Rise and Run

132: Magical Madness: The Rise and Run Bracket Finals

April 04, 2024 The RDMTeam Season 3 Episode 132

 Magical Madness mayhem settles and the Rise and Run podcast crowns a champion! Tag along with us, as we take you through the thrilling finale of our Attraction Bracket  Challenge.  We're still buzzing from the electric vibes and we're eager to share it all. Stick around for our special segment  with the legendary Jeff Galloway, captured live amidst an unforgettable Atlanta weekend, and join us as we recount the high spirits and camaraderie at the Crescent City Classic with some of our dearest pals.

Ever faced a hurdle that seemed insurmountable? we hear from our listener Brittany's testament to the tenacity of the human spirit. After a gut-wrenching DNF in 2022, She was all set for a roaring comeback 2023, only to be blindsided by a COVID curveball. Yet, in the face of setbacks, she discovered a deeper truth: health is the ultimate victor. Tune in for a raw, real talk on bouncing back stronger and the profound lessons learned when life throws you a wrench.

Let's shake up your exercise routine with some creative and wallet-friendly cross-training and strength training strategies! Dive into the world of aqua jogging to keep your endurance afloat, or explore home workouts that rival any gym session, all with the help of the Peloton app. From "12-ounce curls" to the simple pleasure of a good walk, this episode is jam-packed with tips to keep your fitness journey lively and diverse, no matter what your goals are.

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Speaker 2:

3 am again. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Join our group of Run Disney friends. As we talk about running at Walt Disney World and beyond. We'll discuss recent runs, training, upcoming races and surprise topics suggested by you, our listeners. Well, the alarm's gone off, so let's go.

Speaker 4:

Welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. This is Brittany Charbonneau, the funny runner.

Speaker 5:

Welcome and thank you for listening.

Speaker 6:

Thank you, brittany, for leaving us that introduction gang. We got to get back up with Brittany and I haven't talked with her for a while. See how she's doing. I don't care if she's got new news or not. She's fun to have on. So we need to see if we can catch up with her here in a couple of weeks, in the coming months. All right, my friends, welcome to episode 132 of the Rise and Run podcast. We are so happy to have you with us again. I am Bob and I'm here. With John hey, how you doing. With Greg, hey, hey, hey. With Alicia, hello. And with Lexi, hello. Good to see you. My friends, let's see what we got going on this week. Alright, this week we wrap up the Rise and Run March Madness as we go from 16. We're going to go all the way down to crown our champion this week.

Speaker 2:

One shining moment.

Speaker 6:

Greg, you're going to miss these intros.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know I really am going to miss this. I mean actually just out of reach, here I have my Werner ladder ready to go so we can cut down some nets at the end of this episode today.

Speaker 6:

I got you further. I got you. I got you. Cutting down the nets Took me a second, but I got you. Also, this week, friends, we're going to replay, not replay. Play the first time for you that podcast that Lexi Jack and I recorded with our friend Jeff Galloway at the JG 13.1 weekend in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago In the race report spotlight. Several of our friends who ran the Crescent City Classic in New Orleans, louisiana, will be joining us. They had a good time and it was fun having them with us.

Speaker 2:

If you enjoy the Rise and Run podcast, please share us with your friends and introduce them to the Rise and Run family. We want to share in their run Disney journey as well as their running journey as well. Please remember to follow us on Facebook at Rise and Run podcast, on Instagram at Riseandrunpod, Visit our YouTube channel and also be sure to check out our website, riseandrunpodcastcom. If you have any questions, comments, a race report or want to introduce an episode. And trust me, folks, we need introductions. Even though we are going to get some in a couple of weeks down springtime surprise, we do need some to fill that gap for a little bit. So if you're interested, give us a call on our hotline at 727-266-2344 and leave us a recorded message.

Speaker 6:

You're right, Greg. We got two more weeks and we'll have some more, but yeah, in the meantime we can use them and they're fun. We appreciate them when you get a chance to do that.

Speaker 3:

We also want to thank our Patreons, who support who supports helps us keep the Rise and Run podcast rising and running. If you'd like to join the Patreon team, please check patreoncom. Slash rise and run podcast and we'd like to welcome our new Patreon.

Speaker 7:

Eric and friends. The Rise and Run podcast is sponsored by Magic Bound Travel, and you know what's coming up in the next couple of weeks. We have registration for Marathon Weekend. Princess is coming up real soon too, and you're going to need to book those reservations for all of your Disney needs, so make sure you check them out, our friends at Magic Bound Travel.

Speaker 6:

Magicboundtravelcom is the site. Thank you, lexi. You can check them out our friends at Magic Bound Travel. Magicboundtravelcom is the site. Thank you, lexi. You can check them out, my friends.

Speaker 6:

All right, apologies and alibis, we haven't done any for a little bit. Here's a good one the intro we got last week, which I appreciated very much. When I first heard it I thought that sounds like a young person, as in like maybe a child, but I'm not sure and I don't want to take the chance and assume that it is. Well, turns out it was. But a little more backstory.

Speaker 6:

When you leave a recording, I get a notification in email and I go to the Google site and I get a voice to text of what the what the listener said, what the message says. Well, you know, it's not always right, because the voice to text, as I'm reading it, says hi, this is Deb D-E-B. Voice to text as I'm reading it says hi, this is Deb D-E-B. Okay, and I listened and that's what I heard. It's not Deb, that is Doug Gordon's son, zeb. Zeb, buddy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you Deb. I didn't do it on purpose and I'm really glad you left the intro. So thank you, zeb, and I'm happy to set things right. Also, I would like our listeners to know that I do know the difference between a cow and a bull, but I don't know, maybe the cow was identifying as a bull.

Speaker 6:

I'm not going down that road. Anyway, congratulations, kristen, for your PR of getting on the cow unassisted for the first time. So we appreciate that. Alrighty, let's take a look at training. Springtime surprise, as we know, is almost upon us. Two weeks from the time of this recording, we will be at the Expo at Walt Disney World. We are in training week 16 for Springtime Surprise. This is the last big weekend. If you're doing the challenge, you have your normal Thursday. This is the way it's laid out in the schedule that Mark and Chris worked up for us your normal Thursday 30 to 45 minutes, then a five mile walk Friday and a 12 mile run Saturday. The race at Disney is only 10 miles. Well, it's because Jeff has learned that, a it boosts your confidence and B it will make you faster in the 10-miler if you put in the extra miles and a 10-miler is also good for a POT for marathon weekend.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:

So yeah, that's a good point, john, I didn't consider that, but if you're fortunate enough to break from the crowds and get a good 10 miles pace, that's a great idea, all right. Also, looking down the training schedule, the big one that's coming up in just five short days, that's this coming Tuesday those of us who are not Club Run Disney Now, club Run Disney registered today, the day we're recording, but registration is opening up for Marathon Weekend and we want to talk about that just a little bit.

Speaker 7:

Well, I for one can't believe it's already time to register for Marathon Weekend.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you're right, it came really quickly. It's only well.

Speaker 5:

Weren't we just there, like last weekend.

Speaker 6:

Well, that's number one. That's true, you're right about that. But it also came on the heels of Wine and Dine registration pretty quickly too.

Speaker 9:

Yes, yeah.

Speaker 6:

Now our next, after this one. Our next registration is for Disneyland in January. That's 10 weeks later, so we get a little break after this.

Speaker 7:

A little break to save our money.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, save up our money.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, all right, one of the things I wanted to talk about for this registration, we do as many of our friends, especially those who've been with us a little while, know we do have a community chat dedicated to each race, have a community chat dedicated to each race and we've got a community, a very vibrant and active community chat, dedicated to the 2025 Marathon Weekend.

Speaker 6:

On Tuesday morning, we or at least I and many of you will be very active in that chat, trying to help each other get into Marathon Weekend. Now I don't want to go into the nuts and bolts of how we do that right here. What I would say to you this is a Zoom week, so on our Thursday Zoom call, I want to spend some time talking about how we do that. If you can make it to the Thursday Zoom, great, we'd love to see you there. If you can't, I would encourage you to watch the replay which is posted on Facebook later that evening. So then, when we get to the chat on Tuesday, it's still going to be chaotic, but maybe we can bring the chaos level down just a little bit.

Speaker 2:

And the one thing I do want to mention there, bob, is that if you are part of our Patreon family, as long as you are a member of the hey how you Doing level or higher, you do receive a podcast version of those bi-weekly Zoom calls that we do. So, you know, in the event that you don't feel like you know watching, you know a 60 to 90 minute long, you know video version of that call on the Facebook page. You know you can easily just dial up the podcast version and listen to that so you can get all that valuable information.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, good point. One thing I will do is, in the comments, I will make a note of when the discussion of the group chat begins, so you can go directly to it. The group chat which got me to thinking. Our friend Monica got up with me just this Saturday and she had this idea While we're talking registration, our friend Monica has an idea for the 5K that I wanted you, our friends, to know about before you got registered, because she's already changed my mind about what I'm registering for and she might change yours too. Hey, monica, good to see you, glad you're here.

Speaker 4:

Hey Bob, thanks for letting me come on and pitch this. Stop laughing.

Speaker 6:

Okay, no, I don't stop laughing. Have fun. All right, monica, tell us your idea.

Speaker 4:

That has already got me to doing things I wasn't planning to do um well, uh, my cousin and I were talking about costumes already before race registration has even taken place. And um, this past year for the 5k at marathon weekend, a small group of us did dalmatians and puppy nappers and we were talking about how much fun that was, how much fun we had on the course and how much more fun it would be if, instead of like four or five puppies, we had 101 101 yeah yes, and we thought how cool would it be to see if we could get 101 of our rise and run friends to participate in a big group costume monica, I think, I think we can do it.

Speaker 4:

I think we can too. So a couple years ago I participated in something similar and learned that there were actually 101 names for the 101 Dalmatians from the movie. I didn't know that yeah from the original movie I don't know if it's from the original or if they've kind of collected them over the years in sequels and the um, the little tv show and whatnot I don't remember from the one I saw when I was about 10.

Speaker 6:

I'm just guessing, okay, but I saw this one as a little kid.

Speaker 4:

But I love it and my kids actually love the new cartoon. 101 Dalmatian Street.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

It's a frequent in our house, but I was thinking for the 5k. If we can get 101 of our Rise and Run friends, you know, maybe do a Google Doc or whatever to have people choose which puppy they would like to be.

Speaker 10:


Speaker 4:

I can work on putting together some iron-on decals for the spots Spots yep. Yep and a collar with their nameots yep, yep and a caller with their name. Oh neat, yep. So then you know, we can find a way to get them out to you and you would iron it on the shirt of your choice. And then on 5K morning, all 101 of us can meet up for a great big old group picture.

Speaker 6:

It would be a sight to behold.

Speaker 4:

I think it would be a lot of fun, and then we would be able to even more easily identify our Rise and Run friends on the course 5K Morning too, because we'd all be dressed like puppies together.

Speaker 6:

Okay, I think it's a spectacular idea. I say, let's give it a shot. Friends, I think you know how we make the community chats. I think I'll go ahead and create one in a community chat and if you're interested, you can pop into that and leave your name there, just to get it started. I think we'll have to do a little more, like you said, monica, maybe make a Google doc or something. But it sounds like a challenge and it sounds like fun.

Speaker 4:

It does sound like a lot of fun. I'll work on the Google Doc and, you know, after registration, when we get a better idea who's going to be participating, then we can have people assign themselves a puppy.

Speaker 6:

All right, friends, there you go. You've heard it you want to be one of the 101 Dalmatians. Get ready to join the crew. What a blast that would be.

Speaker 4:

We'll give you 101 reasons to rise and run.

Speaker 6:

So there's the challenge gang. Can we get 101 Dalmatians out of the rise and run crew? It'd be pretty darn cool if we could Let us know what you think. You can talk it up in the chat. I may even create a chat just for that. Now, another thing we talked about was registering for Dopey and taking it seriously. And we have another friend, Alyssa, who has some comments on that. Friends, while we're talking about Dopey registration, we discussed it a little bit last week that we love you, we want you to register and have fun, we want you to challenge yourself and do the best you can. But you've got to take this one maybe a little bit more seriously than others. And we have one of our friends, Alyssa, who contacted me a few weeks ago and said hey, Bob, if you have someone you want to talk a story about experiences at Dopey, I'd love to chat with you. So, Alyssa, welcome to the Rise and Run podcast. Thanks for volunteering.

Speaker 10:

Thank you, hello. It's good to be here.

Speaker 6:

It's great to have you. We appreciate it. So you were, and I'm just going to let you go with your story here. You were telling me about your experiences and the number of times you tried and how things went, and how you, finally, of my experience here. Uh, in, let's see 2022.

Speaker 10:

I uh signed up for the goofy challenge, I think like in September or something. That was back when things didn't sell out immediately. I wanted something like to work toward, uh, I've done. I had done a rent Disney race before, but it had been like seven years or something and I had some neighbors who were doing run Disney and so I, like decided to sign up and, um, it would have been my first marathon, I had done half marathons before and, like, honestly, I just I did not train properly.

Speaker 10:

I tried to sort of follow Galloway on my own. I kind of, you know, would miss runs a lot. I was running, but not as often as I could have and not doing all my long run. Well, really, I was doing my long runs but nothing else, and then eventually not running those either, and then eventually not running those either. So then I got a coach who, you know, I said, like my goal, I don't think I don't know what's going to happen because I haven't prepared enough and it's like November, right, but I want to train as much as I can, you know, and I trained a little bit more. I think my longest run was like 12 miles, um, which, when I tell you about dopey, that's. That's not too far off from what my longest longest run was this year, but, um, the cumulative mileage was just not there, right? So I get there. It's goofy challenge 2022.

Speaker 10:

And I do the half marathon and it's fun. Um, you know, I've done halves before. I took it pretty easy. I do run walk intervals. I got a terrible blister on my the bottom of my foot and, um, I just, I knew I just wasn't prepared for the marathon, but I was like, hey, I signed up for it, so I'm going to show up anyway. And, you know, start and see what happens. Um, so, almost immediately, the blister on the bottom of my foot popped which, side note, if anyone has blister problems, there's a product called run goo. And then I wear in gingy socks which are like toe socks, and I have not had a blister since. But the blister popped, so that was like super painful. And then, you know, I started with my run-walk intervals but just kept getting slower and slower until this is like this is low-key, like the funniest moment to me, which you know people hype themselves up to run through the castle, right? Sure, everyone's so excited. Well, I got literally passed by the balloon.

Speaker 6:

Ladies in Cinderella's castle in the castle. That's a unique story, yeah.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, so I have a picture of that and yeah, so they're super kind, you know whatever of course, yes, they are, they are they're lovely and, uh, they passed me, you know, the um bike.

Speaker 10:

people were like you have to keep up with them and I was like I don't think I can um. So then there's a sweet point, like right after you leave magic kingdom, which is about mile 12 of the marathon, and so I, you know, got on the bus was swept. And so I, you know, got on the bus was swept. Emotions there were like mixed from people. I, I, was proud that I had shown up, even though I, like, knew I had learned a lot of lessons, so did not finish the marathon. Okay, so that was 22, correct, 22. Yes, yeah. And so then it comes time to register, not that long after you know, for 2023, yeah, it's not long, you're right yeah, and I was like I need redemption.

Speaker 10:

I feel like I've learned my lesson and I really just want to finish the marathon. This time I was like I think doing goofy like makes it harder. Um, I wasn't sure about dopey either, and so, but I had also wanted to try the 5k and 10k. So I was like I'm going to sign up for the 5k, the 10k and the marathon, which most people don't do, that but I did so. So cause my goal was like to finish the marathon, I got a coach, a lovely person named Billy, who worked with me on a training plan that I felt was more fit me, better than Galloway did. It's based off cumulative fatigue, so as a run walker, I'm a little, I'm a little slower. I average like 13 minute miles, 13, 30 minute miles.

Speaker 6:

That's fine, that's fair yeah.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, Um. So with cumulative fatigue you don't ever run longer than three and a half hours in your training plan, Um, but the next day you do another long run.

Speaker 6:

Okay, all right.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, so your weekly, your weekly mileage is the same, it's just spread out a little bit more.

Speaker 6:

Okay, I got you.

Speaker 10:

And um, so I did this training plan. I, I cut track. I completed over 90% of it. Um, I felt really great. I was like I'm definitely going to finish this marathon. So excited, right. And then I did the 5k uh, 5k, it was so fun did the 10k and then after the 10k, I was like my throat hurts um, maybe I'm just tired. Right the next morning, which was the day of the half which I had not signed up for, I still felt sick and I had COVID tests in my bag because I had not yet ever gotten COVID, you know, several years since the pandemic. And I took my test and it was positive. So I was like I cannot do a marathon while I have COVID A because that's not, you know, I'm sick, and B because I'm not going to get anyone else sick.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you don't want to show up in the corrals. Yeah, thank you for that yeah, of course.

Speaker 10:

Um, so you know. I called my parents, who thankfully live in tampa. I was crying. They were able to come get me mom. My mom is a nurse. Um, I was supposed to go on the disney wish and do the castaway key 5k. Yeah, obviously that didn't happen.

Speaker 10:

Um so I was just, I was just really sad I debated, like signing up for some other random marathon, you know, because I had been trained. But I was like, no, I really wanted to be at disney. So then registration comes quickly again and I was like I'm just gonna do a dopey because you know everything's happened to me and why not just go all in sure, um, so I got a a different coach who still used cumulative fatigue, but the difference in the program was that I talked to her once a week and she was able to make adjustments and things for me. So it it was. It was a little more supported than my previous plan, which was just like I got it and that was mostly it. So did my cumulative fatigue training plan again, um, did most of my runs. It added speed work, which was kind of new to me and I thought it was really fun.

Speaker 10:

My longest run in December was 14 miles and then I did eight the next day. Um, for like a total. The whole week of that week was like oh, somewhere in the mid-30s of mileage, I think. And then I got to marathon weekend, obviously like nervous, like what's happen. Did the 5k? It was so much fun. Did the 10k also so much fun. The half marathon this year, as we know um was, you know, cut.

Speaker 6:

Oh, right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 10:

Um so uh. I ended up finishing the mileage on a treadmill at animal kingdom lodge okay so I did all 13.1 miles um. My costume was bet on it and I was featured by disney photopass, so that was like low key that's cool yeah um. And then I came for the day of the marathon and I just like felt ready. I was like I've trained for now two years. It feels like um and it just felt like my day, like I I had really no doubt I was gonna finish that good, good, good um, and it was so much fun.

Speaker 10:

I did my run, walk intervals. Uh, I wanted to ride everest but they wouldn't let us on. So that was sad. But I put I pet a donkey, which was like very cool, and they, you know, I felt, I honestly felt very good the whole time. Blizzard Beach parking lot, you know, has a reputation, but I was there and I was chilling, I was like yeah, it's fun.

Speaker 10:

And it got a little harder after that, like there's a, there's a on-ramp um after that, and it was hard, but I still never was like I'm not going to finish. And I wasn't. I wasn't racing necessarily, I was just, like you know, going my long run pace, um, and so then, cross, cross, that finish line. I did the whole dopey talent. Third time's a charm.

Speaker 3:

I got a question for you, so when did you realize you're finishing this?

Speaker 10:

I feel like when I crossed the start line, it was like so I had. It just felt like things were lining into place, like I had been. I had been interviewed by the like social people from Disney that morning about my story although I don't know that they did anything with it, which is fine, um, but that was like so cool. And then I like was where I was in the corral. I was like in the front with the tape, you know, right in front of me, of where they separate yeah, right and I was like wow, this is like so cool.

Speaker 10:

And it just felt like everything was into place and I just, I honestly just had like no doubt that I was gonna finish it. Um, you know, it poured rain on me in Magic Kingdom right that didn't really bother me. Um, I don't know, I just my like. I felt trained, I felt prepared and I felt like my mental game was there too and I just like, unless something outside of my complete control happened, I knew I was going to finish that race.

Speaker 6:

Awesome, alyssa. If you have a chance now to talk to somebody who's on the fence, they're not sure whether they should sign up for DOPI or not. What would you tell them?

Speaker 10:

Be realistic with yourself. I think if it's your first marathon, you can certainly do it that way. It might not be for a time goal necessarily, but it can. It's possible to look at the training plans. I know y'all, I think last week, talked about like when the Galloway mileage will line up right for me. Like I said, galloway doesn't work for me as well. I prefer to run more days a week and not to go over three and a half hours on my long run. So you know, I found a coach who did a different type of training plan and that works perfectly for me. So you know, galloway is awesome if you commit to it and as long as you follow it. I think for me I just I didn't follow it Right, so that's why it didn't work for me. So find a plan that works for you and do it.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, higdon is a good plan too. I think, yeah. So you know, be realistic with yourself. Look at what you can commit to, look at what kind of training plan would work best for you and have a reason you're going to do it. I think immersing yourself in the community is really helpful to follow people who are training online, because that can keep you accountable. So, you know, follow those accounts where you see people posting about their runs and lifting each other up, and I think that's awesome. Just be real with yourself and you can do it. You just have to put in the work, and that doesn't mean you're not going to miss a run ever. Right, like I said, I tried to keep track and I stayed about 90% of my training plan, so, um, yeah are you signing up this year 2025?

Speaker 10:

Bob, this is the question. Okay, listen to this. I am on Monday going to defend my dissertation and hopefully get my PhD, so next year's theme is university, right?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, it sure is.

Speaker 10:

And I'm a professor. So I'm like, Hmm, like that seems really cool. I'm like, I don't know, I want to. I'm doing a perfect season this year, so I'll catch that up with springtime.

Speaker 6:

We'll see you there.

Speaker 10:

Yes, and I'm signed up for Halloween next year, but not Wine and Dine, so I don't know. I'm into the themes, I like the university vibes, I am a professor, so I'm like this fits, but I don't know. So if people have thoughts, I'm happy to hear them, but I need to decide soon.

Speaker 6:

I think you should do it as a celebration. As a celebration, yeah, Well, listen, alyssa, thanks for sharing that story. I think it's going to help some people who maybe were on the fence, maybe convince them that if I do the training, I can do it, or maybe convince them, ah, maybe I need to get a little more under my belt and they'll be able to decide, and I think it was very helpful. I think it was very helpful. I think you had some really insightful comments there and we appreciate them. Thank you.

Speaker 10:

Yeah, if people can, I share my social. If people have questions, yeah, of course, please do so on Instagram. I am at Alyssa A-L-Y-S-S-A goes the distance, so it's a private account, but feel free to DM me or anything. So it's a private account, but feel free to dm me or anything if you want to know more. You want to know more about the training plan that I used, since it's a little different than what, like when disney advertises, I'm happy to answer questions good stuff, good stuff, alissa, thank you very much thank you, thanks for having me so there you go, friends.

Speaker 6:

You heard it from us, but sometimes I think it helps to hear from a little different point of view, and while Alyssa said many of the same things that we said, I think maybe she said them in just a little different way. She has a little, a little different history with the race, a little different background, and I appreciate her dropping by to tell us her story. One more thing we were talking about was, well, alicia, we were talking about cross-training, weren't we?

Speaker 9:

We were Last week. Bob, you mentioned about cross-training and I thought it would be fun to have the gang share our favorite cross-training and our favorite strength training activities so that our listeners can know that it doesn't have to be expensive to do these things and some fun ways to get out there and get the cross training and strength training in.

Speaker 6:

Well, my favorite cross training is 12 ounce curls, but those don't count. Okay, good, I was afraid I'm looking for a reaction here and not getting any. All right, I'm going to kick in one, and if you've listened before, you know that aqua jogging has helped me out quite a bit. It's not an expensive proposition. You will need to get a belt that will allow you to keep your head out of the water as you pop in there and do the running motion in the water and I don't want to talk about, I don't want to try to explain all of it tonight, except to say that it is an excellent supplement.

Speaker 6:

I plan to, after springtime surprise, I plan to do a lot of my supplement, or even substitute a good deal of my running training by aqua jogging. It's lower impact. It will help your endurance. There was a period of six weeks I forget it wasn't that long ago where I couldn't run because I'd broken my toe. I did aqua jogging instead and I did it four or five days a week and then ran a 10 miler two weeks later. So my cross training I'm going to toss out there to start is aqua jogging.

Speaker 7:

I'll even tie into that, bob, and just say swimming period. As it's getting warmer, I know my community pool is going to be opening up in about uh, probably a little over a month, and um that that is always cause. Swimming just in in general is great for overall health. It helps with your breathing, it helps with your endurance.

Speaker 6:

It's excellent.

Speaker 7:

Total body workout.

Speaker 6:

Excellent whole body exercise yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, and if you don't have a pool, another alternative that I like to do that is not very costly at all you can actually download the Peloton app, just the app. You don't have to have the bike. I think it's like $12 a month or that's what it was when I had it last and you can still do all of their strength training workouts and it's like having a coach, but you're not paying for a personal trainer and you can listen to all the classes and you can do all the workouts and it's just, you know, disconnected from the bike, and I find that really helpful.

Speaker 2:

That's a fantastic point. The Peloton was something that I was going to bring up in relation to. You know, one way that I like to cross train is, you know, doing the cycling classes, you know, since I do have the bike. But the one part that I was going to mention as like a really super beneficial cross training exercise and I know it's not sexy sounding by any means whatsoever, but just straight up, walking, I mean there is, there is so much benefit to not only you're running, but you know it. You know, for those of us that are interval runners, that is just going to be spades, I mean, heck.

Speaker 2:

There is a reason why the Galloway program, when it comes to all these challenges, you know, especially if you're doing the Ohana challenge for springtime, surprise, you have a, you know you have a. You know five to six mile walk this week and that you know that's part of your weekend and that is going to be instrumental. So you know, even though you might not be going, run paces, not only is it going to help your cardiovascular achievements but it's also really going to help your running too.

Speaker 9:

To play off that. Greg, my favorite cross-training activity is to go for a walk and, at the same time, pick up trash. So now is a great time. You can go to the dollar store and get some gardening gloves. Just grab a plastic bag and pick up the environment that you're walking in, make the world a better place and get extra cross-training as well as the walking.

Speaker 6:

And if your trash is really heavy, it's good for upper body development.

Speaker 9:

Yes, I had a very heavy bag after the snow melted the other day.

Speaker 6:

Oh, I imagine yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, just add some bicep curls in there as you're holding that bag. Yeah, yep, another thing you're holding that bag.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Yep. Another thing you can use bicycling. The bike's another great cross training. It's getting your legs going and most people still might have a bike, but they dig it out of their garage. But there's a bike.

Speaker 2:

I want to go back to something that Bob said before. The 12-ounce curls Now is that of the soda variety or is that of the alcoholic variety?

Speaker 6:

That particular term, when it's used, has to apply to beer.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know if we were like a Fanta 12 curl or Coke Zero or a Coke zero or whatever. So I was. I was intrigued.

Speaker 6:

Of course you can. You can do the potato sack training thing too. You know where. You take a five pound potato sack and hold it at arm's length, and when you can hold it out there for 30 seconds, you move to a 10 pound sack, move all the way up to a 50 pound sack. When you can hold that 50 pound sack out there for 30 seconds, you start over again. Again you put potatoes in the sack this time I?

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say bob I I. I used to work in produce in high school and I was like I couldn't hold a 50 pound sack up for a second yeah, well, not with potatoes.

Speaker 6:

That was good.

Speaker 9:

That was a good one I just wanted to share one more um quick, free thing that you can do for strength training is to go on YouTube. I really like MadFit is the woman's handle on YouTube and she has really good free workouts as well. As you can check out our YouTube page while you're on there. You can check out our YouTube page while you're on there. So I hope that this helped our listeners get some ideas of things to do for cross training, cross training and strength training.

Speaker 3:

And drinking.

Speaker 6:

On that. Let's move forward, friends. It's time to go back to the Rise and Run. March Madness. We are at the Sweet 16. Alright, let us begin in the Magic Kingdom Division with a battle between the top-seeded Tron Light Cycle and the fifth-seeded Big Thunder Mountain John. We're fifth seed Big Thunder Mountain, john. We're going to let you start off Tron. Tron for John had to be.

Speaker 2:

It rhymes Greg Best hold on to those hats and glasses. I'm going Big Thunder. I mean, it's way too immersive. I love it. I know Tron is the new and shiny thing, but best remove them one to one, alicia oh, this one's kind of hard for me.

Speaker 7:

Um, I think I'm gonna go with tron on this one tron for alicia lexi okay, so I actually have not ridden Tron yet, so by default I'm going to have to go with Big Thunder alright, so by my count we are at 2-2.

Speaker 6:

We go to the Patreons. By a vote of 71-29%, the Patreons select big thunder mountain. Oh man, is that, is that our first? Is that our?

Speaker 2:

first, number one seed to go down.

Speaker 6:

That's the first, number one. It sure is all right. Let's go to the animal kingdom division, where we're still with the one seed here, avatar Flights of Passage a one seed, and Kilimanjaro Safaris, the fourth seed. We start with Greg.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, these are some heavyweight tilts here.

Speaker 11:

As they should be at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, animal Kingdom is my favorite Us based park, and so I love the spirit of the park, and I think if there is one attraction that is the spirit of animal kingdom, it is kilimanjaro safaris. So I'm I'm voting to go take down another number one seed here.

Speaker 6:

Kilimanjaro from Greg Alicia.

Speaker 9:

This one's really hard because I love Avatar, but Okapis are my favorite animal, so I'm going to have to go with the Safari.

Speaker 2:

Alicia, I got a real funny story before we continue this. So my daughter just started softball a couple of weeks ago. Coach gathers all the girls together and they all have to go around and say their name, their favorite color and their favorite animal. And because this kid has been to disney world so many times in her six years of life, she looks the coach dead in the eye and says my favorite animal is an okapi, and literally the coach and the assistant coach turn to turn her and we're like what is no copy.

Speaker 2:

I have never heard of that before in my life, the best animal ever she actually has a stuffed oh copy in her bed right now, which is is it from animal kingdom? It's from animal kingdom?

Speaker 9:

Yes, and its name is Jamba. Oh, I love that. That's great.

Speaker 6:

All right, lexi, I'll refresh your memory. It's Avatar against Kilimanjaro Safaris.

Speaker 7:

Oh, it's such a hard choice. I think I'm going to have to go with the classic and go with the safari.

Speaker 3:

And John, it's not going to be a shout out, I'm going with Avatar.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 6:

A favorite of mine too. But Avatar goes down three to one here. And, just so you know, the Patreons had Kilimanjaro Safari 75 to 25. So Kilimanjaro Safari moves forward. Let's take a look. Next game let's go to the Epcot Division and go with the sixth seed, now Living with the Land, against the 10th seed. Journey of Water inspired by Moana. We start with Alicia.

Speaker 9:

Living with the Land.

Speaker 6:

All right Lexi.

Speaker 7:

I think I'm going to have to go with Living with the Land.

Speaker 6:

Okie dokie John Living with the Land. Okie dokie John Living with the Land, and Greg.

Speaker 2:

Give me some jazz flute at the end, baby, let's go Live with the Land.

Speaker 6:

Alright, Living with the Land. Let's take a look just to wrap it up. I mean, is it bad?

Speaker 7:

that my decision was kind of influenced by the fact that it's air-conditioned. I don't think so. I don't think so.

Speaker 6:

I don't think so. We had a long discussion about that with the Hall of Presidents and Carousel of Progress.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, you know it factors into it.

Speaker 6:

Great places to take a nap. Yeah, okay, kids, let's go to Hollywood Studios the Hollywood Studios Division, the number seven seed Toy Story Mania. Kids, let's go to high school hollywood studios the hollywood studios division, the number seven seed toy story mania and the only one now playing out of division, the number 14 seed, the cinderella story yeah, walt disney world railroad. Lexi toy story mania. Walt disney world railroad, you kick us off this round.

Speaker 7:

I say Toy Story Mania.

Speaker 6:

Alrighty John.

Speaker 3:

I'm going with Toy Story Mania.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

Don't waste your time on the practice round. Toy Story Mania.

Speaker 6:

Toy Story Mania and Alicia round it out.

Speaker 9:

Yeah, I gotta go with Toy Story Mania as did the Patreons.

Speaker 6:

This one's unanimous. The 7 seed Toy Story Mania. Way to go Railroad though a 14 seed, making it all the way to the Sweet 16 that's pretty impressive, so way to go Railroad alright, let's finish up the Hollywood Studios division and we're back to starting with John John, the number 1 seed. All right, let's finish up the Hollywood Studios division and we're back to starting with John John, the number one seed. Star Wars Rise of the Resistance Never mind.

Speaker 3:

Let's move on. What we have here.

Speaker 6:

Star Wars Rise of the Resistance versus the number four seed Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway. John, you have the floor. It's Star Wars. Okay, I was a little surprised, greg.

Speaker 2:

I will also go with Rise of the Resistance.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 9:

I have to go with Minnie and Mickey, because I haven't been on the other one and I don't know what it is yet.

Speaker 6:

That's fine, you should go, you would enjoy it.

Speaker 9:

I'm being influenced. I have to go now.

Speaker 2:

It is a marvel of Walt Disney Imagineering. I am so floored that you have not been on this attraction.

Speaker 6:

It's worth it, Even if you're not a Star Wars fan. It's worth going, Lexi. We already have three votes, but go ahead and round us out.

Speaker 7:

I'm going to say Rise of the Resistance, but also, I have not ridden Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Runaway. It's one of those things that I didn't ride it.

Speaker 6:

and then I didn't ride it, and then I was like well, now.

Speaker 7:

I'm on the great movie ride boycott train.

Speaker 6:

Okay, okay, all right.

Speaker 7:

Great movie ride forever.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 6:

Okay, and uh, wrapping up the uh. The Patreons go rise of the resistance, also 6733. The patreons go rise of the resistance also 67, 33. So our first final four is set in the hollywood's first round of four is set in the hollywood studio division. It's going to be toy story mania against rise of the resistance. Let's go to animal kingdom for the next contest. The number two seed, expedition Everest, against the number three seed Dinosaur Greg. You're up.

Speaker 2:

Get me a crystal ball. We're going dancing with the Disco Yeti.

Speaker 6:

All righty One for Everest, Alicia. This is kind of like when I asked John.

Speaker 9:

This is kind of like John. Yeah, I'm going with the dinosaurs.

Speaker 6:

Okay, Lexi.

Speaker 7:

No contest, x-fiction Everest, good girl.

Speaker 2:

Good girl.

Speaker 10:


Speaker 3:

John, I'm dropping a three and from deep we're tying it up with Dinosaur Tied it up with. Dinosaur.

Speaker 2:

Way downtown.

Speaker 6:

Two-two here. The Patreons, by a 92 to 8 percentage, put Expedition Everest into the next round.

Speaker 9:

I quit you guys.

Speaker 6:

So Animal Kingdom Division will feature Expeditionest versus kilimanjaro safari. But I'm really looking.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking forward to the live stream of of alicia, john and jack shackling themselves to the entrance of dinosaur before they bulldoze.

Speaker 9:

Well, actually they're not gonna bulldoze it because they're gonna use to bulldoze it, because they're going to use they're going to use the same ride system. But right, right oh man, I go on it like I will literally like leave and go back on it again and again and again. I love that ride so much countdown.

Speaker 6:

I hate to see it. Yeah, I hate to see it going away for somebody who likes it so much. Uh, my favorite, my favorite attraction is gone from the contest. I'm'm a big Avatar Fights of Passage guy. I can say that now because I don't want to influence anybody. I was a little surprised there.

Speaker 3:

They really got to rename it back to Countdown to Extinction for that final two weeks For the final.

Speaker 6:

yeah, alright, friends. Two more games here, two more contests. The Magic Kingdom Division here's a good one one, greg. We're starting with you. The number two seed haunted mansion and the number six seed pirates of the caribbean this is an easy one.

Speaker 2:

I'll go, master gracie all day, give me haunted mansion all righty, alicia these are my two favorite rides in magic kingdom.

Speaker 9:

like the only reason I go to Magic Kingdom, I guess Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 6:

Haunted Mansion Lexi.

Speaker 7:

Oh, I'm going to have to go with Pirates of the Caribbean.

Speaker 6:

Aye matey, pirates for Lexi and John. I'm going to the Haunts, so we're three to one. Three to one in the game. It's okay, the Patreons are with you. 56-44 Haunted Mansion. Haunted Mansion moves to the fourth round to compete against Big Thunder Mountain. Let's finish up this round in the Epcot division. We'll start with Alicia. The number one seed Guardians of the Galaxy, cosmic Rewind and the number four seed Sorin Around the World.

Speaker 9:

Guardians of the Galaxy.

Speaker 6:

Guardians from Alicia Lexi.

Speaker 7:

I think I'm going to have to go with Soren.

Speaker 6:

One to one. John, I am Groot Guardians for John and Greg. I am also Groot.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we're three to one, we are Groot.

Speaker 6:

The Patreons agree. Guardians of the Galaxy 92 to 8 from the Patreons. Guardians of the Galaxy go to the finals in the Epcot division, where they will compete against Living with the Land. Let's pause it there and let's take a little bit of time. Let's go back. We were in Atlanta just oh gosh, I think it's three weeks ago now. Jack, Lexi and I had a chance to record a live podcast with our friend, Jeff Galloway on. That weekend Turned out to be a great weekend. We were not sure how it was going to come across, but it really went very well. So let's listen to that right now.

Speaker 7:

Hi friends, this is Ryan from the Jeff Galloway Weekend at.

Speaker 8:

Atlanta, Georgia for the live Rise and Run podcast.

Speaker 6:

Thank you, ryan. Thank you, thank you for leaving us that message on our hotline. It sounded like it was almost live because it was Thank you so much. Welcome, my friends. Welcome to Episode 129 and a half of the Rise and Run podcast. Delighted to have you here, always happy to have you listening, really appreciate that we're at the end of I don't want to call it a long day because it's been so much fun, but that you are hanging in here on these hard seats and with us. We appreciate with you, we appreciate you. I'm Bob. I'm here with Lexi, hello, and with Jack, hi, and we are so fortunate to have a special guest with us. It's Jeff Galloway's race weekend in Atlanta, our friend, our mentor. It's Jeff Galloway's race weekend in Atlanta, our friend, our mentor our coach, jeff Galloway, is with us.

Speaker 8:

Jeff, thank you.

Speaker 6:

Great to be here. What a great audience and what a great crew you have here with Rise and Run, isn't it? We were talking yesterday, jeff, that we've become such good friends that I'm guilty sometimes of overlooking the fact that I am sitting next to a world-class athlete.

Speaker 8:

A former anyway.

Speaker 6:

Well, former, okay, no, you still are. Former, but once an Olympian, always an Olympian. We know that it's true. First-time winner of the Peachtree Road Race Classic I think we overlook that sometimes American record holder in the 10 mile at one point. Just an awesome, amazing career, and it is an honor to know you and to have you with us. Hey, my friend, guess what? We finally got the weather we were looking for.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 6:

I was all in on this. I made a personal guarantee that this weekend it'd be good looking a little sketchy for a while you delivered bob yeah, we're afraid we're gonna get rained out, but by golly it's good. How's the weekend going for you? So far you've been how you holding up. You've been busy. You've been going all day.

Speaker 8:

I love this. I absolutely love it. You know, hearing people's reactions to the effect of running and then answering questions, solving problems. This is my life. I love it, I embrace it. I want to do this until I'm 100. Yes, sir, we have a deal, you got it. We're in this until we're 100.

Speaker 6:

Yes, sir, we have a deal, you got it. We're in this until we're 100. And your words to live by, you can't fake that. I know it is genuine and it is really appreciated.

Speaker 11:

What is your favorite part of this weekend, besides talking to us, of course, you know.

Speaker 8:

It truly is the interaction with you and you, and you, and you, and you and you and all of you it. This is a wonderful community. It's a community of people that respect one another, that support one another, and you feel it the whole weekend long yeah, you do.

Speaker 6:

Oh, it's so, it's so true. I feel it. Every time we get together it's wonderful. I've been to well, I haven't been to all these. I have all the medals. We had that opportunity to do virtuals, but I've been to them and they get better every year and I'm kind of excited to see where this one goes in the future.

Speaker 8:

So I'm sure we'll take some notes after we're done and we'll be back at it next year.

Speaker 6:

But again, thankfully we're finally here on a beautiful spring day in Atlanta.

Speaker 7:

So I appreciate that and the weather's perfect yeah, really is.

Speaker 6:

Now, jeff, you just finished talking with the 3-2-1-Go folks and talked about the Olympics. So, friends, you want to hear about the Olympics. 3-2-1-go or the you Can Do it podcast, has some great Olympic stories. You don't want to miss those. But I'm going to start with a question that, and you know, we involve our friends in our podcast quite a bit and when I get a friend on, one of the first questions I ask them is how did you get started in running? Jeff Galloway, olympic athlete, how did you get started in running?

Speaker 8:

Well, it wasn't very far from where we are sitting right now. Jeff Galloway, olympic athlete, how did you get started in running? Well, it wasn't very far from where we are sitting right now, a few miles away, and the year was 1958.

Speaker 6:

It was a good year. I was around. You were okay.

Speaker 8:

I wasn't very old, but I was around Most people in this room were not around then, but I was, and it was my first year at a new school. I was 13 years old in the eighth grade and I was an overweight, lazy kid who had never gotten involved in athletics Because I had gone to 13 schools, my first seven years.

Speaker 12:


Speaker 8:

I loved to eat and did and it was my comfort area and the school that I was entering had required athletics for boys after school and I mean strenuous athletics had required athletics for boys after school and I mean strenuous athletics and so I had to get out there and I just knew it was going to hurt. I tried football the first season and it was a total disaster, both for me and the coaches. But then I fell in with a group of kids who were runners because they were funny Okay.

Speaker 8:

And they dragged me out during the winter and I hated that first workout.

Speaker 6:

I'll bet.

Speaker 8:

And I got back. I was totally exhausted after about maybe three-quarters of a mile of running and I was walking back with my head down and then, as I got closer to where our start and finish area was, the other runners started coming in and I just knew they were gonna make fun of me, like it happened in other sports that I had tried, but it was just the opposite they patted me on the back way. Way to go, new guy. You really stuck with it. You're going to be okay. All types of positive things. That's impressive. Oh, it was amazing, and I have found that with every single running group that I have been a part of since.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, the support yeah. The wonderful feelings that people have for one another we know it, we feel it, I I give credit to you it comes from the top in this organization. Uh. Not normal for kids, though, so that's impressive, and it's also kind of tough to picture jeff galloway as an overweight kid.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, I can't, I can't imagine I was really destroyed physically by that workout. But by the time I had gotten to the locker room I was already thinking you know, I feel really good up here. What is this whole thing? What is it and that set me on this whole motion to do what I'm doing now? To find out what was going on and why I felt so much better? And then how can I help others do it?

Speaker 6:

Oh golly, that sets you on a lifelong yeah, and you're doing a heck of a job at it.

Speaker 8:

So from that point of running with these guys for the first time. How long did it take before you decided to do it like as your sport and start doing it professionally? Well, as my sport happened right away because I had to opt in at the school and that's what I did, season to season, because they allowed to, for distance runners to work out all year and that was my sport and it was my social life and, oh my gosh, I was at the bottom of the class academically.

Speaker 8:

You can imagine, having gone to 13 different schools in seven years. There had to be some gaps. I had major gaps in things that this highly competitive prep school had and I was at the bottom of the class, struggling and believing that these kids were just much smarter than I was and I was inferior intellectually, just much smarter than I was, and I was inferior intellectually.

Speaker 8:

But, as runners do, we would have discussions during runs and then there would be arguments over certain issues and I realized in the logical presentation of facts and so forth that I certainly wasn't any dumber than these other kids and most of them were on the honor roll and it totally reset my expectations of myself academically and I ended up on the honor roll too.

Speaker 7:

Nice, when did? Oh sorry, go for it. You got a moment.

Speaker 6:

This is where we say hey, Greg, cut that out.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, y'all don't hear this part. When did the Run Walk Run come in from that point?

Speaker 8:

The year after I made the Olympic team, I made the commitment to become a coach and to help others, and so that became my new vision as my profession, and my first venture was to have a store. Well, it was premature in terms of profits because there weren't very many people running, and to have a running store when the population was so low wasn't a smart idea. So I looked for other ways of keeping the store open and bringing in some income, and it came to me that a guy who organized courses that were open to the public at Florida State University where I opened my store in Tallahassee. He invited me to teach a class in beginning running, and 22 people signed up first year for the class and I suddenly realized I didn't know how to teach beginners, novices who had never run before, and I realized if I wanted to keep them in the game, there needed to be some walking in there.

Speaker 8:

And so I started seat of the pants and the way that I identified going too fast and the need for a walk break was listening to the huffing and puffing. As soon as somebody in the group would huff and puff, we took a walk break. There were three different pace groups. The first class that I had and all of them finished a 5 or a 10K 10 weeks later. But what really surprised me, there were no injuries. And I realized right then and there that it had to be the walk breaks that kept the injuries away, and that's been the way it has been since that was 1974 can.

Speaker 6:

Can I piggyback a little bit on that jeff got? One of the topics this weekend was how to stay injury free and besides run, walk, run, do you have any other advice on how to stay injury free? I'm taking notes, by the way.

Speaker 8:

I have a hard time doing this well, run, walk, run is the number one way, because it's very well known in all sports that if you use your muscles the same way, those muscles are going to fatigue more rapidly. If the bones have to deal with the same pounding, they're going to break, or the other soft tissue things are going to break down sooner and more often. And if you take breaks and this is the whole concept of interval training if you take breaks before the areas are stressed out, they rebound stronger than before.

Speaker 8:

Okay, and that's what has happened right from the very beginning of my awareness, because not only did I want to teach people, but I wanted to learn what was going on, and the physiology is something that I gravitated towards right away?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, do you advocate any kind of strength training for runners to prevent?

Speaker 8:

injuries, to prevent injuries. Postural muscle strength training is definitely a major goal for most people, especially those that have had back problems or things like that, and the good news is, with all the new research on physical training and physical therapy, there are all types of protocols that work and they work really well. So, with that in mind, postural muscle strengthening is definitely beneficial for us, not only for running but for life.

Speaker 8:

Now the research on leg training for distance running does not show that it does any good, and there are some harmful things that have been shown.

Speaker 6:

Hill training for leg strength training.

Speaker 8:

That's the best form of strength training that you can do.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, but we don't like it.

Speaker 8:

It's not fun. You're right, but what you have to do is fool yourself by starting every hill by saying I love hills.

Speaker 6:

Ah, kind of like I learned earlier today, and our friends who are just listening to this podcast aren't going to get this. I love running in the rain.

Speaker 8:

That's absolutely right. Yes, that's how I won a race one time.

Speaker 6:

Yes, it is by psyching out my opposition. Yeah, a great story from earlier in the day.

Speaker 11:

I mean, if you didn't have breakfast, you could say I eat hills for breakfast. There, you go, that's it.

Speaker 7:

Good, I like it, Thank you. So going back a little bit to you said postural muscle training To anyone here or to anyone listening.

Speaker 8:

Can you go into a little more detail about what that means?

Speaker 8:

Yeah, the muscle groups that support you in posture are the shoulders and the neck, but mainly the muscles up and down your spine and your abs, and the abs and the muscles up and down your spine and your abs and the abs and the muscles up and down the spine can balance one another.

Speaker 8:

So you're looking for exercises that balance. You can come up with dozens of exercises, but I've found one that does all of the above and I call it arm running. It's a real simple exercise. You either have handheld weights in slow motion and you bring up the weight about 10 inches away from the body, up to eye level or so hold for six seconds and then go back down and then transfer the weight to the other arm and do the same slow motion thing there. The other option is to hold the weight out in front of you about 10 inches with both hands and slowly bring it up and do the same thing when you get to eye level for 6 to 10 seconds and then very slowly bring it back down, and you can get into some oxygen debt by the slow motion fact, but that really does the job in strengthening those muscle groups, the many, many muscle groups.

Speaker 11:

Kind of going back to what we were talking about earlier and how you started out. At what point did it become serious being like, oh my God, this could be like the thing for me, like, how did I get into something from running for high school? It was this thing that you could do all year to okay, I think I could qualify for the Olympics. Like, oh my god, where did that like, how did that happen?

Speaker 8:

To bridge the gap between my high school years and my Olympics and, of course, the whole span before I made the Olympic team was 14 years. It took me 14 years of hard running before I made the Olympic team, so it wasn't really a quick thing and I did not show any promise in high school.

Speaker 6:

Let me tell you Really yeah.

Speaker 8:

It took me five years of hard training before I even qualified for the state championships in Georgia, which was not a high-level state at all.

Speaker 11:

Wait. So you're telling me there's still time.

Speaker 8:

Yes, there is Okay and there's hope for those kids who do not show talent if they don't give up and they work. And I'm not saying they're going to make the Olympic team. I'm saying that you can progress, you can do things that you never imagined you could do, you don't give up and you keep training. But it's it to bridge that gap. I went through college and I improved every year, but I never showed any promise of making any national level and we had a thing called the draft at the time when I graduated from college, so my draft number was low.

Speaker 8:

I was going to go to Vietnam, so I volunteered for a Navy program to go to Vietnam and I did. I was in for three years and I wasn't able to run for half of that time at all. So I had to make a comeback and really there wasn't any promise of making a career off running. When I got out of the Navy I had decided whether I wanted to continue at least doing a lot of running and decided I did, even though there was no hope for making a living out of it. I wanted to see what I could do and I didn't have any tremendous obligations. I went to graduate school at Florida State and had two years to train for possibly making the Olympic trials.

Speaker 8:

And I had a long way to go to be able to do that, but I didn't give up on that dream.

Speaker 11:

Follow-up. So at the point you're like I think I can qualify during that race, the trials. Let's be real. Did you know you were going to go?

Speaker 3:

No a good story no oh, tell it.

Speaker 8:

Oh no, this was, uh, the 10k. And um, as of two and a half weeks before the 10k trials, I hadn't even qualified to get into the trials I had for the marathon. So a week later I was going to run in the marathon and I knew that. And so I was out in Eugene, where the Olympic trials were taking place, to run the marathon. But I had an opportunity two and a half weeks before the trials to run in the national championship 10k. I had just trained at altitude for two months. I had not run any races in two months so I didn't know what shape I was in. So I drove my 1963 Volvo out to Seattle Washington and in Husky Stadium I towed, the line, took off. I needed a minute and a half PR in the 10K and I ran a two-minute PR and qualified for the trials.

Speaker 6:

Insert the PR bell here, please.

Speaker 8:

And so I got into the trials but I was ranked 12th in that race. I mean, you know, I was ranked 12th in that race. I mean, you know, with three going to the Olympics, I felt that I didn't have any opportunity to. But it was a hot day and most of the runners there had not trained in the hot weather that I had trained in Florida and I was ready for that race, but I knew what hot weather does to you when it's in the 90s, which it almost was.

Speaker 8:

It was about 88 degrees at the start and so I just peeled back my pace as to what I thought was sustainable and was in last place for the first mile, last place. And then I decided I wasn't going to give up. But I saw somebody ahead of me. I stalked them and passed them. Then there was another one that was coming back to me, and then another one, and then another one, and I realized in four and a half miles in the race that I was in third place and I had played the game of passing people and didn't even worry about the placing. But if I didn't blow it I would make the team.

Speaker 6:

I passed my friend jack bachelor and and finished second yeah you kept tossing that big old rubber band around him absolutely yeah, roll them in yeah, no, that's a great story. I'm familiar with that was it?

Speaker 11:

it as much fun as it. In that moment Were you like is this a game for you? Or were you in like total zero? On looking at that finish line mode I'm going to get there.

Speaker 8:

It was a very hot day and I was quite exhausted. Tell you the truth, I had run my last training run for the Olympics, for the trials which were a week later, and that was only about five days before that, and I had wanted to run a 29 or 30 miler and it ended up, by mistake, running 33 miles on the beach in Oregon.

Speaker 8:

Oh, yes, I remember this and I was tired, I was really tuckered out, but I was really reaching a peak that I had never experienced before. And then the screaming of those people in the stands in Eugene Oregon, of those people in the stands in Eugene Oregon and passing runners. It was truly a high that, competitively, I really have had very few experiences in my whole life Out of 1,000 races. That was really up there that race was made for you. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

All right, now, I said we weren't going to talk about these, but it's been so much fun. All right, now, I said we weren't going to talk about these, but it's been so much fun. I know that the next thing up is the marathon trials, which you that was your sport of choice, or that was where you thought you had your best chance to make the Olympics, but you had a different strategy now that you're on the team.

Speaker 8:

You have a different strategy now for the marathon. Will you tell us about that? Yeah, my competitive mentor at the time was Jack Batchelor, who had made the 68 Olympic team and had been one of the top two runners in distance running for the previous four years and he was really a friend and an advisor, everything Well, jack.

Speaker 8:

I had passed Jack at about four and a half close to five miles in the race, the 10K race, and he stayed in third place and my friend Frank Shorter on our Florida track club also had finished first.

Speaker 8:

So we were about to get a sweep of all three places on the Olympic team, us from Florida and so. But Jack had gone out too fast in that race and he was feeling it. And during that last lap lap, another runner was catching him and it was a guy who was a native of Eugene, oregon, and his father was the mayor of Eugene. And guess who the crowd was egging on and cheering for and and uh, this fella, john anderson, who has become a good friend of mine, uh was catching him. And uh, he passed jack with about 30 yards from the finish line and and took his place away. But the the tragedy was that jack was exhausted and he was weaving and as John Anderson came by, one of his weaves bounced off John, which didn't influence the outcome of the race, but there was an official there that disqualified Jack from the race. I've never seen it in 10K before or since, but it happened on that day.

Speaker 8:

The consequences were that if I had run the marathon in a week and had qualified there, I would have dropped out of the 10k so that Jack could come up. That was no longer possible.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 8:

And so Jack and I ran each day and we strategized and concocted our conspiracy as to how we might be able to get him qualified.

Speaker 6:

Because that marathon was not Jack's strong point, was it?

Speaker 8:

No, it wasn't, and he had only run a long run of 15 miles and and he didn't think he was going to have to. I mean, he had been ranked 1-2 the whole four years in the 10K and his other problem was that he tended to go out too fast in most races and in a marathon, especially when you've only run 15 miles, that would be total disaster.

Speaker 8:

Well, I was a pacing metronome and so I volunteered to pace him and literally hold him back. So we took off together and at the mile point we were in about 100th place, and by the time we hit mile five we had moved up to 61st place and we just passed one runner after another, another rubber band yeah, another rubber band.

Speaker 8:

And at 21 miles we moved into a tie for third place and Jack was exhausted, but I coached him, I became his cheerleader and the lookout to tell him that nobody was coming up on us. We entered that stadium together, two runners with only one place left in the race, and it was the most powerful moment in running I've ever had, because I was the only one there in that stadium that knew how that race was going to finish. So we ran together all the way around and right at the finish I dropped back so he could be the official qualifier.

Speaker 8:

I have goosebumps it was really the most gratifying thing that I've ever done in running. That's beautiful and, interestingly enough, bill Bowerman is the one that constructed the schedule, which mimicked the Munich schedule. He said if people were going to double or triple in events, they need to show that they can do that. So that's how he constructed the schedule. He was widely criticized for that. So that's how he constructed the schedule. He was widely criticized for that, and media people and coaches and athletes there were hundreds of them that said you're not going to have the best team if you do that. Well, that year we had the best finish that any country has ever had Three in the top 10. First fourth and Jack was ninth. So Bill was right.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah yeah, he's a heck of a coach. Huh, he sure was, yeah.

Speaker 11:

So I just have a quick question on that. So during the marathon trials, do you think there was a point where you guys talked to each other and being like I think we could potentially play second and third? Do you think that would have been a possibility?

Speaker 8:

you know, um, I did not know that because I really didn't know who was ahead you know I I.

Speaker 8:

We were just passing people. We were seeing them and catching up with them and then passing them, and it was really spread out at the halfway point. We still had a long way to go and it wasn't really until about the maybe 18 mile mark that things had spread out and by that time we had reached about sixth place and just looking ahead I could see two of the runners that weren't looking so good. I felt pretty good about passing them, and then we got another guy too.

Speaker 6:

We're talking world-class level, and yet there are lessons learned here for everybody, and the biggest one I take out of this is make a plan, stick with your plan and maybe have a backup plan in case that first plan doesn't work you should really start a podcast. I have learned from some of the best. I have learned from you and our friend Chris, chris Twiggs, and I couldn't tell you how grateful I am.

Speaker 11:

So you have accomplished so much in life. It's so amazing, it's like a fairy tale. Is there a secret that you have that you could share to us about how? I don't know, a life secret that you've kind of kept with you your whole life, your mantra?

Speaker 8:

I have thought a lot about the people in my life that have influenced me to help others, and there are several people that are up there.

Speaker 8:

One is my father, who really was a visionary in education and really he was a hero of mine in growing up and another one was Martin Luther King. It was really a happenstance thing my senior year in college I was on the assembly committee that brought in speakers to come on campus at Wesleyan University and we wanted to bring in Dr King and I had never met Dr King even though both of us were from Atlanta. But we didn't think that we were going to be able to do it. Well, it happened that one of Dr King's advisors top advisors was a professor at Wesleyan who helped us out, dr John McGuire, and so we were able to get Dr John McGuire. And so we were able to get Dr King, and the day that he came I was able to hang out with him.

Speaker 8:

And you know, I was just a college kid and he was awesome and I really was very intimidated by asking him questions. But we had this sort of awkward time before he came on and spoke. It was about 30 minutes that we had to wait in the assembly and it suddenly came to me that I would ask him a question that had been bothering me for a long time how do you help people? So I just put the question to him. I said what would you advise a college student like me who is looking to make a difference in people and helping people. And he said, he thought, and then he said I would suggest that you find an area where you can help people improve their lives. And that has stuck with me my whole life.

Speaker 11:

Well, you've done it beautifully.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 6:

A little off the cuff. We're a little short, but are there any questions? Would anyone like to ask a question of Jeff from the audience? I know we've been here all day doing this and the question was in a previous session. You talked about the prelims of the Olympics 10K, where you did not qualify for the finals. You said as soon as you crossed that line, you started planning for the 76 Olympics. What happened?

Speaker 8:

Well, things were actually going very well During the last year before the Olympics, in other words from 75 until 76, my training was going super and I was not injured and I was running some really good times. So I decided to go back to altitude training, which I'd done in 72. This time I went to Flagstaff, arizona, which was about 7,600 feet and the trials were earlier, and so I picked Flagstaff because it was farther south and I felt the weather might be a little better. Anyway, unfortunately, and the training was going really, really well.

Speaker 8:

But I got a case eight weeks before and I went to the clinic and I got medications but nothing was working and I could not run. It was so bad in my lungs that I would go out to run and within 200 yards I would start coughing and I could not get myself together and it wiped me out. And so, anyway, I finally, with three weeks to go before the trials, was able to get some medication that allowed me to run and allowed it to gradually go away. So I had three weeks of training after not training for five weeks and I couldn't do a lot. But I gave it a go and I ended up finishing ninth. Didn't come close to making the team, but it was an absolutely great experience to give it a try, knowing that these are the types of things that do happen to athletes. You put yourself on the edge and things happen and you go on.

Speaker 6:

That's true, thank you, good question. Thank you very much. Wait over here, I recognize.

Speaker 11:

Hi, my name's Jack, so I have a question for you. Jeff, you have coined the term magic mile. What's your magic mile?

Speaker 8:

Well, right now it's not very magical at all. I go into oxygen debt really quickly, mainly because of my Agent Orange exposure and my heart attack situation, but the fastest mile that I ever ran in my whole life was 4.11. Sweet baby Jesus. Four minutes and 11 seconds.

Speaker 6:

World-class athlete Jack. We're not just messing around here, okay.

Speaker 11:

He said we still have time.

Speaker 6:

Did you not listen to the intro, Jack?

Speaker 11:

Where have you been, Jack?

Speaker 6:

But you know one of my favorites and I'll get friends who know my medical history and say you know, you've had your knee replaced, you had this surgery, you had that surgery and you're still running. How do you do it? I go, that's nothing. My mentor died and he's still running. That's true? Yeah, it is. You set quite an example. I've really enjoyed this, jeff. I mean, we have a chance to talk from time to time, but this is the longest I've had a chance to sit down with you and not talk nuts and bolts running, just listen to stories. Many of them I've heard before. I don't care, I love hearing them over and over again. It's fantastic. Thank you for being here with us.

Speaker 8:

I always enjoy this podcast. Well we appreciate it. You and your culture here are just wonderful people and you are doing such a great job for our running community thank you.

Speaker 6:

We love this family. We love this family and, as I say at the end of every podcast, friends, and if you run, you are our friends. See I?

Speaker 7:

love it.

Speaker 6:

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for sitting in these hard chairs at the end of the day. Thank you, jeff, for being here. Thank you for sitting in these hard chairs At the end of the day. Thank you, jeff, for these wonderful stories. A little bit of the weekend left. We got a half marathon or whatever you feel like doing.

Speaker 6:

Tomorrow. It's going to be another nice day, yes, and we look forward to that. All right, my friends, until we meet again, happy running, that was fun. I enjoyed that. I will tell you quite candidly, lexi, I don't know how you felt, I had no idea how that was going to go, but it worked out really well.

Speaker 6:

It really worked out well. I enjoyed having the audience there. The audience was with us. That was a lot of fun. I appreciated their interaction and I kind of look forward to doing it again. We may even give it a try at Springtime Surprise. I'll bring our recording equipment with me and maybe we'll do something at the meetup.

Speaker 7:

Bob, I'll tell you my absolute favorite part was at the very end, whenever we were closing out, and you said, and if you run? And then the whole audience chimed in you are our friend yeah almost almost started crying right there because it was just. It was surreal for real it was just loving it we appreciate.

Speaker 6:

We appreciate our friends too. We really do, and I I appreciate him. It was at the end of the day and they hung with us and it was just. It turned out terrific. I hope I am excited about next year's and I hope they build on what they did and we get to do even a little more next year than we did this year. So that was fun. Hope you enjoyed that. My friends, I know, as we just said, we enjoyed bringing it to you. All right, let's take this to a conclusion. Gang, now we no longer have Patreon voting, because there was no way to do this and have the Patreons vote in this round going in. So what will happen now is that if there's a tie, I'll be the tiebreaker, because I now become number five, since there are four of you here. But let's see how it goes and let us begin the finals of the Magic Kingdom Division. We have the number two seed, haunted Mansion, and the number five seed, big Thunder Mountain. Lexi, I'm going to start with you.

Speaker 7:

Uh, why I think I'm gonna go with Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 6:

Haunted Mansion. Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 3:

John, I'm going to go with Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 6:

Haunted Mansion from John Greg.

Speaker 2:

I am pulling a.

Speaker 6:

Michael Does Diz, I am grabbing Row 15, and I am riding the wildest ride in the wilderness Big Thunder Mountain. Alicia, what say you? I'm going with haunted mansion, haunted mansion. So we have our first attraction into the final four three more happy haunts that is, the haunted mansion. The number two seed goes through to the final four. Let's go to the Animal Kingdom division and, john, we will start with you. Expedition Everest and Kilimanjaro Safaris.

Speaker 3:

Like Greg said, the last round, let's get that disco ball out.

Speaker 6:

Okay, expedition Everest from John Greg.

Speaker 2:

Oh gosh, I'm going to be a purist here. I'm going to go with the Safari.

Speaker 6:

Greg with the Safari Alicia.

Speaker 3:

Copies are winning.

Speaker 6:

And Lexi.

Speaker 7:

I think I'm going to have to go with Everest.

Speaker 6:

Everest, that's two to two kids and for the first time we get to game 58, we got to hear the voice of reason. I don't know about that, you get to hear me. One of my favorite rides in Walt Disney world and I like Kilimanjaro safaris very much, but one of my favorite rides is Expedition Everest. So Expedition Everest moves into the final four.

Speaker 7:

Wow, that's a surprise to me, bob. I did not know that was one of your favorite rides. It is, I didn't either.

Speaker 6:

It really is. It's one of them. Yeah, okay, let's go to the finals of the epcot division. We have living with the land against guardians of the galaxy. Cosmic rewind talk about two completely different.

Speaker 2:

Well, greg, tell us about those two, because you're up, oh wow I mean, as much as I love watching fish and people stealing cucumbers, I'm gonna have to go with uh, I'm gonna have to go with cosmic rewind on this one all right cosmic.

Speaker 6:

Rewind from greg alicia All right Cosmic.

Speaker 9:

Rewind from Greg Alicia. I'm also going with Cosmic Rewind.

Speaker 6:

Alicia Cosmic Rewind Lexi.

Speaker 7:

Cosmic Rewind for me. Take me to the galaxy.

Speaker 6:

All right, that's the third vote. John, you want to make it unanimous, let's go unanimous. Okay, guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind goes into the final four, where it will compete with the Haunted Mansion and our last game in this round in the Hollywood Studios division Toy Story Mania versus Star Wars Rise of the Resistance. Alicia, you're up.

Speaker 9:

I'm going with Toy Story Mania.

Speaker 6:

Alrighty Lexi, you're next.

Speaker 7:

So much pressure, I think I'm going to go with Toy Story Mania.

Speaker 6:

Alright, john, never mind, greg.

Speaker 3:

That's not the ride you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

How brave I'm going with Rise of the Resistance.

Speaker 6:

Rise of the Resistance 2-2. Here Again, two excellent rides, but I am going to go with the one seed Star Wars Rise of the Resistance into the Final Four, where it will go against Expedition Everest. So let us continue, friends. We're going to continue. We're almost at a winner. We are at our final four. Our first matchup in the final four matches the Magic Kingdom winning attraction Haunted Mansion versus the Epcot winning attraction Guardians of the Galaxy, cosmic Rewind. Lexi, you go first.

Speaker 7:

I can't choose. I'm going to go with the Happy Haunts.

Speaker 6:

Lexi. Haunted Mansion. John. Haunted Mansion or Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm going to go with Haunted Mansion. Haunted Mansion, john. Haunted Mansion or Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm going to go with Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 2:

Haunted Mansion, greg. Yeah, I'm going to still play the purest card here. I'm going to go Haunted Mansion as well.

Speaker 6:

All right, alicia Haunted Mansion, unanimous Haunted Mansion into the finals. Animal Kingdom champion Expedition Everest versus Hollywood Studios champion Star Wars Rise of the Resistance. I should be starting with John here. I'm going to go ahead, john, I'm going to start with you and I'm not going to skip you.

Speaker 3:

And let you say it out loud Okay, star Wars Rise of the Resistance From John. I think that's Rise of the Resistance From John.

Speaker 6:

I think that's the only time he's said that. Keep blowing right by him, greg.

Speaker 2:

I will also go with Star Wars Rise of the Resistance TM.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 9:

I have to go with Everest.

Speaker 6:

All right, and Lexi, I think I'm going to go with Everest.

Speaker 7:

All right, and Lexi, I think I'm going to go with Everest.

Speaker 6:

Okay, wasn't expecting that. I already said Everest is one of my favorite rides, and it is, but Star Wars is a marvel and one of the, in my opinion, better things Disney's done in a little while, so I'm going to take Star Wars Rise of the Resistance into the finals.

Speaker 3:

The force was strong with you, Bob.

Speaker 7:

I just had to go with the classic.

Speaker 6:

There's nothing wrong with that. At this point, any decision is understandable. Star Wars is a classic.

Speaker 3:

Wait, wait. Okay, we don't want to talk about that right now.

Speaker 7:

All right, Moving on John. That's another discussion.

Speaker 6:

All right, friends. We have reached the Rise and Run March Madness Championship Round, where we're pitting the Haunted Mansion from Magic Kingdom against Star Wars Rise of the Resistance from Hollywood Studios.

Speaker 2:

So first person to cast a vote in this round, I'm going with Greg wow, one of I mean true, true bohemus in both of their spaces and lots of great history. Oh gosh, I think I'm going to go rise of the resistance, just because it's so many different ride systems in one attraction and that is so unique to a disney disney's parks attraction. So that don't get me wrong. I love Haunted Mansion, but I think you gotta give up the Rise here.

Speaker 6:

Okay, alicia.

Speaker 9:

So this one I actually can say Haunted Mansion, not because I haven't been on Rise of the Resistance but because I actually like and enjoy Haunted Mansion.

Speaker 6:

Sure sure again at this point. They're both good choices.

Speaker 2:

Alicia, if you have one goal during your springtime surprise trip, it's you have to get on this ride, and you're not allowed to leave Orlando until you have. Okay.

Speaker 6:

There's a reason it made it this far, Alicia. I will tell you that.

Speaker 9:

I believe you guys, I've been influenced, I will go.

Speaker 6:

Alright, Lexi.

Speaker 7:

It's such a hard choice, but I'm going to have to go with Rise of the Resistance, mainly for the reason that Greg said there's so many different experiences in one.

Speaker 6:

I agree with you, lexi, and I didn't realize when I set this up that you were really casting the deciding vote there, Because next we go to John and John's going to say for the second time tonight no Rise of Resistance.

Speaker 6:

There we have it, friends. That is our champion. In the first ever Rise and Run podcast March Madness competition, we started by looking at all. What did I say? It was 270 attractions that Disney listed. We took it to 68. Considerable help from our Patreons. We've gotten down to our champion for 2024, star Wars Rise of the Resistance. And of course it has a rise in it, Bob Didn't think of that.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty good.

Speaker 6:

John. Okay, friends, I hope you enjoyed that. Get online, tell us why we were wrong, tell us why your favorite should have been picked and we overlooked it. But that's what that's. Most of. The fun of that is playing along and seeing where you agreed and where you didn't. And we, we just I know we had fun doing it here, so I hope you had fun listening to it. A couple of announcements, john the store is going to be the merchandise sale is going to be shutting down for a little while, right after springtime, is that?

Speaker 3:

correct. Yeah, we're going to shut down the store after springtime, reorganize it. We have somebody else that's going to help us take over the store and once we get everything squared away and transferred, we will start the store up again.

Speaker 6:

We will keep you advised, I promise so get your orders in Now.

Speaker 3:

if you want anything, we so if it's in stock, you we can. We can get it out to you. Allie's still doing that for us right now, so she'll get it out to you as soon as possible as quickly as she can. I know she's got something going on right now. She's going to be away for a little bit, but she can get it out to us as soon as she can sounds good.

Speaker 6:

So, yeah, we'll let you know what's going on with that. Friends, I'm guilty of this. All the time when I start to mention specific friends, I feel like I'm guilty of this all the time when I start to mention specific friends, I feel like I'm leaving somebody out. But this is a highlight I don't want to overlook, especially since I overlooked Stephanie when I was talking about the people who were at Jeff Galloway's weekend. Our friend, stephanie, who had a hysterectomy on the 1st of March, managed to walk over 100 miles in the month of March. Stephanie, that's a heck of a recovery. I know you're proud of it. You should be proud of it. We're proud of you too. It's quite an inspiration.

Speaker 6:

In the similar vein, our friends over at the We'll Run For podcast, our friends over at the We'll Run For podcast they're still taking registrations for their May 11th virtually live run. It's a good event, guys. They do a really fine job with this Incredible swag as well too. Yeah, I'm very impressed. Registration for this ends April 26th. When I looked earlier in the week, they had only 30 spots left open. Let's really impress them and take up all 30 of those spots in the next couple of days. It's fun. They do go online live with Zoom. I believe during the event they schedule a start time. I definitely plan to be there. You can do whatever distance you want, just take a walk. Join us on Zoom, join the We'll Run For crew. They're good folks and, as Greg said, good swag, nice medals.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're awesome medallions, as they like to call them, and the big thing this year is, uh, you'll get a nice pair of will run for uh socks, which I'm really looking forward to. So, yeah, please go and support them, especially this year, um, as the crew over there is really focusing on bringing um awareness of breast cancer as aaron goes through this journey. Um, and I know when I registered the other day, as part of the registration, there is also an opportunity to make a donation to a breast cancer organization that is very dear to her as well, too, so you will have that opportunity as well. So definitely go support those folks. They are wonderful, wonderful people, regardless of whatever they say about me every week on their podcast.

Speaker 6:

I don't know, Greg. They always talk well about me.

Speaker 2:

Of course they do.

Speaker 6:

We'll see them in springtime, I sure hope anyway. Yep. Hey, our friend Pam at Fluffy Fizzies taking orders for a springtime surprise. Check out her website, fluffyfizziescom. Check out her website fluffyfizziescom. Do not forget to use the happy running code to get 10% off of your order there and tell Pam you're going to pick them up at the expo. That way you can drop by and see her Springtime meetup.

Speaker 6:

We'll talk about it. Well, we'll only talk about it one or two more times. We'll talk about it. Well, we'll only talk about it one or two more times. But I would remind you the springtime meetup for the Rise and Run crew. We're pretty well established now on our location. It's in the food truck area of Disney Springs, not hard to find. If you're walking in, I keep saying look for the balloon and turn left. If you're facing the balloon, take a left. That's right behind Starbucks there on the water Really has been a good place for us to meet. It reminds me I got to go get the stuff for the cookies. Becky and I need to get to work sometime next week.

Speaker 6:

3 o'clock is the official start time. We get there a little early. You're welcome to get there whenever you like. We will typically hang around for an hour and a half or two hours. I know that sounds crazy, but that's what ends up happening About 3.30,. We'll take a group photo. So if you're there, try to be there at the 3.30 time. We don't want you to miss that.

Speaker 3:

John, any reviews this week? No, nothing up there this week. It's been a little while. If you want, send us a review on iTunes or Apple Music whatever they call it this week.

Speaker 6:

You can put in reviews on Spotify. I believe you can now.

Speaker 3:

Now you can, I haven't checked it.

Speaker 6:

I think you have to do it in the individual episode. But yeah, we enjoy reading them out on the air. So if you send us a review, we promise we'll read it for you, even if you tell us we're terrible and we need to. No, never mind.

Speaker 3:

It should have been a dinosaur, yeah yeah, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 6:

You can say review, great podcast. But they have no idea what they're talking about. In attractions, dinosaurs should have won and we'll know that. That's Alicia putting in the review.

Speaker 6:

Upcoming episodes are a little bit up in the air. I want to remind you friends, the Springtime Surprise Roll Call is coming up. I'm catching more and more names for it on the Facebook page. If you want to be mentioned in the Roll Call for new friends who haven't listened for long, it's a rise and run tradition. We read off the names of everyone first names only of everyone who's at walt disney world for the race weekend and tell what race they're doing. Get your name in their facebook group page up in the featured section. Look for the race report. You can either add your name into the report itself or just add your name in the comments and we'll put it in the report for you. Upcoming episodes yeah, we're a little unsure about what's coming up. We know that we've got author Scott Douglas joining us in early May, but some of our stuff's a little bit in flux and undecided. So it's springtime surprise, so why shouldn't the episodes be a surprise, right, bob?

Speaker 3:

I have one more thing to talk about. We also have a Strava group out there, the Rise and Run podcast. We've gotten a lot of activity in there, a lot of people posting. You can meet other runners that are running the races. It's getting hopping up a little bit lately. If you want to try to connect with some other runners, join the Rise and Run podcast Strava group.

Speaker 6:

I need to check it, John. I know I haven't looked at it for a while. Thanks for bringing that up.

Speaker 3:

No problem.

Speaker 6:

All right, my friends, it's time for the Race Report and our Race Report is sponsored by our friend Tom Stokes at Stoked Metabolic Training. Tom's offering a terrific rate for members of the Rise and Run family who want some individualized weight training. We're going to get Tom with us, probably next week, I hope very soon, to give a little more detail about how that works. But take a look again. Pinned to the featured section on the Facebook group page is the link. It's stokesfit slash rise and run coaching. All right in the report. Let's go back a little bit to the Hungryland Ultra Marathon in West Palm Beach, florida, because our friend Bonnie was there and Bonnie finished her first ultra event, it says. Despite the fact that it's flat over there in West Palm, it's a really difficult race, with only 27% of the people who register for the 100 miler actually finished it in 2023, register for the 100 miler actually finished it in 2023, which was the inaugural year for this event. Now there are several different ultra options in this and that's not unusual. Bonnie did not register for the 100 miler. She registered for the 33 hour event and she completed three loops, which turns out to be just about 44 miles. She did them in 15 hours, which of course this is first time, is a PR for Bonnie. Tough rules in this one. It's not quite the Barclay, but the rules were that if you started a lap and didn't finish it you were DNF. So if you decided you were going to do one lap, that was fine. You would be timed and compared to others who did one lap. Two. Bonnie, as we said, did three, but you couldn't start and then not complete a lap. That was against the rules. So congratulations, bonnie, we're proud of you for knocking out that challenging first ultra. Let's get back to you. Remember St Patrick's Day when I talked about how busy the race report was.

Speaker 6:

We get a break on Friday in the United Kingdom. The Tunnel 10 2024, 10k. Our friend Anna was there doing this one. Anna says this race, while described as flat, is not bloody flat at all. It's a 10k through the Pinnock Tunnel between Fowey and Parr. These are two small cities. Of course I had to look them up. I'm not going to pretend that I knew where they were. They're in the very southwestern section of the Great Britain Island. Way down there, close to the channel, they go through a tunnel. This tunnel was built in the 18, britain Island. Way down there, close to the channel, they go through a tunnel. This tunnel was built in the 1870s, carved through the granite and limestone and the road is actually a haulage road that's usually off limits to people, apart from special events like this one.

Speaker 6:

Not the fastest race for Anna, but she took it easy. She's still on the comeback trail from a groin injury. I understand how soft tissue injuries can be. They're tough to come back from physically and mentally. The furthest she's run since February. Anna. Good run, good report. Thank you very much.

Speaker 6:

Let's go to Saturday in Irvine, california, the Rabbit Run 5K. Megan and her husband did their first run in the rain and they still had a great time. Good job, guys. Winter Garden hippity hop 5k. Jessica says lots of local run, disney community obvious there in winter garden because it's really right next door to walt. Disney world race was run nicely, except for people who insist on passing on the right and putting themselves out against the flow of traffic. Not a smart idea.

Speaker 6:

The race went through some nice neighborhoods, even had some spectators out. Jessica enjoyed that one, kayla and Kayla's son, brandon, was there. Brandon knocked this one out in just a bit over 25 minutes. I think he's third in his age group and Kayla also had a fine run, a little chilly. By Florida standards it really wasn't that cold, but it was a little chilly in the morning to start, but a good warm-up fix that up real quickly. Turned out to be nice running weather. Moving now to New Orleans, louisiana, the Crescent City Classic 10K. This one sounds like it was lots of fun, so much fun in fact. We decided to make it the spotlight this week and we've got a couple friends with us to share their stories about race weekend. So let me go around the room here, mandy hi.

Speaker 12:

Hi Bob.

Speaker 6:

Welcome to the podcast. Mandy's here. Mira is here.

Speaker 12:

Hi guys.

Speaker 6:

Good to see you, and Stevie and her husband, chris, are with us also.

Speaker 9:

Hey y'all.

Speaker 6:

How you doing we are good, that's my line.

Speaker 1:

That's my line. That's my line.

Speaker 6:

You took Jimmy the cricket's line. Steve Guys, thank you for spending your time. We're excited to hear about this. I looked and I was making notes. I was looking at the great photos that you all took and the really neat medal that you had. But instead of me talking about what notes I took, why don't I kind of go around the room here and ask you guys just to tell me what you thought of the run? And, mira, let's start with you Tell us your overall impressions and we'll we'll pick up a little bit off of that, okay sure, sure, of course.

Speaker 13:

Well, it was my second time, um, running the classic. I'm a new-ish runner run Disney got me into running, so only my second time running it, and it was a completely different experience from last year. Last year the weather was very scary, there was a threat of rain and I think a lot of people stayed away from the race because of that. This, this year, the weather was absolutely perfect and, um, there was a much bigger group, so I think I saw that there were over 13,000 finishers and the race is. It goes on the streets of New Orleans, so it hits a few iconic spots. It starts from the Superdome, goes down Poitras, if you're familiar with New Orleans, makes a left, goes through the French Quarter, up Esplanade Avenue Avenue and ends in a large park called City Park and it ends with a huge party, which is very New Orleans of us and with with a festival and the streets were crowded.

Speaker 13:

So that was, that was my challenge. I was going for PR, I was going for a poster. Maybe my friends on the call can talk about the posters I don't want to talk about.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to say everything, but I was going for that.

Speaker 13:

And with the crowds. This year it did not happen, but now I know what to do, so next year it's happening, Bob, it's, it's it's my goal, but but yeah it it nevertheless. The weather was beautiful, the crowds were amazing, the entertainment along. It's probably it's the race that I do that is the closest to a Disney race, just because of the crowds and the entertainment. So I think that's why it's such an iconic race in the city. It's just so much fun. It's not like a normal race. It's so unique.

Speaker 6:

Neat Now. Stevie and Chris, you guys went in costume, right?

Speaker 5:

we did so. The crescent city classic is a must-run race for me for the 10 years that I've lived in new orleans, um, and every few years I tell myself this is a race, race and I'll go for a proof of time. But this year, when we signed up, we committed to a party pace, because something you should know about us living in New Orleans, like Mira said, is we do love a party, and for Wine and Dine this past year we went as Lottie and Louie from Princess and the Frog, which is perfect for New Orleans, right it?

Speaker 6:

is absolutely yeah.

Speaker 5:

They're the most iconic icons that they are we dusted off those race costumes and headed to the start line?

Speaker 1:

which I love, a costume where I just have to put on an alligator hat.

Speaker 5:

That's really great hold a trumpet yeah chris was um quite popular as the gator, on course, um my lobby was a little less recognizable outside of the disney context she got called a princess a lot the little girls on that were cheering me on were just thrilled to be waving to a princess and I was just thrilled to wave back and I did run with my tray of man catching beignets. Unfortunately they weren't real but we were able to. We ran past, um uh, not cafe beignet, help me out.

Speaker 1:

Cafe du monde, cafe du monde.

Speaker 5:

Towards the finish line right so you know if you need a little post-race sustenance, it was right there. Um, we did do something different this race. We normally bike to the start line because we do live close enough, which is very lucky for us, but this year we noticed that sometimes bus transportation issues are not isolated to just our disney, we ended up being an hour late to the start line.

Speaker 6:

Oh no.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, using the provided race transportation. So, even though we weren't slated for the last corral, we ended up at the very back of the very last corral. It ended up being fine.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, we were going for a party pace and it was the Crescent City Classic, and the last corral is fondly known as the party corral so we had to do some strategic bobbing and weaving before we could get comfortable actually, as we started, they did say this is the party corral, there's no runners in here, and we were like actually we are running, so we did some good running.

Speaker 5:

We got our first beer around mile one. Um, we're also both educators, and so we saw some of our students. We got our first beer around mile one. We're also both educators, and so we saw some of our students. That was in one of the marching bands around mile one and a half.

Speaker 6:

Oh, that's nice, that's great.

Speaker 5:

That was really exciting. Chris was also coming out of.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did the Wine and Dine this year and then I did the Disneyland half and you know, when you're in half marathon shape and you're like a 10k is the perfect distance, I realized this weekend I'm no longer in marathon shape because the race kicks my butt a little bit we all do that, we all get.

Speaker 6:

We get complacent.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I did dope, yeah, I can do anything, yeah, so I'm going for a perfect season this year, so I do have springtime surprise coming up. I'm still feeling pretty good in my color shape okay a little harder for chris, but again, like I said, we're at our party pace. We ended up finishing the race in three beers and a bloody mary three beers.

Speaker 6:

That's a heck of a way to time a race.

Speaker 5:

I'll tell you yeah, our friends and neighbors who came out to cheer us on, and we had a great time good deal.

Speaker 6:

So, mandy, let's go to you um. What were some of your highlights?

Speaker 12:

well, um, I have done the crescent city classic several times, um, and I started doing it as a charity runner. So this year I ran for Arno, which is an animal rescue in New Orleans. I ran for the paws and so then I gave us, you know, race shirts to where we did a picture before, which, you know, similar run Disney. We do group pictures and like that. And and I did hear about the bus situation that they mentioned Luckily I got someone to wake up early and drop me off and then come back later and pick me up, so I didn't run into that, but yeah, I did hear about that.

Speaker 12:

So that was. But at least people made it on time, you know, before the very end. But the crowds and spectators along the way were amazing. I saw lots of dogs and their people out on the route and one of my favorite things and he's always out there is this guy that's on the neutral ground and he has a piano, like a full piano, out on the neutral ground and he's playing and the people with him are handing out beers, you know.

Speaker 6:

So that was great many to the non-new orleans listeners describe the neutral ground oh, the neutral, sorry about that.

Speaker 12:

No, I actually, I actually know what it is, but yeah, it's the, the grass median. That's between the, the roads going the opposite directions and they have the grass in the middle. That's the neutral ground.

Speaker 6:

When you have two divided highways and they meet at an intersection, there's like a square in the center there. Yes, it's called the neutral ground. I think it has some historic significance, but this isn't a history podcast, so we'll move along. Good stuff.

Speaker 12:

But the weather was great. The marching band, the high school band that was playing, that was amazing, you know, and it was right in front of the cathedral, so they sounded great, and that was going down to Cater, which I mean, running through the city is just always nice because you're catching all of it.

Speaker 6:

So it's a gorgeous city. One one, yeah, sounds, sounds great. It really does sound like a fun run. All right, let's go around real quick. Tell our friends why they should go to the crescent city classic in 2025.

Speaker 13:

Go ahead, mira um, let me see, let me think of three reasons. First off, it's a 10K, which is such a great distance because you walk perfectly after, you're not too sore Right.

Speaker 13:

It ends with a party it ends with if you've ever been to Jazz Fest, if you've a party it ends with, if you've ever been to Jazz Fest, if you've seen what our music festivals are like, it's very similar to that. There's beer and alcohol and food and music band. So I can't think of a better way to end a race. And then if you are a runner, that probably can average it was probably this year about an 815, 830, probably 830 pace for a 10K. The top and I'm talking for ladies, I have no idea for men what it's like, but it's way faster the winner of the race ran a 455 pace, so let's just all wrap our head around that ran a 4.55 pace, so let's just all wrap our head around that. And the top 500 men and top 500 women get the poster of the race. So there is a poster that is made every year, that is it's a painting by a local artist.

Speaker 13:

The past few years it's been Becky Fose. She's very, very well known in the city. She has an art gallery on Magazine Street and she does this beautiful painting of the race, of a part of the race. This year it was in front of Cafe Du Monde, one of our, of course, famous beignet spots, and the poster retails for about $100, not signed. So you get that as a prize if you end in the top 500. So it's a goal, of course, for a lot of people, and you also get to have your name in the newspaper the following day, in the local newspaper. So, and Becky Fose posted that if you, if you finish in the top 500, you could bring your poster to her art gallery and she would sign it for all the runners that finished in the in the top 500. Um, so for the fast runners, that's kind of a special perk that um that you get at the crescent city classic and it's easter weekend. What's better than spending easter weekend here and doing it right?

Speaker 6:

perfect. That's stevie and chris. Did she take all of yours?

Speaker 5:

not all. I will say another rise and run. Listener christine commented on my post that the crescent city classic is almost more of a parade than a race, and that's absolutely correct. Yeah, definitely worth coming for that.

Speaker 1:

And I think it's worth coming, because I've been handed both a beer by a stranger and a piece of bacon while running this, so I think that's a full endorsement.

Speaker 6:

That's great, and, mandy, I'm sorry I keep. I keep coming to you late and if you got one, go for it.

Speaker 12:

Um, I mean it where you know you. Just you run down, uh down a route and you get handed beer and Gatorade. They had Gatorade too for those that didn't want to drink. They had Jell-O shots and you know anything that you can dream of. Pretty much. You know people are going to have out there handing to you, so it's, it's just, it's a lot of fun, a lot of fun.

Speaker 13:

Mandy. I have to say, though, someone commented on my post on Facebook that apparently there was alcohol in the Gatorade, so don't trust the Gatorade.

Speaker 12:

Of course there was. I didn't see. All I saw they were pouring Gatorade in the cup. I didn't notice if they had some liquor back there too, but I mean there's a little extra spice to the Gatorade.

Speaker 3:

So looking at this race, it seems like this is a very large race. Over 13,000 people Was there. Like there was an expo there too. And how was the expo?

Speaker 12:

Yes, the expo is. It's Thursday and Friday before and it's at the Hyatt Hotel on, which is in the city, and I mean expo. It's at the Hyatt Hotel, which is in the city, and I mean Expo. It's large, not run Disney size large, but it's pretty big, and they have the different race groups that are there, the ones in the city that put on some of the other races throughout the year, put on some of the other races throughout the year, um, along with, uh, some of the running shoe companies that are here, um, or running shoe stores sorry that are in the area in um, in other booths that are similar to run disney.

Speaker 5:

my husband said I'm not allowed to answer this question, he's going to take it.

Speaker 1:

The first year that I was dating my wife, she took me to the Crescent City Classic Expo because she was running and I was not. She said it's going to be a big party, it's going to be so great. And I went and I was like, oh they got red beans Cool. Oh they gave us a beer, cool. And then I proceeded to watch as she tried on the same three pairs of running shoes for an hour and a half.

Speaker 5:

So it's an OK, expo, I love an expo. Let's hang out at an expo. Can we run Disney? Can we be Crescent City Classic? Let's go hang out.

Speaker 6:

I will say since I started running it's been way more fun going there because it learned about local races that you want to do, but the first time did not really enjoy it okay, you kind of reminded me of the story that, uh, jeff galloway tells about barb how the first time he really talked with her, she shows up at his shoe store with a discount coupon. So it's a good story.

Speaker 13:

It's on one of our episodes personally, I I like the expo because, um I because it's the one we have and it kind of reminds me of run disney with while being home, because I get to go to the expo, I get to walk around um, a lot of our local, our local stores are there. Like mandy said, one in particular that always has a great selection of shoes at a discount. So can't forget that and I usually always get a new pair of shoes there because they're at such a good price. And, yeah, it has a run Disney feel to me.

Speaker 6:

Good deal, good deal. Well, all right. Speaking of that, let me go around the room before we get out of here. I'll start with Mandy Next time at Disney and you may have answered this already in the course of the conversation. I've heard we had some springtime surprisers, but let's wrap it up this way here Mandy, next time at Disney, for you, please, springtime surprise. Springtime surprise Stevie and Chris.

Speaker 5:

You'll see me at springtime, and then you'll see both of us at Wine and Dine.

Speaker 6:

Oh, very good, and Mira.

Speaker 13:

Next time will be Dopey 2025, as long as the Run Disney sign-up gods are with me on Tuesday, Bob.

Speaker 6:

It's Tuesday, so Mira for sure, Stevie and Chris and Mandy, yes or no on Dopey.

Speaker 12:

Or not Dopey, or Marathon Weekend, or marathon weekend. Um no on marathon weekend, but I did get into the disneyland halloween weekend I'll see you there I'm excited about that. Never been I have.

Speaker 6:

We're ready to go I have it was before any of you were born. It was the last time I was there 1976 was the last time I was there 1976 was the last time I was there. I'm guessing it's changed a little bit.

Speaker 13:

For any of the listeners who watched the Bachelorette, last year she had a date, a one-on-one date at the Crescent City Classic and the entire episode. They call it a marathon. So if you think that you cannot come here and do this race because it's a marathon. It is not at all a marathon, it's a 10k. So I suppose a marathon sounds better on national television. But they were um doing shots, eating chargrilled oysters, and they finished in two hours and 40 minutes, which you know if you ran a.

Speaker 6:

A marathon it's, it's it's a 10 K, so it's not a marathon. All right, yeah, that happens. How many times do non-runners do that?

Speaker 3:

You're in the 10 K marathon.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, you'll hear people call it that You'll hear people call it a 5 K marathon or a 10 K marathon. All right, all right, my friends, thanks once again of time. All right, all right my friends, thanks once again.

Speaker 4:

I'm glad you joined us and we'll see you soon. Thanks, thanks for having me.

Speaker 6:

That sounds like a fun event. I want to mention that Heather was also there. Heather had a good time. She said she started out a little bit fast, really ended up running her fastest mile ever, but she finished with a seven-minute PR. So, mandy, stevie, chris Mira, thanks for joining us. Heather, great job on your run. That really did sound like a fun one. In New Orleans, let's go to Little Rock, arkansas, the Capital City Classic 10K. Shelby Allison was there. Shelby Allison shaved two minutes off of her previous 10K record and that time was set just four weeks ago. So there's another PR.

Speaker 6:

In St Augustine, florida, the Volano Beach 10K. Rebecca said it was a great and a pretty run. Started off in a neighborhood, went up over the Volano Bridge. Nothing to laugh at. Florida's flat by and large, but these bridges and causeways some of them are really tough and this looks like one of them. Anyway, this went back in the neighborhood, went past the deaf and blind school. They finished with one more trip up and over the bridge. Tough way to finish. Good bit of shade on this course, lots of room to run. Rebecca says she was last in her age group but she beat everybody that didn't start. I love that attitude, way to go. Volunteers were great. Start. I love that attitude, way to go. Volunteers were great. Great party after the race with beer and food and other things going on. Rebecca sounds like a good time. Great job In West Palm Beach, florida.

Speaker 6:

The Rooney 5K. Jennifer was there, good weather, great run. Even stopped for a character photo with Rise and Run friend Christopher who was working the run and calling out happy running to people as they went by. Thanks for that, christopher Buffet. At the end, yeah, baby Fruit, scrambled eggs, meat, french toast muffins I missed that one. That's a little bit of a drive from here. Joe was doing the walk run 5k for life.

Speaker 6:

I've got to assume that this was in Fort Smith. Only two of the amigos made it to this one. Johnny took first in the age group, joe took fifth, but that wasn't last, which is impressive, meaning they had at least six 70-plus-year-old runners there. Good to know. Dale did this one. Nice course, a little bit hilly, some unpaved areas on the local greenway, perfect weather for a nice catered training run and lots of local breweries represented it at the end. Sounds good, dale. All right, let's wrap it up with something just a little bit different. This is a track meet the Smoke in the City track meet in Ocoee, florida. We heard from Monica earlier in the podcast. Monica's daughter and member of the chaos crew, kennedy, kicked some tail in her outdoor track season debut, I believe, with a 15 second, the 1,500 meter to take second place and a 14-second PR in the 800 meters PR bell number two, please. Way to go, kennedy, great job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was really impressive Way to go.

Speaker 6:

All right, friends, let's see A couple of reminders. Springtime surprise meetup I keep saying it because we love seeing you there, so it's 3 pm. Food truck area on Saturday at Disney Springs Zoom Thursday the instructions are already up on the Facebook page. They're pinned to the featured section. Hope to see you there. We have a lot of fun, but this one. We also want to talk about registration and working through the chat for registration for Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. I hope that you can make it. Make it and my friend, and if you run, you know you are our friend. That is it for episode 132 of the rise and run podcast. We are getting so close to getting together in just two more weeks. We can't wait to see you there, but until then, happy running.

Speaker 2:

The Rise and Run podcast discusses general information about Run Disney and is in no way affiliated with Run Disney or the Walt Disney Company. Any information or advice discussed on this podcast should not be considered medical advice and should always consult with your healthcare provider or event organizer.

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