best part. Their kids drove three hours to surprise them at the finish line. Tara and Carlos, congratulations, I remember hearing your name on the roll call. Look forward to seeing you this weekend. Congratulations, I remember hearing your name on the roll call. Look forward to seeing you this weekend. In Celebration, florida, the Celebration Pancake Run. Margaret ran the 5K. The Pancake Run. Margaret ran it as a waffle. It's the first of two races today. Let's talk about the second one also. The second one was Nighttime on the Claremont Trails 5K. She ran that one with John. They ran as Blockbuster Videos, videos.
Speaker 2:I remember these costumes I was gonna say that was. Those were from marathon weekend a couple years ago they looked fantastic.
Speaker 3:They won the costume contest again. So race one this margaret saw the sun rise. Race two she saw it set on this pancake run kayla was out there also running the 10k. At the university of oregon, the run with the duck 5k brandy was there cool disney connection, because puddles apparently puddles is the name of the oregon ducks mascot is based off of donald and actually licensed by Disney and I did not realize that. That's interesting. There's also a neat Jeff Galloway connection in that you run along Pre's tail Pre's trail, not tail Pre Steve Prefontaine, who was a contemporary of Jeff Galloway and a great American runner, tragically killed. He was struck by an automobile while out on a run, killed as a young man, very sad. In Chicago, the Will Run for Beer 5K Kelsey on this beautiful afternoon did a run that ended with some beer tasting as it should.
Speaker 3:In Stephenville, texas, the Stephenville Lions Club Spooktacular 10K. Jason was there A little hesitant to do it in costume but in true Disney spirit did it anyway. A group of ladies from his run club invited him to join their group of Forest Gumps with the full beard and wig. How could he say no? But they need to up their costume game because none of them kept their beards and wigs in place for the whole 10k jason did. What a bunch of amateurs, jason, you were running with. As you pointed out, not only did jason stay in costume, he finished with a third place age group finish. Good job, jason.
Speaker 3:In daphne, alabama, the prodisee pantry, turkey trot 5k aaron. A little early for a turkey trot, but what the heck? Last minute entry for aaron after the long training runs she's been doing for dopey. The 5k just seemed so short. Uh race had a lot of sponsors, well supported. Her only complaint was that the they only had two units for corral p. That doesn't seem to be enough, aaron. Let's go to Long Island, new York, for the Green Lawn Fire Department Engine Company. Halloween 5K Megan was there a flat two-lap course around the fire station. The race gift was a glass with the race and beer sponsor etched into it. Six Harbors Brewery was the sponsor. The costumes were great. Megan went as a Jurassic Park ranger. I came across a family dressed as other Jurassic Park characters, so they had a laugh and, I hope, a photo.
Speaker 2:Life finds a way.
Speaker 3:There you go, the Possum Chase four-miler in Corriton Tennessee. Jimmy ran it. There you go, the Possum Chase 4-Miler in Coryton Tennessee. Jimmy ran it. Weather was great. He was feeling good for this. One Got an eight-minute PR and a first-place age group finish. Nicely done, jimmy. Way to go.
Speaker 2:Jimmy, I can't remember. I saw the post but I can't remember all the details. Did Jimmy catch any possums during the race itself or did he just marvel in that AG1 win?
Speaker 3:If he did, he wasn't showing them off.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't remember any bags or anything. I think with that AG1, I think he actually outran them all.
Speaker 2:That's a solid point.
Speaker 3:Yeah, still in Tennessee, in Knoxville, the Goblin Greenway 5K. Nikki was there. Nikki, second in her age group, had a blast getting out with her best friend and enjoying the beautiful fall views. Of course they had to dress up as Ted Lasso, because football is life. There was a soccer connection to this event for Nikki. I think it was a fundraiser for a soccer team In Philadelphia, the gritty 5K the 2024 gritty 5K. Lizzie beat her 5k pr by 45 seconds. Uh, she couldn't tell if she was going to because her watch start. She started her watch late so she sprinted the last quarter mile, didn't stop for the hot dogs they were handing out as you crossed the finisher line. Next time she's going to pr in fun by grabbing the hot dog and forgetting about her time. But Lizzie, you knocked out a PR. Good for you.
Speaker 2:I did chat with her briefly after this race and she did make mention to me there was a lot of orange fur. So if that's your thing, sign up for this one. Apparently, it does come with a ticket to a Flyers game.
Speaker 1:So that sounds like a good deal to me, so I might as well look into this one.
Speaker 2:Apparently, it does come with a ticket to a Flyers game, so that sounds like a good deal to me, so I might as well look into this one next year, even though I am not a hockey fan at all.
Speaker 3:Have you ever been to a live hockey game?
Speaker 2:I've been one time yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think that is one of the sports that you really appreciate live, maybe more than any other, because you just can't get a feel for the speed until you're there live. I think it's tremendous.
Speaker 2:Well, I did tell her that if I do do the race next year and go with her to the game, just be prepared, because all I'm going to do the entire game is recite lines from all the Mighty Ducks movies. That's pretty much the extent of my hockey knowledge. So go, gordon Bombay. Is that the extent of my hockey knowledge? So go, gordon Bombay.
Speaker 7:Is that the knuckle puck you're shooting there, buddy?
Speaker 3:Alright, let's go to Columbus, ohio, for the Gordy Pumpkin Run. Riley was going to do it with Brent but Brent got sick so Riley ran with Mom instead. Mom's first 5K. Riley stuck with her Beautiful course, beautiful weather. Definitely going to do this tough pumpkin challenge run again. In historic Mount Olive Cemetery there was a Well John. Why don't you tell us about it?
Speaker 7:Okay, so I did the 5K spirit run this weekend. It helps support the cemeteryk spirit run this weekend. Uh, it helps, uh, support the cemetery keep its upkeep. I guess once it's full, I guess you really don't have much much revenue coming in. But uh, yeah, so I read the 5k. Uh, a couple of good things about this was uh, I upgraded to my age group, so I am now in a higher age group category, which gives them some benefits. I actually placed in my age group and I was not the last person in my age group.
Speaker 2:Way to go.
Speaker 7:John. Yeah. If I was in my other age group I would have came in last, but that was a positive of all race.
Speaker 5:It was a fun little race.
Speaker 7:Run through the cemetery, then run back to the town green. It was fun. I mean I'll do it again, but I probably won't be doing it again next year because it's always run the last Saturday of October, which would be wine and dine.
Speaker 4:So I do know something about cemeteries a little bit, and one of the things that happens is it's your family's responsibility to take care of your gravesite and once you get into these historic cemeteries, generation after generation after generation, they kind of lose sight of who's in the cemetery and people stop taking care of the plot. So instead of letting them go into disarray, it's the cemetery starts taking the responsibility. So you did. Letting them go into disarray, it's the cemetery starts taking the responsibility. So you did a really great thing for the community there in order to help keep up those gravestones that maybe don't have families to take care of them anymore.
Speaker 7:Well, there you go, there you go. John See, this is a learning podcast also.
Speaker 3:John, did you get anything for finishing first in your age group? It wasn't first, it was third.
Speaker 7:Okay, no, no, nothing. Only first in the age group gets a win award. Ah hey, you know what that's okay.
Speaker 3:You did good Jeff.
Speaker 7:Hey, I see that little thing. Third in age group, I'm like wow, I know, I know I fell off the chair.
Speaker 3:The first time I saw it. The first time I saw it. All right, let's look at the Kennesaw Grand Prix Series race four of four. The Nightmare on Main 5K in Kennesaw, georgia, dorothy. Dorothy's been running these for 10 years. They give nice cotton shirts but only age group medals for each race, so no finish medal. Sluggish After a sluggish and hilly Atlanta 10 miler the week before, it was nice to run a 5k at a nice easy pace. She did a great job, got some water and a banana. Felt pretty good. So 17 minutes after finishing she started her watch and did it again. All right, good for you, dorothy started her watch and did it again. All right, good for you, dorothy.
Speaker 3:In Hamilton, ontario, canada, the terrifying 10K. Sarah and Jeanette ran there. Greenville, south Carolina, the Spinks Runfest Half Marathon JH Reindeer I love that name it's actually Heather, but that's cool JH. This race has you finish on Flower Field, which is a baseball stadium. I'm not sure who plays there. Finish at third base. If you're looking for a flat course to get a POT for Run Disney, this is one to check out.
Speaker 3:Claremont, florida, the Nightmare on the Claremont Trail 5K Laura Ann, I think this is also the one that Margaret ran for her second race. Laura Ann says it's a beautiful course. The course changed this year due to flooding from the hurricanes. A lot of scare zones. They had a great time. Ashburn, virginia, the Ghost 5K and Scarecrow Fun Run. Taylor did the 5K, ran with Emmy as Skye and Everest from Paw Patrol. Taylor came away with a PR. She says barely but a PR is a PR way with a PR. She says barely but a PR is a PR and barely or not. She's happy with her performance. Emmy fun run first race ever. Emmy did the scarecrow fun run as part of this weekend's event. Ran about 50 yards. It was a blast. First race ever. It's a PR.
Speaker 2:She looks so cute in her little costume that she had for the race.
Speaker 3:Our man in Miami, ravi, did the freaky four miler in Miami Beach. Nice, cool morning for a run by Miami standards. Good medal photos in this one from Ravi. The Zoo Zoom Zumbie 5K in Baltimore. Kathleen, carrie and Andrew Fun. So they dressed as animals and walked this one Race course was two loops through the zoo. At the finish they were cheered by the zoo mascots Race registration included zoo admission. So they went in for a third lap, this time to say hi to the animals.
Speaker 3:In Houston, the Monster Mash 5k Jennifer. After not running at all since Mondays after school 14 milers she wound up running the entire time on this one. This was kind of hard to find a place to break into walk intervals and so she didn't. Not record-breaking, but not bad. Good job, jen. Good job In Charlotte, michigan.
Speaker 3:The Do Not Stop 5K Sean had a race here. Nice, chilly, 37 degrees at the start. Everybody still had fun. Cider and donuts at the finish were a must and the upgraded metal medals with sprinkles were an amazing surprise after rubber medals from last year. These were neat metals. They were shaped like donuts in the sprinkles. I think they were metal, but I think they had a probably not glass a plastic covering so that the sprinkles moved around Looked pretty neat.
Speaker 3:The Wicked 10K in Virginia Beach, virginia, hannah, hannah, marie. The race included tricks and treats. The tricks were the zombie scare zones during the race course, the treats were the candy, along with the normal water stops. Lots of costumes. On this one, sean was in Greenwood, south Carolina, for the here for a Reason. 5k. Greenwood, south Carolina, for the here for a Reason. 5k. Kathy did the Cedar Creek Haunted Wine Run. 5k in Martinsville, indiana, haunted wine what a concept. And we wrap up Saturday in Apex, north Carolina, where Morgan did the Tobacco Trail 10-Miler her first 10-Miler and it was so fun. Got a proof of time for run Disney races. Great job, morgan.
Speaker 3:Moving to Sunday, one of the bigger events of the year, the Marine Corps Marathon, was held on Sunday. We had quite a few folks there. Lori ran this one, kate says it's her third marathon, first Marine Corps, big success. Ran an 18-minute PR Says it also hurt more than any race she's done ever. But it was a good day. Great to have friends cheering her on. Mara was there.
Speaker 3:In addition to the marathon, there's also a 50K option. Brian, julia and Shauna did the 50K. For Shauna it was her first ever 50K APR. She wants to thank the Rise and Run playlist for help keeping her spirits up and enabling her to hush the doubting voices in her head questioning how can I possibly do this? Well, the answer is one foot in front of the other, over and over and over again Shawna, congratulations, great job, rachel.
Speaker 3:Rachel says this was the most challenging race she's done to date. She was able to savor the sights of our beautiful capital in the fall. Her legs and lungs wanted her to stop, stop, but her mind and heart were too strong. Yeah, amen, rachel, a marathon pr for rachel. Just the cherry on top, rachel's dad was supposed to run this one with her robert, but he's a, he's a marine corvette, but he was injured and couldn't do it. Oh, I missed Brian on the 50Ks.
Speaker 3:Brian did a 50K. He did great. It was his first, so that's a PR. He PR'd personally all of the race distances over 10 miles. He's feeling the pain now but overall happy with his performance. Congratulations. Mike did his fourth and Mike says last marathon We'll see Saw some sights, got a medal, definitely enjoyed that free finisher. Beer, which he recognizes, actually cost him about $200. And he had to run 26 miles plus oh, about 350 or so in training, but he did get the free beer. But most importantly and this is the bottom line most importantly he did it so that his kids can see how important hard work and audacious dreams are, and he looked at them every time. They looked at his watch, he had the kids' names written on his arm, mike. That's a great example to set for your children. That's fantastic. Good job, rob. Running through DC and the surrounding area with hundreds of Marines around the course supporting them Great experience. Will, 18 years old, doing his first marathon. Will, 18 years old, doing his first marathon. The biggest thrill for Rob was that he got to see his son Will complete his first marathon. No, wait a minute, I take that back. Will finished before Rob. Rob didn't get to see it, it was still a great thrill. Yeah, that's cool, rob, and congratulations Will.
Speaker 3:In Safety Harbor, florida, the Ghouls for Tools 5K. Kaylee ran it dressed as a killer bee. There was a costume contest. The winners were a couple dressed as sandbags from Hurricanes Helene and Milton. Kaylee's race went better than expected. She ran at a sub-12-minute pace, which was a minute and a half faster per mile than she expected. Not a PR, but happy to see that that's good. Stephanie and Judy were there. Stephanie and Judy were there, talked about meeting others, but they didn't talk about running, so I'm not sure that they did. Tiffany ran this one, had a great time running and meeting all her friends. Up in Maine, the I Heart Biddeford 5K. Heidi did this one and now has a brand new 5K PR.
Speaker 3:Don't always talk about virtuals, but once in a while here's an important one. Laura ran the New York City Virtual Marathon with let's see the event from this Orlando crew was organized by Stephanie and run with assistance from Roxanne and Adam. Laura did 27 miles, just to make sure, because you got to do 26.2. She just wanted to make sure her watch showed at least that distance. Roxanne was there for the first five miles they flew by. Adam was there for the rest, even though this was Adam's third consecutive day of running 20 miles or more. Laura pushed through. She was close to her finish time. She had done her mileage, she was ready to stop and then she looked up and saw that her boys were waiting with cowbells and a finish line rope for her to run through in front of their house. So she did that. That was great. Her husband even printed out 3D finisher metals and hers included a special touch her boy's handprints. Those metals look great. I don't know if you saw them or not, but they were terrific.
Speaker 7:Yeah, they're nice.
Speaker 3:Yeah, really really well done.
Speaker 7:Roxanne and Adam got one too, I think, I think so.
Speaker 3:Yeah, pretty sure that was nice.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it really was Up in Natick, massachusetts, home of the New Balance shoe.
Speaker 3:Is that right yeah?
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, cool. Rob was there Crisp morning for the 25th running of this race that supports the Flutie Foundation for Autism. Rob was happy with his 25-minute finish time. Since the course is hilly, that's a good time in a 5K, rob. Perfect New England morning for a race. In New Orleans, louisiana, the big, easy Halloween half marathon Mandy ran that one. Aaron was in Lincoln, nebraska, for the Good Life Halvesy, 45 degrees and sunny, good course, great cheer sections and a fantastic after-race celebration. In Oconomowoc, wisconsin, the Pumpkin Run 10K. Noel, two laps through a neighborhood so it was kind of lonely. On the second lap, see, it was a 5K lap, so most of the folks did the 5K. She does the second lap Kind of quiet, no crowd support, but overall set a four-minute PR. Good job, noelle. Okay, so let's go up north to Niagara Falls, canada, for the Niagara Falls International. They had several distances here, but we're going to talk about the Niagara Falls International 10K and here with us in the Race Report Spotlight we've got Tara.
Speaker 4:Hello.
Speaker 3:Amy, hello, amy, hello and Liz, hi, good to see you guys. Let's start here. Who's the first timer on this one? Me, liz is, and Tara is, and Amy, you've done it before.
Speaker 9:I have. This is my fourth.
Speaker 3:Now you were explaining to me, amy. You were explaining to me a minute ago my fourth. Now you were explaining to me, amy, you were explaining to me a minute ago. This used to cross back and forth between the US and Canada, but it hasn't since COVID. Is that correct?
Speaker 9:Yeah, I think the first year that they came back from COVID I think it was the rest of border restrictions and they were concerned about them. I think now it might just be a logistics issue. I'm not sure of the reasoning anymore, but I'm sure it was hard to coordinate the border crossing.
Speaker 3:Okay, but it stays with our friends in Canada. Okay, all right. Well, that's cool. Well, listen, it sounds like a lot of fun. It sounds like you guys had a good time. Now you weren't all running together, as I understand, so help me out, tara. Were you all running separately? Were the couple you're running together?
Speaker 10:Uh, so Liz and I were running together. Um, she reached out to me quite a while ago and said, hey, I have time goal in mind, and she wanted me to come join her and I thought it would be a great opportunity. I love hanging out with Liz. It's our meet in the middle. So she's from Michigan, I'm from Ottawa, so it's kind of, you know, a five, six hour drive for both of us to get to Niagara Falls, and so Okay, so it was perfect. And so she had a plan in mind and she stuck with it, and I just was along for the ride. She might say that I was there to help pace her, but man, she was just rocking it. So I had a lot of fun doing it with her.
Speaker 6:What was?
Speaker 3:your plan Liz.
Speaker 6:Tara's my fast friend, so obviously I don ever pr my disney races because that's, you know, characters, jump shots yeah, right, of course so I'm. I'm slowly but surely trying to work towards a proof of time, and so I'm nowhere near there yet, but I wanted to get a little bit closer with this 10k, and I did, I did. My goal was a 12 30 mile, and my average pace was 1229.
Speaker 3:Oh, outstanding.
Speaker 6:Yeah.
Speaker 3:That ought to put you pretty close.
Speaker 6:Not close. I got 10 more minutes to get off of that oh you got 10 more minutes to get off for the 10K.
Speaker 10:But she still PR'd by four minutes.
Speaker 3:Outstanding.
Speaker 10:Impressive.
Speaker 3:It is. It's wonderful. Amy, how'd the run go for you Did? Did you meet up or did you run it by yourself?
Speaker 9:I just ran it by myself. I afterwards I said, there were other there were other rising runners there. I was very upset, but no, this is, this is always one of my fun. This is one of my best races. I love this race. I enjoy it, I have a great time and I didn't have any goals in mind. I was looking to go fast because, as mentioned, we don't go fast at Disney. And I also got a four-minute PR.
Speaker 3:So I'm just caroling. Today for four minute PRs outstanding, we're wearing out the bell. That's a good thing, amy. How was the weather?
Speaker 9:I thought it was beautiful. Um, it was, I think, about 36 when it started, which was little chilly, but by the time I ran over, grabbed my bib and my shirt, ran back to the car and ran to the start. I was warm, so I wore, I had a t-shirt on and was perfectly comfortable the whole time.
Speaker 3:Didn't need your jacket, huh.
Speaker 9:Did not need the jacket.
Speaker 10:Now let me speak up, because actually, amy, you had your Dopey shirt on, so that was really advertising, you know, to everybody, and that's how I found Amy on the run, so that was great.
Speaker 9:Yeah, I had so many people you know say something and comment about Dopey, so I recommend for everybody out there, wear your race shirts. You can start having some wonderful conversations with people by wearing your Run Disney race shirts.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you do meet friends. That's how Greg and I met. In an unusual way at a race, he had a shirt. I ended up talking with him, liz, first time, through what were some of the highlights of the race for you.
Speaker 6:Well, the view is amazing. You have sunrise coming over the falls and that was just magic, that would be. The expo was not an expo it was a pickup, so I actually wore my rise and run visor thinking that maybe I'll like find some people there at the expo. And there was no expo.
Speaker 3:Oh no, it's not like the Disney expo.
Speaker 7:So what was? What was bib pickup like or what was a shirt pickup like? Where was that?
Speaker 6:It was right at the start, village I, when I had read about it, I mean, it called it an expo. So we kind of expected there to be a little bit more. So that's where Tara and I met on our drives and there was, there was nothing. There was. There was an information desk, there was your bid pickup and there was your shirt and see you tomorrow, and there were a bunch of empty tents.
Speaker 10:Tara, how was? How was support along the course, and were there any crowds Um?
Speaker 10:yeah at the beginning there were like all the I don't want to say crowds, but you know friends and family and everything, and um, uh, as you're running along, there was some, some pockets. I wouldn't say there was a lot of, um, you know, people cheering but uh, what was? I'm going to kind of throw a little curve ball and mention about the starting area. So it was interesting for all of us, of us trying to get to the start. So there was cars coming from all different directions trying to get into one road, to go into the parking lot. So they said they averaged about 4,000 runners, what we heard for both the 10K and the half that were starting at the same time. So our issue is that we were trying to make our way and we actually had to jump out of the vehicle and try to make it to the start line in order to actually make the time and we thought we had ample time, but we got there. There's loads of runners, loads of spectators. So literally we walked in and it started.
Speaker 6:So there was crowds, but there was more of us. Yeah, we were like, oh, we're starting, okay, we're starting. It was such a surprise.
Speaker 3:That's kind of stressful.
Speaker 10:It was. It was like okay, and we're going.
Speaker 9:Yeah, I had a similar experience. I didn't get up there on Saturday to get my bib. I just wasn't interested in trying to do the border crossing twice and I also thought I had left myself plenty of time to get there. And similar thing you know it's like okay, apparently not. You know it's like okay, apparently not. I love this race. There's so many things I love about this race. The organization is not one of them. There's always one communication glitch with this race. In the four years that I've done it each time, there's just one thing that I'm like I really wish you had told me this, and this year it was the transportation. I was able to park, but I know that there were people that were parking across the street and I know that there was also things on Facebook that the shuttles that were supposed to be coming from the host hotel didn't.
Speaker 9:Oh so there were, there were a bunch of people that were starting the race after the start time and because they changed the race course a little bit this year and you, because it went into a high traffic tourist area, you had to be beyond 6k by an hour and 15 minutes into the race and there were a lot of people that didn't make that because they started well after.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 9:So I know that there was some things on Facebook that people were not happy.
Speaker 3:Ah, because that's yeah, pace wise, real quick. That's like 20 minutes a mile, so that's not the problem. But I can see it if you couldn't get off the start line in time.
Speaker 10:Well, and we were well on our way and we kept seeing other you know half marathon and 10Ks that were way behind us that we know would have started quite some time after us, ks that were way behind us that we know would have started quite some time after us. And then there was random 5K that they weren't supposed to start until later on and I think there was confusion and they were happened to be on the 10K course, realizing that they were only supposed to be doing the 5K that looped and they didn't. They missed the side. So I think there was a lot of yeah, misorganization with this course, but again it comes down to the side. So I think there was a lot of yeah, misorganization with this course, but again it comes down to the beauty. It was absolutely gorgeous.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and it makes up for a lot.
Speaker 7:Yeah, yeah, so it's the same course or is it a totally different course? I'm looking at the maps. It looks like the first half of the 10K and the marathon go. Well, the 10K goes the same part of the marathon. Like, is that the same course, or is there two different roads that you're on? Or how does start times different?
Speaker 9:The marathon started at 7.20. I think the first part of the course until the turnarounds was all the same. I think what happened is we got to a certain point and the 10K turned around and went back towards the start line, and then the half marathon went further and then the marathon obviously went further than that. So I don't I think that's the way it was. I didn't look at the marathon course because I didn't.
Speaker 3:Oh, you didn't do the marathon. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. All right, amy's already told us this is a fun race for her. She's done it four times. Liz, you going to do it again? Maybe, Okay, that's a fair answer.
Speaker 6:I would totally go back and do it again, all right.
Speaker 3:How about you Tara?
Speaker 10:I actually really enjoyed it. I honestly the the just to see, like the um, the waterfall and the just the, you know, the sun rising, like it was really beautiful. But I'm kind of one of those, you know, if there's another race, you know. I got you another race and I like to try all different races and you know, listen, I like to meet up.
Speaker 3:So we got to find another meetup spot, but that's a, that's a, that's a wonderful thing, that's fantastic guys, it really is definitely recommended, though I really enjoyed it all right, I'm going to close with this. When do we see you at disney again? And, tara, I know you're doing new york city definitely that's a big deal. When will we see you at disney again, though?
Speaker 10:I am planning to be there for Princess Weekend. I'm not running it, but I will be on Main Street to cheer on the half.
Speaker 5:Because I'm running.
Speaker 10:Gasparilla on the Saturday doing the 5K and 15K.
Speaker 3:Gasparilla. All right, I've got the Princess to Pirate Challenge on my list for February this year. Liz, I think I know the answer, but when are we going to see you at Disney?
Speaker 6:This weekend. I'll leave right after the 10K, though, and go up to New York, so I can be there for Tara.
Speaker 3:That's nice. That really is nice. We've had some other friends do something similar and that's cool, so we'll see you. Let's see, based on when this releases. We'll see you tomorrow and, amy, you're at Disney this weekend, right?
Speaker 9:I am. I am flying down Thursday morning.
Speaker 3:Okay, so I'll see you yesterday. No, I'll see you, I'll see you today, I hope. All right, tara, liz, amy, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it. Have fun and we'll talk to you later. Thank you Bye. Back in Knoxville, tennessee.
Speaker 3:The Barley's Halloween 5K. Bradley ran it, not a PR, but a good race with a cool medal. Elizabeth ran it in costume. St Charles, missouri. The spooky sprint in costume. St Charles, missouri. The spooky sprint in St Charles.
Speaker 3:Amanda did this one on a whim. Didn't realize it would be a trail race with less than 100 finishers for the half marathon Very different, but she was thrilled with her finish. Fastest half marathon in six years. Good job, amanda. The Haunted Forest Marathon I don't have the location.
Speaker 3:I'm going to guess this is in Ohio somewhere. Lori walked the 5K seven weeks post total knee replacement. Good job, lori. That's good. Glad to see you're progressing so well. And if it was in Kentucky, I know it would be Louisville. I think this is Louisville in Colorado.
Speaker 3:The monster-10kalexisranit signed up for the 10k but, unfortunately for her, didn't review the map since signing up. Sound familiar, jack? I see Jack nodding her head. The map since signing up Sound familiar Jack? I see Jack nodding her head. There wasn't clear signage as to where it continued, so she finished the 5K at an average pace. That's good, enjoyed the post-race party, the food, the drinks and the goodies. We finish in Reno, nevada, where Heidi did the dirty wookie 10K. All right, my friends, and if you run, you know you are our friends. Gosh season's kicking off. I'm hoping by now we've already had a chance to meet some of you at wine and dine race weekend. I hope we get a chance to meet a bunch more of you. Let me remind you where the chances are. First of all, the expo is a great place to meet up. Be looking for you. I'll be there on thursday. Anybody else gonna be at the expo on thursday? Because I think the rest of you get in a little later. Nobody else is doing the 5K.
Speaker 4:No, not me.
Speaker 2:I would imagine Alicia will be there on the first day.
Speaker 3:Good chance. Good chance, I think.
Speaker 2:I will definitely be there on Friday afternoon sometime. I may.
Speaker 3:There have been times where I've gone back on Friday. I don't know if I'll do that this year or not. Regardless, look forward to seeing you at the Expo. Look forward to seeing you before the races. Maybe we'll see you on the course. We get a lot of that. That's fun. The meetup 3 o'clock in the food truck area always a blast. The meetup three o'clock in the food truck area always a blast. And then at the after party at 10 PM we'll be near the Regal Eagle in the American Pavilion. There are tables out there. This is not a formal. We just want a chance to meet everybody again and say goodbye. Until January we may. If there are enough folks who want to, we may get together and walk around. Maybe some photo opportunities We'll see, but that's very, very informal. Just one last chance. All right, that does it. Episode 162. It's in the books. We enjoyed it. Time for all your training to pay off, time to enjoy that victory lap when we see you again. Happy running.
Speaker 2:The Rise and Run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your health care provider or event organizer.